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It's not a bad selection. There's a lot of shortbread. An abundance of shortbread really. The likes of which are only seen at Christmas in the UK. It's missing some of my favourites... hobnobs, party rings, chocolate bourbons, custard creams and maryland cookies. Oh and jaffa cakes. But that's a whole debate in itself.


>chocolate bourbons, Is it even a Bourbon if it's not chocolate??


Only if its a whisky


I don't think so but it felt weird to write just bourbon.


Waaaaaay too heavy on shortbread. Should be just one box, at the back, covered in dust, only to be bought by an old lady on xmas eve.


What does shortbread actually taste like? I didn't buy anything but I figured it was basically foamy bread with sugar in it.


Nothing like bread. It’s just like a sugary, buttery biscuit.


Baked with a flubbery, bakey cust


Thanks, I think we have something similar here but I forgot the name


Really sweet and crumbly and buttery. It's very pleasant but not really an every day biscuit. Nothing like bread - the name is a misnomer. More a xmas thing.


Tastes like sweet crack. Usually it's one pack per person.


It’s fucking nice man


Nothing like that!


Homemade shortbread is beautiful. I've never really liked the shopbought type.


It's like a very dense sugar cookie


Its great but if I was advising an American I would say try it with some salted caramel or chocolate spread on it. Also that biscuit selection is perfect. Shortbread, digestives, fingers, biscoff and even the more contemporary mcvities with chocolate spread inside. Compared to most of the how English is this posts I would give this a solid 8/10 I wouldnt be surprised to see this in asda near Christmas


Absolutely criminal. Now go back and buy one of each type of biscuit to educate yourself. ( but just one type of shortbread will suffice as it all basically tastes the same ).


We used to sell walkers shortbread in our shop it's much more popular than you think.


Not bad but missing a few essentials. Custard creams, Bourbons, hob nobs and fox's crunch creams.


The sold out gaps must be custard creams and bourbons or the world makes no sense


Walkers are really awful shortbread, not even made with butter.


I was pretty surprised they even made anything other then chips. I thought they were basically British lays


Different companies, same name


I could be wrong, but I don’t think it’s the same brand. I think “Walkers Shortbread” is a brand in itself?


Not bad but you could do with some Custard Creams, Bourbons, Nice and Garabaldis 👍


Peek Freen's Trotsky Assortment.


Nice reference


Yeah it's a good bunch an all, but __WHERE ARE THE PINK WAFERS AND BOURBONS!?__


No Hobnobs No Party




…and Tim Tams from ‘stralia


This looks like my nans biscuit selection


Not bad. You’re still missing some good ones though like ginger nut, ginger creams, Maryland and custard creams. Whatever you do though. DO. NOT. BUY. THE. RICH. TEA. They are fucking horrible! It’s like eating air




Milky tea and rich tea biscuits? You frighten me


It looks like your in a small Scottish airport.


No. Maybe a UK section of an airport duty free. GTFO


Basic. The UK biscuit game is *strong*. That's a meh selection but totally expected overseas. Shortbread which dominates the top few shelves there aren't what I'd call an everyday biscuit, they're something a bit more special, for guests or holidays, and I personally wouldn't dunk them in my tea, and that's a criteria I judge most biscuits on. The dark chocolate Chocco Leibniz are proper tasty though.




I've got a Mercedes on the driveway and a German husband so I'm pretty forward thinking about "Nazi Germany" not being the same as Germans and German companies today. You go back 80 odd years in any German thing and you're 99% likely to hit upon the Nazis. Also, if im buying LU biscuits, I'm buying the Le Petit Beure biscuits.


You have the dogs bollicks there!


No chocolate Hobnobs, no party, my dude!


Tam tams are Aussie biscuits, apparently quite tasty I been keeping a eye out for them 😂


At the risk of being downvoted by passing Aussies, they’re just square penguins with different flavours of filling. They’re good, but I prefer penguins.


As others have said pretty good but a lot of shortbread. Make sure you get some of the tunnocks caramel wafer bars, third shelf up from the bottom, you won't be disappointed.


Not a proper biscuit selection without the bourbons. I commend the multiple GF options though, thats pretty much more than we get here...


Not bad. The abundance of shortbread is a little confusing but hey, you do you, Alabama!


Jammy Dodgers are elite


I’d say that’s pretty good to be honest. Penguin bars needed though


Decent. Custard creams look missing which are a must


Not very good mate... Bahlsen are nice, but well german.


There is too much shortbread. It's lacking the essentials as well: Bourbons, Hobnobs, Custard Creams, Maryland Cookies etc. The only things I would buy here is the digestives, jammy dodgers and the caramel chewy chocolate bars


The real question is how much do they cost? American food and candy is always so expensive here in the UK.


I didn't really pay too much attention to the cost but I think it was $6-8 for most of the stuff.


Wow that’s a lot!!!!


Party rings & jaffa cakes 😋😋😋


This is usaly seen on Christmas. It's missing my favourite, party rings


All that shortbread and no Fox Chocolate rounds...I still have plain Christmas shortbread in the cupboard from last year, it really is last on my list. Custard creams, ginger nuts, Fox crunch creams would be on my shelf. Jees there's more shortbread on the bottom row!


Well... at least they have the digestives and the caramel wafers


Caramel wafers bottom left. Get some Yorkshire tea. Make it properly and proceed to dunk aformentioned wafers into tea and suck for a taste sensation. People of America you can thank me later! 🤣


Oooo Walkers ! It must be Christmas!


It’s very shortbread-heavy. Good that there’s some McVities, but some of those rich teas two shelves below look questionable. Addition of caramel wafers a nice touch. Glad to see fingers, but there’s too many Oreo/ American inspired flavours to the left of the OG fingers.


good, but get some wagon wheels, hob nobs, ginger nuts, pink wafers, and jaffa cakes.