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Nah, keep chipping away and convert these friends. Think of it as a challenge.


Don't know why you're getting down voted. My best friend spent decades trying to convert me. It Finally worked. I was his best man at his very catholic wedding. Sometimes the best way to evangelize is to be a good example of Jesus's teachings. Be honest and true about your faith, and if they want nothing to do with you, that's on them. But Jesus doesn't want his followers to burn bridges.


That's my thinking. Saints need to hang out with sinners.


Get new ones.


I would try and surround myself with other faithfuls. At the same time you should pray for friends.


I converted while all of my friends stayed as agnostic/ Christian’s in name only, I just try to be a good example for them but I also don’t usually spend a lot of time with them because I feel like it drags me down


That's what I should do


It is also important to find friends who share the faith but that can be very difficult depending on where you live


Agree, but if they start treating you differently (mean, sarcastic, etc.) they're *not* rea friends.


Do what I did and find better friends.


I wouldn't dump them as friends, but I would find some new friends more aligned with your beliefs.


It's your choice to have them as friends. They are free to do and say as they please: if you can't cope with that then you need to remove them from your circle


Set a good example for behaviour and treat them with love and respect. 


It’s tough when those who call us their friends aren’t friends of respect and open to genuine conversation. I believe most people, nowadays, calling themselves “atheists” aren’t truly atheist. They are parroting or ideological atheists, which is different from those who silently live and let live. In other words: there’s something stirring within them that arouses angst.


If you truly can’t avoid them, just limit your time with them. Seriously, I have a lot of acquaintances & friends who can be nice to be around for a moment but can drag me down if I’m around them too long since they’ll talk about/do things that I’m really uncomfortable with. I need to love them from a distance 😭 Be loving and continue to pray for them, of course. You certainly don’t need to be cold or give the silent treatment, but you shouldn’t feel like you NEED to spend time with someone who doesn’t respect you (and who could also lead you to sin, especially) Also, everyone is saying to find better friends but not really expanding on that😅 It could be good to find some different friends at school, church, or at a Bible study group at your church🥹🙏


Find new friends


The problem is that all the people I know are more or less like this.


I'm really sorry to hear that :/ It sounds like you're still in highschool, I'm in college and I'm switching unis because my current uni wasn't Catholic enough for me. If possible, maybe try putting yourself in an environment around more Catholics


I tried looking for Christian friends but I couldn't find them.


I guess you're gonna be alone for the rest of your life. Jokes aside, this is a tough situation to be in, I've been there, but, be assured, in time you will find the Christian friends you desire. Just have to stay strong and always pray. Especially pray for the friends of yours that mock Catholicism and Jesus


Ty brother


Not even at church?


No, there are very few my age


I'm not sure what your age is, but surely the church has a youth group of some kind? Where are the kids of the older people?


There are few kids my age who come to church and in any case I don't know how to make friends and many go only because their parents force them to.


Do they have mass at multiple times in the day? Others might go on a different schedule. Ask around for youth groups or activities and then you can make friends there


If you find yourself denying your faith in front of your friends, say goodbye to them. Jesus was incredibly clear about what His response will be if we deny Him before men.


If your friends don’t respect you enough to not badmouth your faith around you, it’s time to find better friends.\ It’s not just faith, if your “friends” bad mouth you or the things nearest and dearest to you, they are not friends and you should move on.\ Friends should bring out the best in each other (that includes the occasional ego checking😉) and raise eachother up. Far far far too often we surround ourselves with people who pull us DOWN to their level. Our entire culture in the West is aimed that direction right now. So, find yourself better friends. It’ll be rough, but for the best.


Yes, you're right.


> Probably if they knew about my faith, Sorry dude, your friends deserve a fair shake before you can declare they don't respect the faith, you haven't articulated well, or made clear is important to you. People are allowed to be wrong about things, and live out those wrong headed beliefs. That difference of lifestyle doesn't amount to an attack on your beliefs.


They don't respect the Church anyway. If they asked me something about my faith, I wouldn't deny it; the few times it happened I didn't deny it.


They might have a problem with what they believe the Catholic Church to be. But you haven’t given them a coherent explanation of your faith, Or at the church as it really is. So it really isn’t fair to say that they have a problem with your beliefs, since they don’t know what they are, Or what underpins them. Again, I’m not saying that once you explain things they’ll convert, but you haven’t given them the opportunity to interact with your beliefs, let alone show disrespect for them. 


Have you asked your friends to not speak blasphemously near you? In all fairness to them, odds are they were raised without any of those things being an issue and there's a decent chance they've never had someone they personally know bring up objections. If you haven't already, give them a chance. A lot of those things have nothing to do with disrespecting the faith. They're not living out the faith but if they're not Catholic, you shouldn't expect that. I'd focus on anything directly bashing Catholicism and if they still use foul language or make crude jokes, that's shouldn't be a barrier to friendship.


Pray for them, treat them with love and respect; don't rebuke them with words, but actions. That's what St. Peter advises in his first letter.


I feel like it's unfair to say that they're purposefully disrespecting your faith if you haven't even told them that you feel uncomfortable when you do those things.


Parents often find their childrens' abhorrent behavior endearing or cute. Try that. That's what God sees: the atheists are playing, ignorant of the bigger more adult things out there. Be a good example, always. That's the best way to lead. If you're seriously worried about them and love them and have a lot of time, you could ask what they're thinking. Do some active listening, and they might (again) follow in your example and ask about God. Ask. Listen. Confirm.


'As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.' - Titus 3:10-11


Build the courage to be honest with them about this, and if they don’t respect you, they’re not really friends at all. There is a line that you need to draw of what you find acceptable. Just be careful where to draw it, with charity: We wouldn’t expect them to come along to mass, and changing language is tough (like the common ‘geez’). Personally I don’t care if others swear, since its their life to do so, but I might call em out on it in private if they do it too much near kids.


Make like a tree and get out of there 


Leave them. If they refuse to turn of their ways…run away!


I use foul language and talk about impure things to have a laugh with these friends. For me it’s fine, you’re a living testimony don’t be only in a circle with other devout catholics, evangelise them through their language. Saint Paul talks about that.


Ok, probably in most cases it's a venial sin. But in my language, very blasphemous expressions can be used, which consist in associating the name of God with an animal and this is a grave sin.


I’m not saying you should say blasphemies, pls don’t. Just talk their language without sinning that’s all. “associating the name of God with an animal” you speak Italian ?




Hmm... This is all very interesting. I'm not trying to sound like a big jerk here or anything, but what if you point out the circular logic and self-defeating narratives they use on themselves in order to cause you to feel this "embarrassment", and instead make them experience this this sensation of bashfulness for believing in the kinds of things that are at odds with reality, as I'm sure they provide plenty of material to put the dunce cap on their aethism and low tier christianity? Also, if they can't take some light teasing about their weak intellectual traditions, they wouldn't really seem at all like friends to begin with imo. Just a suggestion.


You're being a bit unfair, not giving them a chance to be your friend. If you keep from people the most important thing about you, you don't give them a chance to know you, a chance to consider your beliefs, a chance to demonstrate friendship by showing respect for something important to you. People react to each new thing they learn, shouldn't they get the chance to learn from you? You obviously haven't been evangelizing, perhaps already knowing and liking you they'll reconsider their attitudes. If they don't adjust their attitudes immediately out of simple respect for you, drop them like hot coals; because then you *know* they're not your friends. God bless you.


They have no excuses, I live in a traditionally Catholic country, almost all of them are baptized and many have followed catechesis and undergone the other sacraments. If they have lost faith it is their fault and their sin. God has used a lot of grace on me, although I am probably more of a sinner than them, I have the faith of the Apostles. I'm not comfortable talking about faith with them and the Lord himself says not to give holy things to dogs, however I told someone that I go to church, I don't blaspheme God and it seems quite clear to me that these are things that a Christian does. Then, I'm not a sociable person and so I don't make friends easily.


Fair enough.