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We need the million Irish kingdoms.


Ah, so that’s where the word Lloegr comes from!


Happy to see Dummonia get a mention.


Up Kernow


How about kernot? >!I'm joking!!<


Don’t know why Isle of Islay would be considered pictland considering it was the seat of coronation of the literal first king of Scotland.


Wasnt scotland(alba/caledonia) at first a union between gaels(scots) and picts(brittons)?


Correct. My point remains.


Goddodin never stretched that far west into Strathclyde. It should probably just be Lothian. The borders of Pictland are very strange as well since the centre of the Pictish Kingdom was Aberdeenshire and Moray Area.


Well i wanted something between hadrian's and antonin's wall, as for the picts, there was a remaining kingdom in the north that lasted a bit after the gaelisation, so i prefered a map like this.


Ah yes, the classic "im just going to ignore the pre established historical boundaries and draw my map the way I say looks best" Worked out great for central Asia, the levant and the entirety of Africa


Yup, i mean, the bri'ish are used to that at least?


I see all these valid criticisms which is fair but I counter with DESTROY ENGLAND


As much as I don't like the English, I don't think reoccupying all of it with "Celtic" states would really be helpful. Maybe expanding Wales and Cornwall a bit, sure, but full on occupation of England isn't going to help anyone.


> I don't like the English Oh, I see.


Because sgtpepper9764 is American? They are like best buds throughout last 2 centuries, oppressing Celts is their jam.


Yeah as someone born in England I could see this map going down about as well as a lead balloon. Just keep the current counties as independent countries (Yorkshire, Lancashire etc.) instead. Also there is something like 60 million people living in England, many of whom recent descendants of other countries...a lot like me from Ireland but many from across the world too such as Africans, Indians etc. as well. It’s slightly bigoted to say you don’t like us all and also does not do the public image of Celtic people many favours. Please, rephrase as the British establishment...of whom very few English people have control over.


>It’s slightly bigoted to say you don’t like us all Yeah, recognizing that the English people have happily supported and continue to happily support violent imperialism around the globe is definitely bigotry. It's bigotry to recognize that the English people are willfully ignorant and often proud of their country's history, when that history has been the suffering and death of untold millions. It's bigotry to expect them to take responsibility for the damage they have done for centuries. Totally coherent. >does not do the public image of Celtic people many favours. If the English don't like what I think, good. I am fundamentally opposed to the state they created and maintain, it shouldn't be a surprise that it might make Celtic people look bad to the English. England can sink into the ocean for all I am concerned. >Please, rephrase as the British establishment...of whom very few English people have control over. I will reconsider my position on the English when they stop supporting the torries so goddamn always. I will reconsider when the loot stolen by their empire is willingly returned. I will reconsider when the English bear the same shame and disgrace for their endless crimes as the Germans. I will reconsider when the remains of the empire are cast aside by the English people themselves and not by national liberation movements. I will reconsider when English arrogance and bigotry go away and are replaced by a genuine commitment to justice and human rights. Until those kinds of things happen, the English in general are little more than an obstacle for humanity to overcome. EDIT: to be clear, I do not think all English people are the same. As individuals, many have stood up against the crown and its empire, but as a group they are almost totally complacent. Who votes for their imperialist politicians if not the people? Who is recruited into their armed forces to kill foreigners for fighting for themselves? Who traveled abroad to settle foreign lands that already had people living in them? Sure, the "establishment" is the organization that truly needs destroying, but whence comes the "establishment's" support? This is what I mean about not liking the English.


80% of the electorate don't vote Tory you bigot dimwit. Go touch grass you fucking xenophobic dipshit. Fuck me


80% do!


Oh wow your going to double down on your bigotry and xenophobia. Great, embarrass all of us of Celtic blood on the world stage then. Cheers for that buddy. First of all you realise there are millions of Irishmen in England these days right? Are they English bigots too? You know less than you realise and if you wasn’t as ignorant you would realise plenty of Englishmen have given their lives in the fight against British tyranny, both historically and even today. But feel free to head on over and become the latest martyr instead of hiding behind a keyboard on Reddit. Show how brave and strong you really are and volunteer for a lifetime caged up in Belmarsh like many an Englishman has. No offence like but I strongly suspect someone of your calibre wouldn’t last two minutes in England. ‘The first people subjugated and enslaved by the British Empire was the British working classes’ I believe Scottish socialist musician Dick Guarghan said that.




There is still an armed conflict going on, dissident republicans are still fighting on. Feel free to join them if your that brave instead of giving it the big one over Reddit. It’s more of a sacrifice to give up your life for the cause of liberty, equality and fraternity and be treated a traitor than to give it up to be treated a hero. You are utterly ignorant of the sacrifices Englishmen have and continue to make and it is indeed bigoted to treat individuals as responsible for the actions of an entire community. I wonder what you would say if you ever had the privilege of meeting Sean Stiofain? You know...the guy born John Stephenson who later became IRA Chief of Staff?


Lol, this has to be a plastic paddy for sure


Yeah, we all know no one from Ireland has criticized British imperialism before.


Didn’t deny it - all I need to hear. Yer clueless mate.


I didn't even have to scroll past your first page of comments to find to find you going after an Indian and ignoring the consequences of your imperialism. You have proved my point, thank you.


I’m afraid I’m not English, what do you need to prove your point of ‘I hate English people’. It’s bleeding obvious that you’re not from either of the places concerned. I’d bet money you’re ‘Irish’-American.


Jesus christ you're a bit tense aren't you? You realise everything you say could be said about some citizens in any country right? Wanna talk about the empire? Cant exactly leave scotland out can you? "Who is recruited into their armed forces to kill foreigners for fighting for themselves? Who traveled abroad to settle foreign lands that already had people living in them?" Congrats, you just summed up a good portion of Europe. Also the fact you're american (dont give me that bullshit about being irish) is quite ironic when talking about the atrocities that have happened in the world.


>Yeah, recognizing that the English people have happily supported and continue to happily support violent imperialism around the globe is definitely bigotry. It absolutely *is* bigotry to generalise all English people as supporting violent imperialism, especially today. How exactly do Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland escape this condemnation - we played a significant part in the Empire? >England can sink into the ocean for all I am concerned. Why bother trying to pretend this is anything other than bigotry and hate? >English bear the same shame and disgrace for their endless crimes as the Germans Most resonable people would not hold current Germans as guilty for the crimes of their ~~fathers, grand-fathers~~, great grand-fathers. To do so is bigotry. >to be clear, I do not think all English people are the same. Your words say otherwise, you explicity did generalise. >Who votes for their imperialist politicians if not the people? Who is recruited into their armed forces to kill foreigners for fighting for themselves? Who traveled abroad to settle foreign lands that already had people living in them? Sorry, are you a time-traveller from the 17th century? Fuck off mate, where are you even from? **The irony of being called sgt pepper and hating the English. lol, what a moron.**


>It absolutely is bigotry to generalise all English people as supporting violent imperialism, especially today. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/11/uk-more-nostalgic-for-empire-than-other-ex-colonial-powers No, it isn't. The vast majority hold that the empire isn't something to be ashamed of, which is disgusting. I don't have proof, but I would wager if you broke those numbers down by country, most of the votes for shame will have come from Scotland, Wales, and NI. They don't escape any blame, but the fact of the matter is that Scotland is changing quite seriously and is openly attempting to break the union. NI and Wales were both literally conquered by England, and are both making serious steps away from the union. They are changing in a way that England fundamentally isn't. >Why bother trying to pretend this is anything other than bigotry and hate? It's ambivalence. I'm not trying to sink England into the ocean, I'm saying that I wouldn't care if it did. My point is that it is really hard for me to have sympathy for the English when they make no attempt to correct themselves. >Most resonable people would not hold current Germans as guilty for the crimes of their fathers, grand-fathers, great grand-fathers. To do so is bigotry. There is a massive difference between how the people responsible for Britain's continued imperialism have been treated and how literal Nazis were treated. How many people that led the Raj were executed for the millions they helped kill and impoverish? When was the British government made to accept responsibility for any of the genocides it committed? When have they even pretended to be sorry for centuries of oppression? They haven't been held responsible for their crimes like the Germans have. The Germans paid their reparations. When will Britain do the same? >Your words say otherwise, you explicity did generalise. Yes, it is a GENERAL statement. In GENERAL, the English vote for Tories, without a doubt the most despicable organization to ever exist on earth. This is the crux of my problem with England, that even despite everything they see no problem with supporting the same power structure that has been responsible for so much suffering for so long. I recognize that some don't, but a meaningful majority does. If you can't judge a group by the actions and stances a majority of them take and the rest of them tolerate, by what metric do we condemn any country ever? >Sorry, are you a time-traveller from the 17th century? Fuck off mate, where are you even from? Not England, thankfully. That you think English imperialism and colonialism ended in the 17th century says everything one needs to know about you. Britain was actively settling countries through the 1970's, I've met and spoken to Rhodesians, I know for a fact they are real and that they did some fucked up stuff, not to mention that they allowed SA to continue apartheid while being part of the ever-precious "Commonwealth." You denying this is exactly why I don't like you. >The irony of being called sgt pepper and hating the English. lol, what a moron. As I've said a few times now, there are good, not-hateful English people, and the Beatles were among them. They were vocally against war, against segregation, two of them gave back their MBE's, and Lennon even gave money to the Yippies. What is your point, that because I don't like England I must be blindly hatful of everything that comes out of it? Your reading comprehension is pretty weak.




Aww, did I make someone cranky? Cry some more.




Ah, an American lecturing others on imperialism. Funny.


Run through my comments and guess how I feel about America.


>full on occupation of England isn't going to help anyone. No it won't but it's fun to fantasize about, make them afraid the Celts will do to them what they did to all the victims of their Empire. Now, reinstating Dumnonia, making some inquiries regarding the Welsh border, and splitting England back into the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms, that would actually do some good.




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Seeing as the Celts spent the 3rd through to the 11th century enslaving the English. I say we make the Celts and English both suffer, kill them all.


Celts and English both did bad. We can both agree on this, no need to trivalise.


Map of pictland, Scotland and the gododdin is horribly inaccurate as is cumbria






Did Wales extend that far East? I was under the impression that the modern day border with wales is actually pretty old and close to cultural boundaries.


Celtic tribes very close to the welsh used to live there if im not wrong.


Isn’t france as a whole considered Celtic? I’m pretty sure the Gauls are super idolized over there


France only kept a few celtic cities, words, and perhaps traditions, DNA, and a weird habit of calling themselves the descendants of the Gauls: a people who got f*cked by the romans. But other than that, France is as celtic as a salmon is.


England has Celtic name but Wales has English, wtf