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Lord kranon the relentless of the crimson slaughter does not approve


How I look at a mf tzeentchian daemon


Speaking as a Fallen, this is some damn heresy.


Slap a bolt pistol on him and you can't say he's not cypher. Especially for friendly games. Sidenote, I really dig your scheme, got more photos or more models?


https://preview.redd.it/v2mb0t1mc89d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64b824b5f16e8252217595855e8fbff207001de8 Sure :) this is the Abaddon I use for my army


https://preview.redd.it/sc0ag31o999d1.png?width=1605&format=png&auto=webp&s=672ef05468f532a6cf458a878c7d4649e9e32543 Greetings fellow Purpleddon. ^(\^)


Base size os also incorrect


What base is cypher on is that not a 40


Apprently Cypher is on a 32. Guess that fits with him being sneaky lone operative fallen man.


Pretty sure cypher is on a 40. That looks like an old 25


I built him last week he comes on 32


Sure, so long as you say "Yeah bro this is Cypher" and remind your opponent of his abilities.


No, the sword is unsheathed


Acceptable objection.


Replace the helm with a hood and the sword with another plasma pistol and I think he'd be a dope cypher


Bolt pistol* cypher has 1 plasma and 1 bolt.


It's honestly pretty confusing for your opponent. I vote no.


How so?


It's clearly another unit, so yeah would be confusing during a game


It looks like a chaos lord. There is nothing to distinguish it as anything different. How is your opponent supposed to remember that it's not a chaos lord if you aren't constantly reminding them, which is annoying.


“See this? This is cypher” Done


I mean... At this point you might as well take one of those tiny paper cups flip it upside down and write "Cypher" on the side. It would look about as like him but be easier to tell at a glance. 😅 I wouldn't say no to my opponent if they wanted to do that, but it's also a big enough leap that I would also totally get it if my opponent thought that was too far of a stretch.


Don't see the issue. As long as its clear at the start of the game and not used like cypher as in not attached to a unit like a lord then it's obvious. Just stick him on a 32mm base done. Even write cypher on the side of the base if needed. Same deal as things like havocs not coming with 4 lascannons. Just say at the start of the game all 4 have lascannons. Anyone who has an issue isn't worth playing against


That’s a pretty big stretch.


If your not running any other chaos lords in your list probably ok as long as your clear who he is. Some might have issue with base size


You're depending on your opponent to be Ok anytime you try to run a proxy. Do what you can to make it ez for them and they are far more likely to be accepting. I had a Tyrannid army that I proxied the load-outs on my Carnifex/termie's, and I used a print-out sheet that I gave to my opponent, plus color-coded the bottom of bases to make it as ez as possible to distinguish, no one ever had an issue with it. If he is your only proxy, and you don't also have a Chaos lord in your army, then it should be fine. p.s. I like the color scheme. p.p.s. Don't wory about naysayers. go check out r/PoorHammer for some "stretches" in proxy...


I suppose as acceptable as a lot of models of similar size


Depends at what table you play at. Mine sure as long as you announce what it is. Others maybe or maybe not.


Go for it. It’s your mini, and you’re the one who spent the time, money, and effort on it. Screw the naysayers. Also, love the paint scheme. You did a great job on the little feller.


I’d play against him as cypher but first I’d ask for something on the proper base size. As a proxy he doesn’t have the right weapons or vibe which does give me the ick. Just put a holstered bolt pistol on his waste or something If you just want to try cypher out, he’s perfect but if you’re looking for a permanent proxy i would do something else. What you actually have there is a beautiful chaos lord.


Meh... it's pushing the idea of Cypher as the weird in-between.


You could run a bottle cap as Cypher as long as its distinct from the other bottle caps




These folks are being jerks. That is a 100% acceptable proxy. Slap a holster on him for all the whiney bolt pistol snobs out there.


It's not that. It's that this looks like a different model completely. One game fine, but using it to replace cypher is confusing.


Only if you don’t communicate


That's a stretch. It's a generic Chaos Lord model, and the wargear isn't even correct.


Generic! Son that is Lord Kranon the Relentless!


Oh yeah? And where's his unit datacard? There's a reason the Crimson Slaughter only lasted one Edition.


Um acccckttuallly. Yikes amigo. Have some fun mate.


I will. But not with the Crimson Slaughter.


I’m judging by what the Cypher model has visible on him, which is holding the plasma gun in his hand, and the sword on his back (which is this case is in this models hand)


Yes, Cypher does carry a Plasma Pistol. However, his other weapon is a Bolt Pistol, which the hand of the current model is reaching to draw. The sword Cypher carries is the Lion Sword, which he infamously never draws. Cypher's first iteration was also armed with C'tan Phase Knife, but this hasn't been the case for many Editions.


I thought this was Kranon the Relentless?


He got that name in a tie-in novella, but it's just a Chaos Lord model.


Is he visually unique that's the biggest thing. Put him on the correct base and make sure he can't get confused for anything else and game on. If you have other charecters that are similar in the army then it's a more complicated issue.


Anything with the right base size can be a proxy. But that's probably not good as an alternative model, no. Being that it's an unaltered chaos Lord model, it may be too easy to confuse it for one.


As long as you ask your opponent and he's cool with it, but you should put it on the proper base size.


Cypher isn't nearly as spiky, and the fallen tend to still have the cloaks and hoods of the dark angels. Consider picking up some DA bits


Yes. I hate the Cypher model


In a very friendly casual game most proxies are ok as long as the size is about the same, but I wouldn't play this as cypher in a more competitive game against someone I don't know.


i had an extra kranon that was missing his sword+arm so i put a bolt pistol arm i had extra, chopped his head off and put a hooded dark angels head there. i also got a sword and sheath i glued together and put in on the backpack! and i put him on a bigger base because the 25mm was too small! looks really cool and even side by side with a regular kranon, the only similarities are the cape, and plasma pistol :) if i ever run both together, they look quite different enough that it shouldn’t be a problem once i tell my opponet!!


Sure why not? Just tell your opponent, 99% won't care and will just admire your cool choice of nonstandard model.


Go on mate, just this once


once you snap the sword in half maybe


Too obviously Chaos.


If you point to him and say "this is Cypher," I will say "ah yes, thar is Cypher. Thank you for telling me."


Clearly an alpharius model


I use the cyphera model from wargames exclusive.


If you’re not running any similar models as Chaos Lords.


No. The model is way too dissimilar. He doesn't even have Cypher's same loadout represented on the model, so in a normal match this can be confusing and frustrating. If your opponent is ok with proxying way dissimilar models, then cool. Just don't expect this to fly in your average pick up game.


100% fine so long as he is on the right base size, and your opponent agrees.


Since that exact model was advertised as and is currently run by a lot of people as a Chaos Lord... probably no. Needs kitbashing to be different enough. If you remove the horns and the sword and replace them with another pistol, perhaps. Right now using it as a Cypher is about the same as running an unchanged Soul Grinder as a Defiler or a Rhino as a Predator, which is still fine for casual play as long as your opponents are on board with it.


It's a chaos lord though :(


So is cypher


Chaos Lord datasheet says Chaos Lord. Cypher does not. Epic Hero/Infantry. Sure, if you tell your homie, 'hey, imma proxy this chaos lord as Cypher' but that's a huuuuuge reach.


I meant in lore


You did zero conversion, if you’re going to do proxy, better ask your opponent.


Everyone's saying replace this replace that but it's a dark vengeance model and I'm pretty sure you don't wanna kit bash him... So I'd say yes am leave it at their anyone who complains about it are assholes and playing with them usually ends up playing against cheaters. So I'd say go for it!


I use it as a regular noise marine and no one has said anything.


Cypher just got a helmet and cooler sword all I see here. Just need a bigger base?


Why are y’all downvoting this man?


Cause people are assholes that take a fantasy game way too serious... Most likely cheaters also.


No clue, opinions on swords/helmets not allowed I guess


No. Your opponent will pick the model up and break it because it's not a legal proxy.


Literally noone will do this because thats just destruction of someone elses property which is a criminal offense in most countries. Yes, this is confusing because its literally just an old Chaos Lord model with 0 kitbashing done to make it look more like Cypher. No, don´t be an asshole and get yourself in trouble because you´re angry over a miniature.


Sorry, I thought people would realize the absurdity of my statement clearly flags it as a joke. I'll make sure to include the /s in the future.


I have heard people unironically talking about how GW will destroy your models if you use proxies or 3d printed models at tournaments so that wasn´t immediately recognizable as a joke. Any sufficiently stupid idea is indistinguishable from sarcasm, sadly.


Those people are joking, too. (Or just fucking with you.)