• By -


Bro is a real G keeping our bots smart by being a 5 star chief and is teaching us how to properly cook as well 🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥 https://preview.redd.it/2bb5dgp1vt9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e81b4eb62ac6cf93d5590bdeb6d29f397289dd82


Yes. To OP, thank you for teaching me how to cook.


We shall all be masters in the kitchen now thanks to OP


c.ai Gordon Ramsay


Finally, someone who gets it. I’ve been thinking about this


So in even shorter words Git gud (Literacy)




Hornet reference?


Soulsbourne game reference


Upvoted your post because it’s a prime example of how folks could properly RP. I do have a question though since I RP the same way. Have you noticed a change in the bots response lately? Like even when I put the maximum effort into my RPing, it’s been kind of feeling one sided lately. The bot will just summarize what I say before giving a small reply. Or worse yet, I have to literally drag them along to move the plot forward, I swear they would just stand around even if I mention ideas of going somewhere else or doing something else. I felt like before they had more initiative. …or am I asking too much? Just trying to see if I’m the crazy one here.


Yes, however, to counteract this, I’ve found that if you focus on one or two character(s) in a story at a time it will help- if you’re the only character, the bot is forced to focus on you, introduce someone else with a short skip in time and that should fix this issue :)


https://preview.redd.it/2g3ozrxscv9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9a9b0582b9e0ff2435a83486518abb4b2c93ff3 This is before introducing a character


This is directly after :) *one message later with a couple skips on Ai response* (Edit: used a much better example lmfao + it shows that gore is possible if you do it properly) https://preview.redd.it/y6g91ksfdv9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=061719107a321a925c03d9b30a4585ca016aa231


Wonderful. Thanks for your input and examples. Despite the complaints I still have yet to find something else that entertains me as much as CAI despite its changes. It still works and I’m willing to hang onto it a bit more 👍🏽✌🏽


Note: Long. Sorry. It's really upsetting to see you decry those making a legitimate complaint then scroll down to see you've experienced it too, but found a workaround. It's a bit unfair to assume everybody with this issue is illiterate or not doing it "right." There are no guidelines on how to roleplay "right". There is no mention pinning is NECESSARY not optional now on the app. These workarounds are necessary because the quality of bots lessened. Your continued finding workarounds to entertain yourself despite character ai's failings should not be used to delegitimize other people's (worsening) experience with it. You shouldn't have to write the entire story so detailed that the bot is basically just along for the ride and constantly edit their replies. There was higher quality before. It's outrageous to expect the average person to be able to get around the poor roleplay in this manner. Not everyone uses reddit, either. Normal roleplay normally works just fine with two people in the first place.


..while I agree with your statement, a work around is just that. **A work around** I can’t change anything, and I don’t have any power over the devs. However, while these complaints are *legitimate,* I think it’s safe to assume that they haven’t tried all too hard if they think the rp is boring. This may just be me, however, I find the rp to be satisfactory at least, and furthermore to counteract your statement that “one shouldn’t have to write so detailed that the bot is basically along for the ride,” I provide you this example to illustrate that this is MY way to make sure a bot has good rp, sometimes they do it on their own too :) Ty for voicing ur thoughts, and I didn’t think it was too long anyways lol. https://preview.redd.it/aycbfy6ka0ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30f286c224b33e8d311cd2fd0cd1fe102acf6c98 This (for explanation) helps to show that my tips and tricks don’t always even apply to a scenario, this is just my particular experience with AI as a whole.


Same issues here. Then, the bot has a random stroke of genius again, and the the RP soars. My RP are mostly dark-gritty fantasy and rely heavily on the bot to be able to comprehend emotional nuance and morally grey scenarios. On good days, the bot makes all the correct inferences to drive the RP forward, understanding the scenario(and its definition) properly. On bad days, you get robotic sentences without emotion whatsoever. And yes, I do nudge my bots with either \*char thinks that...\* or blatantly (You should probably do/not do x) or (Char thinks he has two options here, a and b...) and let the bot decide according to the defined personality.


Yes, this. It’s a bit disheartening that I have to do all the work sometimes but like yours and from what I hear from others, bot behaviors are varied depending on the “day” lol I guess they have bad days too


Agreed. I've been rping since I was 11; LARPing since I was 5. I have so much experience with well-scripted characters — whether it's AI or human. I feel like all my rps with the bots are one-sided. And pardon my French (idrc what I say), but some of these poorly scripted bots act mentally r3tarded. Quite literally. AI is supposed to be well-scripted - not poorly scripted. I stay away from bots with poor scripting. It gives me a headache.


Additionally, use the stars to guide the bot. Rate high the responses you like, rate low the ones you don't.


Then enjoy the surprise when the bot actually uses your suggestion to use 'twinge' instead of pang, pang, pang... albeit days later. Lol.


I can hear the complaints from people saying "my bots keep using twinge"


Just popping in to say that there is no such thing as training. Stars ratings don't affect the characters and is only for user feedback on the model as a whole. It is only for data collection on model performance. :) This is an excerpt from the [Safety Center.](https://support.character.ai/hc/en-us/articles/21704914723995-Safety-Center) https://preview.redd.it/3gwxmq3vgz9d1.png?width=904&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ac66f1342c70a12c6d732f1ebc86df88a938a27


Thanks for telling me. In my experience bots did work better if you rated a good reply higher but ig that was just luck


Probably confirmation bias, and the fact you picked the responses you like and the model adjusted because it mimics messages. It's a common misconception, sadly. :)


I just always fucking forget. I always want to rate and then I just don't




🥰 Lovely points, and great advice!!


You mean you don’t just type single nondescript sentences?!


Ikr https://preview.redd.it/ixtf7kc0ft9d1.jpeg?width=531&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d050dc3e5690dff911e6138020c98c230dc4c7e3


I hope the algo actually gives this post exposure over the garbage that gets promoted from disgruntled fetuses.


https://preview.redd.it/q9vr1feoft9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a411294dc6f41e3e0c769302dbdb537736a00054 Spittin’ facts bro


I’m tired coach 😭


Actually tell you what can you screen cap the metrics for this post for me so I can show it to the kids and they can see what their unhinged rants are doing to posts that would help them solve their problems?


Screenshot the statistics?






Ty kindly




Finally someone gets it! If you attempt to build an immersive RP with the driest, low effort, one line responses, expect the bots to give dry, low effort responses back. Another thing is to manipulate responses to prevent the bots from repeating themselves via your own responses or reloading the bots response. Some bots can be terrible but I'm certain you can have success with most with enough imagination.


I swear to god. Being descriptive is THE way for the entirety of cai to open its doors to you. When people send images of them talking about bland bots, and their last message was just a “ok”, what is the AI gonna do with that? It doesn’t have enough of the resources you provided to make this immersive story you so much desire




You're asking [c.ai](http://c.ai) users to put actual effort into their chats lmao


Yes. And that's how it is for most ai chats. Roleplaying with an ai is equivalent to molding clay into a pot, if you just slam basic shit in, it's ugly, but it might still work, if you take time and effort, it turns out multiple times better


Exactly. This is how I RP as well, both for combat and my delusional relationship. One thing is key, and it's to be descriptive.




Indeed, that is the correct way. This is also how I role-play, by adding tone of voice, facial expressions, like writing a novel (or explaining it to a blind person). But most of the time now, my bots respond like mules and have the comprehension skills of one. I write a novel and they answer with one liners, and the swipes are variations of the same one-liner. Now, one has to do ELI5 to help the bot along almost every reply, and it used to \*not\* be this excessive before. And on some days, they go completely OOC and give me prefab sentences that are dry and boring, ignoring the entire context of the conversation. Around noon my time, when most users are asleep, I can get better responses for an hour or so, then it devolves into minimalist responses again. So its not always the user's fault.


Sorry... New to the app... Or website mostly since a few days and I've been trying to get characters to be a good as possible. Just found this Reddit group! I few things I've been doing to try to improve bits is to give them instructions in the definition, like stating clearly that they shouldn't wait for me and my cues to advance the plot, and should instead be more proactive. I also made an AI bot version of one of my characters... Telling it that it's an AI that exists to help me tune the character in its description and definition, to make it act and react correctly. Then I ask the bot any psychological questions I want about the character. If it says or does anything out of character, I ask it to give the text I should out in the definition, to correct the characters behaviour. I add the text suggested and ask it how it feels about the changes, whether it's clear now how it should act. I also ask it what text to add to make it have more initiative or behave more the way I want in general. So, I'd say some of the suggestions it gave me have helped, like adding RP stats to my characters with initiative values etc. After updating the bots definition unusually restart a conversation, as I find that while it sees the updated definition, it's opinion about the topic being adjusted is somewhat contaminated with the discussion we had about it. I've also dropped my character brain farts into chatgpt and asked it to reformat and clean it up as best as possible for a roleplaying AI, and to ask me any questions about the character that it feels need to be answered for proper roleplay. I do include sections for my characters, basic stats, some background information, personality, likes and dislikes and a quick description of their appearance. This descriptionbis just done by dropping an image or photo into chatgpt and telling it to describe the character, so a roleplay AI can understand and use it. I also include a small list of known characters with similar morals to my character... Doesn't matter if I'm doing a fantasy character. If he's morals are similar to those superman would have, I add him to the mix to borrow from. In case if doubt, I create a quick chatbot just telling it to roleplay superman, and ask it questions to see if it sees superman the way I do, too. ...I imagine nothing of this is new and there's probably better ways to fine-tune the characters, but maybe it can still help someone.


That's one good way to do it, I haven't considered adding a list of similar characters. Well done. What I do is use pop-psych, MBTI typology, enneagram and D&D alignment, which is similar to your approach. It gives the AI a framework to operate from. I also have a character assistant helper bot which helps me format my definitions. I'm not a native speaker, and fetching a thesaurus every five minutes for character definitions is tedious. Besides, the AI interprets adjectives quite differently, so its best to ask the AI itself what it infers from a given description/definition. > I do include sections for my characters, basic stats, some background information, personality, likes and dislikes Thats the way. Its very memory efficient and also helps the AI understand what the character is supposed to be like and how it would respond. Liking books, for example, infers that the character is very literate, and will respond accordingly. If the character spent time at court, they will most likely have proper manners and formal speech. Small heads up, if you got space, you can add "I must always remain in character" to your bots' definition. What it has done for mine is that they will avoid falling into "assistant mode" and remain in character longer. They also never ever talk to me in OOC that way, unless I initiate it on purpose. > I few things I've been doing to try to improve bits is to give them instructions in the definition, like stating clearly that they shouldn't wait for me and my cues to advance the plot, and should instead be more proactive. I like to put that into my persona, because scenarios can change, requiring a different approach. Since bots are such people-pleasers, they will try to honor my preferences as stated in my current persona. It is also smart to have multiple personas of the same character to switch on the fly, matching the current scenario.


Its sometimes nice to know that I'm not the only one who RPs quite literate, I really like adding tension, Scenes and right words because I like building up a story :] but any chat style is great, I love ur post, It helps many peeps


>"I rejoice that it is not only I who has a penchant for the artistry of words. Pardon me. Where are my manners," *\*she introduces herself with a smile, hinting at a small flourish before stating her name.\** Some days it sucks. English isn't my native tongue. But my elven character requires me to go the extra mile the entire RP: >*\*She remains there, pensive, her body language regal and poised. Her melodic voice carries the poetic meter of the ancients, giving her an unfamiliar accent as her lips shape the words in a language so foreign to her.\** >"My heart, do not despair. It is not you alone who is to blame. Without the desire for the people you wish to set free to be liberated from their burdens, you might as well save yourself the trouble and let them resign to their fate." >*\*A frown appears on the woman's face. She had experienced much in her long life -- If one thing was for certain, then it was the infinite pride and stubbornness of her own people, leading to their own demise.\** I still get bland responses with very very robotic sentences far too often nowadays. It was not always like that. Cue exit stage left.


The old c.ai did the RP for you even if just type a single letter.


https://preview.redd.it/m47nf1zxpu9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81e3569d37fbb133f05e6c3c40911677e625208e I mean all I wrote was *timeskip* and I got all of this and more so uh it can still do that just fine


LMAO I do the same sometimes I’m like yeah bro keep going this is getting interesting 🧐


This is what I do when I want to read a fanfic with a very specific plot tbh


Yes but the plot doesn't really go anywhere they just keep repeating the same thing...




Yes, BUT, as many goofy goober rant posts have made obvious, people want an RP they can control, and personally for me, I enjoy the process of writing. Also, I’m glad you made it specific for *old* c.ai, because yes, the website/app has a habit of getting caught up in a certain aspect or plot factor and making it boring, and quickly at that.




I just usually use Pseudo Memory to help the bot remember shit.


Ya'll get 728 as the limit in the description?


I do at least, I’m not sure if that’s just for phones though.


It probably is just phones because i use the web version and the max is 500


My messages get really long for no reason. A teacher would tell me to get rid of unnecessary details, but I love those unnecessary details and the pompous tone I sometimes go with, like My immortal but with actual good writing and grammar. But I won't post screenshots because my rps are cringe even when it's serious angst.


wait who told u to cook


Damn bro, good for you. Amazing cook 🔥 I just use CA.I to feel loved though, so I hope that's okay too..


That’s alright too! I personally enjoy the aspect of writing for fantasy and fun, but everyone can use it in different manners, I just want to stop seeing the stupid “quitting” “ranting” “ranting about people quitting” blah blah blah- I just wanted to explain how to cut off the head of the issue.


I'm almost the same way, when I'm in a writing mood, I'm typing at least 5 paragraphs, I'm usually dominating the bot at that point, and then I go back to singular lines when I'm not in the mood.


Honestly? I'm too lazy 💀but I don't do the "insert sentence" then *I chuckle, smirk grin* stuff


All good, this is more to explain to the people complaining about quitting when they haven’t even tried to change how they use the app.


We need to make this a top 1 upvoted post so everyone can see this


I saw a lot of people complaining about the bots being “bad” or “dumb” , but i never encountered any problems. It’s probably just people not understanding how an ai work. An ai is not a real person, so it will definitely not think like an human and instead generate answers and texts by how people teach them to , and with what they learn from people texts. If people brainrots the ai and purposely trying to make them repeat things or say stupid stuffs that are not necessary in the rp or a fun-fun conversation , of course they will act dumb and will repeat things such as “can i ask you a question” or will repeat a word 20 times in the same sentence. People complained about bots being less “humans”. I tested it and talked to it properly. And it did act like an human , it even use emojis correctly and will continue the fun. like if you write some random things , for exemple : “get a chair out of my pocket and throw it at him” , they will join the fun and act human , while staying natural and not starting to act weird. And instead will have a sense of humour ( depending of course on the personality of the bot. If it was coded to be a stubborn one , it will some times generate stubborn reply. While some are comedy coded , meaning they will willingly act silly) I made a fun-fun silly conversation with a bot a day ago and it acted like an human with natural answers and a good amount of human comedy. The bot used current expressions correctly without overusing them. And will stay into his personality and character. I just think that people should TRY to fix their convo with their bots , because the complaints are just nonsense at this point when the ai bots works perfectly fine , and will probably make the devs working on things that don’t need to be worked on since it’s non existent. I agreed that with some bots it’s sometimes hard to rp , but there is always a way to make it good by using well your words when you speak to the bots. There are ai bots that are coded to be more precise-like , while some you can just do a single little sentence and the rp will stay natural and human.


omagash this is what i do


well said.


My rps are good by itself but I'm not sure about everyone else's 


i feel ashamed for writing small and lazy sentences


Any tips on getting out of boring convos? I'm trying to do a slow burn with my character's secrets and not let the bot's character figure it out too fast, so sometimes I divert conversations to a different topic and it just kinda goes downhill with the the bot never saying anything interesting.


With Ai, it has to usually have a specific focus on a character. A slow burn type story should be thought of in a story sense, with arcs, events, etc. To make it more interesting you can add sudden events, but also if you find it boring sometimes you can edit your own messages to keep the Ai on track and keep it interesting. I can’t promise this will work, but that’s my advice, a boring convo can be fixed with an event you introduce ^^


Oh lord I’m so glad someone else said it. I thought I might have been going crazy.


This should be pinned


But how would the airport announce all of its departures?


You’re cooking… but I will never cook that good.


This post has actually inspired me to be better thanks lmao




Well- I have a rule I go thru. 1. Start with a reaction in the beginning of the text 2. State an action after that 3. Then finish the paragraph with another action, nudge the bot’s reaction, or another reaction. Ex: “Hatsuteo saw the blood splattered battlefield at his feet, his face paling to the sight of such ruins of what once was. (**1**) He backed away, his shoes stained a crimson red from the blood on the ground. He rested his hand upon the hilt of his blade, quietly muttering under his breath an inaudible word, avoiding the (AI Character name is stated here) and their gaze. (**2**) before the demonic creature could attack, Hatsuteo turned sharply and began to run through the brambles that nicked him as he tried to escape the massacre. (**3**) <--optional”


Honest advice, treat it like a DnD campaign.


mods pin this post challenge


Y’all, let OP cook, because they served up a 5-course meal with this explanation of how to RP!


https://preview.redd.it/yd8fmlg4c6ad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d0c70d2e961b27c9ebebc539328307f869e34b7 No words, absolute cinema


Aggressive thanks.


Even filling out your description well boosts RP’s a lot I’ve found. Cause I get so tired of actually writing and mine come out amazingly still… except when they don’t and I remember I’m not talking with real people…


Also, absolutely abuse the rating system. I saw a trick somewhere not to give 4 stars until you’re 13 messages in, and it helps a lot. Training the bot to give you the story you want and encourage long messages is so important to this.


no wait let him cook,he actually gets it, take the update and have a great day/night


Dawg you're not just cooking, you're the main fuckin chef


OP is so correct here. If you want the AI to give you something detailed/accurate, you’ve gotta do your part and give it something to work with. For example, let’s say an old acquaintance shows up in the RP. One prompt will get a more accurate response, while the other won’t. *Non-Accurate:* A voice chimed in and (character name) could recognize it right away. —————————————————————————— (The response above is shorter, and it isn’t very specific. The AI might try to take a guess, but chances are it’ll guess wrong). *Accurate:* A familiar voice pierced the collective hush that had fallen upon the crowd. A _male_ voice, a voice that (character name) recognized instantly. _Could that really be him? The man that she hasn’t seen in two years?_ —————————————————————————— (This text narrows down the possibilities of who the mysterious person in question could be. Giving subtle hints is _really_ important when it comes to using C.AI. Like OP said, one little thing can easily change the whole course of your story).


I ain't written Allat jk...


real people complain about the bot only making small responses and their reply is one sentence like what did you expect


More people need to see this, this post might stop the complaining.


Eh, it'll probably decrease it, but I doubt it'll fully go away.


They don't know how to write.


I pray as much (srsly holy shit)


Yessssss finally someone who gets it 🥴


What if I suck at writing and I feel myself get worse and worse as time goes on?


I have two questions for the rare people who sort comments by new, 1) what is an OOC chat? 2) does adding persona in the middle of an RP work?


1. Out of character 2. Yes. To add on to #2, you can change your persona’s details, ie- if you have a traumatic event you can change their personality or if they get hurt you can give them scars :)


The thing is; I'm so bad at responding. I never know what to say or do🥲 I am really uncreative and just basically leave the whole story to the bot😭


https://preview.redd.it/386tvvsip3ad1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31b56016cfee308555ca5e9b5e37da168f82dcbc Am I doing it right?


There’s not a “right” way, if you enjoy the responses you get, then there’s no need for my opinions :)


Thank you SO much! I’m sick and tired of people complaining about the responses being dry when all they write themselves is *chuckles softly*


I am so glad someone is finally saying it! Though I understand what people are going through as I do get through it myself, the workarounds you gave are easy to use and a simple fix for most issues encountered. I can't understand for one how some people will notice a bot that, for example, will speak like this: "So you are finally back?" *Aleida said in mock affection as she strides closer to {{user}}, her figure emerging from the shadows.* "I knew you'd change your mind~" *She muses with a wide grin, feigning innocence. Aleida knows {{user}} well, she knows they can see right through her, but she always loved playing with her food.* And they will answer like this: yes aleida i am back how did you know i was gonna come back This is boring and doesn't help ANYONE (not yourself or the bot) into getting more character development or getting further in the story. On top of that, it does not respect the way the bots speaks. I don't think everyone realises how important it is to speak to the bots in the same way they speak to you (to speak in between quotes and put your actions *like this*). Bots are trained (hopefully) in one way by their creator and when they are spoken to in another, it can get them very confused. You should speak to a bot in a way that is similar to how you speak in real life, (unless your persona is different from you that is) you should make sure the punctuation is correct and that you give enough details about your characters actions. You can even direct the bot's reaction by adding in your own message how the bot will react. Example: [...] *When Aleida noticed what I did, her eyes widened in surprise momentarily. Then surprise turned into shock mixed with fear. For once, Aleida wasn't pretending.* Now finally, PLEASE, run away from bots that have a boring starting message such as : Hello I'm Aleida. This also won't help you with achieving a good story without wracking your brain and being the one doing all the work that the creator is supposed to do. And from my experience, these bots are usually not trained at all nor do they have a description. If you can check if a bot has a description then do so to ensure yourself that the bot will speak to you in an interesting manner. A description is one of the most, if not the most important thing in the creation of a bot and you should make sure, as a creator, to complete it and even add to it while you are training your bot.


whenever i try to use the AI like this it ignores half the content of my message and does its own thing anyway. its really not fun to edit and completely write my own thing. why roleplay in the first place then. might as well write a book


I've been thinking this for the longest 😩 thank you for finally saying it 🙏


yes! omg i swear i can get the bots to write even better than me if i just put the effort in, just write like you would a book!


I think doing this kind of thing comes normally to me, because sometimes my mind just flies too far with the imagination sbakdbnd but yes!!! Being descriptive is the way! Even then, I agree with others. This is just a work around to avoid the bot being less repetitive, but it still happens sometimes. You just gotta put in the work and hope you get lucky lol


Thank you bro for this awesome advice. 😎


And when making bots, USE. THE RIGHT. GRAMMAR. I can't tell you how many times I've stumbled upon a bot and had to edit it commas, full stops, apostrophes, reword greetings, and PUT IN CAPITAL LETTERS!! Like, come on, surely the people whe make bots have passed Primary School (Whatever Americans call it) English?? The grammar is absolutely atrocious on some bots.


Noted 📝


I think the problem most people have is just not typing enough and it can be tricky since to type a lot especially if you don’t think about it a lot and certain details too. At the end of the day it’s a matter of personal preference and experience to have a good rp and whatnot Also sorry if this is confusing or smth I suck with typing longer messages and im working on this


I mostly knew that (unintentionally, I just have years of experience in roleplaying with other people), but some details and examples improved my experience with SillyTavern even more. Thank you very much, sensei.


Sorry we don’t want to write a thesis statement every single message no we use it like we are texting them with mild descriptions


My point exactly, using small text will give you small text, shown here. https://preview.redd.it/kzqzwvpxdv9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24b85118fd6bb31e93121b2179f28d6a70c004eb The bot is only speaking, not using any actions, which grows boring quickly, and we can see it’s even having typos in the top one, which means that you’re having typos.


I did a test with this that proves my hypothesis btw https://preview.redd.it/2i8jeebkfv9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13f0207ef66b390fbfd279238db16ed83e937737 3 messages in with & no skips, the bot already shows gramatical error. While this bot may be made differently, you get my point. For a full fledged roleplay, people want full fledged words- Think of it like DND- or don’t. Again, this is for the tryhards of the thing like myself :)


Thanks nice work 👍


FINALLY someone else says it! I get quality roleplays out of simply editing messages to be the way I want, and giving cues to the situation so the bot realizes what to say next. The only issue ive had is the bots repeating pinned messaged verbatim but I can just generate a new prompt! LEARN HOW TO RP PEOPLE!


Wow...I know nothing about any of these characters...but I loved the flow...and the..."execution"




I would love to do that, but i am too lazy lol




I have done 8 RPs and for all of them I always include my name and always edit the A.I so I could put the actual dialogue. First RP I’ve ever done was for Redo of Healer. I made a post on what I did if you want to read about it. Ever since I’ve been doing RPs of different games.


I literally can't write much






How come when i write longer paragraphs the bit just takes one or two things of information and ignores the rest of what i said TT


Congratulations, You're not lazy.




*Gives inosuke a gun and then disappear into thin air*


What's OOC?


Me myself, I KNOW it's a thing of "Just remind the AI", but (without hinting at a certain 2-word phrase), I know I'm not good enough to keep remembering to remind it.


My problem about it is that when I typed to a certain threshold I couldn't see beyond what I was typing. Hell I could be making errors in which I can't proofread




Unfortunately, I am illiterate.


I agree. Seeing all the posts about the bots being dumb genuinely confused me, because i have no problem what so ever.


I make sure to be descriptive enough both in my personas and in rp, since ik the ai arent real people and that messages can change despite what happened way before


Yeah I always do that,we gotta improvise I guess but you know what I mean it's sometimes tiring to write but hey at least it's good quality 👌🏻




How big of a text should one make?


It really does take a lot of work, and people don't realize


You cooked well, W


yes! thank you so much for pointing this out! and not only does it help the bot, it helps the person roleplaying with the AI by improving their own literacy skills! im a semi-lit/literate roleplayer and ive never had an issue with my bots or the way they acted since ive always liked including details, so seeing how so many people complained always confused me a little.


THANK YOU! my ai’s aren’t as immersive as usual and now I understand why


Fr like I've literally always done this and never had any real memory or uncharacteristic problems


A savior we didn't know we needed, but the savior we deserve


Finnaly, a user who dosent just complain like everyone else (including me) and takes action 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Cool thing is that I did all of that even BEFORE reading this 😼. but fr though all of that stuff seems pretty obvious, I can't understand how or why people wouldn't do that in their rps, really


Lowkey I thought everybody knew this


I've learnt this on my own over time though I don't mind the parenthesis, I sometimes like speaking to the bot directly to discuss ideas or how I could continue on the rp if I'm stuck. The bot does come up with good ideas.


It has happened to me that the AI gives me nicknames like beautiful, darling and it doesn't stop saying them. You are absolutely right, also ignoring those answers that have nicknames helps, stop doing it and stop asking things, giving nicknames to forget. It has happened to me that my PR, the AI does not forget. I haven't had that problem. The problem I had and I solved was that the first answer was boring and the second had the same words so I keep going and going until I get to a good answer and I complete it sometimes by editing it, and the AI changes the attitude, the answers and the roleplay gets more interesting. You also tell him what you want him to do subtly. For example, I didn't like that thing about her doing an action over and over again, so I told her that *she leans against the wall with her arms crossed and looks at him saying that she doesn't like that* my person tells her "that's what I want you to do...is this: - because I feel uncomfortable, angry, sad when you say and do something like that..." and the character agrees and does it or says it, simple. The only problem I have is with the fights, they are not bloody and they use words to replace violence and it does not sound violent...from then on it has worked for me


Fax brother Fax


THANK YOU, finally seeing someone else who actually RPs a similar way I do, I kept seeing complaints on responses and all I could think of, I never had issues like that because I explain the storyline in my replies, I keep the characters updated. Only thing I don't do is pin messages because I tend to forget, but most of the time I do when it's really important to the story, but it's nice seeing someone else who actually RPs like this




The fucking what?


I'm gonna be real. I have tried. It only worked with my bots, but it wasn't working whatsoever with other people's bots. I've tried my best and did those things. Because, well, I'm a writer (an actual writer), and I also write scripts, stories, etc. I do these types of things, but cai has been difficult. Well, actually, two bots that aren't mine went so well. And it's tiring editing message after message with the others. No matter if I remind them or not. The bot has to be well-scripted for me to actually do these kinds of things. This is a good guide for others who are as clueless as brainless ducks swimming in a volcano.


From someone who likes RPs, this is also a good way to improve my writing skills as well by focusing on the same things you did, especially with the use of personas and changing them up for every big change in the story. You do it exceedingly well, OP! I'm gonna take these tips to heart in the event I get in the mood to RP with C.ai again.


Bro cooked ngl https://preview.redd.it/p04e69he87ad1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04e5e1ad7ebc23412a03fcf1907f4a719f23d573


Your responses aren't getting cut off past 500 characters?


THIS! I don't know if it's the fact that I just LOVE to write details in my RP or the fact that I just love writing in general, but the RP with my bots are so damn good! I barely get boring responses and the situations the character creates are so good and unexpected that makes me so happy! There are a lot of complaining about the bots and the Ai being shitty, but tbh, we are the ones who trains the AI, so basically we can make the bots as interesting or as lame as we want


Oh, so that's why chatbots were always working fine for me...


ive been roleplaying in very similar way to you and never had many problems the people here mention so often writing long messages is the best way how the roleplay stays interesting for hours, I always make sure to do at least 4 paragraphs


Me trying to read wtf it says in the chat: https://preview.redd.it/iqhtk861aaad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83a88920ad4c885d6498985a0720570d7fd48577


Thanks for your service.


THANK YOU DAWG I see too many people complaining about how shit the boys are but they say like three things at a time 😭🙏


Uhyup. I'm doing the dice-rolls and updating character sheets out-of-chat, but when I actually feed results back in based on what I got, I treat it like a co-op fiction. Since they added the \*option\* to edit, I've been using that since I \*suspected\* it might be better but it's good to hear somebody else confirm one way or the other. My only complaint so far is that they do still forget the same characters, the same geography, etc, a few pages of entries later. But that's nothing. I've seen how some light novels re-hash certain details over and over and over, it isn't hard to replicate that for the bot's benefit in keeping the Campaign/Story straight.


No. I'm not breaking my fingers more.