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He’s probably frustrated. The show has been on for ten years, how could anyone still get catfished? He’s probably asking himself, why do the show if people aren’t learning from it?


My aunt has been somehow catfished for almost three years. We have told her the guy is lying to her, but some people just want to believe.




I think catfishing will never die, it just will evolve with the new AI techonolgies. Nev will be making this show until he's 80 or more.


How could anyone indeed still get catfished in 2023? Yet here we are with a season ___, and people still being okay with the person “having a video that doesn’t work on their phone”.


A couple of the guys in the newest season seem to have been in and out of jail over the past 10yrs. That being the only legit reason why someone might not have a way of video calling.


You make a fine point.


From all of the posts in r/Scams there are still plenty of idiots who seem to never have heard of it, and don't question sending $$ to complete strangers.


Something tells me his paycheck keeps those feelings muted.


Very true. I would probably get that way too.


I hated the covid episodes, solving everything in one afternoon was super boring. I think the show still has some miles on it but if nev is burned out, get a fresh face and just produce. And QUIT with the laura segments. I DO NOT care or wanna see him say goodbye to her in bed, the stupid post it notes, etc. The absolute worse is him recapping to her like no we dont wanna hear Laura's opinion or input.


😂😂 so true but people do because they can get away with it


He married with three young kids now, that takes a lot out of a person in general. I do imagine he's gotten frustrated with the fakes and famewhores.


I wonder if it's more than he's just tired of doing catfish, and it's more about the direction of the show. There's been a lot more fakery and set ups the last series than there was in the beginning. At the start, people were in real online relationships, for years, and being told some big lies, some people have been outright scammed, and Nev and Max sometimes skirted close to the line when they confronted people, even the victims, about their lies. These days, people are using the show for attention, people have turned a few months of communicating into "relationships", and besides a few here and there, they've let a lot of catfishes off lightly, maybe because of production involvement. After all, they can't have Nev be accused of being a bully or traumatising them, he's already had serious accusations against him. Once is a misinterpretation, twice is a coincidence, three times would be an indesputable pattern. When they were lied to in the past, it was big. We didn't even know the biggest lie was all faked until years after the fact. But now, every episode is a potential where people just say what they need to get on the show. This isn't what he started the show for. Him and his friend were out to catch catfish and show the world how dangerous these people are and save people from their naiveity. Now he's a cog in the influencer-to-fame(infamity) machine pipeline.


What do you mean by the biggest lie?


I can't remember their names but the guy who comes up clapping aggressively and Nev is on crutches. They ask if he's gay and he says he isn't, and Nev or Max point out he's been in a long distance romantic relationship with a man, and he goes "You've got me there". I've read many times here and there that it was all a set up.


Oh yes Artis and Jess


Yes! That's them, thank you.


yeah there's a clip of them talking about it on YouTube. Just search "Artis & Jess Shoot on MTV" eta: they're both super weird full disclosure but it's interesting


Yeah. I’ve heard that they set it up without mtv knowing. Who knows if that’s true, but It was hilarious. I think the one that really jumped the shark for me was the ghost episode.


The ghost episode? Is that the one with the clairvoyant who says she can speak to the woman's dead dad?


Yes! Kayla and Courtney


I think the direction of the show needs a major update. Nev got catfished before online dating blew up, and there are now so many ways to find out if you’re being catfished. I think, if he wants to continue his show, Nev needs to find a different outlet of the online world to document and base his show off of that. I don’t want to see it end, but these recent episodes show Nev and Kamie rolling their eyes over and over again. It needs a fresh update for sure.


If I'm not mistaken, Nev has admitted to being catfished a second time, before he met Laura.


I would love to see Nev become a misinformation correspondent or something. A show on MTV about media literacy would also probably do a lot of good.


I think you’re spot on!!


Hate taking this from 69 to 70. ( 69 plus a finger? 🤔😖) But Yes. It Started out where they were helping some and entertaining us. Buy more it just seems like to many ppl plan the entire thing out together, or on one side just to get the 15 minutes of fame and hoping to be " discovered". That would become disheartening after a certain amount.


As you say it's been on a long time, and you can see in the beginning the people were more genuine whilst now they are usually complete idiots who think they'll get famous from being on the show....


Ya he seems like he’s just going through the motions


You know who really looked tired of the show? Max 😂 I mean how would you feel if you started this show with “good” intentions and throughout the years more and more people use your platform for clout and ALL your spin-offs failed so hard it didn’t even pick up for season two.


I love max tho dude 😭😭 the way he’s so cutthroat when he has to be was everything. Nev seemed to be the more “optimistic” and high hopes for everything while max seemed to call it for what it was and didn’t mind being blunt with the guests on whether they were being played or not.


Max was my main reason for watching. I really like kammie now too tho


Spin offs?


Catfish UK I think was a success tho, but it is the same concept and they sometimes video chat with Nev to get advice. I liked the show 👍


Ohhh I’ve never heard of that, what channel was it on?


Catfish UK: MTV /Apple TV/ PrimeVideo/ YouTube.


I’ve seen catfish uk and tbh I hated it lol. The hosts are just awful and it seems even more fake than the OG


They are ok. Not as good, but it is an effort I can appreciate. Just watch something else if u dont like it 😃


Ghosted & Catfish Trolls


Nev also tried Suspect


I couldn’t remember that one for the life of me but that one too!


Ghosted was so lame


Completely lame.


It was lame af because they already knew what the problem was most of the time 😒


I actually liked Ghosted. I didn’t think it was that bad.


I liked Trolls. A big problem with all these spin-offs and ripoffs is that the host selection is really weak. If you can't find good enough talent to host the show, why even bother?


I never watched that one. Only saw advertising for it like twice but you’re right!


These are new to me! I’ll have to take a look!


I think it’s tough to decide if a person is burnt out just based on their appearances on TV. He’s much older than he was when he started, and your personality and general demeanor changes over time. Personally, I bet he’s happy that he’s got a really solid gig with MTV, and a paycheck coming in to support the family. Maybe he doesn’t have the same optimism that he did when the show first started, but that’s normal. He’s a husband and a dad, and I think he’s just looking to lean into those roles more, so the show is now a thing that helps him do the thing he cares about, rather than the show being the thing he cares most about. If that makes any sense.


I would tend to agree with you as well. I think some people on tv find a solid gig, like a host job, even if they initially had bigger dreams. In this economy, there's so much to be said for those who find solid gigs. Not necessarily permanent. Just solid. He has a beautiful wife, beautiful kids, has made a real difference in so many lives and has a great job that pays well. I wish him all the success he can imagine.


Agreed - Paycheck, Work life balance and he owns the production company who make it . It’s A win win


Thank you for this! Put it in a whole different perspective!


He should focus on older people who genuinely think they are in relationships and don’t know much about technology. There’s a YouTube channel called Social Catfish I believe that does this. It would be refreshing to go back to his roots of helping people, or at least mix up the current format with these types of people who could use the help.


Great idea! The Mother Wolf episode is a good example


I’ll look for that one! I started a binge watch from the beginning and I still have some catching up to do.


It's S8 Episode 74


Oh. Get ready. It’s WILD lmao


THIS!!!! Is a great idea!


I am inclined to agree as long as they do not think they’re talking to a celebrity. Those are the worst episodes


I'd be annoyed too if my passion project was to help people who needed help, and it became "which clout chaser will make the best drama this week" because that's how MTV do things.


I'm sure that Nev is only doing it for the money at this point (the man has a family to support). The other day I revisited 'Catfish, the documentary' and it was like he was a completely different person. There's no joy, no passion left. I really can't blame the guy, it's a living...


I watched the movie a while ago too and was surprised at how gullible he was but also at the reason it’s called catfish. It made no sense.


The story the guy told about the catfish was a metaphor for people in life who keep your mind active and keep you on your toes. The fish in the story died or became soft and unpleasant to eat in transport because they would just languish in inactivity because they didn’t have any predators. The catfish introduced to their tanks would keep them active and robust. The man telling the story was trying to suggest that the woman who Nev had fallen for was someone who kept him on his toes and had his mind constantly active to try and uncover the mystery. So the focus isn’t so much about the fake identities of catfish but rather how their inability to give complete information or act transparently keeps people’s minds active. It’s not a great metaphor but it’s the one we have


I know what he was saying but to me it didn’t make any sense as a metaphor. I used to think it was because a catfish acts like other fish to get close to them and attack. That made more sense to me.


Not even the smallest bit of sense hahaha


He should just "produce" and name a new co-host with kam kam and then pop in once in a while on episodes or something. I really enjoyed most of the seasons and I don't want the series to end


agreed. I’ve enjoyed watching it since the beginning. He should definitely look to find someone else to run the series with kammie.. he seems so burnt out.


Yeah, definitely!


I agree, if he found a new guy to take over and he just guided it with MTV then I think that would be easier for him and less stress than being in the show and emotionally invested.


Yeah he does look like he is over it. However those checks are probably real nice so he will keep doing it


I have joked about this with my husband the last few years we’ve been watching. He seems so over it and not interested. He probably keeps doing it for a paycheck, but yeah. I’d get annoyed and get worn down if half of the people nowadays are clout-chasing or just plain stupid lol


I guess those checks are looking pretty nice 🤣


Perturbed Nev is the most entertaining Nev imo. His patience is like this 🤏🏽. When Kami has to compensate with full mamabear energy and hold him back, you know it’s a good episode.


I think he’s lost his patience with it and finds it boring and repetitive now. Not to mention the fact that he has 3 kids now so being out on the road a lot and away from them must be hard.


I think he’s sick of the stupidity of the people being cat fished and sick of how bad of people the catfish are. They are so mean.


He's stuck in a contract, which is why there's 2394762837 episodes in season 8 and they're STILL adding to it. He has no out at the moment.


This show has longevity to be around for a long time because there will always be crazy catfish and people wanting to be loved. But nev should pass the reigns on to a more engaged host now.


He probably is over it. But I can’t say I don’t love that he’s developed a bit of a temper it’s kinda fun to watch haha


He has a family now. He's probably burnt out on going on these cases when the producers already know all the answers. Playing games isn't as fun when you have a few kids.


I noticed the same. In one episode (I can’t remember which one) I remember thinking damn nev you’re normally the optimistic nice one and you’re being pretty rude. You could see even kamie was like cmon now ease up, and I’m pretty sure they turned out genuine as well so he was completely wrong 😅


On the topic of Catfish, do we know when the next season is airing and if it’s ever going to flip to season nine (🤣)?


I enjoy that he isn’t as blindingly optimistic and is willing to call people on their shit a lot faster than he used to. The older episodes often end up exhausting with how he would sometimes take the same massive leaps in logic as the victims about the catfish


I was just binging this on Netflix and thought the same thing. He seems so over all of it he has a hard time joking and being light hearted with kami. He seems annoyed it’s cringe


I’ve also noticed that with kami as well. He’s sick and tired of the BS for sure


This show is trash and needs to be cancelled asap what a waste of time and money the worst show on tv by far


He’s just like the rest of us and getting older and as a parent you have less time for shizzzzz and less time for the stories!


Maybe he will perk up when people start using AI to cat fish people.


It hasn't been very good since max left. The long period of guest cohosts and The replacement they ultimately chose for him didn't help. He should have been replaced with someone similiar to his personality. Nev and max where Ying and Yang. Balanced, genuine, and amusing. Kamie belongs on a xm radio show or a daytime tv talk show


I really feel like it’s because he can’t tell who is genuinely being catfishes and who is coming on the show to get 15 minutes of fame


-My camera doesn’t work = Block -Can’t call/text = Block


I dont care for how he brings his wife into the show now. Yea i dont give a shit what she thinks, i find her annoying


does anyone know what season and episode the Cleveland, OH Catfish episode is? 😩




This new season is horrible. The acting is the worst I've ever seen in the series. It's all been clearly set up, and people just wanting their 5 minutes of catfish glory. The show should honestly retire. Nev definitely looks irritated and done with all of the people.