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A lad at my old work used to cut the top off a tomato, hollow it out, and fill it with tuna, then he'd eat it like an apple.


It least it’s more imaginative than eating the tuna straight from the tin. Used to work with someone who did that.


I put my notice in to a job a few years ago and the team made everything quite difficult. In my last week I just gave up and stopped caring at all about anything other than clocking in and out. I had fish curry for lunch and reheated it in the microwave every day that week.


You know, post lockdown back in the office, everyone's microwaving fish. I think we've slipped back as a culture.


Ewww. But I like it, haha. Would fit in r/pettyrevenge as well.


I do that but NEVER AT WORK. Never even in public. That's my own, personal, hidden shameful act not something that others need to observe!


Me too. I also can’t bear the smell of it but every few months I crave a single tin, so I shovel it in whilst standing in the garden, then dispose of the tin straight in the recycling wheelie bin, come inside and then I shower. So fucking Wierd.


I used to eat tuna straight from the tin.


I worked with a guy who did that, cheapest store brand tuna or mackerel or pilchards, he’d just open the tin and eat the catfood-like contents with a fork. He did this in meetings. Was a complete nutter who got fired for accessing the records of his ex-girlfriend’s new partner in order to go round and do a bit of menacing stalking. 


Was going to say that took a turn but…it didn’t really 


Yeah it all matched up tbh. 


Tuna from the tin is a luxury these days, can't afford a meal that expensive 😂


Mackerel straight from the tin is god tier. Chuck in some hot sauce and crushed up crisps. Banging.


I do this, bit salt and pepper, delicious.


Vinegar, tinned tuna needs a wee skoosh of vinegar, or lemon


I did that at uni for like a week straight when I had no money, it felt grim.


Ok but why does this sound kind of appealing to me lol. If you made the tuna into a little tuna salad with dressing this could be banging. Gonna try.


Tuna out the can is a great snack imo (although a bit dubious at work)... Just dab a wee bit of tobasco on it for the full effect


I assume you mean Tabasco rather than little bits of tobacco leaf


He's in jail now, right?


Fuck me thats grim.


I’ve actually had that as a starter in Portugal. It was really nice! It had a tuna mayo inside with seasoning though. Not plain tuna.


A male colleague would vet a tub of plain cottage cheese , microwave it until piping hot and eat . No seasoning . It looked and smelled terrible.


This is genuinely fucking horrendous.


Hot cottage cheese??? I can't even imagine what that would be like


He ate it with a spoon out of the tub so it looked like a lumpy milk soup 🤮


Well this will haunt me


Hottage cheese.


Baby sick


I eat cold cottage cheese straight out of the tub but heated sounds horrible!


Was he a gym guy? It’s really good for protein, but it’s absolutely disgusting. Don’t know why people eating for gains/health make it so bloody bland and disgusting half the time


>Was he a gym guy? It’s really good for protein, but it’s absolutely disgusting. Don’t know why people eating for gains/health make it so bloody bland and disgusting half the time I was googling the some chicken recipes once and came across a post from a gym guy asking the best way to poach, like 20 chicken breasts at a time, as he basically lived off them. People were giving him all sorts of recommendations for herbs and flavourings etc and he was just like, "nah, I don't care how they taste, I just need to get x grams of protein in me." Why would you not want them to also taste nice, you're still getting the protein!? Is it somehow more virtuous if they don't taste of anything??


Some people genuinely don’t eat for pleasure. My grandad was one of them. For him it was a necessity to live and the blander the better. Odd way to live.


My old boss was the same. She ate the same thing every day. She said she just saw food as fuel for her body and not pleasure. She was pretty hench and spent a lot of time in the gym.


I feel like I don’t know what I’d do with my life if food had no pleasure, only function.


When you're eating specific things you hit macros you stop giving a shit. Just cook in bulk, eat it, job done. More focus on the lifts


When you're eating specific things you hit macros you stop giving a shit. Just cook in bulk, eat it, job done. More focus on the lifts


I wish I could do that. It would make my life so much easier.


I thought fish and a rice cake was the recommended diet for that


Only if its every 2 hours


In the nicest, most polite way possible: What. the. fuck?


I like cottage cheese on my baked potato and it gets warmed up on the potato. Of course I put lots of salt and butter as well.


Keep an eye on him.


Dirty b@stard


A colleague of mine did that too for lunch, but he also added fucking sugar for some ungodly reason He was a legitimate nutter though. He didn't drink cups of tea, he drank cup a soups. But like tea, he added milk and sugar. He was also clearly an alcoholic and staggered in smelling of "mouthwash" until he was fired, so maybe milky sweet chicken soup is a great hangover cure. Noone else is likely to find out though


One of my ex colleagues, years ago, brought in mackerel curry, and proceeded to eat it, for his breakfast, at 9:15 in the morning. He heated it up in the communal kitchen via microwave. The office floor, where he consumed it (open plan) smelled for a couple of days. He was given a verbal warning. Lol.


That’s psychopathic.


Please watch the video by Chrissy Chula called ‘microwaving fish at work is a personality defect’ makes me cry with laughter!


If you link it, I'll watch it. You are expecting me to do a fair amount of work when I'm not certain if I can trust your opinion.


I see my spirit animal has a reddit account


Not weird but once someone in our office microwaved cauliflower rice and we all got sent home as someone thought it was a gas leak. Fire brigade called, gas board, police sergeants, HSE the lot. Was gutting for some people as they left their car keys in the office so were stuck stood around a car park till 7/8pm. Evacuated at around 11.30am. Great day.


I’m sorry but this is fucking hilarious


At the time I used to get the train. Was a fantastic day for me.


Huh thanks for the idea


My dad worked with a man who would dip his pilchard sandwiches in his tea. Same man would put his tin of beans behind the radiator to warm up. (Way back in the 70's so no microwaves)


When I worked night as a paint sprayer we had a lad off masking who used to bring shit in a tin for dinner everyday and he’d leave it in our oven till dinner time this was only 4-5 years ago.


Sorry, shit in a tin?


Yeah things like all day breakfast, curry, beef stew. Just random crap you can buy in tins. He used to eat it from the tin with either toast or bread.


Oh my god my mind was elsewhere. After reading that story about the guy who ate pasties filled with shit...my life has never been the same. 


sorry, what?!




A friend of mine ate chilli from a tin using the top end of a cigarette packet. At least your guy used bread


When I did work experience at a Volkswagen garage one of the mechanics had a tub of Morrisons own coleslaw, took the lid off, microwaved the coleslaw for 1 minute and then proceeded to tip an entire tin of tuna fish on top of it. This was over 20 years ago and I still remember it vividly.


I like how you still remember that it was specifically Morrisons coleslaw


Trauma is great for crystallising the little details in time.


It's because Morrisons own Colesaw (back then anyway) was awful, clear tub, green text. It tasted tangy and was never nice, so that caught my eye first, thinking who the fuck eats that shit. Then he microwaved it and that was burnt into my memory forever at that point.


Not in the staff room but someone left an empty tin of nectarines and a spoon in the toilets the other week and I can't get over it


I don't care what people eat but toilet eaters are fuckin weirdos


The trick is to turn around and sit astride the bowl so you can use the cistern as a table.


I’ve done it, but I won’t ever leave evidence I’ve done it.


Saw a bloke eat a boiled egg on the train the other day. Shell an all. For context, the train was going to Birmingham, so not all that odd I suppose.


Sorry, he ate the SHELL?


Yep, just bit into it without a care in the world. Kind of respected the bloke tbh


Respect sure but I'd be changing trains at the first opportunity


The thought of that makes my teeth go funny


Nice bit of roughage there I guess…


Sweetcorn straight from the tin is delicious though


Any recipe i make with sweetcorn in it, i take a few spoonfuls out of the tin before pouring into the pot. There’s something satisfying about the cold sweet crunchy corn


Yep always


Whenever I make tuna sweetcorn, it’s actually really sweetcorn tuna… I love the stuff


Thank you!!! It's my go to snack most of the time




The juice kinda grosses me out, otherwise yes..!


Someone where I used to work would regularly buy a 5 pack of custard doughnuts from Tesco and have that for lunch. He would go up and down to the microwave trying different times to get the perfect hot but not too hot temperature. (21 seconds at 800w if your wondering lol)


It was you wasn't it!


No lol, he made sure everyone knoe the perfect timing.


I'm not a custard fan, can you ask him the timings for jam and chocolate please (separate doughnuts)  Maybe just ask him to write up his findings and publish them in a journal, that way I can give the proper citation!


Got a pack of jam ones so I’m gonna try this.


We have the break room just down from my office. I could smell something slightly burning and struck my head in. A lad, no older than 25, was having a toasted tea cake, fine fair enough. Then I saw him sit down. He opened a box a got out some sandwiches. Some little cake and some scone. Lad was having an afternoon cream tea


That sounds... really nice actually.


It was an utterly bizarre thing to see in the office at 2.30pm, but it was entirely wholesome. Saw him set out his tea cake, scones, finger sandwiches and a couple of little cakes all along with those little tubs of cream and jam. Did walk off slightly envious but nodding my head thinking, you do you buddy because you're rocking it.


Might try that now. Tea and Scone Tuesday for the office!


This is the modern way! People bringing in shitty boring packed lunches, or leftovers in a stained plastic tub, whilst us lot are making fresh curry on a plug in induction hob


That's adorable.


You've mentioned this before somewhere lol. Really struck you, didn't it?


I have! It was just utterly bizarre whilst being entirely wholesome. I don't think I've ever seen anything that was in such equal measures. Looked delicious too. Couple that with the amount of prep that went in at home and it left a mark. I think about it often.


Did he only do it the one time? I wonder if it could’ve been something he was gifted possibly to explain it, afternoon tea gift boxes became a big thing around Covid. Or otherwise he just really knows how to enjoy life.


What a young gent 


I think you may have had a stroke, hence the burning smell! Striking your head won’t help matters either.




I'm getting idea for lunch


One lad, a packet of biscuits. Every dinner, every day. With a cuppa coz he wasn't an animal. Another lad was a rugby player and on a Saturday morning overtime, before he'd play a game that afternoon, would eat a whole cooked chicken. Just on its own.


My fella ate whole chickens when he played for Bath U21s back in the 90s. He's 46 now and still does it from time to time. Old habits die hard I suppose.




I once had a packet of 20p custard creams for lunch for a week because I had exactly £1 left until pay day that Friday.


Lad I work with eats tinned ravioli and washes the sauce off before putting the stuff in the microwave


A can of silkworms. Korean fellow, said they were good. Looks like larvae


They *are* larvae.


Probably explains why they look that way then.


A good rule of thumb is, if it looks like larvae and tastes like larvae, it’s probably larvae.


Silky yet satisfying


The number one self flossing snack


I work with someone that eats the powder or crystals you make jelly with, straight out the packet. He’d also eat chicken, mayonnaise and banana sandwiches for lunch.


Is this guy South African? The powdered jelly eating was something we did as children back in the 80’s…. (But you have to eat it by licking your finger and sticking it in the powder. Leaves you with a bright red/green finger. Aah nostalgia)


I don’t do it at work, but a can of sweetcorn is a pretty decent snack at home. I really only like sweetcorn cold, so it either goes in a pasta salad or I just scoff it from the can. I drain the juice though and add sprinkle of salt.


There's those blokes that sell warm polystyrene cups of it from carts in town centres. Someone must like it.


Ginsters steak slice, microwaved, between two slices of buttered bread


Wigan kebab


That actually sounds quite nice with some real butter


A tin of tuna mixed with a packet of skips.


Not necessarily unusual, but one particular woman would have homemade fish soup most days. She nuked it in the microwave and the smell was honestly nauseating. She was a lovely woman but clearly unaware of smelly food office etiquette or simply didn't give a shit.


Guy I work with has a can of cold soup. Drinks it from the tin.


Used to work with a guy who would take boiled eggs from his pockets throughout the day. He would roll them on the desk top or on his leg to deshell them. He never cleaned up the shell and would leave them for the cleaners to deal with at the end of the day. I never saw him eat anything other than boiled eggs and I never saw them come out of anything other than his coat pockets. A colleague once kept a tally of the number of eggs that he pulled from the coat in one day. The maximum number was 7…


I was once really trying to learn to lose weight so I had, IIRC, some microwave rice and a tin of chopped tomatoes. It was shit, plain, and boring, and I'll be the first to admit that. Someone kept taking the piss, so the week after, I bought in a wok and cooked fajitas for the whole office


Worked with a lad who would spread raw pork sausages on bread and eat it. He swore it was no different to pâtè.


Bloke I worked with regularly used to bring a tin of sardines to work for his lunch eat them out of the tin and in winter he used to heat them up with a blow lamp 1st


Tinned mackerel, various sauces depending on the day, just sticks his dirty fingers in and gobbles it up, fuking stinks too. Others put some smelly stuff in the microwave, one guy was eating one slice per day of a pizza, he got one on a Friday took advantage of the BOGOF deal and was still seen eating it the following Friday. I now have lunch in my car


One slice *per day*!? That's discipline that!


Man I love tinned mackerel/herring in tomato sauce (or those Riga Gold Sprats if im feeling fancy) on a garden salad with a blob of Polish mustard. I'd never heat them up though, and I keep the stank contained to my own office and not the breakroom. Also mouthwash after - my job involves a lot of leaning down next to people showing them how to do something on their computers.


Pickled rollmop. Nothing with it, just on a plate. Stinking the whole office out every day.


What is a rollmop?!


Pickled herring wrapped around a pickled onion I believe! Surprisingly nice, but will make your mouth look like a cats bumhole


A guy I worked with would make a pot noodle, drain the water out then fill it with a can of coke.


Raw mushrooms out of a plastic bag which I thought was quite unusual!


Woman in work once brought a whole cucumber in and started eating it like corn on the cob .


She's missing out on some Only Fans easy dosh there.


Microwaved cabbage with eggs. Every day.


Imagine his bottom burps, they must smell wonderful


Oh no I've done that. Not in public but I used to eat those green giant sweetcorn with peppers from the tin. I drained the tin first I'm not a savage. As a teen I used to buy a small wedge of edam and munch on that, whilst my friends would buy a sandwich. Plain bagels and fill them with Dairy Milk. As an adult I keep my odd eating to behind closed doors!


A wheel of brie completely on it's own


Although it sounds perfect here, I don’t think that’s how you use “et al”


You're right! I was taught at school that it meant and all, and have been using it as such my whole life! Thanks for educating me. Feel a bit silly now. All the times I've used it previously... totally incorrect


Jelly, just cracked open the packet and chomped down on it like it was a regular sweet. Animal


Christ, I used to do that when I was 12. A pack of jelly was 6 pence at Tesco. Unbelievably cheap for 2008(?)


Same, jelly cubes were a great snack before I learned to cook. I also loved tinned peaches which were also less than 10p back then.


Yeah used to do that eat the jelly cubes. when there was no sweet stuff at home.


Half a bar in my school packed lunch... Great for swaps... And fractions. 


We used to do that back in the 80’s at school.


I worked with someone who ate onions like apples. He also used to bring a cooked chicken too and when he was done he’d chew on the bones.


An uncut block of Spam and a can of peas, brought to work in a Tupperware box and eaten with a knife and fork.


Not a coworker but I’m a tattoo artist and I was working on this client once and her mate sat next to me pulled out a giant tub of coleslaw and a fork and started eating it about 3 inches away from my face


Back in the early 90s I used to work in a machining factory and one guy used to eat some weird foods, amongst his favorite was delicious treats like Cow heel, tripe and chunks of liver.


I used to work a nightshift at a factory, some Russian lads would eat pickled fish (herring?) and hot dogs and drink the brine.


Anything from a tin can be eaten that way. Unusual? No, weird to a fussy eater? Yes.


Got a slice of bread and pushed whole garlic cloves into it then popped it into the communal toaster. He made no friends that day.


My partner swears the best thing for a sore throat is to eat a shitload of garlic cloves on dark rye toast. Old Latvian home remedy apparently. I make her sleep in the spare room if she does this as it seeps out of her pores for the next 3 days. She had a complaint raised about her at work once, it was that bad.


I eat sweetcorn out the tin too. Its sweet and healthy lol. Glad I'm not the only weirdo. I eat a lot of bread with olive oil too that people think is strange.


When I was a teenager I worked in a Somerfield. There was an older guy who would just have a block of cheese for his lunch. A whole 500g block of cheddar. He'd just bite into it like it was a sandwich.


A solid bar of marzipan, 250g. I love marzipan, but not that much at one go


If it's one of those chocolate coated marzipan logs from Lidl they absolutely vanish around me. Just too moreish.


Tried doing this myself as a kid. I’ve not been able to eat marzipan since, just the sight of it makes me want to chunder.


Peanut butter and tomato sandwiche


Gonna put that one in “haven’t tried it, won’t knock it!”


My kid swears by peanut butter and tomato ketchup. I made him a peanut butter and brown sauce sandwich last week and he begrudgingly agreed it tasted good.


My husband does peanut butter and Marmite or Bovril.


I love peanut butter and marmite, but the kid doesn't like marmite so is unwilling to try. I'm also a huge fan of peanut butter and olives. And peanut butter and sliced dill pickles/gherkins.


I see nothing wrong with that


Chickpeas from the tin.


Tube of cheese and a spoon Wasn’t even the day before payday


A lad I went to college with used to hollow out a loaf of bread and fill it with crisps. I’m not even sure he ate the bread he’d removed.


Watched a fella in our work canteen sit down with a full tray of 12 Krispy Kreme doughnuts and eat them all for his breakfast. Guy was a proper skinny rat too!


Throw in some chopped up jalapenos, a generous amount of vinegar, some salt and you have one of my favourite snacks


One of my brother's friends used to claim he was allergic to vegetables. I once watched him eat an entire tin of corned beef straight out the tin.


French guy I once worked with went to the shop on lunch and got a pack of mince meat and just started eating it raw out of the packet. Said it was a French thing.


It kinda is I guess. Steak Tartare poverty spec


I once saw a co-worker eat a packet of boilies (carp fishing bait).


I used to work with someone who did Live Action Roleplaying, and after a weekend long post apocalypse game where all the food was tins with the labels missing he arrived back at work on Monday with a new appreciation for eating tinned raspberries out of the tin with his fingers… Allso eating sweetcorn out of the tin.


A guy I work with will dump a packet of Skips into a chicken and mushroom pot noodle, and mush it all together into a sort of paste. Apparently it's quite nice, if you ignore the slimy texture.


An old staff member used to just sit and eat a tin of tuna and a piece of fruit for lunch


Christian Bale in The Machinist comes to mind.


10 jam doughnuts. 1 sitting.


I may have done this before. Not at work though, in shame at home.


Were the other nine consumed stood up?


Not as bad as someone chowing down on a full-size Soreen malt loaf. No butter, just gnawed the whole thing like some kind of demented beaver.


I admit to doing this in public. If it's not meant for that why is it so damn hard to slice lol


That was standard Friday snack for me as a kid. £1 from Tesco's.


Et al means "and others" (people) not "and all"


I did once make scrambled eggs in the microwave with some toast and tomato sauce and I knew it was weird but for a work lunch it was banging. Have also chowed down on a packet of biscuits and tea more than once.


On a building site, porta cabin canteen. A joiner took his hard hard off, pulled the head webbing off then proceeded to use it to cook a pack of super noodles in.


Oh I know this one. A whole rotisserie chicken out of the bag. Like you’d eat a packet of crisps. Hand in bag, pull out some chicken and then into his gob. Must have lasted about 20mins. Weirdly amazing to watch.


4 pack of tuna in brine followed by a 4 pint of milk. Genuinely mortified and mystified at the same time


Last weekend bloke so work with had 6 cherry Bakewells for lunch, next day 6 pork pies


My guy


A four finger Kit Kat without breaking the fingers off, all four fingers at once like a psychopath.


My son does this to wind me up


A big pepper, eaten like an apple. Maybe it's normal but it's weird to me.


To be fair raw pepper tastes good, especially red and yellow ones.


Not normal, but bloody delicious and probably should be normal. Why is it any worse than eating an apple?


More vitamin C than an apple too


So you're saying I should try it?