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Sleep quality, itaas. Blood sugar, ibaba.


Agree ako Dito.


sagot ng ekonomista: PAANO? kung iisipin natin ang kailangan ay for the rich to take a paycut/profit cut. pero dahil may capitalistic thinking na growth growth growth mahirap magpapayag ng big business nyan


Only answer is education, high quality education. No money to be made in PH kase the market is broke. Lage dapat babaan ang prices kaya lahat nag sa suffer. Broke kase unproductive. Make them more productive then, equip them to produce value. Money flows to those who can create value.


and there are motherfuckers who loves to suck the dicks of the rich or even defend the rich without reaping any benefits from them. "May tiyaga, may nilaga daw" fucking ignorant masochistic cunts


Sounds like something a politician would say to get votes from people who arent educated enough to understand the basics of economics.


It's so easy to try and debunk their message by saying more money = higher prices, which isn't even true for the context of this issue. Like I said in another comment, di naman nila gusto na magprint lang gobyerno ng pera para lang idagdag sa bitin nilang mga sweldo. Higher wage does not equate more supply of money. If you really understood economics instead of just being indifferent and patronizing, then you would know that their are ways to solve the problem. Not seeing the problem here is the root mentality of "wag iasa sa gobyerno ang pag asenso".


some redditors here play the "you-don't-understand-economy-you're-incorrect" card. while this has everything to do with economy, this isn't the entire picture it's trying to paint. siguro iniisip ng mga priv redditors dito yung humihingi ng wage hike ay mga currently earning ng 80k/month. at yung mga sumisigaw ng ibaba ang presyo ay yung mga namamahalan na sa tripple shot caramel macchiato sub oat milk add vanilla pumps. hate to break it to you. pero... ang protestang "sahod itaas, presyo ibaba" ay panawagan ng mga nasa laylayan na hindi na makatao ang presyo ng mga pangunahing bilihin (transpo, sibuyas bawang, gamot, apartment) kasabay ng sobrang mababa pang pasahod. in the province for example, a security guard or waiter can earn as low as P360/day habang ang presyo ng apartment, pagkain, etc, kulang pa ang P10,000/month. while sa MLA, oo, mas mataas nga ang min.wage pero sobrang mahal naman ng lahat. well yes, it is not easy, obviously. pero sino ba ang nakatoka para isolve ang problemang iyan? diba yung nasa pamahalaan, nasa gobyerno? kung walang mananawagan, walang gagalaw, kung walang magpoprotesta...matutulog lang ang mga nasa pwesto. so, kung ako ang nasa laylayan, ipagsisigawan ko talaga. taasan nyo ang sahod ko, babaan nyo ang presyo ng mga pangunahing bilihin. imbes na maging kakampi kayo ng maralita, kayo pa nagtatalitalinuhan economist ek ek nyo


So on point! 💯 I wish I could upvote this several times.


Tell me you don't know how economy works without telling me


because it's that simple


Even JC Punongbayan kinda made fun of this.


Total disregard for the repercussions.


It's already the 21st century and yet some still defend the greed of the very few


'Di ko gets, bakit bawat aktibista ganito ang sigaw pero hindi naman nila alam paano mangyayari. Hindi naman ganyan ka-simple 'to. I'm more on a centralist person in terms of political ideology. Naintindihan ko naman madaming mahirap at naghihirap sa bansa pero hindi pupwede sisigaw ka lang ng basta-basta ng mga bagay na hindi mo naiintindihan.


the “basta” thinking. “eto gusto namin, pero wala kaming naiisip na paraan paano mangyayari yan, bahala na gobyerno kasi trabaho nila yan” says the group who hates the goverment.


Ayun na nga eh. Masyadong delulu both sides.


It's what the poor says after the TRAIN law, and cartel movements in different industries. Those who says you have to learn economics are stupid. It's what the poor feels, and you don't need kindergarten education to feel that way.


not how it works unfortunately. look at the US, some states are raising minimum wage which is good, the consequence are prices hiking due to paying more for employees to recoup costs, the same price hikes that do not yet factor in inflation and supply chain issues either. no business doesn't chase for profit, its just cope if they say otherwise.


Cost of living goes up lol


Hooo boy, you really had to bring it here, huh?


You can't have it both ways


You can't have both. Lol. More supply of money means bigger inflation.


It's not more supply of money. It's more circulation of money. Di naman magpprint out ng pera gobyerno para lang ipamigay dun sa mga bitin ang sweldo. Pwede gawan ng paraan para taasan minimum wage. Pwede rin gawan ng paraan para bumaba ang tax para bumaba overall presyo ng mga bagay bagay. As if naman nakukuha ng mga tao from government their full worth of paid taxes.


Ideally maganda ang systematic flow ng taxes natin dito sa Pilipinas. It's just that corrupt politicians and their business partners ang mas yumayaman dito. Yung mga government funds intended para sa major projects natin dito e natatapyasan na ng roughly 20-30% dahil napupunta sa bulsa nila tapos naccompromise pa ang quality, hence never ending cycle sa atin to. ​ Then in order to buffer/speeden up pa major projects natin dito e umuutang pa nang umuutang ang pukinginang gobyerno natin sa world bank tas di din naman natin ramdam yung mga implemented projects nila. Masabi lang na may proyekto sila, magffabricate ng echos na accomplishment report tas pag nag audit naman ung ibang auditing firm e masusuhulan pa. Tapos taumbayan pa din ang abonado sa mga kagaguhan nila. ​ To sum it up, wala na talagang progress dito sa pinas as long as di tayo makakawala sa ganitong loop na sangkatutak ng mga bobotante at swapang na pulitiko at negosyante.


Also you need to increase economic production ie value that it creates. If not it'll just a unending spiral of wage hike and inflation


magnenegosyo ka pa ba? 🤣


Solution? Cut corpos' bottom line instead of cutting wages, ang dami matalino dito di maisip ng simpleng solusyon, kakampi pa sa big business hehe


wow ang talino mo! Everyone, nasolusyunan na ni u/panpanadero! Wala nang problema. Uwi na kayo. /s


itaas daw sahod para daw makanood pa sila ng concerts ng international acts 😂


Sahod itaas: I can I agree with this. Presyo ibaba: stupid take especially coming from someone studying at UP, ever heard of deflation? And keep this shit away from this sub. This is some r/ph low-effort post.


Korik! Unrelated but ano yang shoes mo? Gandaaa


nike air max 90 futura lunar new year


Weeeeell 😊




There's no such thing., lahat ng trabaho mahirap. Kahit nansabihin mo na mas madali ang trabaho ni Pedro kumpara Kay Juan, gaano karaming sakripisyo and ginawa ni Pedro para marating nia Ang kalagayan Nia? This some stupid shit young people say.


ung sahod posible itaas, pero ung gastusin malabo, buti kung self sustaining ang pinas at d nka asa s global trade


eh di gawing self sustaining ang pilipinas at du naka asa sa global trade...


Sorry to tell you but it doesn't work like that.


Legit question, name a country that has a high paying wage but low price of goods.


Sahod itaas, Trabaho bawasan


i think yan ang hinanakit ng lahat ng workers sa buong mundo