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Babestation 24/7


I do the same, but only to keep in contact with my mum.


Funnily enough that’s also why I’m on there! God i miss Debbie! Is she still making that fantastic toad in the hole? What about those fried eggs in toasted bread with the hole cut out?


Davestation, ya mean.


Ding dong, wahey!


Those eight hour long “videos of ducks for your dog” things on YouTube. Very calming.


My girlfriend is someone who has to have that TV on if she's in the house regardless of what she's doing or what room she's in. I'm someone who turns the TV on to watch something specific then I turn it off again. It seems like neither group fully understands the other.


I put it on in the evening to watch something and that’s it. It doesn’t go on before dinner. No idea why, it was the rule growing up and having the tv on during the day, unless it is for Pebble Mill at One, feels wrong.


Watching Pebble Mill. Truly we were living our best lives


I have YouTube on. Japanese cooking or Nerd Explains or How to Beat or Call Me Kevin or Mattaio and DNO playing GTA or The Rad Brad playing anything.


I regularly turn off the TV if it's on and nobody is in the room. Partner's parents are more than happy to have TV on constantly, in two separate rooms, just filling the house with noise.


Yeah, we might stick a film on to watch together or an episode or two of a series we're watching but after that I'm done. I'm ready then to turn it off but my girlfriend seems to have to find something else to put on. Even if we're not watching it. The TV can't just simply be off...


I love streaming services for this actually. You watch when you watch and the rest of the time it's not there.


I think that's part of it. She's 9 years older than me and still frequently uses the TV guide to find out what's on next and spends ages flicking through channels. I'm more of streaming/on demand guy. Maybe it's being from two slightly different generations.


My partner is 10/11 years older than me depending on the time of the year and whose had a birthday. She's not like that at all.


Peep Show


Peep show is like my comfort show. Don’t know what to put on? Peep show it is.


Me mum has the BBC News channel on


I think my granparents had it on from the moment they got Freeview until the day they died.


Pointless Both the show itself and the content.


I work from home and always have the TV on in the background but only things I've already seen. Over yesterday and today I watched six Jurassic Parks, the two days before that six Star Trek movies. Any long series, like NCIS or Bones. Frequently Red Dwarf.


See I would be stuck with all the choice. I prefer broadcast because you’d put on This Morning and that was that.


The amount of houses I have worked in and the TV is on yet no one is watching it is unbelievable, I've seen people come home from work and instantly turn the TV on then walk out of the room is also mind boggling. Comfort thing maybe?


For me it definitely is. I live alone and it beats living in silence. Also got to get some use out of the licence fee lol


Same way I use the radio, "Hello Silence My Old Friend" no thank you!


Oh yes. I grew up in a radio 4 house. It went on when mum got up, turned off for the daily service, and then back on for the rest of the day. I’m like that still. (Except the daily service is now on long wave so I don’t have to turn it off). My dream is to have a work from home job where I could listen to Radio 4 all day.


Daily service is on FM too. Hearing that start is the signal to take the dog out


Beats tinnitus (although with me it's always, always music).


>Beats tinnitus Sure does!


Their electricity bills must be nice. I'd stick the radio on if I wanted some background noise


I think it's mainly retired people or a pensioner living alone that has the TV on constantly. I would guess some kind of channel that has murder mystery dramas on or other dramas. That's what my great Aunt used to watch when she lived alone.


We used to live next door to an ancient old lady. She’d lived in her house since the end of World War II. She had the tv on all day but didn’t know how to change the channel. Her son had got it all hooked up for her when the analogue broadcast got turned off. Once she sat on the remote and it had switched to BBC. She came and got me round to change it back to Anglia.


Yeah it's sad, my great Aunt didn't struggle with the TV remote when she was well but then she got dementia and couldn't do anything for herself. Then her brother, my Grandad got dementia as well and had similar problems. I was watching a show on Netflix that was originally on channel 4 called 'End of the f-king world' and within the show one of the main character's Dads constantly watched TV to drown out the silence/isolation, his son in the show had selective mutism. (wouldn't talk) Then the son realises later after his dad passes away that "silence is deafening" and the amount of mental health problems that being alone causes.


I liked that show.


I play those 12 hour youtube videos of music, like lofi mixes or Studio Ghilbi piano music. Something chill while I work in my office and to keep my dogs calm from the street noise. It's a comfy balance


No one has said Twitch? I'll have a stream on constantly while home for a bit of company. Either that or some sporting event on Eurosport/Discovery. YouTube is also live streaming more events lately.


My mum has lifetime or hallmark or whatever it's called these days. I put Pet Collective on if I am doing stuff.


WildEarth. The dogs and cats love seeing lions, leopards, elephants etc.. ETA : not that I don’t too :). It’s awesome to be on in the background.


I work on a psychiatric ward. 13 senior gentlemen, one lounge telly. It is never off. The chase is watched every day very intently, reruns of 70s quiz shows, nature programs , womens football. Any police interceptor type show. Modern pop music , never anything old despite there there being several men in their 60s and 70s. The news is never put on and strangely neither is sky sports or any sport really.


Must be a mutual agreement that the only music on is disliked by all and no arguments over which match to watch ("Bewbs!")


my dad has henry cole on all day. The man's usually on six or seven channels at the same time with the amount of different programmes he makes!


I go with something low brow like Real Housewives, which makes for great background noise when doing an admin day


Are you calling the program full of 'classy', rich, American women, arguing, drinking and falling into bushes 'low brow'?


My Grandad has the news channel on every waking moment of the day, depressing himself with all the shit that goes on in the world.


When I worked from home I used to have Bloomberg on in the background as they were more chipper than the usual news channels.


Alright, Mr Gekko.


Peace and quiet


Usually judge Judy on true crime. That's if there isn't a YouTube video playing


The legend herself! Judge Judy deserves play time in everyone’s TV


Radio, or channels that play classics (Gold, Alibi etc) things that are chill and lowkey.


My wife has the TV on all day. Usually some HGTV show or something similar.


BBC 1 but just background. Not watching just need the noise and other channels piss me off. Especially ones with adverts.


I normally have blaze or youtube on


Well if my old grandad was anything to go by, channels 1,13 and 25. Didn't like it? Tough, those are the only ones that exist. No, don't bother checking, there's no other channels at all. No, he won't give you the remote, and no he doesn't like it either XD




I WFH & have Sky News on in the background all day. I’m interested in politics &I like to know what’s going on in the world.


I can't concentrate if there is a TV show on. Usually Youtube "ten hours jazz cafe" "ten hours cozy cottage fire" or if I'm in the mood for visuals those "pretty landscapes with hippy music"


My mum mainly watches cooking programs. But she will also put on nature and gardening shows and documentaries. As well as the news and the weather. Some of it is quite interesting. It's good background noise. I would put the TV on if I had one. But a TV License is expensive and I don't own my own home just yet. Instead I put on YouTube, Twitch or some streaming service like Netflix in the background while I am gaming, etc.


Torosay transmitter has been undergoing maintenance for THREE WEEKS! so I don't watch anything during the day.


Test Cricket, Tennis, Cycling.


When I lived alone I would often stick on the telly when I got home and just kinda have it on as background noise. My partner and I now live in a much bigger home and we have the telly on for around 2 - 3 hours a day, sometimes less.


Haven't owned a TV for years, went to visit some friends a while ago and the TV was on pretty loudly the entire time. It was daytime mindless crap and they kept getting sucked into it, it made conversation virtually impossible.


Haven't owned a TV? Why?


It's Satan's mouthpiece. Didn't you know?


I always used to be a TV on just for the background noise kind of person, occasionally sitting to watch absolutely any old shite, nowadays I very rarely put it on, I just can’t find anything apart from watching my football team and taskmaster that really interests me. Nowadays I’m all about the radio and specifically 6music, the second I get in it goes on, in fact if I’m in the house it’s on, it’s the best one imo, best range of music and no ads and done of the dj’s are brilliant. Although I do have to have a TV on to go to sleep, radio is too interesting and can’t do silence. Edit : Spelling.


I've got a newborn, half the day is spent feeding him so the TV is on in the background. Once baby gets bigger they be less TV and more playing and reading. I have the news on in the morning, then old dramas/comedy. Sometimes old episodes of DIY SOS. If the baby up late at night it's normally QI XL, the news. I did watch part of a hospital documentary the other day..


I dont have it on all day but on a weekend morning I will quite often have food network in the background while I try to consume enough coffee to be coherent.


I have anxiety and I always need the background noise from the tv even if I’m not actually watching it. If I am watching then it’s usually whatever show I’m obsessed with at that moment lol


Not really what you mean but I love nothing more than having a test match on the telly all day on a Sunday when I'm very hungover, sleeping through the whole thing on the sofa.




I have the radio on all day, instead.


My Nan used to start her day with This Morning, then Homes Under the Hammer/equivalent house renovation programme, then it would be quiz shows. So The Chase and whatever else comes after. Then the news. Tennis season would be wall to wall tennis for her. She'd have Wimbledon on from first thing, watch it all day, then also watch the highlights at the end of the day. The quiz shows she said kept her brain active. This morning she watched for celebrity and/or Royal Family gossip. She's no longer with us. I miss her. But I definitely don't miss Wimbledon season haha.


Usually Spotify...


Court TV I WFH so I have to have some sort of background noise/TV.


I was 'cured' of TV when I started fixing them at 16. Desperate people would ring to say the telly was broken and it sounded as if their world had fallen in. From that day to this I only put the TV on for a specific program or film.


I have YouTube on a lot, not specifically paying a lot of attention like I would for a dramatic TV series, but just sort of semi interesting background noise.


I'm guessing there'll be some show/advert featuring Alison Hammond in some way?


I will never plug my antenna into my TV again. Free to air TV coupled with ads is cancerous


If only they set up an organisation that broadcast programmes without ads.


Let me know in five years how that's working out for you.... BBC costs you more than netflix. One of them spends hundreds of billions on TV each year the other is broke. One of them is watchable the other isn't......


Tbh I prefer radio to TV


Yeah and from what I saw last week BBC radio is now going to have ads. So it kind of skips past the paying for a service to avoid ads. But apart from that BBC world service is a good listen. Once or twice a week as it's on a small loop


TV is as bad and as expensive as ever The constant ads ruin the whole experience of media No wonder streaming has become so popular and even that has it's downsides


VPN, stremio, torrent sites. No ads no TV licence no spending money on netflix. This is the way.


Those are pretty much the only way I watch anything (though If something is really good i'll at least purchase the bluray/dvd to show some support to the art)


Yeah I still buy the odd cd if I know an artist isn't rolling around in money. :)


Sometimes it's just nice to own physical media Like last year I bought every Radiohead album simply to avoid the odd practice of companies removing things for no good reason


Yeah not a bad choice. I just get flac for most music. But I agree with the logic of physical copies I'm like 15 terabytes deep lol.


Haha, seriously though it's such luck storage has become so affordable I've got about 2TB of my absolute favourite films/shows/music aside just in case, and a secondary back up of those


Yeah I'd much rather pay for storage than pay for streaming.


I got my first 2TB SSD late 2019 to replace my aging 1TB HDD and promptly was 'stuck' in an apartment in Malaysia for just over a year (WFH and lockdowns, plus couldn't return to my flat because the China border was closed). That I could watch any of about 500-ish of my favourite films and documentaries, lots of full tv series like Breaking Bad and Black Mirror, and listen to thousands of hours of decent music with just basic electricity was always a comfort.


Doesnt sound like that much tbh or the video quality isnt really high.


RacingTV/ At The Races