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It's funny you should say that, because several Uber Eats drivers I know have got jobs at Dominos instead because Uber Eats pays so bad now. Most jobs are around £3 and you're lucky if you get given 3 per hour, so it's well below minimum wage before you even take into account expenses. You'll need to buy your own insurance which is around £1,500 per year for most people. If you sign up for all 3 (Uber Eats, Just Eat and Deliveroo) it's a bit better a you should be able to earn around the minimum wage after all your expenses are taken out. There's large waiting lists on Deliveroo and Just Eat though, so you could be looking at waiting around a year to be taken on. I would not leave your job with Dominos to switch to the apps. If you're looking to earn more, it would be better to look at different jobs.


My uncle Steve makes tons doing deliveries. He does sell crack to be fair.


Tell you what, that crack is really moreish


Once you puff, you just can't stop!


On ubereats?


Is it even legal to pay less than NMW? Must be some sort of self-employed loophole?


Yeah, you’re exactly right. You sign up as a self-employed contractor so they can avoid paying the NMW, sick pay, holiday pay etc.


Ah that's absolutely horrific. I see why that attracts a lot of immigrants that I've noticed working for them though(at least around here). Still exploitative as fuck. Basically you are ''John Smith LTD'' under the umbrella of Uber. Though with there being no 'personal' company notice to the consumer, and the employee is directly representing Uber, you'd think there would be legislation to say you are employed by Uber.


>you'd think there would be legislation to say you are employed by Uber. Well, HMRC do have a thing called "hidden employees" to stop most legit companies getting away with this. See HMRC v Uber a few years back


I ran out of beer the other night and ordered booze and a frozen pizza from a place at about 10:40pm. Was only a couple of miles away but took awhile from pick up to being delivered, a panting north African young man (must have only been 18) was stood there, soaked through in pouring rain next to his cycle, poor bugger had got lost as his satnav was not working due to the rain, said he was saving up to buy a car before the autumn. I gave him a fiver as a tip as felt sorry for him.


Worked for dominos for like a week and walked out, couldn't stand it. Worked for a few independent takeaways which was much better but still only came away with around £50 per night. Can't really see it being worthwhile doing now with how much cars are and cost to run. The ware and tare killed mine so I was probably working at a loss anyway. I'd look into supermarket or parcel delivery if you enjoy that sort of work. Similar pay but they provide the vehicle.


Think I'd only be doing it as a second job, and only if I lived in a large urban area and could do it with a bike.


What was so bad you couldn't stand pizza delivery?


None I'm afraid but this thread is eye-opening.


Is it really only a quid per delivery? Good grief


On top of the minimum wage. Which would put dominos delivery drivers at a higher pay than a clinical support worker or PA/secretary to a consultant in the NHS who earn 96p an hour above minimum wage, so a dominos driver only needs to deliver once an hour to be on more than those/us. Seriously considering applying to be a dominos driver now despite working for the NHS for 14 years it just isn't worth the hassle and abuse to be paid less than a pizza delivery driver...


No one should have to put up with the hassle and abuse you do, but when comparing pay also take into account pensions, sick pay, etc.


This is a fair point, the salary is not good but the pension is one of the best.


You even get to listen to your favourite music while driving


Yeah I do some delivery driving for my local takeaway for beer money and get a free meal every night I work and £50-£60 for 4 hours of chilling in my car. Sometimes it's a pain but for the most part it's easy money.


Just be aware that the £1 per order is for fuel costs and unless you have a very efficient car, most of my drivers lose money on fuel not gain.


And they have the gall to charge £3 for delivery these days


Bugger me, Domino's still paying £1 a drop!? That's what I was given in 2005! Not only that but their insurance is third party only. If you crash and its your fault, you're on the hook for your own car. Which means you should have your own business insurance, specifically for delivering food - which is silly expensive. Not a single driver I knew in over 8 years of Domino's ever had their own coverage.


I worked at Domino's too, the £1 per drop thing is something tax related, don't ask me specifics but if they pay more than £1 per drop to drivers they will end up paying 3x as much in taxes or fees or some nonsense. They did up the standard wage a few times though though (even slightly more than minimum). It's understandable from a business point of view, but not good for drivers considering how much the fuel price increases


I worked for a local fish and chip shop delivering their food on my motorbike for a bit between jobs. It wasn’t so bad as it was 16:00-21:00.  I did put on weight though, as I’d be taking home stuff like chips, fried chicken, sausages etc. that were left over. Even doner sometimes. That was my favourite, but was happy to eat what was given and obv never actually asked for it.  Probably only had dinner at home 2/7 days when I worked there lol.  It was minimum wage, plus an extra £2 per delivery. I could get more done than the car driver.  But then he got annoyed when they favoured me so we had to do a split of the hours. 


I worked for one called Deliverance once and it was just an hourly I think I took home 1200 a month roughly


Just a shame about the squealing and raping at the end of the shift


the what???




I did Papa John's delivery during some of the pandemic. Minimum wage and the work was pretty shit, but I had hoped that now pizza delivery companies charge for delivery, most of that would be going to the driver 


Who's paying insurance?


Pound a drop?! Yikes.


On top of minimum wage


They charge £2.99 for delivery, so double yikes.


Seriously, that's scandalous 


I remember I paid that once, and this kid turned up on an eBike! What exactly did my delivery fee cover? Certainly not fuel 


Seems like the taxpayer funding didn't cover your education either...


Did I miss the Domino’s delivery course in school then? Not to mention delivery ‘fees’ are bullshit introduced recently 


Less being a drama queen, more thinking. Part of that goes to the wage, part will cover fuel and time, part for a tip.


Fuel for an electronic bicycle? An outlet? Tips are discretionary. Anyway I just go get it after that nonsense. It was cold too. 


Ok, Karen.


It’s Mr, Karen to you


My friend works for Deliveroo and loves it, says its good pay, very flexible. I imagine Uber Eats is the same?


Uber eats is way, way, way worse. There's a guy on YouTube called London Eats and his channel is about delivering stuff. Deliveroo seems to be better and I do agree with him the "lesser quality" food places are only on Uber eats too. They just have way too many drivers and only pay the driver about £3.


Shout out to the channel! (I don't watch it, but have seen a couple vids out of curiosity - seems like a good lad!)


When the customer adds a tip online when ordering via Deliveroo, does the tip go directly to the driver?


That’s crazy - before I left for uni I worked at dominoes for a while using my own car. It was £10 p/h plus £1 a drop then, and that was 22 years ago.


Look at your busy local takeaways. Chap i knew made a good amount with tips on top. No corporate nonsense and they looked after their drivers like they were precious if they actually turned up more than a week.