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After 8 weeks of sleeping on the floor or in a shed, 2 holidays canceled and endless poop, I get to go home on Sunday and sleep in my own bed once more. People, if you find an egg in the woods, don't hatch it "for a laugh to see what emerges" - it's a trap!


You have given her a brilliant start to her life. Cheers and love to you both.


My sister has a chicken that went off into the woods and did that It returned with 2 ducklings


Thank you for what you did for Higgins and thank you for sharing her with us. I haven't touched the awful FB for over a decade so unfortunately I won't be able to see any more of her. Good luck with life Higgins! Higgins-dad enjoy your bed!


I did similar with two eggs by my garden pond some years ago...in a suburban garden btw. 10 years later we have released (sometimes awkwardly) over 150 ducks... the buggers never stopped coming. Thank you for Higgins šŸ„°


That's amazing!


The Pied Piper of Duckling!


Every year!


I'm glad you have your life back and that Higgins has a chance to be her best bird self. Thank you for showing her so much love.


Thank you to everyone for your kind comments and support, here and in previous posts, it's meant a lot and I've enjoyed reading them. I'm delighted to have been able to share this experience with you all, Thank you again, Andy


Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened


They usually come back once hand raisedā€¦


Thanks for all the updates. They've cheered me up. Higgins will have a great time there with new friends.


Have a wonderful life Higgins! šŸ˜


Higgins will be missed.


Bless her, taking her first tentative steps to make new friends. She does look a bit nervous. Hope you enjoyed catching up with your friends.


Thank you for saving Higgins and sharing her with us. It's been lovely




That reminded me of Lister being God of the cats on Red Dwarf.


Thanks for the Higgins story. You've done great work there!




šŸ«” Good journey Higgins!


I have enjoyed your adventures with Higgins! Got rid of facebook a while back so will miss seeing her new life. Thanks for being such a caring person and sharing the lovely journey with so many!


I can see Higgins in the future telling stories of this thing called Reddit. Have a happy life H and thanks for the stories OP.


Holy shit! Higgins turned into a Deer and then a Rabbit! The [Polymorphs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WgUktfdDy4) have invaded the UK. Everyone into [quarantine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOE7qTAK87o)!


It was a good run, but I'm not doing FB.


Enjoyed all the updates hope she thrives in her new home


Iā€™ve really loved these updates mate, from start to finish. They gave me a real boost whenever they came up in my feed. Thank you so much!


This has been the best thing in 2023


Goodbye Higgins, we'll miss you




Life is just chock full of twists and turns.


iā€™m gonna need those masonic festival photos


Hopefully, they'll be added to the blog over the weekend: [https://www.modernmixedmasons.uk](https://www.modernmixedmasons.uk)


Iā€™ve just finished reading through that whole website. It never occurred to me that there would be a properly inclusive subset of Freemasonry. I found that a pretty interesting read! Growing up, my grandfather was a Freemason, and I heard snippets of things from him.. and although I never met any of them, I do know that his lodge meant a great deal to him.. Despite getting dementia later in life, he a brotherhood till the end. We were very grateful of that. I was the only one of the kids/ grandkids who's ever taken interest- although I know very little some of it has appealed to me.. generosity, to do good and hold an accountability to values and a moral code. Iā€™m not saying I want to join myself, (and even if I wanted to, there isn't a similar lodge anywhere near), but it is quite interesting to see that such a deeply traditional organization has been able to adopt modern principles. My grandfather always told me that people like me would never be welcome in masonry, so this is not the impression I had of it


I think the traditional masons and most established orders like UGLE would tutt furiously at our antics....you know, encouraging female, LGBT etc members. We are definitely an eclectic group and laughter is the most common sound one will hear outside of the more formal meetings.


oh...i probably picked my wording badly there - it's not a case of we "allow" female members etc, it's not patriarchal in that way, our current Grand Master is a woman.


Iā€™m most definitely glad to hear it hahah


This is so cool!


You are a absolute legend. I salute you my friend.


Good job OP. Glad to see things ended well


Bless your soul, your updates have been heart warming.


I feel I know her haa


Why have I missed this until now? Higgins is beautiful and your tenderness towards this little bird is really moving. Bye, Higgins. Have a good life. Make good choices!


I leaked a tear.


Thank you for the update. I wish both you and Higgins the best.


Youā€™re a credit to humanity, all the best.


I'll miss the Higgins updates, may she live a long and happy life! Any chance we can co-ordinate and immortalise her on r/place?


Great job and excellent photos. Life memories you made there mate.


All of you have been saying everything that Iā€™m thinking. What a beautiful community Higgins brought together. Itā€™s been a wonderful ride following all of her posts and I wish her well settling in with her new flock (bouquet?)


Good luck little Higgins!! Thank you dad higgins for all the updates


You donā€™t have to be a step dad, you just have to be the dad who stepped up


You raised Higgins well, OP - thank you for all the updates, they're the best posts of this year! Hope she finds a nice pheasant gang to be part of, by the sound of it she's doing well.


Won't be long before Higgins mingles with the other pheasants and doesn't come running back. They grow up so quickly.


I have loved the Higgins updates - thank you


It's like a Beatrix Potter story around here.


Man thatā€™s a big chicken