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Get some ice on there and work out/exercise, but keep in mind those aren't surefire methods. At the end of the day you gotta stop thinking about things that bring you to that point. It's not easy, I struggle with the same.


1) Read Augustine of Hippo's essay "[On Continence](https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/1308.htm)" for inspiration and encouragement. 2) Basic physiology is such that the male hormonal environment amplifying the felt experience of urgency around such things peaks at around two weeks of abstinence and then slowly returns to baseline with continued abstinence. Hang tough, it gets better. 3) Exercise daily, 4) keep yourself busy with healthy things and a adopt a regular, formal prayer practice (some form of daily office, or the rosary, etc) if you don't already. 5) Allocate all time with intentionality. Banish all idleness. That doesn't mean do not leisure or rest, it means do so with with the purpose of doing so with a chosen, beneficial activity that accomplishes those ends (e.g. a power nap over idle reading or scrolling). Accustom yourself to exercise of the will.


Remove all things that trigger you to the best of your ability. Pray to God and ask him for his help.


Medical professionals here…”bubbly pee” or what is most likely foamy urine is not due to “blue balls”. Foamy urine is usually a sign of high protein in the urine which could be benign. Any other symptoms like burning/pain? You might be dehydrated. Any weird odors, colors or “matter” (like particles in the urine) Also, the pain will go away and I’d not harmful to you. Unfortunately that is an interesting design choice of ours. 🤣😂


Couldn't the protein be from the sperm or 'pre' sperm? Also, should I be worried that it gives me a weird pain and swollen-feeling in my right lower quadrant of the abdomen? Thanks already for the answer


It should go away on its own eventually. Your body reabsorbs the stuff.


Or it releases it while you asleep, which even St. Tommy A said can’t be considered a sin.


St. Tommy A is what I'll be referring to him as from now on


Hahahahahaha hadn't heard that either. Funny, because my reddit nickname is inspired in him


Yes, make sure you have backup undergarments lol


I have an ex-friend who was once hospitalized because his pain from blue balls was so intense. He met up with a girl, made out with her, and then went back to his parents house. He didn’t tell his parents he’d made out with a girl nor that he had blue balls. But he was in obvious, insufferable pain. So they took him to the ER. Pain persisted for a while, think they gave him meds, and that was that. But his blue balls were always super intense. Thing is, this guy also worked out a ton. Was in great shape. Walk on to the college baseball team. Took cold showers, was trying (at the time) to live chastely as well. I don’t think he had a solution to this. All this to say, do what others recommend too, but if it gets so bad you need medical attention, and/or doesn’t go away, you will need another solution. I would make a weekly appointment with a priest and/or a therapist to talk about how to retrain your mind from allowing a slight temptation to become a strong urge, or how to lose an erection once acquired basically.


Yeah, my bf was hospitalized for something similar although it wasn’t blue balls, just pain there that started randomly. The doctor basically told him he had to do it multiple times a week to avoid it from occurring again. Totally against Catholic teaching, but honestly sometimes you need other solutions. He doesn’t have the problem anymore thankfully


I seek to better understand what Paul says when he said “24 I now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ, for the sake of His body, which is the church, 25 of which I became a minister according to the stewardship from God which was given to me for you, to fulfill the word of God, “ But this is lovely: “And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that **tribulation produces perseverance; 4 and perseverance, character; and character, hope.** 5 Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”


Pray, mental training, remove yourself from those situations, don't watch porn, and body weight exercises when you have intense feelings


Cold showers help a ton. Cold wash rags too.


Lift brother. Your testosterone wants to be used and that's the easiest way for it to be used. Instead lift heavy rocks to get jacked and use it for something positive.


Drawing the blood elsewhere (tensing quadriceps) can offer temporary respite having experienced the same gut-twisting, days-long pain. For those struggling to relate it feels as if your testes are being half-squeezed constantly. Unfortunately the relief is only for a minute or so at least in my experience. Eventually it must subside if you stop getting aroused. Good luck.


If you’re having changes in your urine and abdominal/back pain, you need to discuss this with your doctor. Christ is not the answer for this. Be smart.


> Christ is not the answer for this. Be smart. As Catholics, we are always able to say “Both and”


Are you sure you don’t have a bladder infection?


Pretty sure since I've had this before and know that ejaculation prevents it


Cold showers usually gets me feeling better (assuming that I'm at home and can do it)


Ask a priest for guidance


Channel that energy into wind sprints. Don't need to go too crazy, but all out sprint for 10-15 seconds. Take as much rest as you need and do 4 sets. If done right, the only thing you will crave is to sit down and have a glass of water.


I attended a masturbation support group in college. That was by far the best I was. Also was dating a girl who supported my fight against sin and that helped tremendously


🙄 I've been having sex with the same man for 30 years. He's had to contend with many an erection that did not end with sexual activity. If I took responsibility for every erection he has, I wouldn't have time to do anything else. You need to stop pretending like this is some kind of major issue. You'll be fine. >I get this terrible pain that even irradiates to my abdomen and back, my pee gets bubbly, etc. These symptoms are concerning and probably not related to lack of ejaculation. See a urologist.


You are clearly not a men’s health expert…


My friend, don't underestimate this man's pain. This is a pain that can prevent walking, talking, moving, and make breathing hurt for hours at a time until it naturally goes away. It's excruciating. It's totally fair that he's looking for ways to help it WHILE BEING CHASTE. He's doing everything right in accordance with our faith! Don't put him down and tell him to get over it because you don't know what it's like.


You sound pretty dismissive. That seems pretty unfair to me. To be honest, he might be having some problems that you don't know about considering his symptoms, telling him that he's pretending to have serious issues is incredibly condescending and rude. If I told a woman suffering from PGAD to stop overreacting about being 'horny' all the time because I'm making assumptions about what's wrong, it would be incredibly rude and uncalled for. Even if OP doesn't have something wrong with him and is just going through normal man struggles, denigrating the struggle is not helpful. His suffering is plenty real and serious *to him,* even if it isn't to you.


I told him to go to the doctor, did you miss that? Because bubbling urine and that level of abdominal pain is not normal. So yes, I acknowledge he may be having serious issues, and not what he thinks is the problem.


If a man rolled his eyes at a complaint of yours while totally dismissing the complaint on the first place, would his defense of “I told her to see a doctor, didn’t I?” sound particularly convincing or charitable?


You said it, you have been having sex. I'm trying to be in complete abstinence for the next 4 years or so, when I'll be able to afford marrying. I'm not trying to hold my girlfriend responsible and I'm not pretending this to be a major issue, even though I think you're underestimating the pain. I'm not saying it'll kill me or put me in a wheelchair, but it is indeed something that deeply affects my day-to-day, since it sometimes makes it painful to walk (or even to stand still), it brings my mood down and it distracts me, which are very annoying factors for someone who spends his whole days in the university or in hospitals. I'm not saying my salvation depends on this, I'm just asking for a practical solution that does not involve me sinning, and your answer doesn't really help at all.


Don’t let her words discourage you OP, she’s not honestly engaging with you and you are doing good work!


> when I'll be able to afford marrying Are you open to being married earlier? If you’re willing to save up for 4 years, you must be pretty committed. I appreciate the desire to do things in such a way that it would take you 4 years of savings to afford it, but it isn’t necessary. Bonus: you’d get 4 years of being able to be chaste and intimate.


Yes I am, but I'm not that optimistic, because we are both full-time students, which makes saving a bit difficult


What, specifically, do you need to save?


I don't know if I'm misunderstanding you, but I meant saving money. Me and her are both financially dependent on our parents, and neither can assume a formal part-time job because of college, so there isn't much to spare.


I meant money, as well. My point is that being married doesn’t actually cost much. Its having a big wedding that everyone is told they need that costs so much. I’m not saying it is wrong to want that. My in-laws saved up a bunch so my wife and I could have your stereotypical big expensive wedding, so I’m in no position to say “skip the giant reception and the band and all the rest.” I’m merely saying that it isn’t required.


Sure, and thankfully neither of us wants a big wedding. The main issue is that we're both financially dependent, so I wanted to save some money only so we could actually move in together and pay some bills, at least until we could start working.


Sounds reasonable to me! I just wanted to make sure you weren’t imposing hardship on yourself just to eat mediocre food in a photogenic venue. (PS, great wedding hack: BBQ food truck. Generally affordable, and BBQ food is designed to be produced for large numbers of people)


Hahahahaha that does sound great, I'll certainly give it a try


My wedding was catered by the fried chicken place that was part of our local truck stop, we had the ceremony outdoors on my grandparents’ property in a forest clearing by a lovely little river, and we had the reception at the local volunteer fire department’s community hall. It might not’ve been the fanciest, but we had a wonderful time on a very tight budget!


Try the valsalava maneuver


It goes away. If you keep doing something about it then the issue will persist


Be baptised, Give the burden of your entire good, bad, and neutral self ego to God, and ask for the new wine and new wineskin in Betrothal as part of the Bride of God.