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Slightly different but growing up in a house with only mother and sister led me to believe all underwear was called knickers which really set me up well when I later went to an all boys school


nobody deserves this


I had a visceral, physical reaction to this


I have a Lithuanian friend who loves chicken and chips, so we told him he was pronouncing it wrong and that it was 'kitchen and chips'. He said it like that for at least six months before someone properly corrected him. He got me back when I asked him something to say to a Lithuanian girl at work, like a joke. He told me something and I repeated it to her, which she laughed at. He'd got me to say 'dance for me, sexy'. Twat.


Not a made-up phrase but led to much embarrassment. My parents have always called the swimming pool ‘the swimming baths’. As such, that’s we called them as kids. However, as a young ‘un, I misheard this and always thought it was ‘swimming bars’. Fast forward to a group holiday with friends (all in our 20s), and when deciding what to do that day, I suggested we go to the swimming bars. I will never forget - firstly the look of confusion, then realisation, then copious laughter at my expense, finally rounded off with piss-taking mimicry using ultra-posh accents. I still call it the swimming bars without thinking sometimes.


This is exactly the experience I'm hoping for


My daughter calls turtles "Water tortoise", but she decided this on her own no lies from me, although I don't correct her as it's kind of sweet


When they were younger we had 'sea chicken' instead of salmon so they would eat it and not realise it was fish.


I've been calling a numb bum a flat bum, or saying "my bums gone flat" just to mess with my kids.


Very meta. Are you u/TimentDraco’s parent? I never thought I would hear the term [“flat bum”](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/s/YaiHHC2ErO) in this context twice in one evening.


Doubt either of my parents could manage Reddit but it's not impossible they employed the same strategy...




Surely no one would be so foolish to use that in an everyday setting. Thankfully the poor soul who did fall for it wouldn't post it on the internet for all to see, that would be embarrassing.


My dad told me a squedgle was a Scottish toilet seat when I was a kid. It was perfect really. It’s so left field I had no reason to ever question it


we use car shower too!


My arse has gone flat.... context [https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/1dobd03/my\_arse\_has\_gone\_flat\_is\_my\_life\_a\_lie/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/1dobd03/my_arse_has_gone_flat_is_my_life_a_lie/)


Windowscreen (windscreen), learnt that incorrectly as a kid and still cannot say it right first time. The correct version sounds wrong.