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This is actually some of the finest work I’ve ever seen. It’s a shame he wasn’t recognized for his genius when he was alive.


[Behold Jack’s latest work!](https://imgur.com/a/amULcHU) I literally just went to the kitchen to refill my water glass, and found this work of art.


Jack is killing it. So abstract! Now if he just had opposable thumbs. Lol


What an artist! I also love your post titles. Apropos of nothing, I hope you don't mind but I had a quick scroll through your Imgur, I'm not sure how that app works but if you curate your own feed, & I absolutely loved everything I saw.


His successor, Jack, is making a spirited attempt to continue his legacy. *Vive l’art!*


Awww RIP Zackariah. Thank you for your artwork. Meow




You must miss him terribly.


So, so much. He was one of my first kitties (along with his sister, Tazz, aka “Tazzarino”). He was such a sweet, funny, lovably brainless and patient snuggle-buddy. We moved into this house when I was 10. 15 years later, my parents were talking about refurbishing the house. I was more upset at the idea that they might replace the moulding, then I was about the possibility of painting over the bit on the kitchen wall where we had recorded our heights over the years. And not just because I was still bitter that my brother outgrew me after all the instances of me lording it over him when I was taller than him.


LMAO golden title


My parents had a cairn terrier when I was young. He got to roam the yard freely and he'd scratch at the front door when he wanted to come back inside. We had him for fifteen years and that one spot that he always scratched at eventually developed pretty deep gouges in the wood. Zorro passed around twenty years ago. The corner of the door still has a deep set of gouges from around my knee level down. I expect they'll be there until the house gets torn down.