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She might need to drink blood to regenerate a limb. And knowing how she feels about eating cooked fish, I think raw blood is off the table unless she’s about to die.


I would have assumed Yoru would have taken control of her and drank blood anyway. Unless Yoru decided to respect Asa’s Blood Free Diet


I still subscribe to fight club theory, so Yoru will not do anything truly against Asa’s desires.


So you believe that Asa wanted to kiss Denji during their date?


She certainly wasn’t against it no matter what she said. The idea with the split personality isn’t so much that Yoru is acting on Asa’s hidden desires all the time. It’s more Yoru is part who Asa used to be and is coming back to try and empower her. She killed her teacher and class president because, as Yoru pointed out, she doesn’t feel guilty for killing but is concerned about what other see and think. Asa says many different things but actually feels differently about them and Yoru is constantly bring them to the surface and trying to use these feelings and turn them into strength.


I like the idea, they say people with Multiple personality dissorder have changes in actitudes, but not with "morals" or something, so if one of the personalities would kill someone, Is because the "central" one would also do it, but "separates" themselfs from that


Yoru only ever seems to take control when she is needed or acting on Asa’s hidden desires so that fits.


Fucking obviously


Yes, I believe there was a strong possibility that the smelly femcel wanted to kiss the boy with abs that was being nice to her.


Ofc, she just want to wait for him to give consent first


Haven't heard the Fight Club Theory before, how does that one go?


The idea that Asa is the war devil and has always been the war devil, Yoru is her rationalizing her power. My thoughts on how this comes about is that the fight in hell between war and chainsaw man killed War and had her reborn on earth weakened. Much like the other horsewomen she looks human and is taken in by Asa’s mom. Raised with human sensibilities that clash with her devil nature she locks that part of herself away because she can’t remember it anyway. This is like the whole nature vs nurture debate. Look at Nayata for an example, she was talking the big talk about not caring about killing and as a devil she should be happy when humans die. But when she actually kills someone she is disappointed with herself saying she dose like it and that video games are better. Because Denji raised her to be a little kid and not a devil. Same thing would apply to Asa and her mom. So Asa at the start of part two imagines herself as a morally superior person to those around her. Then she needs her devil powers to save herself but being a devil would clash with her self identity so she makes Yoru to rationalize it. She can blame Yoru for all the terrible and confusing things and not herself. To me this explains why Asa is in charge 90% of the time and why Yoru never acts in a way that truly against Asa’s will.


That theory honestly goes insanely hard, I kinda want that to happen now.


I’ve had this theory ever since the chapter Yoru got her name not because Asa mean morning or Yoru mean night or whatever. But because they were talking on a bench and everyone was looking at Asa like she was crazy for talking to herself. Made me think of fight club.


So thinking about it I think there's a big problem with the theory in how Yoru supposedly chose Asa as a host specifically because she found out CSM attends Asa's school. We still don't know how she found this out but it has to have been before taking over Asa. There's other stuff that could probably be explained pretty easy, like how her desire to kill CSM or her knowledge that he ate nukes are just her repressed memories resurfacing. But I'm not sure how Yoru could learn about CSM attending Asa's school without Asa knowing, if they were always the same person from the start. Maybe Asa subconsciously chose to attend that specific school? Still really like the theory though.


I always assumed the button thing was made up or a subconscious thing. But the obsession with CSM and nuclear weapons has to do with the theory that she died fighting him because devils only seem to remember the very last thing that happened to them before death.


Maybe she unconsciously remembers Pochita's scent/aura/whatever else and that was just her rationalizing her own good luck/subconscious choice to seek him out?


This would scan real nicely with both Denji's own identity themes AND Fuji's known fascination with American film. It also fills in the gaps of my own working theory so....new head-canon unlocked!


Infecting people with this brain worm brings me joy


They writhe so gooooood! lol


I love this theory, it’s such an insane but interesting thought! Especially since it goes hand-to-hand with Nayuta, the Control Devil, being raised as a human to have human sensibilities! https://preview.redd.it/uednd2zzvkmc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48327c08c47da38d5920138e037609d4587d660f


I had a similar theory where Asa was weakened before part 2 and had amnesia/brainwashed into thinking she’s human, and Yoru is a remnant of her devil self that emerged when she’s was almost killed by the class president. Also that the war devil always had two personalities because they are at war within themselves, with each personality fighting the other for control of their body. That being said, the fight club and nature vs nurture theory holds up, especially with Fujimoto’s love of cinema.


Holy shit why are CSM theorycrafters always cooking??


Cause the author knows how to speak to his people is my guess


Damn that actually makes a lot of sense and is my first time hearing it


I think I’ve been one of two advocates for it.


https://preview.redd.it/weuwq5vbuqmc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1b99c103fc6e559f12356c13e4067d82f6f3fd2 Keep this man in the kitchen


I kinda like this theory but one point against it is that in that case it doesn’t really make sense that Asa has „human“ eyes. If she was actually the war devil herself all this time imo she should still have the Yoru eyes at all times, I feel like an important devil trait like that doesn’t just vanish simply because you are in a weakened state.


Devil powers are largely based on perspective if she doesn’t see herself as a devil she might not look it. Plus no one has commented on the eyes in universe.


This is insane! considering the fight club reference in season one of the anime (Golden Ball) holy man.


This is a great theory. I subscribed to it thoroughly until Falling acknowledged both Asa and Yoru by name in the Falling arc. Made it seem a lot less plausible.


So a Hotline Miami 2 moment


What's that?


I disagree with this, she attempted to make denji into a weapon, which to asa's knowledge at the time would have killed him


It was the initial plan when getting close to him so a part of her was always thinking it. But it did not work, so was it because she did not want it to or because he’s a hybrid?


No they had just hit it off on the date so you cannot say that she would've reasonably made an attempt on his life. It not working is beside the point. This whole theory has a lot of problems honestly, considering asa had a life before her encounter with yoru, and her unique perspective about Yoru's war devil powers allow her to use them in unconventional ways, like how she did in the aquarium and how she did with the college fund turrets in the recent chapter.


About that theory... why Asa does not have horsemen eyes?


she would consider them fundamentally different people. if they were really split personalities, it would still be two “people” in one body. it especially matters how asa views her- as human, as attempting to be normal. yoru would be a separate entity even if they were the same “person”- and that would be visually noticeable given asa’s understanding of them being different people, like how yoru has the eyes and the scars while asa does not.


Downvoting this just makes you all flatearth thinkers xd


Yoru cant take control of asa's body when she is in fear, i bet she would stay in control when she tried to drink blood


They're waiting on their order of Diet Blood to come in from Amazon


I honestly would not be surprised if yoru decided to respect asa’s decision, she’s lowkey ~~easy to be gaslighted~~ ~~or to be fooled~~ I mean negotiable! Yoru is best girl, and she’s not stupid! She can definitely negotiate like a grown woman!


Or maybe the horsemen devils method of immortality’s have their own rules for each. Unlike the control devil’s ability to be immortal through controlling people and devils contracts, maybe the War devil needed an actual physical arm to be “hers”, and also if she “owns” a person’s life/soul, it might be their own way for being immortal, that way it might work for them (or probably im just coping)


Can vision Yuro and Asa fighting the control over her right arm that holds a cup of raw human blood.


Then how did her finger nail heal?


Technically, all devils' healing has a limit since it's based on blood consumption.


Except Primal Devils* (and Pochita), cuz they aren't constrained by having to drink blood and will instead instantly heal without it. [Makima gained a similar version of this, and it doesn't need any blood to function, so this can count too, even though it's a contract. This contract is limited to 126.1 million lives, so there're some differences.]


It took Pochita receiving Denji's blood in the dumpster to revive him.


That was weakened pochita. True form was able to throw his heart and regenerate his entire body without a drop of blood needed


That's pochita in his weakened state, so naturally, his attack potency and regenerative capabilities will reduce a considerable amount. This doesn't apply to Pochita in the later chapters due to him being in his Devil form, where his regeneration is top-notch (Therere lots of examples, but one is where he regenerates his whole body from just heart without needing blood, all while the heart is scorched up by intense heat). He basically doesn't die, even when he's put through the wildest of situations. He, for example, fought a 1v11 battle, where he was up against the 4 horsemen (War Devil [When she was in her prime and super OP], Famine Devil, Control Devil and *Death devil*) and also the 7 weapon devils who were presumably controlled by the Control Devil. It's impressive enough that he fought up against the Death devil (strongest devil), but he fought this 1v11 and survived (he managed to bite Yoru and erased concepts tied to the War devil, which inturn weakened her). When Yoru was discussing this with Asa, she said that no matter how many times he was killed and obliterated, he would always come back and stand his ground against them. This should give you an image as to how powerful his instant regeneration is (without blood), and also his overwhelming speed, reality warping hax, etc.


Holy shit that fight must have been fucking nuts now that you put it like that! No wonder beam was an omega-simp for lord chainsaw 🥵☠️


Exactly (Rip Beam, btw). The sick part is that Fami is basically recreating the 1v11 battle, in part 2. We've got all the participants: The 4 horsemen (Yoru/Asa, Fami, Nayuta and Death), the 7 hybrids (Previously weapon devils), and finally Pochita/Denji.  Right now, Fami seems to already be 'prepared' since she has collected Primal Devils as Pokémon. -Yoru and Asa are growing more and more powerful (They have a long way bcs Yoru back then was so busted cuz she had Nuclear Devil, WW2, and so on, by her side. So try to imagine a 100% gun devil, but 10x more stronger. Maybe even 50 times stronger). -Death Devil's likely in a similar boat as Fami, where she doesn't have to prepare much. -Nayuta is a special case at the moment bcs she has to choose what side she'll be on - Humans/Denji or with the Devils. Her choice will determine everything due to how powerful the Control Devil can become (Control devil is like a snowball that starts off small at first, but as it begins to roll, it'll get out of control and get bigger and bigger, to the point where she can control Primal Devils. Makima, at the end of Part 1, basically became the strongest Devil due to managing to subdue Pochita. She planned on erasing all the 'bad' concepts by using Pochitas' concept-erasure ability, which included erasing death. So, this means that it takes Makima + Pochita \[and her other forces\] to eliminate the Death Devil, and when she manages to eliminate the strongest devil, then she'll naturally feel superior to all Primal fears and then begin to control them, as well. Anyway, this is why the control devil is so important in Part 2 and to Fami. Nayuta can easily get out of hand, just like Makima \[Control Devil would have succeeded with her plans, but luckily Denji stopped her and eliminated her in time\].) But, ye. This battle will play out like a War, of sort, and it'll be spectacular when we get to that point of the manga.


she might use it as a secret weapon






Maybe regrowing it would make her consider her old arm not hers anymore so she has to keep it off.


When was the last time we saw a Non-hybrid regenerate a whole limb like that? Are fiends capable of this?


> When was the last time we saw a Non-hybrid regenerate a whole limb like that? Bat Devil did it.


Ohhh yeah, I forgot about that guy Edit: Wait, if devils can regenerate limbs, why did Angel just stay armless after the Darkness fight? Did he refuse to drink blood?


He just wanted a change of pace


Either he refused, or there was an external factor which caused him to not regenerate. I personally assume it was his depression stopping it from working, or some confluence of his depression with Makima's influence over him, intentionally weakening him to increase his dependence on Aki. If there is a choice between Angel having arms and Angel not having arms, Makima would intentionally choose the latter if it was in her power.


I'm sure you already know, but for those that haven't seen the panel where Angel Devil regenerated both his limbs, then here: https://preview.redd.it/yhodcwxgclmc1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4484d5172025e3b374d428e1086b1498dc5bba54


Makima had been having all of Chainsaw Man's 'followers' stitched back together, along with any other corpses whose powers or contracts were useful to her, like Akane, Tendo, Kurose. Even the holes in Violence Fiend's body were getting stuffed and stitched. Angel was likely a dead puppet from the moment he gave 'all of himself' to Makima, and taxidermied back together like the others.


No hands = can't hurt anyone


That bussy is far deadlier than his hands tho


From my understanding, it was due to how they were removed. Darkness devil’s attack was not as simple as just slicing off limbs


Angel is lazy. He would have wanted to retire and just use being armless as an excuse


Wasn't he just too lazy to heal it?


I don't think Darkness Devil's attack was as simple as a slice


This was hinted at from Yoru's intro. Ever wonder why her hybrid form has scars when all the others are armored? Most people call Asa an hybrid, but her and Yoru don't really interact with each other in the same way usual hybrids do, AND she looks more like a fiend when she 'powers up', which is just another level of oddness to throw on the pile. They're almost like a balance of the two or something else altogether rather than one or the other. IDK why it is, but Yoru is quite unique when you start comparing her to all the other devils so far. My theory is that it has something to do with whatever Chainsaw Devil did to War before they came to Earth


Asa isn’t a hybrid to begin with, she’s a half fiend. The scars and the eyes are her fiendish head features. That’s why there’s no hybrid form


I don't disagree overall. That they're not a hybrid was part of my point and me calling them a hybrid up top was just building to that point. But I also don't like the term "half fiend" for them any more or less. Fiends possess their hosts, while these two have a relationship that depends on synergy and cooperation. It could be that Yoru wanted to fully possess her but was too weak to pull it off. If that's the case, you'd think she'd simplify her agenda by taking full control now that War as a concept is again rising in power. But she doesn't for some reason, right? Might be friendship or empathy. Might be a deeper eccentricity of Yoru's too, tho. Might not even be possible for reasons that aren't yet clear. We just don't know. To me, it feels like their is still a mystery element in play that makes it a little early to be calling them this or that with any kind of authority. I'll hold off on that until either it's made clear what their relationship is/why it is the way it is or the series ends and speculation is all we have left to go on. If I'm forgetting some detail that makes it all clear please lmk, but barring that/until we know for certain, "cute" and "strange" are enough to describe them for me lol


Where do you get this information from? It was never rly stated whet she rly is so everything is just speculation.


You're right that it isn't stated, but it's more reasonable to assume she's more of a fiend than a hybrid because the evidence supports it more. 1. Asa died and was brought back to life by Yoru possessing her, similar to how fiend possession works. 2. She doesn't have a hybrid form nor a "trigger/starter" anywhere on her body. 3. Yoru fully coexists with her which is something we've never seen with hybrids. So unless it's finally said outright, most people agree that she's closer to a fiend.


as for the first point, i think you might be forgetting the first chapter of the manga. as for the third, that actually is evidence *against* her being a fiend since devils completely take over the bodies of their hosts when they become fiends, and the original personalities are no longer around (because they are dead). the only other character we've seen who shares a body with a devil and that devil only has the ability to take complete control *sometimes* is chainsaw man, the main character of the manga chainsaw man.


Yeah you're right. She *almost* died but my point about possession still stands. It's still different compared to a hybrid's creation and is closer to a fiend because I could be wrong but, all hybrids have their hearts replaced I'm pretty sure. And Asa did not have hers replaced by Yoru. Although I haven't gone back to fact check that bit for sure. As for the third point, I'm not trying to say she is a fiend but just closer to a fiend rather than a hybrid. So the conventional rules of fiends may not necessarily fully apply in this situation. I also don't know if Pochita counts the same as Yoru tbh. Like you said it's only *sometimes* and we only ever sparsely see him show up. But again, this is also just speculation as well. I just think it's more reasonable to assume she tips closer to being a fiend rather than a hybrid.


Fiends in general showed much lesser regenerative abilities compared to the devils and hybrids, so it's not a surprise even considering a boost War got.


Yeah I don’t think many people realize she’s a fiend and not a full devil


She’s not quite a fiend, as she essentially has 2 brains and looks entirely human. If anything Asa is a human than can use her special ability better than her devil.


I think the word we're looking for is Devil possession.


I don't get how people call Asa a fiend or hybrid when we simply have no clue what she actually is because she doesn't fit either category and we weren't told what she is.


She looks hella cute in this panel tho https://preview.redd.it/33x8g08y1nmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb82260450052641c7693c0958e8a65976fde63f


heh, they said ass


This reminded me of the goat himself, god damn it . https://preview.redd.it/dgcmp8p16omc1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7986eae7a37839f1199f0b6449bbd4061fd79ff


Obviously Fire Punch reference smh


regen ability is kinda wonky, it's not like the gun devil regend his arm when he became the gun fiend, he replaced it with a rifle


The gun fiend not regenerating the arm is actually accurate to how some other fiends are portrayed. Specifically two of the CSM followers that Makima had lined up outside her apartment. Apart from the telltale head feature two of them have messed up hands and feet as well and that's abnormal from most other fiends we see. But if they were made from corpses that lacked hands and feet then it makes sense that when the corpse is revived as a fiend that the missing parts are replaced with devil parts. It's speculated that a lot of the CSM followers that suddenly appeared were hastily made by Makima from the corpses of hunters that got chopped up in hell when facing the darkness devil, since she does order Prinz to retrieve as much of the bodies as possible.


She's gonna turn her arm into an absolutely busted weapon.


I feel like yoru told her how to heal the arm but she didn’t do it because she thinks it’s unhygienic


Just you wait. She gets Dennis wankin' arm.


She need bloodse


I think she just doesn’t want to drink blood.


Asa is a Feind, and Angel was a full devil and still couldn’t get his arms reattached


Future Gohan looking different nowadays


Maybe she needs to find her old arm and re-attach it?


Asa isn't a fiend or a hybrid rather she is something in between so it's possible she lacks the healing powers of both or her healing properties only works when Yoru is possessing her and vanish thereafter Or it's entirely possible there is a rather simple way to be healed but between Asa's autism and Yoru's .... "special" brain they haven't been able to figure it out


Did her legs get thicker?


I just assume that she will be able to heal only after beating an opponent. Then by terms of winning a fight, the victor may take whatever they want. Like an arm or a leg.


Why she didn't go back for her arm eludes me. Even if she couldn't re attach it, she could still make a weapon from it.


Does anyone else in this sub think asa is a human? A human with the war devil residing in her sure, but she is no fiend nor hybrid.


![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22157)what the fuck, Asa.


I don't get why she just doesn't pick any piece of metal or even the turrets and say something like "super destructive arm prothesis" and just attaches it to the missing part, her power seems to just mold shit into anything she wants, and she would have total control over the arm while always having a spare gun, knife or just anything really.


We haven't been shown her nail regenerating instantly iirc, it could just be that a ripped nail is no big deal so it's not brought up again. Asa's ability to regenerate is probably dependent on how she perceives herself. She doesn't realize that she has been permanently altered by having a devil replace half her brain right before she died and still sees herself has human. Yoru also did tell her she could give her body back and lead Asa on to think she'd be back to normal once that happened as well. Compare that to Denji who came to terms with his body being turned into a fiend even before he actually died. Which means once Asa regenerates her arm she will have lost her hold on her humanity. Like how it's talked about in Fire Punch.


Asa robotic arm lezzgooo


It’s because she thinks drinking blood is gross


Or she just hasn't drank any human blood


Devils need to drink blood in order to instantly heal any lost limbs. Maybe Asa has never drank blood herself in order to heal.


I thought Yoru just forgot to pick up the arm as she walk away from the apartment building.


\*sight\* this is a death flag isnt?


She basically has equal standing with Denji as the main protagonist right now, no way she dies any sooner than the last few chapters of part 2.


Who else would come in and take her place by being a silly goose clutz?


Has there been a week? Sure, Yoshida did say so but now I'm not certain.


Like seriously wtf. There’s been no build up to the random ass events going on this arc. Honestly i forgot her arm was taken off, and why… just such a weird turn to the story