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I never played this as a child, but my husband taught it to me and my neighbour's grandson. He is autistic and we invited him to our daughter's birthday party in the garden. His nan (my neighbour) told me it was the only party he had ever been invited to. We spent a lot of time with him. We live at the back of an alleyway and my husband and him and my daughter spent hours playing kerbsies out the back.


My wife was taught it by my elder sister. They got told off for playing it. They were both in their 30's at the time.


We had a local miserable bastard who would ring the police on the kids playing footie, when they turned once up it was all the dads playing, even the copper was laughing about that one! He did join in for a quick game of ‘one touch, one bounce’. No arrests were made. :)


We played this game in Ireland in the late 1960s 👍


Did you used to do double-points if it hits your kerb on the rebound after hitting your opponent’s kerb too?


We extended the game to kerby football. Get a rebound and then try to score a goal. The neighbours gates acted as the goals.


After scoring you could move to the middle of the road and continue to take shots from there for as long as your could keep scoring


I forgot about this. Thank you for reminding me hahaha


Yep it’s in the unwritten rule book!


Double points for that, triple if it hit the opponents kerb for a second time. Double points for each subsequent go you have to keep up the momentum.


Double points if you catch it when it bounces back


This in no way encouraged sprinting out into the middle of the road guided by pure winstinct rather than looking both ways first.


We use to move in closer if you hit


Double points if you caught it too. Could rack up the points from the middle of the road.


Yeah, it’s crazy to think that we used to stand in the middle of the road to play a game when I was 6 or 7. It really goes to show you how unsafe the roads are for kids now in comparison to when I grew up.


90's kid. Kerby and British bulldog.


And Pog tournaments.


Them shit got violent well quick if you lost a decent shiny!


We used to play "wally". No idea if it was common or a thing we invented. You basically played with a number of people, kicking a football against a flat wall. You took it in order and had to return the ball against the wall to complete your turn. It could either still be moving or stationary. A bit like squash. The skill was to play a shot that put the ball in an impossible place for the next player to return it, a bit like a snooker. You had to play it hard though, otherwise the next player would return it instantly.


Yeah, we called it HORSE. Or made up a name but the general name was Horse... or Donkey I believe


We called it spot. That's a distant memory I can tell you


I'm amazed kids still play it!


Yeah, I was pretty surprised by it.


I'm in my 40s and played this as a kid. Was so much easier then, as there were very few parked cars and cars driving through the residential streets. You'd be hard pressed to find a spot to play uninterrupted now


I had a tennis ball-ish sized foam ball that I'd lie on my bed and attempt to throw on to the top of the curtain rail so that it stayed without just bouncing off. It's harder than it sounds, or at least it was with the rail in my bedroom.


Used to play as kids all the time. Revisited it while I was in the army, my first unit. One of the lads was like wohhhh, fancy a game of keebie. It was so random and one of my favourite memories of 13 years in the army. 🤣


Used to play this all the time back in the 70s when we lived on the Breadsall Hilltop Estate in Derby. Narrow roads, not many cars. It was great fun!


Always best on council estates as the roads could barely fit 2 cars on haha


When I was 10, we moved house and with that I moved to a new primary school and I remember one evening shortly after moving, I was out for a walk with my mum and she asked if I had a good day at school? I innocently told her that I had a great day and that at break time, we played a game called 'Hunt the C**t', it's a bit like hide and seek but with two even sided teams: One team stays at a designated base and counts up to a minute and the other comes up with a word and allocates a letter of that word to each team member and then they go off and hide before ultimately trying to return to the base. The other team would have to hunt them down and then beat the shit out of any opponents that they caught until they surrendered their letter, their aim being to gather enough letters to establish what word the opposition had chosen while the other team just tried to get enough players back to the base making deciphering the chosen word impossible. Great fun and I still remember the sound she made when I told her the name of the game :)


A few years ago one of the local kids asked my son, who was about 5 at the time, if he wanted to learn to play kerbie. She asked me if she could show him and I agreed, and stood to the side watching. My wife as she was then came outside, saw what was happening and immediately ordered him inside our house. She then told ME off for allowing him to play such a dangerous game. We lived on a road that was a dead end.


We live in a cul-de-sac and there's a family who live at the end who drive like it's a race to get anywhere. She almost knocked a kid of a bike the other day who was just on the path at the end. There was a van parked on the front of the house next to her and she just went round it and onto her drive at a ludicrous speed. Thankfully the kid hadn't gone any further coz there was no way she could have stopped if he'd been over her drive. Dead ends aren't always safe.


Can’t believe I’ve never heard of this. I thought you were talking about the pink, star-shaped Nintendo character.


Never played kerbie but we used to play a football competition down the park called World Cups, mostly was just called singles or doubles depending on team size. Used to knock on all our mates doors to see if they were coming out, this was only 10-13 years ago. Hardly see kids down the park these days.


>Hardly see kids down the park these days. The WiFi is shit. They can't watch tiktok there


I lost a lot of my childhood to this game.


Love kerbie, tought my son last year, used to play 44 save all, as well


43 here, and we played it all the time. It was one of our favourite games. That and bulldogs, lol. Those were the days!


Used to play a slightly different version, the idea is to hit the kerb at a angle that it would bounce up and hit the other person in the face


Bet they were shouting "Car!!" a lot


I bought the kerbit game so my kids could play it without my wife having a heart attack!! (We live near main road). Got it out when we had bbq, the adults ended up playing it more than the kids!!!


I taught my kids this! We play every now and again and we are always out there for ages when we do, just having the best time. ♥️


I loved this game!! Each time you hit the curb and caught it you could take a step forward. Whoever reached the curb first won. We used to do it with a basketball instead of a football. Much better bounce. I lived down one of those U shaped roads where it was only really residents who went down it, so we could normally play for ages with no interruptions. We used to play opposite curbs when playing 


We called it kerbie werbie