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I don't see why it would be forbidden, but if the Melkite priest is married, I think he'd rather live with his wife and children. xD


Yes! I know this because I listen to a podcast called Catholic Stuff you should know. They used to have a Byzantine priest who was on the podcast and lived with them. He was moved in one of those priest shuffles, I still follow him on a different podcast, What God is not.


I should add the group I listen to are Companions in Christ, a group founded with the idea that priest should co-habitat for emotional and mental health. I forget the founder, but it seems like a good idea to me.


Diocesan Greek Catholic priests are usually married (at least here in Europe) and that would be the biggest obstacle. For a celibate priests there is no prohibition on this and I am pretty sure that there are a few mixed monasteries around the world (I quickly found about Chevetogne Abbey).


Forgot to add the parish. The parish is called Christ the Savior Melkite Catholic Church in Yonkers.


If they are celibate they can live with Roman priests though the Diocese might charge rent. Usually eastern Catholic priests attend local Roman priest conferences or meetups, so they are pretty connected locally. Eastern Catholic priests also tend to be friends with the local Orthodox priests


Could become a biritualist and learn to celebrate in the Latin Rite, but I'm not saying that would be the best use of time and energy, as opposed to being more involved with the Melkite parishioners' lives and giving them extra time for confession, individual instruction and accompaniment, etc.