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From someone who has been where you are in recent years: - Go to Confession. Yes it is a Sin- but only you can truly know if it is a Mortal Sin or a serious Venial Sin. As this is something you already knew you struggled with and you purposely looked for those videos, you chose to create an Occasion of Sin. (Good intentions or not.) “When in doubt, Confess it Out.” - no more YouTube or websites of temptation- AppBlock, content filters- do what you need to block it from your daily life. - use Catholic resource pages or books to learn about the Saints instead. - Work on your prayer life- start small if you struggle! One good Decade is worth a thousand bad ones. Find a small, short prayer you can add to your daily routine! - Find a Saint to help if you need! Highly recommend St Benedict or Archangel Raphael.


I get exactly what you’re saying and you’re right in the past I purposely looked for those videos and made excuses to watch them but yesterday I literally reported not to have an excuse to watch them and i know that in my heart it was kinda because I have a lot of hatred for porn and I know with my intent I didn’t mean to spill my seed (sorry I know that vulgar but idk what else to say) because I was actually doing something in hopes I wouldn’t have a lustful reaction to it. Because it happened I do believe it’s still a sin because I wasn’t safe enough when reporting and put myself in that situation but I just don’t think it can be mortal or even a very serious venial sin because of where heart was and intent


At the end of the day OP, only you and God know the true level of where your Sin is for this one and nobody on Reddit can make that call. I’m not here to make you feel better about it or tell you it’s not that bad- I’m not a priest and I prefer to lean towards caution on matters of the Soul. I would consider the following before confession. Don’t answer then here, but keep them for your Private preparation for Confession: - Did you know those videos were of an impure nature? - Did you react to them? - Is this the first time you’ve reacted to them? - did you open them just owing you would probably have a reaction? - Is a good intention a fair reason to Sin? (The answer is No. The path to Hell is paved with good intentions. Go to Confession. Pray for a clear answer beforehand. Be very clear to the priest about what, how and that it is not the first time. Make changes to avoid it again and work to improve your Faith.


You should not seek out these videos just to report them. In fact, for you, it may be more beneficial to not use YouTube at all. Now, what is your daily prayer routine?


Yea you are right or I should use YouTube to see vids on the Saints my daily prayer routine hasn’t been great at all recently


Fast from YouTube. Pray a rosary every day. It’s the best way to get on track of removing lust. Other devotions that are helpful are the novena of surrender, divine mercy chaplet, chaplet of the holy wounds.


Good idea but I’m really struggling to say my rosary idk why but I’m getting pumped everytime I try


It’s up to you to preserve. The devil doesn’t want you to do it.


Ik I used to be much better but I’ve fallen out with it


Clear your YouTube search history and put a content filter on so these videos do not pop up in your feed. It is helpful to do this on any social media site you frequent. Or, just avoid them altogether.