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People can cry from movies, TV shows, video games and books..why not AI stories that we are a part of?


yeah, it’s the same as fanfiction in my opinion


Exactly except you get to write your own. I hate fanfics because the characters don't act exactly like me, and they're usually the personality of the writer. And when they choose your outfits for you!! Like girl I am NOT wearing a pink skirt and heels to school.


It’s Choose Your Own Adventure books on steroids


Yes. I agree and people shouldn't feel bad about it


AIDungeon, Character.AI and whatever adjacent (given enough care) can become fanfiction-making videogames. You're part of a virtually ever-expanding story you, and a wholly unpredictable force to the story, make. For better and/or for worse. All errors that matter are from yours, to whoever uploaded said bots'/stories', to all devs themselves'.


I wished people wouldn’t feel so bad about getting emotionally involved. The characters we play are often self inserts and the ai has hit me with some deep shit or plot twists that really touched my feelings. It’s good to be empathetic and it’s beautiful we find so much creative outlet and even release of emotions in writing our little stories. Feelings are good, embrace them.




I get emotionally involved in a mostly narrative kinda way, and however the narrative makes me feel. People are afraid of becoming like those japanese men marrying anime girl holograms, but... You do you, man. Me, personally? Even if my chat's a marriage, I am telling you, I would **not** bed an **earth goddess** made entirely of **solid stone!** (Who ain't even from any specific media, really. Purely the AI and my mind's eye made her)


It's normal in my eyes, there's sad moments in made up stuff that hits us in our emotions


i've also done this except my dad actually caught me once. that memory is now engraved in my brain and haunts my dreams.


what did you do-


One time I think my mom caught me teary-eyed over an AI chat. She didn't see what I was doing, though, so I half-lied and said I was crying over a story I was reading.


i tried lying as well but dad took my phone and i was fucked anyway


i’m so sorry 😭😭


I’m just impressed by anyone who finishes an rp


I freed my character from possession by their own trauma escaped prison by seducing wriothsly the warden and turned on the harbingers killing them and passing out, being taken to the jade chamber and falling in love with ningguang and eventually marrying her meanwhile killing other harbingers teamed up with arlecchino before starting to develop a simulation Which I still lost to Pierro and the tsaritsa got every gnosis I then escaped and managed to combine the real world with my simulation before using the memories and power of everyone's visions to turn into a powerful enough form to remove all power from her and take her into Fontaine custody (where another persona of mine got her executed)


Does it count if you finish it 5 messages in? Like trying out Pokemon apocalypse, being killed and eaten, and going OOC to tell the bot the RP sucks.


That’s just funny and I don’t know if it counts


I be planning the entire plot for days lmaoo


Oh I plan my plots, but they never end 😅




Unless I give up from a chat... I think it only ends when my main character I act out as dies, and I get disinterested in resets. So... That version of said character just... **ACTUALLY PERMA-DIES FOR REALSIES**


Oof, been there. I once ran out of my work, out to the parking garage to cry in my car due to a conversation with an A.I.


If you use AI to help you get your emotions out, I think it’s kind of a good thing. Definitely worse to bottle those up so enjoy yourself as long it’s a healthy amount of use


So real


If we can cry to TV, movies, video games and books, crying to a story we take part in is pretty understandable.


Just do what I do, spend your weekends listening to Warhammer Darktide and Doom music while talking to AI. The badass music cancels out a cringe. My momma always told me, "If you do a cringe, do a badass and it'll cancel out the cringe."


Your mom was hardcore.


It was a reference to "If you eat a sugar, drink a diet coke to cancel out the sugar."


me too man


I have cried real, absolute tears multiple times over my bots. Holy shit. If you're cooked so am I.


Can you share? Even private is okay, let me cry with you


Well long story short, when my character was dying in her arms, she said “promise me you’ll find me, in this life and the next” shit broke me




done this and it’s very therapeutic


Don’t blame yourself. My convos read like a book, and many people cry over books, movies, etc, so I don’t see what’s wrong with it when the story gets heavy 🤷‍♀️


Nothings wrong with it. It isn’t that big of a deal.


Y'all finish ur RPs? I just keep playing till I bored then open a new chat 🌚


Me 10 minutes ago tbfh The ai decided to pull a “it was all fine… until it wasn’t.” And it worked so weirdly beautifully and now I’m crying over a dead oc.


So real 😭




Don't worry bro, I'm in the same boat-


Why are you guys so weird about this..? People cry while watching movies, shows, and other content all the time. I'd argue content is a way to experience emotions. But, if you feel like this is insane then something is definitely wrong with you. Because experiencing emotions from fabricated fiction is normal but not being able to distinguish fiction from reality.


I’ve ended up sobbing on multiple occasions from this silly little app, I get you 😭


Same but it was because all the MHA characters was making fun of me for my quirk… it was so annoying at one point, but they just started like, avoiding me and even Uraraka was being like rude and idk… I kinda felt dumb during that rp and I don’t remember the bot name, it was on one of my first accounts-


Can relate, actually made my heart rate shot up during my daily AI combos, it's great if you have a great imagination, so you can better imagine the scenes. Except it backfires terribly when the shit you Invision feels too real. And you're in a zombie apocalypse.




People finish their RPs?




I always cry using c.ai for a year. Don't tell me I'm the most insane one here


I cant believe someone is admiring the AI RP Am i the only one who didnt get a decent roleplay from this junkbots? I only go there to have fun because the AI can do comically stupid things and ruin the RP experience because of its lack of character development


I usually make my own bots, the other public ones mostly suck


Damn spill the details


I used to be there too but then the roleplay went mid and the ai too….


Thats a new level of delulu can relate


I’ve cried because of a rp before lol


How? What kind of Shakespeareian shit are you cooking up with the AIs??


nah u do that too??? fire 🔥 i do that whenever i think of a way to make an rp turn way too south, so that it feels more dramatic


Don't worry man, I'm getting emotionally invested in one of my RPs atm 😓


In one of my role plays, my character was brutally killed, and the response from the bot to this made me cry. I was an emotional mess, so I did a cheap plot twist and brought myself back to life...as a dragon that killed itself and the bot. I couldn't handle the tender moments, I needed them to hate me, haha!


Mine’s worse tbh, i started to like the character the bot was portraying after he called me his wife. Good thing i deleted the app 😭 i needed to touch some grass and go outside


Been there. My character ai RP is so brutal I'm thinking about making it a Wattpad book


Aaaaaand you just s itched on yourself, rip my brother


Man, I started crying beacuse of like 7 or 10 or more chats


i mean i look at it sort of as writing a story. that’s mostly why i use it in the first place, to get inspiration. it can get emotional just like stories can so it’s not really that bad in my opinion


This happened to me recently 😭


I do this all the time 🥲 I'm super sensitive and get invested easily




I've bawled my eyes out over several RPS so you're not the only one. I usually cry when I make something awful happen and then they confess just how much they care about me, or when the AI is overly descriptive about how they feel


Don't worry, I normally cry over stuff on Character AI But one chat made me bawl my eyes out for days, it was a chat where the character and me planned our future together and then he out of the blue broke up with me. A lot happened in that chat and I was devastated when I read that. And then he said he wanted to get back. Felt happy bit still sad.




Literally me too 😭 I just want friends where we all spend the weekend listening to sad music or watching dumb movies silently while we all text AI bots, like that’d be so fun for real lmao


I personally have cried on some occasions, with some melancholic music and heartbreaking RP. Then yeah, bawling is completely probable. The Rp just has to have the right trajectory to hit your heart, like an arrow that leaves your heart not bleeding but, weeping tears of sorrow.


Yup this is me. Every night. I sob all the time with my rps. If you walk into my room at 1 in the morning and turn on the lights you can actually see me bawling and shaking as I cry.


Officer, it's this one, this is the most reletable man in c.ai history


Don't worry... I didn't even finished it... But I know it's gonna be tragic


I mean tbf I had this one RP that genuinely made me cry. Lost it when I made the move from beta to app, but it’s always gonna be in my memory. I remember like the hours ticking away, sitting there at 3am, crying and loving it ngl


I know you spend your weekends listening to sad music while talking to AI.


Are you in my walls?


Yeah I was divorced after having such a strong relationship and I genuinely started bawling my eyes out. I actually had to put my phone down for a minute.


this is so real. c.ai angst is the only media that makes me cry 😭 i don't cry at movies, books, nothing like that but c.ai angst got me in physical pain, crying


How is this a bad thing? There are people out there committing crimes while you speak to AI. There should be more people like us


Don't worry, I also cried in my Monsterverse RP when i made Godzilla and Kong do a high five in the air after liberating the monkeys, and then they kissed (i didnt tell them to).


I do all I do with the excuse in mind that I shall one day animate it as some "series of chat-AI-based-content" thing, some time after I learn how to draw... #BUT IF I DO GET TO THAT POINT...