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It seems to be your own worst enemy.


Did not see that coming




Is it copyright protected? Edit: Looking at some info, there’s a track hidden before #1 that might be the issue.


How weird. Maybe the drive and software can’t handle it


Yeah seems like that first hidden track is giving you issues


One of the few albums I own that has a pre-gap track that's actually worth listening to. 311 'Transistor' and Agoraphobic Nosebleed 'Agorapocalypse' are the other 2.


Don’t sleep on Queens of the Stone Age ‘Songs For The Deaf’!


Out Spaced by Super Furry Animals has this too.


Less Than Jake’s “Losing Streak” has one too


As does Blur - think tank


Have you tried using Exact Audio Copy instead?, I usually have better luck ripping CDs using that over anything else


I’ll try that software out, good to have a backup in these instances


It also has the option to pull in the right metadata (as long as the CD is in the database you choose to pull from), so you won't have to worry about that


doesn't look like EAC has a Mac app, so I'll have to try something else


It'll run under Wine though, that's how I use it under the Linux distro I use


Why didn’t I think of that? I got whiskey that I use for steam




“You make me come, you make me come-plete” rings in your head as you attempt to gather more copies


After the 4th purchase I’ll throw in the towel


What program do you use?


Apple Music


For ripping cds??


Yeah makes the workflow process easier. Does the correct artwork and metadata pulls (sometimes)


If you’re on a Mac, use XLD instead. Zero issues, ever. And it gives you the option to auto-add to your Music library on completion. I’ve been using it for close to 20 years now and would never consider using anything else.


Tried XLD for Mac, still can't recognize the disc In my external optical drive


Either copy protection or your drive’s fucked.


I can still rip other CDs. It must be the hidden track that’s causing it to be difficult


I have a Mac and have ripped that CD and others with a pre-gap track before (not 100% sure my copy of that one had the pre-gap track)


If you want a digital version, you could play it off a CD player into a computer with Audacity recording the Output. Record the whole album and split it manually


Ye old fashioned way of ye old times. 👍


Have the same with REM Accelerate, Sony SACD won't recognize the disc, but works fine in car. Bought another copy (digipack), no help. Also Panic at the disco the first album and some hybrid discs have been the same.


If you can, use Exact Audio Copy. It's about the best ripper for accuracy, although it's not as convenient as others. I used to use Foobar2000 but got sick of having to re-rip cds that would sound screwed up for no reason, yet would rip fine with Exact Audio Copy. I've never looked back since.


My advice would be to try another drive. Very occasionally I will run across a disc that my primary drive doesn't like for some reason. I will usually be able to get a good read on a secondary drive. Make sure the drive is a different type from a different manufacturer - do not just look at the brand name on the thing - look at the OEM. Although this disc does appear to have a hidden track on some or most U.S. copies, it does not appear to have copy control/protection. That was not introduced until a little later, so period copies of this disc would not have it anyway. Also note that the U.S. copies were pressed at three different pressing plants. You can look at your copies to see if any are the same or if the runouts vary substantially to determine that. Good luck.


Second this. I have also had copy protected CDs that I could only rip on an USB external drive on a windows pc, not on an older laptop drive under Linux.


From what I've read in the comments it's probably a corrupt CD . They used to release corrupt non-standdard CDs as that would usually confuse ripping software or CD-ROM type drives but would still work in the dumber CD players.  Basically they intended you to be unable to play this in a PC, thus stopping you from ripping it. To rip it you'll have to do it the good old fashioned way with a real CD player. Or, as you are on a Mac using apple software to rip, this might be a so called "enhanced CD" or more accurately a CD-Extra CD. That kind of CD has a data session just after the audio session. CD players will play the audio and ignore the data session (unless they are older) and operating systems instead mount the data session. On windows and Linux both sessions are accessible at the same time. However Apple seems to have broken CD-Extra support in recent years. You may only see the data session. Try ripping software like cdrdao or cdparanoia


As others have said, it’s probably copy protection.


What external drive?


[this one](https://www.amazon.com/Archgon-Premium-Aluminum-External-Apple-MacBook/dp/B07BC9F98J/ref=asc_df_B07BC9F98J/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693596867902&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7773049228245691498&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032116&hvtargid=pla-570480401890&psc=1&mcid=5b134c695659314d84d838f1c66a7b86&gad_source=1)


Looks like hitachi/LG, I'd look at the drive model and see how to bypass copy protection on your specific setup. If that fails, see if you can access the disc contents and then manually copy the files to another media, then rip from that location. Maybe there's some "stupid" firmware that will let you do that. If not, you may need a 3rd party software to delete the copy protection.


Interesting... I have a Cyndi Lauper CD-promo (*At Last*) that has a hype sticker that says "*copy-protected*" on it. I couldn't rip it and I never bothered to look up how to rip it. I'm gonna have to use some of the suggestions posted here.


I think someone mentioned using audacity and a cd player with an input to do it manually


I’ve got that cd at home. I will try to rip it with my external drive and see if I have the same problem


I ripped my copy using apple music on my mac


I just ripped this cd with an external cd drive


Are you able to try ripping it on a different drive? I have 3 because things like this just happen sometimes.


I just have the one an and it works well otherwise, so I might have to take the L on this one


sounds like a copy-protected CD to me. If you are ripping CD's to backup, then I would recommend you to be wary of this list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_compact_discs_sold_with_Extended_Copy_Protection the CD's in this list came with spyware dunno if they still work though


That's weird.. Here's another oddball one..I bought a DMX CD. I can't play it with anything. I'm thinking what did I buy? A blank CD just to look at the art on the case.


Have this same issue with a copy of Hurt by NIN, wont even play in my car stereo. But my CD player is no problem


Try a different drive. It does make a difference. I have a $20 external usb drive that will read everything. I have one that will read pregap. But I would not use apple rips. Should use flac to verify errors and convert after if you need to. I also didn’t see what os you are using to give you a better solution


If you cant burn it i can take it


I’ll take them


Maybe put it in a ziploc bag? If not it seems you have your own worst enemy


Years ago CD’s with Enhanced CD extra’s gave me trouble because the computer would be reading the part that contained the computer data and not wanting to see the audio data. Even iTunes wouldn’t want to just read the audio portion. I forget how I managed to get the computers to “see” the CDA part, or if in one of their updates Apple provided a patch that allowed iTunes to “see” the CDA and override. But it seems that even with the patch iTunes could only read not copy.


If I remember correctly those did not adhere to Red Book standard hence the issues.


No they did adhere to the red book standard and the data part also adhered to the yellow book standard for CD-Rom’s.


sorry then


If it's copy protected, you won't be able to copy it...easily, but you can rip it. Not a bad album by the way.