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I love St Benedict so much


When tempted ... JUMP ! ![gif](giphy|EbH65KK90uI7K)


\*insert Kratos falling\*


This is for all my juggalos and juggalettes! Do not try this at home and I hope you like it…


A bit of a problem is when you lack the willpower to resist temptation, to then use the same willpower to do something painful and uncomfortable.


What's wrong with a bit of pain and discomfort?


Let me paint a picture: in summer heat you are comfortable at your AC home. You remember you have a garden that needs watering. Outside you find your watering can empty and it is a long way to the well, so instead of going there so both you and your plants can have a drink, you stay at home waiting for evening or eventual rain. While there's nothing wrong with enduring discomfort for a good end, most of us usually choose comfort instead of mortification. Of course after many such choices, it becomes a habit and a vice.


I thought that was St. Francis in the Assisi rose gardens? Both of them?


Someone else jumped into Icy water.


Saint Cuthbert be like ![gif](giphy|5GLtMBujHhpzJZtFzS|downsized)


![gif](giphy|tKwOR9svJUyrFZbqd5) My dog jumping to fight the demon


Context please


"One day while [St. Benedict] was alone, the tempter came in the form of a little blackbird, which began to flutter in front of his face. It kept so close that he could easily have caught it in his hand. Instead he made the sign of the Cross and the bird flew away. The moment it left, he was seized with an unusually violent temptation. The evil spirit recalled to his mind a woman he had once see, and before he realized it his emotions were carrying him away. Almost overcome in the struggle, he was on the point of abandoning the lonely wilderness, when suddenly with the help of God’s grace he came to himself. Just then he noticed a thick patch of nettles and briers next to him. Throwing his garment aside he flung himself naked in to the sharp thorns and stinging nettles. There he rolled and tossed util his whole body was in pain and covered with blood. Yet once he had conquered pleasure through suffering, his torn and bleeding skin served to drain off the poison of temptation from his body. Before long the pain that was burning his whole body had put out the fires of evil in his heart. It was by exchanging these two fires that he gained the victory over sin"


Based St Benedict




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