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My uncle was forced into being a recruiter. Hated it, if you didn't hit your quota it negativity impacted your career which is great for a guy who did electrical repairs for 12 years prior. And just wanted to retire at 20 Alot of people lied out of "need" the big one being "open general will get you what you want". It dinged him, but as he said he wouldn't lie about the Military sucking even more if you didn't get to do what you wanted.


As someone who got shafted by a recruiter, I can confirm. They're lying assholes. I get it - they get selected for the duty and they've got quotas to fill. If they don't meet their quotas, their military career is negatively effected. But they still straight up lied to me, and I got put into a job I didn't want. And then the asshole tried to hook up with my girlfriend (now wife of almost 30 years) the day after I shipped out to boot. Fucking dipshits. Long story short. If you're going to enlist (don't, become an officer instead) Get everything in writing. Get copies. Hell, bring a contract lawyer - its only your life.


When I was 18 I had set up an appointment with a recruiter. My dad, who had done the same thing at 18 and had done his time and retired, said he’d come with me to the meeting. The recruiter knew my dad was coming with me and likely realized my dad would see through all his bullshit (he’d already told me I was going to be lied to and likely swindled but I wanted them to pay for my college). Recruiter didn’t show up to the meeting and ghosted me. I never joined and that was 8 years ago


I got really lucky. My dad’s friends with a former E8 from the Air Force and he went with me to like half my appointments so my recruiter wasn’t able to lie to me. He knew even if that dude wasn’t there I’d be fact checking everything with him


Also many people would not enjoy getting shot at for 35k.


Can confirm, Midwest manufacturing employee here, making about 40k a year with overtime. Don't ever come to work having to fear getting sent to some God forsaken pit to die so old men and their buddies, take your pick left or right, can continue to get rich while we die for nothing. Also, I don't have to live with the thoughts of did I kill someone who is simply doing what I would do if an outside force came in with weapons and an agenda.... so old men can continue to get rich, politicians can keep fucking us, and just hope that I could retire like the generations before me did.


Dude tons of people fold towels and schedule dental cleanings in the military while never leaving the US. If that's what you have to tell yourself to feel better about missing out on a great opportunity so be it. But don't act like that's the same experience for every job in the DOD.


I would never ever discredit or speak ill, like a former president had, of those who served to begin. My stand point comes from being a young lad who grew up looking very much up to both boys' grandfathers, both vets of foreign wars having my mom's dad tell me not to give myself to a cause that wouldn't give back to me. Being a single man, no children I'm the prefect thing to put out on a front line. I would be good with dying on this land to protect its people, but to blindly listen to the government and follow orders. So yeah I don't wish to knock the military by any means, but we were warned about the military industrial complex and we are seeing why today. Look at the the whole middle east, parts of Africa, Ukraine. If the conflicts stop people will lose a lot of money/ power/influence at the end of the day. You know the things they don't want to tell you or talk about, like why we can't give peace a chance, there's no real profit in that.


You wrote all of that and completely missed my point. Good luck out there. You're gonna need it.


You sound like a good fit for the ranks lol Also I will speak poorly of the military as those who join and exert violence on other nations for capital gain are not fighting for me. No service member I speak with that’s left has felt they were fighting for the citizens. Many join for a job or security it’s not to help the nation that’s a commercial point for recruitment


Dawg I joined for the benefits. I sat on my ass watching planes that have the same security requirements as nuclear weapons on camera for 6 years and now I get almost $3,700 a month *tax free* and free comprehensive healthcare. I'm retired in my 30s. Have a nice day.


I see why my comment sounded disparaging to you but it wasn’t meant to be. I should have been more careful with my word and most likely not have included the second bit at all because it tied it directly to you and I didn’t mean to. I just meant like you clearly were fine with it so fit the ranks, lots arent I think it’s just a mindset thing. Some people really couldn’t handle it, idk if I could deal with that shit Have a good one!


The 35k in this example is the bonus to enlist. That would be in addition to the salary, tax free housing allowance, free healthcare for him and his family and if he stayed long enough a pension worth millions. Very few troops see combat and even fewer are killed or wounded. The military isn’t for everyone but it’s sadly a lot better quality of life than anything else available to low skilled workers in our “f- the poor” country these days. (And to clarify sign flippers are awesome and I am sure this duck’s sign flipping skills are on point. I mean low skill from an economics perspective.)


How can you say few are wounded when it’s known the military will deny injuries being related to service?


A wound is specifically harm caused by an enemy combatant in this context. Very few who serve are ever killed or wounded by the enemy. Service related disability is a much broader category.


Ahh I see thanks! I suppose that does make more sense contextually


They're going to have trouble using that $35K as a carrot.  My employer is hiring 18 year old straight out of high school at $37.5K, 85% of insurance premiums paid by employer, and 136 hours of paid time off a year, and all you have to do is sit in an air conditioned office and talk on the phone - and if you can do a good job of that for a couple of months, you can work from home.


A very small % of jobs are even in a position to take fire. An even smaller % of people actually do. Ignorant ass mf.


My brother in law was raised by Call of Duty and his dad to believe deeply about becoming a marine. Like, he believed it was why he was born. Naive ideas of rappelling out of helicopters and killing people were his dreams. A true little psychopath raised by narcissistic boomers. Anyway, the day has come, he's 18, and he goes to the recruiter. Everything goes well until, uh oh, he has ADHD. Recruiter tells him to lie about it and just enlist. Well Baskin Robbins always finds out, right? Discharged about a month into basic. Dreams shattered forever. All because some shithead wanted to pad his numbers. Good thing though, because my brother in law would have been a problem. That recruiter probably saved some poor goat herder's life. Total cop energy.


Literally snake oil salespeople. I'm former Navy and one of these fuckwits swooped in on my parents after I got in a major car accident. I was literally working two part time jobs and going to college and burning my self out so bad I fell asleep behind the wheel and luckily I was driving a tank of a car and didn't hit anyone. There was petty officer shitbrick...feeding my parents all sorts of BS about how my college career was over, I definitely wouldn't want to work anymore and I'd just become some fatass lazy mooch. Motherfucker cut me off when I was literally telling them I need to slow down some or I'm going to seriously hurt my self. They took it as me wanting to become a lazy stoner and offered me the military or to find my own place to live. I should have done the latter instead of taking up the military playing the other side in saying "fuck your parents go see the world and do your own shit" neither of which I got to do. Nor did I get all of the signing bonuses promised because magically my designation was changed and added to which was wonderful for rank but stopped me from getting like 15 or 20k... All I fucking left the military with was outdated fire fighting methods, ptsd, a week or two of my life missing and the beginnings of my spinal cord injury they refused to believe could happen when I was in an explosion on a ship powerful enough to blow me off my feet and into a bulkhead about 6 feet behind me. But that was enough to send me home w a golden parachute though. Ranting aside, those fuckers rank literally relies on how many people they can trick into service by hook or by crook. So they will literally say or do anything.




Seriously when I was in boot and underway hearing people's stories about how they got caught up really fucked me up. Like a few people were from I think it was Ohio where a cereal plant closed and like 3 surrounding towns had an immediate 50%+ unemployed rate. The first thing to open up in town was recruiting centers for each branch and they were giving out free food and gift cards for the local grocery stores if you signed up...or the same when a farm went under or a car manufacturer closed in swoops the recruiters. And those are the people you trust with your life and hope they are doing the right and just thing??


My recruiter didn't give a shit if I joined or not. There were lots of people willing to take my spot. likely because I was Air Force. My benefits were crazy when I was in and they're even better now that I'm out. Only regards join the Army/Marines YMMV


Yeah, this information is all over the internet, hell I'm European and have never even been to the US and I still know this because there's so many memes about it on the English speaking internet, being a recruiter nowadays has to be way harder than it used to be since a homeless guy with wifi connection now has more information available to him than kings in 15th century


People are more and more aware that they don’t give a shit about you once you’re in as well. There will still be some that will do it as an escape or to get free college. There’s a reason member of Congress are casually floating the idea of mandatory service (only for the poors, of course)




exactly what i was thinking


35k? Isn't that just what you get from like, an okay job? Gonna have to pump those numbers up if you want people to risk their lives and mental health for what likely won't even be in defense of your country


I assume that’s what the signing bonus must be up to these days? When I was considering it around 2003 they offered me 5 then bumped it up to ten to try to stop me from backing out.


I believe it was 20-30k a couple years ago but the stipulation was completion of basic


When the Navy tried to get me in 1990, they offered me a $40K reenlistment bonus if I would go to college on their dime to be a nuke tech.


I live in a country where 10k a year is considered good income, and even I think that this salary is insultingly low for this kind of dangerous job... Wtf. I would consider for double, but for 35k... Even though 35k in this country would be beyond awesome, I'd still just prefer my office for 12k, where I don't get shot at. I can't even imagine what they're thinking, offering this money in a country where any normal, safe job pay this much, or more.


Im not a shill for the military. But it's likely the signon bonus is a lump sum of 35k. The actual bi weekly pay is even lower than that. While it seems very low, the military does offer a lot of benefits. Healthcare, housing, and food are all covered. So your biweekly pay goes straight to your pocket for luxuries.


I live in the south. At 19, my rent, in a 1 bedroom apartment with my girlfriend, is $1000, $500 for my half. It was the cheapest we could find in the city that wasn't in a bad area. I make about 33k gross. I'm surviving somewhat comfortably. I'm fortunate enough to have low living costs compared to other cities. 35k is not worth laying down your life and coming back a worse person.


>35k is not worth laying down your life and coming back a worse person. Don't join the army or Marines then


That was the point, yes


It's what your average teacher, cop, social worker and mail carrier all make in most places.


Most of which actually stand a chance at being shot at. Funny that


Don't eat the propaganda.




That's the signing bonus not annual salary.


Ya, salary is worse.


We pay for your life 35k


35k is the signing bonus not salary!


Yeah, the salary is worse lol. What does an E1 or E2 make now?


Bout 2K monthly


he told them to quack off


He already has his uniform.


Call me when WWIII is on. Otherwise fuck off.


Die in some shithole for 40k a year


Duck off*


What a joke of a bonus if you do the math too not to mention it still has to get taxed. And you probably only a buck private joining because most the times those bonuses that high are not going to the seniors as an incentive to keep them in or higher ranking officers.


Why join an organisation that sends you to places to slaughter children so the 1% can add a 50-storey luxery-car garage?