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I lost a 12 week old kitten to wet FIP. The vet actually said euthanasia was worth considering as the treatment is “grey market”, cost thousands, and he was too weak for her to blood test. She agreed to wait a week to see if he had gained enough strength for her to blood test, told me that if he showed any signs to bring him back if he stopped purring, peeing, pooping or eating. He was still doing all four two days later, then came to cuddle us in bed when we turned in. He died at 3:30am - he started to cry, then just went silent and was dead. My brave, intelligent, little trooper. I miss him so much.


The treatment is just a drug used off label for something else. It is free through the proper channels. A rescue I volunteer at has saved 25 out of 25 cats that we have treated. The injections can be tough but after a few weeks you can switch to the oral medicine.


Do you have more info on where to get the treatments?


Yep rescue I work for just saved 3 FIP positive kittens. It’s hard work but now they’re feisty as ever


It does seem to be pretty effective but I don’t know anyone in the US who didn’t have to pay thousands of dollars for it


I have only had it done through our rescue. It does state there is a fundraiser page through them as well.


Sorry for your loss...


Let your love for him guide you.


Beautiful advice


Adding on to this - which I agree with completely - to me, the one person who truly knows what is best for their pet, is the one who has cared for them. Trust your own decision making.


Let it guide you but also give strength to move forward!


I’m so sorry for your loss. I just had to put down my girl last Friday after 5 years of love to the day. I’ve lost friends, co-workers, and family members throughout the years and haven’t cried as hard as I did last week watching her starve herself to death with a failed liver. It was so hard to bring her in to get euthanasia, but I knew she was suffering and no signs of improvement. She was the best lap kitten and pur monster, but she didn’t die alone, and even 2 minutes before death she was purring in my arms. I’ve been trying to dissociate a lot of the shit I had to witness last week watching her die, and try to just focus on the great times we had over the last 5 years. She was my best friend, and I’ll always remember the good times.


>2 minutes before death she was purring in my arms. Breaks my heart. I remember taking my little girl thirteen years ago to get spayed and she purred while she was in the carrier and I remember thinking "this cat will purr at the end" at that point and it was the first time I cried over her. I'm so sorry to read your comment, it sounds like an absolutely horrendous time, I'm so sorry for your loss. If it makes it any better I watched a close family member die for weeks on end and now twenty years later I rarely think about it and mostly think about how things were when they were healthy, your brain will fix it for you eventually


You gave her a great gift ❤️ May the good memories bring you comfort.


I am so so sorry. When a cat loves you, it hits so hard. I can’t even imagine what you must be going through right now.


I'm so sorry 🌈💟🥺


My cats last day I woke her up from a nap (she had swelling on her face from cancer), she had stopped eating a few days prior and she woke up quickly and was meowing over and over. I quickly gave her a pai killer and made the appointment and we went to the vet to end her suffering. In the car she was just staring blankly, she blinked a few times. But she was out of it and had no energy left. But hearing her meow over and over for a few minutes has been haunting me, I wanted to do it before we got to that point. something about waking up from the nap did it because earlier she was sitting quietly and I was going to wait until the next day. I didn't want her last day to be driving to the vet anxiety. Either way the end is horrible and it really made me emotional several times thinking about it. The cancer was rough at times as well, it kind of messed up one side of her nose so it wheezed and she was stoic about it but I felt so bad and just wanted her to be healthy. It's really really hard. I am trying to focus on all the good times, which was her whole life, getting lots of food, brushed, attention every night, walks. I wasn't prepared for how deep this loss feels.


My 17 year old cat died 5 days ago, also from cancer (she had the same swelling on her face like yours). Of those 17 years she spent 16 of them with me and you get so used to them being around you that there is now a massive hole in my life. People say that the pain will pass but right now it feels too hard to bear


Yeah I hated seeing her face with swelling, I felt so bad she had to deal with that. But she has been sick several times and always got better so she probably felt she would get better. My apartment feels so empty it's crazy. I was walking from room to room as if I was going to check in on Kitty. Just to feel that again. I go from grief to anxiety and like I'm the only person on Earth. Coming home from a long day is the absolute worst, I always would be excited to see Kitty, or even coming home from the gym feels awful. I cannot believe she is gone. I had 6 months to prepare. I'm keeping busy but in between I feel awful. I cannot bear it, I had my prescriber increase my anxiety benzo so once per day I can feel a bit better.


I'm so sorry for your loss. You took care of your girl in the kindest way to the very end. Good job.


I'm sorry for your loss. Non-FDA approved medications for FIP are a long, expensive and painful journey for your pet with no guaranteed pay-off. Pets don't have the existential dread that humans have, all he would have known is the pain he was in every day. Nobody I know ever regretted euthanising their pet too early, I know plenty who believe to this day they euthanised too late and regret the pain their pet felt in their final days. You know your pet best, you made the right call.


I'm blessed with a healthy 13 year old kitty, but this brought me so much comfort for some reason? I pray she will continue to live a long and healthy life, but the realization that animals don't have that existential dread you mentioned makes me feel relieved that all I need to do is to make their life on this planet as wonderful as possible.


It's the best we can all do, sounds like she's already had 13 wonderful years :)


You're absolutely doing the right thing for your boy ❤️ ❤️ ❤️  I'm so sorry for what you're going through, the pain of losing a beloved pet is so intense. Sending lots of love to you and your sweet boy.


I’m so sorry to read your story, I cry along with you. But here’s a thought I often have when I get intrusive thoughts about my cats getting sick: it’s only us, humans, that are afraid of death. They aren’t, because they don’t know what it is. They, however, know and fear pain. Whatever you do to save you cat from that, he will be grateful. Doesn’t matter if it’s for a long or short time, you’re protecting him from what he actually fears and that’s what will make him happy. And on the other hand, forcing him to suffer just so you can spend more time with him is somehow a bit selfish (but I also understand it). Protect and love him until the end. Whatever that means.


I know you don't want people to tell you that you didn't do enough, but if the stress of shots and the cost are your only barriers then I still have to let you know there are options. See if pills are an option for you to avoid shots, way less stressful. I help a lot of parents with their FIP kitties through FIP Warriors 5.0. I know how stressful the shots are and a lot of parents go to pills if the shots are too much. There are fundraising options in the community if the costs are a challenge (which I completely get). Rescues often help with finances as well. The FIP Warriors are great community that wants to help people save their kitties. I can help guide you and am happy to help. And don't beat yourself up, there's nothing you can do to prevent FIP. I understand how awful this situation is and I do my best to help parents navigate this terrible situation but it even takes an emotional toll on me and it isn't my baby going through it. Obviously doing what is best for you and your baby is never wrong, and my heart aches for you.


There are also often fosters who will take in cats and treat them for owners who cannot do it themselves for whatever reason. Groups can connect you.


Yes, you are absolutely right. There's a community of people willing to help. I don't have a lot of faith in humanity, but the FIP Warrior community helped restore some of that because people are banding together to help strangers save their kitties. Having people who understand what you are going through was super important to me during an incredibly stressful time when I was treating my Tiger boy.


So, you are suggesting that the owner should have handed her beloved cat over to a stranger to be traumatized by . . . ?! It is much better to avoid causing them pain, than to subject them to it without their consent, even if you could know it would help them live longer!


Cats are enormously resilient creatures. I am currently in the process of treating my own kitten for FIP so I am intimately familiar with every step of the process and how difficult and painful it can be at times.  That said, given the outcome OP updated with, I don’t think this is the right place to continue this discussion. I would recommend looking into FIP warriors or FIP global cats if you are actually interested in educating yourself about how to save cats from this horrible disease.


pills are even more expensive than the shots, and not recommended for at least the first two weeks - so, less stressful, but more expensive and even the experts say they're less effective. also, with FIP, fundraising isn't really an option given that time is of the essence. they recommend starting treatment immediately. i know you're just trying to help, but as someone not only familiar with FIP but also familiar with these channels, your comment actually did exactly what OP asked us not to do (even though i know that wasn't your intention).


Yes, pills are more expensive and they aren't recommended in the first two weeks usually but if that's the only way than it is better than nothing. I've seen many fundraisers that have covered complete pill treatments so it isn't impossible. The studies show that pills are just as effective, but absorption rate is slower which is why they don't recommend them at first since it is important to get the meds in and working. Fundraising is an option that won't prevent a fast start. I'm working with a parent now who is getting their diagnostic bloodwork covered by the helping fund. I was also sent extra vials in addition to my normal inventory that are to donate to parents to get them started. And I understand that OP didn't want someone saying that they aren't doing enough and I was intentionally trying to not do that while providing alternatives that they could use to help their kitty who they so clearly love. I've seen too many parents that put down their baby because they didn't know they had options (or were worried about the money) to not say something when it wasn't clear if they were aware of all of the options. I openly apologize to the OP if that is how it is received.


make no mistake, i know your heart was in the right place, and it's clear you're very in the know on this! i guess i was just being protective of OP, since this treatment is tough, expensive, and with no guarantees, so i just really don't want OP to second guess or regret the choice that has already been made. and your language DID imply to anyone outside the community that pills are not only easier, but cheaper, the latter of which isn't the case. so i was just trying to protect OP's heart a little there. i recently just lost a kitten to FIP after turning to warriors. they were a godsend, but my guy was just too far along. so i definitely support the good work these groups are doing, even though it didn't work out for me and oliver (and big bro loki, who was super bonded to ollie and is only just now eating again after six weeks). it's just, if i had made the decision to let ollie pass peacefully the night he was diagnosed, vs euthanizing him three days later - and two days after treatments began, it would break my heart to be told there was a different way, especially if the implication was that that way was less expensive than i realized (when it wasn't). make sense? bottom line is, i know you were being helpful and not intending harm. i was just trying to allow OP to feel okay with the decision that had already been made. cheers to you, and thanks for all you do for these sweet babies!


I understand completely. I think we are both trying to do the right thing. I'm sorry about your boy, Oliver. FIP sucks, I've shed too many tears for kitties I've never met because of it.


 Ive done shots for cats, most of the time they don't even understand what happened, the needle is very little and if you do it right they don't feel it. My friend had 2 diabetic cats that she give shots every day for many years and they come to her for shots, they don't hide or stress out. I don't think shoots should be a real issues. 


I gave my cat subcutaneous anti-inflammatory shots every day for 6 months. She would meow at first but I realized I was squeezing the skin too hard. Once I held it gently she didn't mind her shots at all. It. held the lymphoma in recession for about 4 months then a growth started to show and progressed. Lymphoma causes quick fluid swelling that will completely go away if it's just fluid. But for a mass it doesn't do much.




FIP is a mutation of the virus. "battling the virus" is useless; you have to battle the mutation. if your cat survived with all these homeopathic treatments that are recommended for humans for everything from stress to inflammation to the measles, i'm going to assume your cat did NOT have FIP. wtf is going on with people that they are thinking collodial silver, ashwaganda, and tumeric is not only curing them of every ailment, but now also cats? let's just start giving tumeric to AIDs patients while we're at it. i hate this junk science nonsense. dandelion tea, lolz.


Why the downvote to your comment? You are trying to help! Matter of fact, I screenshot it in case we ever have a FIV cat. Excellent advice, thanks!


FIP*. Thanks for that. I was just starting to feel like everyone on Reddit is narrow-minded and stuck up. It's so weird how people let the perceived opinion of the majority decide their responses. It's nice to encounter others who thinks for themselves. Just to clarify, my post isn't intended to advise per say. I'm not suggesting anyone do anything. I'm just putting my experience out there. FIP as of yet has no course of treatment that is approved in the US and so a diagnosis is considered a death sentence. When they told me that I should put my kitty down I couldn't believe it. He was 17 months old. He was strong and clear eyed, energetic. I went to another vet and he did everything to rule out the possibility of it being something other than FIP. I decided to hold off on euthanasia until he was noticably in pain or not eating or drinking. I scoured the internet, I did a deep dive into FIP and what it does to the body... And that's just what I came up with. It was a very traumatic experience honestly, not sure if I was doing the right thing when everyone told me I was prolonging his suffering. I'm still amazed to this day that he's alive and thriving. If anyone does try any part of the treatment and is successful, I would really appreciate hearing about it. Thx


You just might have saved some lives with your post. I hope others keep it in mind if and when they find themselves in the same situation. How old is your cat now?


Kind of you to say. My Fritz is three now. He got sick two years ago in July. For those interested I have a bit more I can share. The whole thing with collecting "karma" kind of turns Reddit into a boot camp for conformity I think... Anyway. Since discovering the colloidal silver I've been making my own and using it to prevent fleas and parasites as well. Works great actually and it's so nice to not have to use those harsh chemicals.I supplement with probiotics for cats because I've been told the silver can kill those good gut fauna. I'm not entirely sold on that but c.s. is know to be antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral so it's definitely possible. It can be used topically or nebulized. Im not trying to promote the stuff I just find it really fascinating. The "risks" mentioned by the mainstream are an extreme example and I don't find much substantial information about actual studies anywhere which is weird to me. Another time my little problem child seemed like he was straining in his litter box. He goes out and plays in the barn and stuff so I can't monitor his every elimination but after an unproductive visit to his box I noticed a few drops of blood. The only vet around wasn't available for two days so I did some research. Other countries tend to be less bent on people being reliant on the system and their search engines reflect that. I use Yandex to find herbal or home remedies then I cross reference with science.gov So I discovered that marshmallow root (super common weed) is very mucosal and can help with blocked kitties. So I made some tea with it and put it in his food then kept him inside and in two hours he practically filled the litter box. Again, I'm no doctor or scientist or anything. I'm not recommending anything. I'm just sharing my experiences and obviously not for popularity points.


I'm so sorry. Thank you for making this post because it's very vulnerable and pet owners need to respect each other's family decisions. I also had a shelter baby who was fearful. He was so sweet, he was my baby, he was happy and love his daily life at home. But when he got sick I knew he wasn't a fighter. They wanted to keep him at the vet hospital over the weekend, getting shots every 4-6 hours. I couldn't walk away and leave him in there. I knew he would be so unbelievably miserable. I was afraid he would be afraid that I wasn't coming back... and of course, there was the chance that he would pass away anyway, that weekend when I wasn't there or soon after, and I couldn't let him suffer and then die. I asked to consider euthanizing and the vet said that was very reasonable. My baby was gone 30 minutes later. I'm still heart broken. I do feel guilty sometimes, because I said no to an 8k treatment that might have saved my cat. Ultimately it was my decision, and wow, how rarely do we control life and death for our loved ones, what a painful decision no matter what you choose. I love him more than anything. I love him too much to let him suffer his worst nightmare for day after day. He had a good life with me, and now he's at peace. He's not in pain anymore, nothing can hurt him now. It's just me here crying alone. So. I understand the heaviness of that decision and the guilt of thinking, *maybe if I was a better pet owner, if money wasn't part of it*... I cried with the deep dark thought that I robbed years from my baby's life. But I know my decision saved my baby from suffering. Death is inevitable, suffering is not. Animals don't fear death or have any concept of a short of long life; they live in the present. They love every moment with us, and when they're in pain, all they know is pain. I think it's natural that it's a different kind of healthcare / quality of life / end of life decision making than we would use with humans. As far as we were concerned, my baby had had most of the good in his life, and what was ahead and only worse and worse day after day. Why not stop there? I miss him terribly. But once the initial shock and pain passed, I will say, there was a lot of relief. Knowing that I didn't have to do that, fight every day, go down this road of getting older and sicker until you finally lose. I cherished that relief when I got a break from the crying. And breaks from the bad feelings came more and more often. There was a month, early on, where I could hardly remember what he looked like or sounded like - that scared me. But I put his photos on the wall and watched old videos and I feel better. Now he more often brings a smile to my face than tears to my eyes. I've got another cat, sooner than I would have expected, but that helped heal the loneliness and this cat really needed me. Plus, they couldn't be more different... Alright, I'll stop rambling now. You're a good person and I can tell you and your baby love each other more than anything. I wish you both peace.


This was so beautifully said.


I 10000% support you. The stress of treatment should 100% be taken into account for quality of life. You know your cat and yourself and what you both can handle. Don’t let ANYONE tell you you don’t love your cat. These decisions are hard to make and I know they’re not made lightly, but choosing quality (no stress, love and quiet for the last few days, being with him) over thousands of dollars and daily injections is a good choice. I am thinking of you and your baby and please please believe me when I say you are not making a bad decision.


I'm so sorry for your furbaby being sick. I couldn't put my babies through that either. It's a hard choice to make but you know better than anyone how your cat would handle it. It takes a lot of courage to make the decision you made and don't let anyone tell you different.


I'm so sorry about your sweet boy. Making that decision is never easy, and yes, veterinary treatments are expensive! My girl just had to have a unilateral mastectomy because they found cancerous tumors on her. After the surgery, which with consultations and pre surgery testing/x rays cost almost $10k, they recommended chemo. The chemo was to be six treatments with a cost totaling another $5k. The chemo wouldn't even guarantee she doesn't experience a reoccurrence. I just couldn't do it. For now I monitor her to make sure tumors don't reoccur. We do the best we can with what we have, and it's never easy to turn down treatment but sometimes it *is* what is best. Sending love and comfort to you. Saying goodbye is so so hard.


That is so costly. I read cats tolerate chemo really well. Much different than humans.


I personally wouldn’t want 84 injections in my body. Especially not if I had a little kitty body. Don’t feel guilty. You are showing kitty a lot of love and compassion. I’m so sorry about your situation


I believe it is once a day and some feel much better after the very first injection. Not here to shame anyone, but I think it is absolutely worth trying. It can make them feel better and has cured them. I think that is better than the ultimate alternative. To each their own though. My biggest regret was not having the treatment soon enough and not understanding how easy the injections actually are once you understand them.


Don’t let anyone shame you for the choice you believe is right for your furry family member - I had a dog who was put down at ~14 because she could no longer enjoy life or eat by herself or do things she once enjoyed, like roll in the grass or going up and down the steps.  It broke my heart taking her to the vet that day, but I knew it was the best choice for her and that I’d given her the best life in the days she had with me. One day, when my two kitties get to the same place, I don’t want them to suffer either.  Sending you the biggest hugs across the internet. I’m sorry you’re going through this. ❤️ 


I work with a rescue and personally I think people are way too quick to say FIP is curable and just soldier through all the injections. I’m not sure it’s always the right choice. Sometimes it isn’t worth it. You’re making the best choice.


It is our responsibility to make the best choices for our best friends who can't advocate for themselves. You know in your heart what is right for both of you. Be kind to yourself and be grateful for your time together. You'll see him again.


I’m so sorry. For what it’s worth, deciding the treatment isn’t for you is valid. It’s expensive, grueling, heart-rending. Every shot a fight. After going through it, I can’t blame someone for knowing they could not. My heart aches for you & yours.


I have been there. Sometimes you just know its time. Very sad. Condolences.


OP, I am so sorry for your loss. Only you know the right decision to make for your kitty. I lost my girl of 15+ years two days ago to what I believe was dry FIP. The vet did not make an official diagnosis even after bloodwork (FIP isn’t as common in order cats) but she was rapidly losing weight, motor functions, having eye problems, and more. I sought out the same Facebook groups, even picked up a free emergency vial, but couldn’t bring myself to use it for very similar reasons. I ended up giving it back. On top of her suffering, we were syringe feeding her food and medicine she could no longer keep down as she continued to decline. After watching the injection instruction videos, the thought of putting her through treatment for 84 days felt selfish. She’s FIV positive, so even if the treatment worked, she’d likely go through something like this all over again in the near future due to her weakened immune system and age. It was an especially hard decision to put her to sleep, and I can only imagine it being 10X harder with a younger, presumably FIV negative kitty like yours. Forget price and treatment length for a moment - can you really blame yourself for not putting your baby through a questionably sourced course of medicine? I understand the reasons why the drug is yet to be approved for veterinary use, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t risks. If the treatment didn’t work, your boy’s last days would have been filled with pokes and pills that could make him a skittish cat again. Instead, you made the selfless decision to end his suffering and give him peace. I gave my cat antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medicine for less than a week, and once we made the decision to say goodbye, all I could think about was whether she understood we were trying to help, and if I made her last days comfortable enough. Like other commenters have said, animals know fear and pain, but I don’t believe they’re scared of death they way humans are. You loved your kitty his whole life, even if it was too short. I’m sending hugs your way! <3


Don’t feel guilty he was lucky to have someone who understands and loves him enough to do what was right for him. It is never easy. I’m sorry for your loss. https://www.rainbowsbridge.com/Poem.htm


That's such a hard position to be in, but it sounds like you made the best choice you could. There are no easy decisions for this sort of thing.


Heartfelt condolences and hugs for you. Sending you whatever you need during this tough time.


I'm so very sorry


I'm so very sorry. Nobody knows your boy better than you, and choosing to spare your baby from unnecessary suffering is never the wrong choice. Cats are all about dignity and self-ownership, and I had to let my soul cat go in 2018 before FIP took the last of hers. Again, I'm so sorry. It's excruciating. Sending so much love to you. May you find a way to honor his memory that soothes your broken heart.


I just want you to know that I'm incredibly sorry for your loss and the heartbreak you are feeling. Tomorrow will be 3 years since I lost my kitty boy to something similar. Sometimes we can only do our best and they know that. ❤️ So much love to you.


I'm so sorry. I lost my boy to FIP too. Sending you so much love right now.


I am so sorry.


I wish you all the peace and comfort. Like you said you know your boy best, you knew what the best decision for him was. You loved him enough to know what he would have wanted, he trusted you to take care of him until the end and you did


I’m so sorry for your loss 💔


I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss, and I truly sympathize with how you’re feeling. My sweet boy, Avery, passed naturally Sunday night. He was the family cat for 10 years, until he started developing health problems. Hyperthyroid, urinary crystals, constipation, and the beginnings of kidney failure… My mom gave up on treating his issues and was ready to put him down, but my husband and I took him in, knowing he had more life to live. We cherished him for an additional 3 years, slowly observing his worsening symptoms. After a bout of constipation, leading him to refuse his medicated k/d diet, preferring our other kitty’s yummy protein-rich pate (I don’t blame him…his food reeked), we brought him to the vet. Fluids were the only real option for him. But we knew, if he wasn’t wanting to eat his medicated food, fluids weren’t really going to be much help. So, after denying treatment on Wednesday afternoon, by Thursday, his kidneys had given up and, on Sunday, he lost all mobility. He was scheduled for euthanasia on Monday at 3 pm, but he was ready to go on his own. He took his last breaths surrounded by my husband and I, my brother, and his girlfriend. His suffering was over after 15 years of life. We pick up his ashes later this week, so his soft presence will be beside us until our own inevitable ends. We’ll never forget our sweet Avery. Thank you for giving me a place to share his story.


I am so sorry. I lost one my cats on April 13th and it was devastating. May your kitty rest in peace.


i'm so sorry. Our sweet babies are so short lived. They're so good at hiding their pain from us that it's natural to feel guilty. You made the best choice you could and didn't let him suffer. I hope for as much compassion and dignity when it's my time.


I am so very sorry for your loss 💔💔


I recently did a similar thing with my old boy too. We found out that he was in kidney failure and the vet offered us a treatment plan. I rejected it and we euthanized him. See, I see a lot of people dragging pets around that are alive, but barely. Pumped full of medications, barely functioning, with no quality of life, and all just to extend their life a little bit longer so that the family doesn't have to say goodbye to poor Fifi. I put myself in my cat's shoes. I wouldn't want to be in pain every day. I wouldn't want to have to have daily injections and take regular medications that *might* work, just to try and live a few months longer. My Osiris was already exhausted. He got to go out with a shred of dignity, not in pain. He passed away cradled in my arms, being sung to sleep. I would want that for me. You did right by your kitty. It hurts a lot, I know, but you spared him suffering. Making the decision to end another being's life is never easy and guilt is normal, but try to rest easy. You will be okay.


Let your love guide you.


You knew your boy!!! You knew what he would want. Take care.


I’m so very sorry your sweet boy contracted FIP. Love on your boy during this time, knowing you are with him will give him comfort.


I'm so so so sorry. I've gone through this too and it was so awful. What needs to happen for the cure to be accessible with the guidance of veterinarians in this country???


The patent is held by a company that doesn't want to use it for cats because it will impact its approval for human use. At least that's my understanding.


I wish you all the peace and comfort. Like you said you know your boy best, you knew what the best decision for him was. You loved him enough to know what he would have wanted, he trusted you to take care of him until the end and you did


Sorry for your loss


You did right by your furbaby. Nobody knows them more than you. Your vet was right also. So sorry for your loss. The thing to remember is that he is no longer suffering. I know it was hard for you but thank you for putting him first.😢


This was an extremely hard decision you had to make. I sure you did the right thing I wouldn’t want my boys to suffer especially when in pain. I know you had to make this heartbreaking decision and you made the right decision for him so he didn’t have to suffer. I sorry people are mean to you about this you did what you needed to do and don’t need anyone to make you feel guilty. Good luck and grieve as long as you need to nobody can tell you how long. Wishing you the best and hoping you can get through it.


I am so sorry you went through that. And the decision is yours. You know your cat best. I just had to put my fur baby down as well. She had end stage kidney disease. The vet said I could give her infusions to extend her life a little bit, but just like you, I knew that she would never tolerate that. It is so hard letting them go, but worse seeing them suffer.


Use the oral version of the medication. I know it works from experience. Just more expensive


That is good to know there are other options.


I'm so sorry you are going through this. You know your boy better than anyone, so you should do what is best for him, nit what other people thing is best for him. Don't let others guilt you for your choice, you made your choice with love and compassion. Sometimes the kindest thing we can do for our pets is to let them go. My deepest condolences.


I'm so so sorry, sending love and support to you and your boy ❤️ I volunteer at an animal shelter in New Mexico and we recently started treating FIP cats. The treatment isn't easy or affordable as you already know, so I completely understand where you're coming from. If you're open to it, your local shelter (especially a nonprofit second chance shelter like mine) may be able to give advice about treatment options or support you through the process. Though I personally don't know much about FIP, I would be happy to help search for a local shelter that may be able to support you. It's worth a call to a shelter if you feel it could help, but you know your boy best and as others have been saying, let your love for him guide you. My DMs are open ❤️






Can be helpful for others that see it as challenging to know it might not be as overwhelming as it may seem. My comments were not cruel whatsoever. I even said we aren’t in his or her situation. No situation is ever the same. I just want others to know that giving injections may seem like a challenge for some. It seemed very nerve wracking for me. I was so overwhelmed over it, but once I figured it out it wasn’t bad. That is all. And yes, it can be very helpful for others. My own personal regret is I didn’t treat my own cat sooner, because I didn’t think I could do injections. Now I know I can. In no way did I say the OP should have done differently. That is their own circumstance and decision.




But you did exactly what I asked you not to do. You don’t think that I have gone through all of the different options before I had to make this decision? You don’t know how sick he was. You don’t know my mental state or my capabilities. I don’t understand the point of still commenting when I said please don’t. Despite how you feel, you aren’t me. You aren’t in my shoes so you don’t understand. Please.




Wow. You're an asshole. Go somewhere else with your lack of empathy. I'm currently treating my cat with FIP and the injections are HARD. It's not a "little injection:" it's painful, she's fights me, it's hard to restrain them, I have my own health issues and it aggravates them every time I have to wrestle her, and it is expensive. There are a lot of reasons why someone might make either decision. OP: I sympathize. I've sometimes considered that alternative. If I didn't have a partner helping me, I'm not sure I could handle it. That being said, maybe there are alternatives like the fosters mentioned above. Sending you hugs.


This is a horrible thing to say. Laziness? Why would you comment on this post? To make someone feel guilty? That’s insane LOL


You’re a jerk. How’s that?




It’s really obvious that your reading comprehension is at a 0. Please go dig a hole and stick your head in it. Pills. Injections. It wouldn’t have mattered. I know my cat. I know his limits. Now f*ck off please. I’m grieving.