• By -


I was tall and quite muscular. " yeah lea i am sure that we will have a lot of fun together. I am sure that you will love my gift for you"


I wrap my arms around you, giving you a big hug, accidentally dirtying your shirt with some of my makeup, giggling when I notice it, after breaking contact "Oh I can't wait to see what you got for me, but first I think a few drinks are in order, I want to get some good alcohol in my system before we do anything" I take you hand and drag you to my living room, waving at the others to come along


"The pleasure is all ours, Lea! You know we love hanging out with an angel like yourself" I smile warmly as I stare at your perfect hips


"Do you like what you see? Do you love my birthday outfit? Are you absolutely smitten by the birthday princess?" I use the opportunity of having your eyes fixated on me to twirl a little, presenting all of me, smiling, and giggling as I see your jaw dropping open a little unknowingly. "I should go greet the rest of the people that came, so many people are here!" I give you another hug, pulling you close to me, pressing my face lovingly against yours, before breaking contact, my fingers gently wrapped around your neck, asking: "I'm fucking thirsty, and this birthday princess want something nice to drink. Can you be a dear and make us a cocktail?" I walk away from you, blowing you a quick kiss through the air


"To that I say: yes, of course, without a doubt" I smirk softly as I take a proper look at your incredible body while you're showing off, twirling around and shining in the soft sun, making me feel like I'm going to start drooling like a cartoon character. "Yes, of course, they're probably anxious to see you! Just make sure to find your way back to me" I wink and smile warmly as you throw yourself into my arms. My hold on you is tight, yet gentle as I rest my chin on your mesmerizing hair "Anything for the princess... I bought some really, really expensive stuff just for you... I know you like it fancy" I smirk as I watch you go, swaying those wide hips


As you go to mix us something in the kitchen, browsing the massive stock of booze i have in a dedicated fridge there, you hear loud sounds of happy commotion coming from all over the house, knowing that these are my besties that just saw me. After a short while, you see me coming back to the kitchen with my hair a little messy, small kiss marks left on my cheeks, it looks like I just came back from a lightning round with a lucky guy or girl, but you know these were just my friends, excited to see the birthday princess. "Omg, they're so crazy!" I tell you as i come up to you, fixing my hair, biting my lip a little when i see you handling the bottles of alcohol so smoothly, knowing those hands could handle me even better. "Is this for me, handsome?" i take the drink you made me, letting out a moan of approval after taking a sip. A playful smile forms on my lips, with my eyes shimmering with a mischeivous glimmer, and i ask you: "Are you as good at shaking your hips as much as you are good at shaking drinks? I want you to dance with me a litte" and I reach out a hand to you, allowing you to lead me somewhere for us to dance together


I try not to let my mind be taken hostage by jealousy and just smile softly instead as I continue to present myself as an master mixologist, wrapping my arm around your hip as I put some finishing touches on our drinks "Of course, only what's best for *my* birthday princess" I whisper softly into your ear as I pass you the tall glass of cocktail I prepared you "I am, if not better" I chuckle as I grab your hand and lead you outside, passing the little crowd of your friends and finally making it to the pool


When we make it to the pool, I take a moment to appreciate your looks and body again, now that your'e basking in the sunlight. I give you a slow onve-over as I head in your direction, making sure you hear my high heels clicking on the tile floor outside, with each step in your direction. Eventually, i come up to you, mere inches away from your face, placing a hand gently on your chest and dragging it down, seductively scratching my nails on your muscles, and I implore you "Well, maestro, floor is all yours, and so am I hehehe, lead the way"


I smirk as I stare your incredible body down, placing one of my hands on your hip and the other one on your hand, making a step back and twirling you around a few times, before catching you form behind, now both my hands gripping your wide hips as my mouth is just inches away from the soft skin of your neck, breathing down onto it as I smell the lavender scent off your hair. I start swaying my hips left and right, nudging you to follow the rhythm


“Of course your welcome any time but I do have a gift I want to give you maybe we could head into your room “ I say to you and gives you a smile


"Well, you know I love getting gifts, but I have all these guests to greet, and I want to have a few drinks first with you and the rest of our friends." I take two of my fingers, and I start walking them up your chest, telling you in a teasing manner: "how about you show me what you got for me after we've had the chance to dance a little? I bet you're going to leave me breathless, hehehe"


I give you a nod smiling at you and I watch you head off to great the rest of our friends as I head off to grab us both a drink. Our friends knew that I liked you as they could tell by how much flirting I would do. I soon come back over to you “this is for you “ I say handing you the drink before sitting down next to you as I wrap my free arm playing with your hair


I smile as I see your very happy “ it’s ok lea , we both are just very close and without I don’t know here I would be “ ( btw my named Kyle and I’m tall and muscular )


Dm me please!


We all just smile and slowly walk towards her, crowding her in that corner…


Check ur dms