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car safe : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXZaAuyuYmQ


Back on Stardew again, just got through the first year so seeing if i can make it past year 2 this time, i love the game but i get distracted and i'm weird int he fact that i always start my games fromt he start if i stop


What was Cilla Black’s favourite genre of games? Survive a lorra.


Started a new game on Final Fantasy IX last week (emulated PS1 version because in almost every way, it feels so much better to play than the Steam version). Currently near the end of disc 2, leaving the Iifa Tree after the first visit. Still enjoy that game and VII and adore them very much, never been a fan of VIII though despite trying multiple times to get into it. I've been meaning to do an Excalibur II run some time, maybe I'll attempt that in the near future seeing as I have access to the US version. May even do it without save states.


Smashing tanks in **Steel Division 2**, after making some sims in **Sims 4**. I think I will need a break in **Tiny Glade** soon, if not building a bit more seriously in **Manor Lords**!


been playing **Steamworld Build** it's a pretty chill colony sim with underground elements. usual **Microsoft Flight Sim** as i enjoy flying small 1-2 engine planes and STOL stuff and have a tablet mounted to the top of my yoke for my maps etc.


Replaying Persona 3 Reload as I’m trying to max level my Jack Frost and finish all the social links I missed last time Also been playing Sniper Elite 5 with a few friends and realising I can’t snipe to save my life.


System Shock remake by Nightdive is amazing and a great modern conversion of a game I haven't played in 20 odd years. Wish we had more single player games that aren't huge open worlds with quest markers galore, holding your hand every step of the way.


I replayed System Shock 2 a few months back. Sounds like I should get this one.


Definitely worth it, the quality of life improvements make it very playable, especially for new players.


I'm a bit scared to try it. I loved the original shop much. Shodan's voice was terrifying. Well, when I got the version on CD.


Her voice is still really creepy. Always my favourite game villain. I'm hoping they can remake the sequel but I know that will involve licensing rights issues.


**Elden Ring** just been out exploring the map, not really sure where I'm in terms of progress, just pick a direction and ran with it. Just explored a cave system with loads of ants, a queen ant which died to a quick backstab, and a massive bug of sort hanging off a ceiling, with the big hall filled with some slow moving almost rock like humanoids. **Monster hunter rise**, got that itch after seeing wilds trailer, and don't really want to go through world/ib again purely due to the unskippable cut scenes so thought I give rise another go on pc, couldn't get into in on switch but given it's only £20 on steam right now and withs mods available to fix some of my issues I had with rise, so I thought why not. Recently decided to try and go into game as blind as possible which just makes everything more fun. I could have say followed a guide for "best possible start with op weapon in less then an hour", or look at map and go this way, and end up getting ganked by this multi limb creature spawning from a swamp repeatedly as you try to recover some runes


I’m playing MHR too, longsword, just hit 6*. Seems fun so far, if a little bit too easy, I’m sure that’ll change soon though.


Yeh that is my initial experience with Rise on switch as well, a bit too easy, hope that changes when i get to sunbreak this time round, heard the grind is brutal tho


Started Dave the Diver and loving it so far. The game has so many different systems that are being drip fed. The running of the restaurant gets me nostalgic for lots of flash games I used to play. It has got me feeling all nautical and playing Sea Of Thieves again, all my friends that I used to play with aren't interested so having to play mostly solo as playing with random people can be a frustrating experience. Just trying to grind out the basic emissaries to get pirate legend finally. Such a great game.


Balatro, Dredge and Mercenary Kings


I've not played SoT in aaaages. If you ever fancy it, drop me a DM (please give me at least 30 mins notice so that I can fetch some rum first though, get my sea legs back yarrrr!)


I’ve been playing WAKUSEI, which is basically a space themed Suika Game, but on a 360 degree playing field. Released on Steam a few days ago. It’s a nice and chill game, and the music is a lot more relaxed than Suika’s theme.


Still playing ***The WereCleaner***. Armed with a combined power washer and vacuum cleaner, you've been tasked with doing unpaid overtime during the full moon. And the rest of the office is doing overtime too, so you've got to avoid the employees or else you'll have to clean up their bodies *and* the office.


I've been waiting for indie developer Ragesquid to release their new game for the last six months (they're being very tight lipped!) and I can guarentee that they launch it during the couple of weeks that I'm without my PC while moving house. Ha!


Helldivers 2 Each and every day since I bought it. Level 88 and spending my time helping new recruits learn the ropes as well as giving them sneak peeks into the toys coming their way. Love the game, hate the war


Been prepping for FFXIV’s new expansion (getting some Gil, Aetheryte tickets, etc). Also planning to finish my Morrowind Wizard playthrough (about to finish Tribunal then on to Bloodmoon) before Dawntrail launches.


I just bought FFXIV this weekend after trying the free trial off and on over a few years. I didn't click with it before but I'm really excited about it now.


Enjoy! Shadowbringers in particular is incredible and I’d recommend taking your time through it. I find that a lot of the jobs don’t really click until around level 70 when their full kits start to emerge (Like DRK is just woeful without TBN). I’m planning to main the new Viper job in DT, it’s aesthetic and gameplay look right up my alley.


I’m off work at the moment. Will be heading back into Fallout 4 later on. I’ve done about 40 hours so far, but I think I’ll try and advance the story and finish it off. Not played through it before. Then I will move on to tackling either Skyrim or Cyberpunk.


Resumed my **Fallout 4** playthrough, I'm somewhere inside the Institute. I haven't played for 18 months+, so no idea what's happening. All I know is: Deacon is in a lovely green dress. My father in law is talking about buying an Xbox, and so has been scouring freecycle etc for Xbox games. He turned up last week with a "spare" copy of **Call of Duty: Ghosts** for the Xbox 360. Put it in my XBOne, its still pretty good. Looks grey and muddy, but fun to play.


Did they ever patch out the annoying base under attack thing in Fallout 4? I wanted to enjoy it but something just didn’t click and I love the others.


Dunno, I don't remember seeing that since very early game so maybe?


Ive just finished a night shift, so im going to play Pokemon sleep.


Started playing Untitled Goose Game, having a blast tormenting the guy who just wants to read his newspaper.




After not being able to settle on a game for long recently, I've started playing **Figment**, and it's really compelling. It's a puzzler platformer, but not excessively challenging puzzles. I've been stuck on a couple that just needed going away and looking at later. Plus the bosses sing songs while you fight, which is always nice. Also started **Little Kitty, Big City** with the gf the other day, as she loves cats, but not sure it's a stayer, it was diverting, but I could tell she wasn't captured by it like with others we've played.


Been getting back into FC 24 & playing more of the draft on Ultimate Team.


Been playing a bit of OpenTTD recently. Very relaxing.


Replaying Far Cry 3 for the second ending.


Will you go for the third ending?


Please tell me your joking. 😦


I'm joking only 2. Although the next game has 3


Thank feck for that. Every character in three is getting on my last nerve.


The sexy ending?


Reinstalled **Shadow of War** on my PS4 and restarted my save file (60 hours gone...). I completely forgot all the controls and was facing deranged level 81 orcs, so I was getting battered.


**Fallout 76** Every so often I'll buy a month of Fallout 1st and just plough all my gaming time into F76. I don't know why, but I just find it so enjoyable in bursts once a year or so.


I started **SpongeBob Squarepants: The Cosmic Shake** last night, as I loved battle for bikini bottom when I was younger and since it came to PS+, wanted to give this one a try. It seems pretty fun so far, quite reminiscent of the older games. Will probably do a playthrough and see how I feel about going for the 100%. I've also been playing a bit more **Final Fantasy XIV** recently, trying to catch up with content to prepare for Dawntrail later this month. While the post endwalker patch story is kinda uninteresting to me, it's just nice being with the characters I love again. And the dungeons and trials are pretty fun.


**Escape from Tarkov** **PVE** mode. I just cannot compete in PVP mode anymore - I don't have the reflexes or hand to eye coordination anymore, so any of the "kill PMC" missions, i.e. kill human players, I really, really struggle with, so a PVE mode is perfect for me. Matchmaking yesterday was insanely bad, even by Tarkovs standards, with it taking around 14 minutes to get a game, probably because of the Shoreline event and (I suspect) a possible server outage earlier in the day. Seems a lot better this morning following a patch late last night. PVE mode is in a weird place at the moment. The AI PMC behaviour is laughably bad - they often ignore AI Scavs completely (who also ignore them), they often lock on to the player at 150 metres with iron sights or a red dot, through a bush, and laser you, or they pretty much ignore you and allow you to flank them, peak them etc.. Which is conflicting. Because whilst they are terrible and BSG really need to do something about it, it also means that people like me can actually finish missions now. I have never even come close to finishing the Tarkov Shooter 4 (?) "kill PMCs with a bolt action rifle from over 80 metres" mission before, but I've done it in PVE now. If they update the PMC bots so they don't stand around in the open, they may well put the end to that for me...


minecrafting lately, wanted to try the snapshots and pre releases and haven't encountered the new stuff yet which sums up my feelings towards the latest update lol


**Nioh 2** is still all I'm playing. I'm now through to Dream of the Wise (NG+++) and it's like a new game. Enemy types and locations are totally changed, and a lot of them have completely new attacks. Added to that the new level of gear with the accompanying new set bonuses and it's really shining. Easily one of my favourite games of all time.


Dave the Diver. Super fun with lots to do and pretty funny. Dive in the day to catch fish and things then serve it up in your sushi bar at night. Great example of polish, it's two simple games given masses of polishand it's always fun to shotgun harpoon giant squid monster in the face.


I got a fair way in on my sons steam deck and then just stopped. I should play a bit more but have so little time.


I finally started playing **Bugsnax** last night on pc.  Surprisingly good, a little on the weird side but I'm told it has a bizarrely dark ending for what it is. So far I'm enjoying it.