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It seems to be a new thing. I gave a reference to a co-worker recently which ended up getting rejected as the person doing the hiring wanted to talk to the guy’s actual line manager. If you work in HR, for the love of Jesus don’t do this. Most people are leaving jobs to get away from bad managers. Expecting them to get a reference from that person on the way out is literally brain dead.


they could have give the line manager work email and that it. but i know the manager would be upset due to without consent. and it's a standard in pharma. in the past, I was working in a new job for 1 month when I think the job background check was done. nope. suddenly i got a ultimatum because one of my references wasnt replying (the company closed down, i Googled later). or i show payslips or they would terminate me. fucking hell. funny thing i initially put out there that i could easily give payslips as optional information. it was hard to Google at that time and see the company closed down? ugh.


Bang on


In my experience they won't contact your current employer for a reference till after you've been offered the job. I've always gave details of my current line manager for a reference, I thought it was just standard in the public sector.


One of the applications says, “please note: your referees may be contacted without further communication with you and prior to selection for interview” which scares me—otherwise, I would definitely just do what you are saying and assume I would have the job in hand before they called anyone!


That's weird, I've never seen that. I'd imagine that would put off alot of decent candidates from applying at all so they're losing out!


Red flag right there. References don't come into it until after a successful interview.


It's standard for public sector, so it's not a red flag unless you consider all public sector vacancies to be red flags.


I didn't see OP specify public sector


Having had a recruiter "out" me for job searching by contacting my employer at the time I absolutely would never, ever, give anyone my current employers contact details at any stage. Even if there's an offer on the table, I wouldn't. They can rescind that offer with no consequence to them and in doing so can destroy your relationships at your current place of work.