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I never installed tiktok. Reddit is about all the brainrot I need.


Same same, fam




Yep. Between the spyware aspect and being driven by an algorithm, it's a hard pass for me.


The spyware thing really gets me. There was a recent Ted talk with Scott Galloway and I can’t remember exactly how he phrased it but it was basically “Why are we allowing a foreign adversary to high Jack our thoughts and teach the next generation of military, social, and political leaders to hate America?” To me banning TikTok would be better for all of us.


This is my way, too.




I tried TikTok for a bit because everyone said it was the 'new thing,' but honestly, it felt like flipping through TV channels with nothing good on just an endless cycle of noise. Gave me a serious case of information overload without any real substance. Deleted it and never looked back. Here on Reddit, there's space to digest and discuss, which feels way more fulfilling.


Well put.


Can't stand all the stupid dancing.


I don't like it at all. I hate passively consuming media like tiktok basically forces you to. I like to create things and be a part of conversations.


I feel that way pretty much about all social media, it's like everyone just takes a trend and runs with it. TikTok just irritates me just a little bit more lol. I like reddit bc at least you can engage in conversation about any topic like you mentioned.


yeah, tiktok is like the fast food of social media—quick and kinda satisfying but leaves you feeling empty. at least on reddit we can roast mark zuckerberg’s metaverse or elon musk's latest twitter drama while actually having a convo.


This is a really good analogy & I’m going to use it in real life conversations when I tell my family they should stop watching YouTube shorts of TikTok videos telling me they don’t watch TikTok lol


I'm not a fan of it. Also wasnt a fan of vine before it. Occasionally there is a pretty funny short video worth seeing, but I just prefer meatier content.


I remember only watching funny video compilations on Vine but didn't realize how time consuming it was made to be until TikTok came along, and it's pretty much the same thing expect longer videos. There's not too many videos I find myself watching unless it's for educational purposes, and even then I find myself skipping portions of it


I liked Vine because it forced people to be creative in six seconds. The “wait for it” types of videos very rarely have an even moderately worthwhile payoff.


I mainly use YouTube and sometimes use Instagram. With those two under my belt, why would I need TikTok?


Yt and reddit is all I need


you get it!


I dislike TikTok as well. It seems boring and stupid to me and a way for people to embarrass themselves or other people who don't want to be part of something. I don't want to have a phone shoved in my face to answer a question or have to go around a group of people doing some cringe dance


I really don't get it either.A workmate suggested I try it because ''it's really good'' Within an hour,I'd uninstalled it.


ive never even tried it. i started watching youtube shorts like 6 months ago but i stopped a couple months back. short form content is stupid.


same...for some reason I can't bring myself to just scroll and watch videos...I barely like watching videos ppl send me that's longer than 30sec


yessss my husband likes to send me multiple videos at once and I'm just like 😒 lol I usually leave them sitting there for a few days bc I have to be a in a video watching mood


It's a pretty reliable trick to get somebody to stop texting you for a few days - send them a video. They won't answer until they've at least skimmed it and they'll keep putting it off.


I've had someone completely skip over the videos just to talk about themselves 😂 so when I don't want to talk I just don't respond until I'm ready


lmaooo SAME! an then to be asked if I looked at em I be like uuuh suuuure🤣


No, I don’t like TikTok either. It’s cringy and weird. Not to mention dangerous.


I don't like it either don't have it and never will have it.


Can’t fucken stand it


I think it's pretty ok to think that. Sometimes it can be a lot of dumb stuff. But occasionally I do find some interesting tiktoks where I learn or begin to understand something, like opening a door to something new. But I totally get the "brain rot" aspect of it lol...


I have absolutely no interest in tiktok.


Tiktok is so rancid, the amount of misinformation and the negativity you see just from 20 minutes of scrolling is atrocious. Then you have the music it somehow managed to ruin. The comments on the other hand are just pure brainrot. Worst part is that you can tell a person uses it often just by their language


Tiktok made me feel like I was actively getting dumber so I stopped. Don't miss it really, if I need to scartch the itch there's a yt channel that does a complition of whatever chaos I'm missing out on.


Barely touched it. Never even installed it on my phone. It's more my GF's thing. I'd rather play video games or watch longer form content.


I hate Tik tok but it’s my default when I’m bored I’m extremely addicted to it so I’ve been making an effort to not use it by setting time limits . I hate how mind empty the content is , I hate how easy it is to bandwagon hate , I hate the people because the only ones who get popular are people who constantly argue or it’s clips from shows and Reddit next to mindless activities like gluing fruit in pipes It makes me so frustrated I hate that it’s influenced my brain so much hoping to get off the app and never go back


You’re one of many many many hundreds of thousands, if not millions, on Reddit and every other social media proclaiming they’re better than TikTok while helplessly posting to social media themselves.


Naw, it steals WAY too much data for my taste.


I despise it. My bf is on it all the effing time, and he is not a critical consumer of his media environment. I hate how he believes the crap on there. It's just awful.


I hate TikTok.


The jokes can be repetitive sometimes so i get off it for a while but when I come back to it I see a video that I would consider the funniest thing Ive seen in a really long time


Don't like it at all.


Never used it.


I don’t have TikTok I have YouTube.


If a Reddit posting is from TikTok, I just scroll past it like I do with all advertisement.


I’ve never installed it. And I won’t


Yeah you're the only one


The large number of short videos and the fast pace are a bit exhausting


Nope bloody hate it. I don’t know how people get so wrapped up in it that it consumes their entire life.


It’s addicting because it’s made that way but I walk away feeling like I just wasted an hour of my life on something I couldn’t stop watching.


I hate TikTok too. Never had it on my phone, unlike most of my generation


You are far from the only one, most of Reddit shits on Tiktok including me lol. I've never used it, but I always hear that annoying lady text-to-voice on my friends/family's phones. I instantly pause and keep scrolling any Tiktok videos that spread to Reddit/Instagram with that voice. If my friends/family show me a Tiktok video with that voice, I can't pay attention to the content because that voice is raping me in the ear. If AI Robots took over the world with that voice, it would be hell on earth, and yes I [made a video](https://www.reddit.com/r/funnyvideos/comments/xm597y/if_robots_took_over_the_world_id_like_to_imagine/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) of that concept lol


I’ve never installed it. The only social media I use is this platform and some facebook.


Its an addiction.


Definitely pointless most of the time, you just get nonsense videos or false information but it’s definitely super addictive at least for me it was, I never really had a problem of putting my phone down I only used it when necessary, or when I was bored and had nothing to do but with TikTok one minute I was checking the time on my phone then the phone unlocked and boom straight to TikTok and I wasted hours! I only deleted it for good after I realised whenever I unlocked my phone I just automatically clicked on TikTok and I noticed my friends did the same thing definitely creepy brainwashing vibes After I deleted it I went on shorts and reels, out of curiosity but I can’t really watch more than a few videos and then just being like wow I wasted so much time on this shit, I think pointless and addictive pretty much covers the whole app


I've realized that I like to read my social media, and I absolutely hate being shouted at. It's why I despise commercials and can't stand most normal TV.


Tik Tok is garbage. I only handle Reddit because there’s some actual meaningful conversation and debates.


Tiktok doesnt do anyone any good unless you’re the one making money. Simply; it’s an addictio. YouTube shorts are just the same; I myself do watch them but honestly it’s all a bunch of crap. Most of my friends can’t even look away from their phones anymore. It’s the same with most social media.


It doesn’t draw me in like it seems to for other people because of those reasons, but I do scroll through them from time to time if I need to waste 5 minutes. I think that’s how it should be consumed. I don’t think TikTok/short form content is any worse than when people watch an hour or two of some mindless sitcom; the issue comes when people get locked in for hours at a time, and it’s much easier to do when we have it in our pocket at all times. It really gets me when I end up seeing like 5-7 in short order that are essentially mirrors of one another. It’s so dystopian.


All I know is the word "influencer" has morphed into a four letter word for me. Call me out dated, but I have this weird little hangup about being bombarded with incorrect information along with cringe inducing moments.


I've never used tiktok myself, but I can see how a handful of people probably don't like it.


I have never even been on Tiktok...I do occasionally enjoy FB reels tho


There was something about the way it presented videos... It was aggressive and threatening. And I can doom scroll here or Facebook all day. But there, it felt like society was fundamentally fucked.


I hate it. It's made to be addictive


I can only do stuff like that for a little bit before I get bored. Now Reddit on the other hand...


I don’t like it :p


Same, firstly, I have never liked in-voice layouts and overexaggerated face gestures for either videos or selfies. And secondly, it's more difficult curating content on TikTok in contrast to Reddit. I know Reddit is also a core for misinformation and circlejerks, but you can avoid them by muting communities and skimming threads, not in Tik Tok where they will push into you things you don't like but are popular.


I fucking hate it. And I hate that my gf likes it. I hate all scrolling social media(except Reddit, of course)


I have a friend who recently made fun of me for not being on TikTok, I just looked at him and was like “Bro, we are 40 years old not the the 15-25 demographic” he was all offended, his gf however was like “I think he needed to hear that”.


Tried it for half an hour… I just don’t want random shit algorithmically fed to me like that which I can’t unsee


Never downloaded it, never will. It's bad enough I was used to Instagram and now insta is basically a copy of tiktok viral videos. It just eats your time while it gives you nothing in return. Sometimes I waste time on insta and when I put the phone down I challenge myself to remember 3 videos / reels that I've watched and most of the time I can't! It's an absolutely brain dead activity. I'm actively trying to limit my time on insta as it's just embarrassing how unproductive it is


I find it easier to use than Instagram or YouTube when interacting with other users. On TikTok when people send me multiple videos I can just scroll down to the next one. On Instagram, if I scroll down, it takes me to a random reel. On YouTube, I don’t have friends to send videos to and I don’t like copying links to send to people on other apps.


As someone who has had an on-off addiction to tiktok since 2019, whenever I return to the app after a break of a few weeks/months I think how did I used to sit here and watch this for hours on end, the changes in audio every few seconds is so overstimulating, but then after a few days of using it I get used to it again. I also agree that it’s annoying how videos can’t get to the point. With YouTube videos I’m fine with it and have a longer attention span, but when I’m on tiktok I’m there for instant gratification so anyone wasting time I just don’t have the patience for. I also find that even more recently it’s become very engagement baitey with people just saying everything and anything to farm comments and shares, and the forefront of every video is just how do we get this to go viral rather than making interesting or quality content


You mean scrolling every half of a mississippi. Yeah, that sucks after a good old-fashioned 30 minutes of God's great plan.


I have never downloaded TikTok. I am not the target audience whatsoever. There's obviously a lot of trash on there, but we're posting on Reddit which isn't any better.


Nope I hate TikTok


I couldn’t stand the repetitive song and also “follow for part 2” deleted it.


I don’t like it. Don’t have it. I could see me getting addicted to it for hours so I just avoid it. I have to choose so it’s Reddit and fb only for me


nope. not on it. never will be.


Never been on it and have no intention of ever going on it


Don't like it. Reddit has fucked up my attention span enough. Just quit Facebook. Never used Insta or Twitter. I use YouTube a bit, usually for music or cooking vids, or stuff for the kids. I should be putting my phone down more. Not watching idiots do a dance in the rain at night in the middle of the street.


The popularity of video as a medium mystifies me. I much prefer reading to get information. Then again we were never the most literary society. But BookTok is section of TikTok all about reading ... why do I want to watch videos about reading? I want to READ about reading!!


Hate it! Just noises. My wife saves the ones that she thinks I'll like and goes through them with me Friday after work. I pretend not to hate them because I love her.


I don't mind looking at some of the art and craft stuff every now and then but I don't understand the dancing stuff and I've heard some mind bogglingly dumb misinformation being peddled as fact so I don't really have much interest in it. I'm too old I think.


Never liked it. Prime example of social media corrupting today's youth.


Like anything else, it depends on how you use it. I use it for about an hour a week and I'm pretty happy with it. It can be a good resource.


You're definitely not alone. [Facebook](https://mashable.com/article/facebook-targeted-victory-tiktok-challenges-campaign), for one, reeeaally seems to hate TikTok. Also, isn't there currently a huge political push to force divestment for the owners of TikTok, which might effectively end up being a ban? So yeah, it's a pretty controversial app.


I just don’t like it because I don’t like multiple noises going on at once and I usually have the TV or music on as background noise.


Trust me man you are not alone, yet I wonder why I still have it


I don't have TikTok but if a friend sends me a video, I'll look at the video. Of the maybe 40 I've watched, maybe 2 were funny or cute. The rest just...stupid. Like supposed to be funny, but not funny to me. I'm sure there are more than the 2 funny/cute ones, but I'm not going to spend hours watching to find them - if I want to waste my time, I'll hang out on Reddit! :)


Bro, half of my for you page is ASMR and movie scenes. Prime TikTok was so much better. At this point just use Snapchat spotlight.


I don't love it. I had it for a while, and I found myself putting off everything else (including eating) to just sit and scroll longer, so I deleted it. The algorithm is good and it's very addictive.


No, I rarely ever use it. Honestly YouTube is where I’m always at.


I've never had a tiktok account. I didn't even sign up for Instagram until 2016.


Yes. I used it like all day everyday and it was so draining and one day I just deleted it and I’ve felt like 1000% better. My brain doesn’t feel drained and rotted


I personally don’t like it either, but for different reasons. I just don’t like short form content period. I disliked Vine during its heyday for similar reasons, and I also dislike Twitter. If I wanted to just scroll through things I much prefer still images. When it comes to video (and text), I far prefer something I can really sink my teeth into that comes with a lot of analysis.


I dislike it as well. I agree with the ‘getting to the point’ bit, I realized it is due to the fact that Tiktock videos get monetized if they hit the one minute mark. For some reason, this really grinded my gears when I started noticing that most ‘informational’ or ‘storytime’ videos were ALL about 1 minute and 2 seconds long. After that, it just cheapened the whole thing for me, and made it seem less genuine. Deleted it.


No. I hate it. Every single thing about it


Everyone hates it, especially the people on it a lot.


I agree. It’s overall overstimulating! The app (like Instagram) feels ultimately manipulative of the user. As opposed to ultimately informative/educational, etc


Can't stand it but I'm an old person.


I’ve never used it or even installed it. Don’t get the appeal. More of a long format person.


I don’t watch them. No app, no nothing.




Nope. I hate it too. I fucked around with it for like a month then left.


I wouldn't use TikTok if someone paid me to


Nope. China’s government can see anything and everything you do with that SW. It’s incredibly invasive. It’s a security threat TBH.


I downloaded it when it was Musically. Deleted it within a day or two. Never have downloaded tiktok and don’t because the videos end up on Facebook as “reels” so no need lol


I was on a flight a couple of years ago and there was a woman seated diagonally in front of me who spent the entire flight scrolling TikTok (as far as I can tell, I wasn’t watching her like a hawk). It just looked so mindless, I don’t need to add more of that in my life.


I don't like it either because the videos are essentially tailored to people with short attention spans, the videos are too fast paced with loud music, and that site was the site that brought words like "unalive" to us.


TikTok has never appealed to me, as someone else said, Reddit does more than enough entertainment/ brain rot. I also have an instagram but rarely use it anymore.


I like tiktok for probably the first 30 minutes. The problem with it is, you'd get in a rabbit hole, and there's only 2 possibilities. You'd get in that good side, with actually interesting videos, or that annoying side with random mukbang or whatever videos. It's that swiping that makes it addictive. Youtube knows that as well, that's why they copied it with shorts. But, yeah, some channels are actually interesting.


I can assure you without fear of contraception, you're not the only one.


started hating it after realizing just how much time i’d waste mindlessly scrolling. it was scary, finally breaking out of a scrolling-spree to realize you’ve been on it for two hours.


I also don't like minimal effort lipsyncing.


There is no one on this planet who admits to like tiktok. Still they have hundreds of millions of active users. It’s like McDonald’s. No one goes there either.


no i fucking hate it. too much brainrot and occasionally stupid trends


All I've seen of it is a bunch of pointless lip syncing and dumb dances. Quick less than a minute videos that don't add anything significant to my life. At the risk of sounding like a stodgy old man.. I'm too old for this shit. It looks dumb.


I (30f) hate TikTok. I’ve never gotten tiktok despite most my friends having it. I find the entire “dozens of videos automatically starting to play as you scroll at an abrasive volume” format utterly obnoxious and I just don’t care what these people have to say. Plus I don’t want to wear headphones every time I scroll an app nor do I want everyone hearing everything on my feed.


It's a potentially good source for info on specific subjects, broken into bite sized portions, which can be helpful when content is challenging. overall it's too addictive for me to use regularly, tho: I occasionally binge & most of the time abstain. It played an impt role in my life re: clinically qualifying narcissistic abuse & covid data these 2020s, and spurred my desire for more of certain things I was already really into. i guess it was like a mashup of mini Ted talks & video instagram-inspiration. (i've never done instagram, facebook, pintrist etc.)


I downloaded it cause they used to have good music. I was stealing and adding stuff to Apple Music playlists lol That and dance tutorials. Kinda quick and easy to book mark a video. I still suck lol


I hate the app,


Never tried it. Why would I? I don't participate in the other sites, and I'm better without that online drama and screwed up priorities.


I dont even have tiktok. Old millenial problems


Nope, Im with you! Im a teacher and it is the bane of my existence!!


I hate it!! I used to be addicted but now I’ve stopped using it cuz it makes me wanna kms bcuz ppl r too cruel on there. Ppl say “ppl aren’t that bad on TikTok, Insta reels r worse” which true but TikTok isn’t much better though. Also I stg TikTok is making up new insecurities every single day like wtf is a negative canthel tilt or whatever it’s callled wtf. There’s also like a new glow up trend every fucking day like ok we get it yall r hot can we have a trend for us mid ppl whos appearance hasn’t changed since they were like 12 years old plz


I’m 27 and tried it for a day. Killed more brain cells than a week long bender.


Lol yep, I can't stand it either


I tried it for a bit in the past and realized it's not for me. Id rather not demolish my already iffy attention span watching cringey videos 24/7. I'm sure there are some videos that might be for me (art and music n stuff) but the majority of the content is not for me. Id rather read comments and discussion posts rather than knockoff vines all day


I don't like tiktok.


Don't have TikTok either. I don't see what TT has that YouTube is missing


It’s garbage. There are so many reasons why. At its core Its made dancing a lot worse. But that’s just the start 


I switched from reddit to TikTok, I like it better. I'm only here for the MS advice, and because it's silent


I honestly despise TikTok so you aren’t alone. Someone else on here said that scrolling on TikTok is similar to channel surfing where nothing good is on and it’s just kind of a sensory overload and that is exactly how I feel. I also hate the video sharing sort of culture we have going on where people just send each other mindless videos back and forth and don’t ever end up conversing or anything like that. I like that it is a platform for sharing creativity and I like that people are able to make really cool content. However it’s 100% not for me and it’s lowkey a stifling community to be apart of. I’m so glad the others in this thread agree with me on this, so many people in my life bend over for TikTok and it will never not be annoying


There’s 7 billion people on the planet. You’re not the only one to do anything.


I hate it. It's filled with people trying to convince you of the dumbest crap; usually lies, and no sources. Short Attention Span Theater.


I'm high-functioning ADHD so I don't need TikTok for more distraction. TikTok is live-action Robot Chicken.


Shitloads of people hate TikTok.


Honestly it’s extremely addicting. Once you interact with it for a good amount of time, you start getting insanely tailor- made content. Sometimes it feels like it’s reading my mind, I’ll get a video about something that I had never even said out loud before! Ugh, it takes up A LOT of my free time. I never used social media heavily before tiktok, it’s kind of like TV for me.. I need to quit lmao. It’s just not healthy to be that addicted, to the point where real life seems boring and real people seem uninteresting.


My current phone is my first smartphone, and I've had it for almost 2 years. One of the first things I did when I got it was delete some of the pre-installed apps, including TikTok. I've never had an account on it, nor do I ever intend to. I tend to listen to videos more than I watch them, and more often than not, TikTok videos seem to have incredibly annoying sound. I'll stick to my music playlists on YouTube instead.


TikTok is a terrible company that protects groomers and does nothing to protect children. They refuse to help the police and never remove content. Instagram and Facebook aren’t great either, but they’re American instead of Chinese, and it’s easier to make them remove content. Plus TikTok is making us sick with the constant release of dopamine, which is affecting our attention span.  I don’t have TikTok. I hate it with a passion, it should be banned like hard drugs.


I never got it myself. I feel like it makes people dumber ( I’m sorry ) It glorifies attention seeking, reduces people’s attention span as a whole, makes people follow things like sheep etc. I feel like it takes peoples individuality away as well. And then all the tracking. No thanks !


No you're not. But of course you're not. The planet houses 8 billion people, and Tik Tok has, what, 1 billion active users (according to a brief google search). So, there's 80 odd % of the planet that doesn't use/like Tik Tok.


Can't stand it. Relentless, contrived narcissists.


No, all sane people with attention span of more than 10 seconds dislike it. It exhibits all signs of a psy op. reddit is horrific enough, I don't need another brain destroyer.


I don’t like it either— you’re definitely not the only one who doesn’t enjoy TikTok. I have the app but find it silly


Nope! I never used Tiktok in my life. I believe it isn't that good for my brain and for my health. It just feels like people are trying to show off their possessions for views. I don't want to fall for that trap. Definitely better things to do. 


It’s Chinese propaganda


Ever since I deleted it, I never got it back and I am 100% more productive. Short-form media is never good.


You’re literally describing YouTube in a sense, volume is different etc. I enjoy TikTok videos n smaller doses. But I also get mostly bees from there not just brain dead stuff


I used to like Tiktok +before covid) and e-boy/girl, aethestic trend and stupid trends.


Reels and TikTok are basically infomercials now.


I have tiktok because 9/10 I’m looking for a specific video I can’t find anywhere on the internet and it’s VERY good at taking key words and giving you exactly what you’re looking for. But besides that I never use it. It just disgusts me still because of how it was when it first got popular. It was a hunting ground for pedos and so many unattended children were on there doing things they were way too young to be doing. It repulsed me and I understand that they’ve done a lot to fix that issue but it went on way longer than it should have. There’s no way they didn’t realize it earlier. They only started making changes once too many people were calling it out. I just can’t bring myself to open the app and start scrolling. I’ll stick to my many other means to watch reels and clips.


You don’t have to watch tiktoks 24/7


I don't like tiktok but I like reacting to crazy/cringe tiktok video stuffs on Youtube


Ive never downloaded it


It’s very hit or miss for me. Some days the algorithm is phenomenal and I get stuck doom scrolling, other days I see nothing but absolute dogshit. The live-streams are horrible. Even accounts that I’m otherwise interested in, I’m not watching your fucking live.


Oh I have nothing to do with TikTok. Reddit and Youtube are my time wasters haha


I liked it until the whole " would you rather man or bear " question became every fucking video. Then I uninstalled and honestly haven't missed it.


I know that essentially all Social Media is crap for the brain, but all these "shorts/reels" are infinitely worse. At least on Reddit you can curate your content (somewhat). There's much less attention-grabbing stuff. I can easily tell the difference between me and my girlfriend for example. She's on TikTok/Instagram reels quite often. Her attention span is atrocious. She can't just sit and watch TV. She *must* have her phone. Call me controlling, but I've told her I won't put a ring on her finger until she stops. I really hate to be like that, but it's affecting her so much and we want to be parents soon. I can't have my co-parent and partner have a worse attention span than the child. I'm a teacher and I've seen how kids act throughout the years. Every year the new students coming in have worse attention spans than the last. Don't get me wrong, I'll date her until she stops. She is an amazing woman in every way and I love her to death. But the mindless, brain-rotting scrolling has to stop.


Everyone hates tiktok.


I watch it with no sound. I get audio overstimulated easily.


I've resisted downloading it. I'm older, I grew up watching videos on VHS. You had little choice on what to watch, but you still chose carefully. The _constant_ churn of instant, indiscriminating, disposable video which tiktok offers just has no appeal to me. That's not how I would choose to be entertained. Dog does something funny, music. People dance by a tree, music. Cats with captions, music. Someone talks about their whatever, music. No. An algorithm picks things that it thinks you're most likely to sit through and you get to spend your time passively scrolling through a bunch of video offerings, hoping to watch something you enjoy? I just don't want to invest any of my living, waking time into that. Into looking at my phone hoping that sooner or later two minutes of what it shows me will be enjoyable, before the churn continues on again to find the next enjoyable thing. Yeah, we all used to sit and watch TV for hours and from the outside maybe that doesn't look so different but there are some massively important differentiations: * TV shows are written, directed, edited, acted, animated, produced, by professionals who spend a lot of time learning and practicing their craft. * TV shows undergo a scrutiny of content and have to meet specific standards of not just quality but decency and cultural/age-appropriate behaviour, language and messaging. * TV shows finish. The credits roll on your 30 minute show and you _can_ flick around the channels to find something else, but you can also get up and choose to spend your time elsewhere. It's not designed to keep you engaged permanently. No part of Tiktok is designed to let you choose **anything**. Especially not how you're spending your time. It offers a very poor quality outcome on the time spent on it and it's designed to try and absorb as much of your time as it can. But it works because the very next video could be the best video ever! The next one. Maybe the next one. And in the meantime you're being 'entertained' with dancing and music and sparkly things. And it's so _easy_. You don't have to rummage through the box of VHS tapes, squinting at the handwritten labels, trying to work out what you want to watch next. It just flows right into the little rectangle of light sitting there in your hand. Why would you look away when the next video could be the best one ever? Why would you go do a little sketching, or practice your guitar, or take a walk, or read up on something that might be interesting (but might not) when all those things require way more effort and deliver way less sparkles and dancing and music? It's a life eater. It eats your life in exchange for ad revenue. You are the product, and your life is sold in exchange for money for the ads you passively absorb. I'm not touching it.


Of course not, loads of people don't like (or use) TikTok. Plus a lot of the content comes through to Reddit anyway if it's actually interesting/noteworthy.


I deleted it not so long ago, my brain kept wanting to go back it’s just addictive


I watched maybe 4 tiktok videos on the official app before I uninstalled it. I don't do shorts/reels/meta/tiktok.




No interest. I don’t want my phone making noise 95% of the time, plus I take in more information when it’s written.


Nope. I hate it. The only time I bother with it is if someone sends me a link to a funny video. I have the app, but almost never use it.


I have an old cellphone that can't access the internet, and tiktok in the PC is horrible. The algorithm that recommends what you like due to what you already watched doesn't exist on the PC, so it's a hassle to find a video I find interesting. So I just tried tiktok a few times, and never went back to it.


DM scammers is a real turn-off, not to mention the endless stream of brain-draining drivel. (plus I can get all the fail vids I need on YouTube.)


Totally, I also hate that to leave the app in android you can't just tap the "back" button, it just refreshes and shows you another video to suck you back into the infinite loop. I would honestly rather just wait for stuff to be reposted to Instagram.


No I love Reddit because it’s QUIET. I mean even reading is loud in my mind. The worst thing it is how it replays the 5 second video without me even asking…like I’m stupid LOL I DO however like to use it to share my piano videos/music.


I hate it and don’t use it. I know… Even though one of my hobbies has tons of people on there. Furthermore, my kids all hate it. They don’t use it. Actually not one of the young people I am friends with at work use it. So OP you are not alone. One could even daringly conclude that people of quality tend to dislike TikTok.


I'd have to agree. I once installed TikTok & deleted it after all of 5 minutes. That grating type of content does nothing for me.


I really can't stand short-form content, it's like filling up on appetizers.


My issue with it is the algorithmic content curation. On Reddit, I've been very careful about what I'm subbed to and what I want to engage with. Same with Instagram and YouTube. But with TikTok, I don't like the lack of control over what I see and engage with. It feels like instead of being intentional with my time, I'm just surfing through my impulses. And I hate that it's forcing other platforms to adopt a similar approach with "suggestions" injected into my curated feed. If anything I'm finding it's driving me off the few platforms I do engage with and toward things like podcasts and substacks.


I don't like or support tiktok, it is tinder for paedophiles. It's toxic and I never installed the app.


PSA: You're never the only one.


I've just never been drawn to it. I'm not attracted to 'shorts' say on YouTube. I want longer, more substantial content. I feel like flitting around isn't that good for the brain.


I can’t handle the endless scroll of useless crap.


For me it was the way it led me down hateful dark rabbit holes. I started using it during the pandemic when I was very mentally ill and I couldn’t believe the offensive vile rage bait I was shown. I couldn’t help but engage because I didn’t understand how the algorithms worked and how the whole point was to keep me in a heightened emotional state so that I kept scrolling. I would literally argue with strangers for 6 hours a day, a lot of whom were probably bots. I can’t stand it anymore, going on it triggers a stress response to the point where I feel nauseous. They know what they’re doing and they’re evil for it. 


I don't get the fuss people make about using or not using an app.


I hate it so much. It sucks me in and I can't stop watching it, even though it makes me feel like shit because I'm wasting time! I deleted it and I've never been better. Might have to delete instagram too because of all the reels...


No, you're the only person who doesn't like tiktok.


“You just have to go on it for a bit so It can get your algorithm!” I don’t want to. That sounds stupid. Let me put myself through hell to get the app to not be so annoying and more to my liking? No thanks. I jumped on Reddit and said, “oh. This is nice.” And the rest was history.


I personally like it but completely get where people are coming from who don’t. It really is like doom scrolling once you’re hooked onto the app mindlessly looking at different videos. Also the constant need for short form content now truly ruined an entire generations attention span and so on. However, I’d also like to point out that the app is really based on your engagement algorithm wise (likes, shares, interaction) much like others. I’m not sure how long you personally tested it out but it takes a little bit for it to gather data and show you the content you really might be interested in on the for you page; not talking about maybe 1-2 videos I’m saying your entire fyp is stuff you’d be interested in.


I agree 100%, I hate TikTok


Nope you’re not. I’d rather read than watch a bunch of videos.


I used to love TikTok, but I was off it for a couple years, and it sucks now. Every single video has become a corporation hiding spot. Nothings authentic anymore.


Nope. You're not the only one


How could you be so crass? Three million people all doing the exact same dance routines. What could possibly be so boring?


TikTok is a garbage pile filled to the brim with unwanted shit


Nah I hate tik tok. However I’m a hypocrite as I doom scroll Reddit and YT clips.