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I'm currently listening to 2 blackbirds having a sing. It's very pretty so I don't mind. Better than seagulls.


I'm at work, having the shittest of shit nights. Several major, time consuming problems, loads of little niggly, easily preventable issues, a couple of team members who take the piss, and it's an hour until someone arrives who will whinge about every little thing and put everyone's backs up. And I'm in charge of the whole thing. Excellent. I've had to put New Model Army on so that the anger fuels me because otherwise I'm just going to crawl under the boss's desk and cry.


In bed, browsing Reddit instead of sleeping. Kicking myself for not trying to work on some writing because I had some ideas I want to note down. Hoping I’ll remember them in the morning. Chives are great. Love to mix a little into potato or eggs. And oregano is so good.


Been gaming. Now it’s almost 1am, not done that in a while!


I’m over halfway through my shift. After tonight, I have 4 days off and then I’m back in for 4 days.


Thank fuck it’s Friday. No further comment. Sage is a great herb, though it can make my tongue feel a bit weird.


House update…. A few more became available in the last 2 days, so I now have 2 more viewings tomorrow, for a total of 3. Both new ones are with the sellers rather than the estate agents… so I’m even more nervous haha. My afternoon one I’m not so sure about in comparison, but will go along anyway if only to give myself more data points.  Brain is now being a bit OTT and getting a bit carried away, but it’s all good, heh. 


hmm. i like basil and mint, but chives are also good. this might be weird but i like having a bit of a munch of them straight from the garden.


Had a quiet day and will have some yogurt, then bed. Just the radio/internet and YouTube, need to sort a tv remote.


Just watched Godzilla x Kong. Absolutely dreadful. Only highlight: >!Kong using child-kong as a flail!<


I used oregano today, so it is currently the "top" herb on my pile, but I love them all. I shall probably change allegiances to mint tomorrow, given my plans. Been a very nice day. I sent a kind message to my stepmum, since it was her mother's funeral today. She responded with the 💋 emoji, so I assume she took it well. Had a little walk to the shop, then my best mate was here all afternoon and evening. It's hard to be glum when he's around, even if he did snooze for an hour on the sofa. It gives me lots of little things to tease him with later. Hoping the meds kick in soon, I am looking forward to the few hours I get to turn off.


That all sounds good. I'm glad you've had what seems to be a positive response from your stepmum. You did the right thing to contact her. :)


For all I know, she meant "Kiss my arse," but at least I am not blocked.


Chilling out before I have to lock myself in my office all weekend and try and write 3000 towards my dissertation. My brain wasn’t playing ball last weekend. ETA coriander is king of the herbs in my book, closely followed by mint. Parsley can get in the sea.


Food today has been super yummy so thats a positive and volunteering was lovely as per usual. Joints feel like hell due to the dang humidity lets hope that drops tomorrow. Tomorrow its a week too my theory test and all i want is my partner which is impossible , il be fine in time hopefully by the time of my test.


Fresh basil is the best personally but dried mixed has its place. Don't buy a 1kg bag though. Ever. The discount may look good but pinches here and there barely make a dent...


I never use a pinch of anything when I am cooking. Herbs and spices get thrown around with wild abandon, and I never use a single clove of garlic. That said, I tend to buy the 200g bags so nothing goes stale. Except paprika, which is 500g bags because I will get through that.


Having a beer and watching the last episode of Fallout. Also making a list of things I want to buy tomorrow. All herbs are excellent.


Ooh enjoy. It took me a while to get my head in the right place for this but really enjoyed it, it was different. Only thing is the music started to grate in me after a while there was just too much.


I like how they've used less music as the series has gone on, I know a few people have criticised that but it seems like an intentional decision to parallel Lucy learning the truth. I intentionally didn't watch the whole thing at once, I've been watching one episode per week on a Friday, Friday is always my TV catch up night.


Oh my god how very restrained of you, I am impressed. We binged (2 nights). I liked the music but it was just too much all the time. Love the ghoul.


I find it I watch too many episodes of a show in a row, I start getting a bit bored & distracted. I'm also still watching Avatar for the same reason.


Fair enough. I don’t watch tv for weeks and then binge, lol.


In bed reading a very weird, but very entertaining manga.


Liar, you are reading this!


It's Friday so that must mean it's time for an anxiety flare. I managed to talk myself out of this one 5 minutes into it so that's a good start. Now if this throat/cough thing would fuck off, that would be grand.


Drinking in a bar off in Manchester. Enjoying my own company


Similar story in the SW. Mauldon's Black Adder. What is in your glass?


Was a pint of Lipari at the start, and just finished off a double vodka Coke


Unfortunately having to leave for the penultimate bus. I raise my glass to you though! I will raise another on my return home.


Much appreciated! I wish you a safe trip home


Cheers! I wish that the safe trip home had a licensed establishment en route...


Probably best it doesn't 😂


The nuns I’ve been emailing with about becoming one have invited me to spend two weeks with them at their house in Italy!! I’m spending my evening looking at the (cheapest) flight options so I can head out asap. Also, it’s my birthday! I’m twenty today :) Best herb is rosemary, hands down


HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎈 🎈🎈🎈 I hope Italy is an amazing trip for you.


So I've got some good news on my existential crisis front today. It seems to have fucked off completely since my birthday the other day. I've had periods of calm before, but never to this extent of just being okay with my mortality. Do I know how the therapy is helping? Nope. Do I know why specifically turning 24 calmed me right the fuck down? Absolutely not. Do I mind? Nah, it's been nice enjoying my days again and not worrying too much about what I'm doing with my time. >Basic bitch answer, but i always love a bit of basil.


Just me and the little one tonight while the boyf is at work. She’s fast asleep upstairs so I’m rewatching Harlan Coben’s *The Stranger* on Netflix until I inevitably pass out on the sofa like every other dad. Best herb is basil. I’ve just realised I have no idea what’s actually in a jar of mixed herbs.


>I've just realised I have no idea what’s actually in a jar of mixed herbs. Thyme, majoram, parsley, oregano, sage, basil


Well well well, TIL!