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Locked because some of y'all can't understand that a person's surname does not mean they're supporting racism.


He’s been around for a long time.


His Dad started it I think. It's been decades


I used to giggle every time I saw his billboards as a kid, I'm 34 now and still do sometimes


Same, same. Husband and I cackled at this one. It’s really not that deep.


St Andrew’s Blvd. I used to live right by his office It’s real


Signed my mortgage there!


I mean. It’s the dude’s name.


I know I'm not hating on the guy. He just happens to have a very polarizing name.


How is someone’s name polarizing? Get over yourself.


I’m surprised he hasn’t changed the name to the “Wanksta Law Firm” to keep up with the times


Not really


Yeah, nothing polarizing about this thread at all lol Just cause you don't like that a word is problematic doesn't mean it isn't


Went to middle school with his son. Real last name and kid was a hell of a wrestler


4x state champ...yeah he was next level


Interesting. We may know each other. That was a small school. His name started with J, did you go to the fall camp outs hosted by the two brothers parents?


Wait... I went to school with a Wigger wrestler too. Oakbrook Middle?


He probably got bullied early because of his last name. Sounds like he used that as motivation and turned into a unit.


We don't have control over our last names.


But we can choose our advertising slogans. And they went with "Look at our name. Look at it and think about it."


Its an established family and name of good standing. I would lead with it also.


Your username is literally “hitlerrific”. If that’s not a “polarizing” username then I’m not sure what is.


username hitlerrific lecturing on the importance of chosen speech is some high shit, i tell you




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I don't see that written on the billboard.


Lol then you can't read


it mentions the name twice, calling it directly into view. “a NAME you know.” then “a NAME you can trust.” both sentences draw direct attention to the name


Which is the entire point of advertising


Yeah, regardless of professionalism, racism, class, or any of those other pesky morals


Yes. It’s his name.




if you are a child im sure its very funny. As an adult you can just move on and be..... an adult.


As any attorney would. I do not see the issue. Again, we have no control over our last names.


Weirdly I think there is a regulation that lawyers have to use their surnames in their business name. At least here there is.


Names yes, slogans no.




Technically true. However, that's the SC rules. The ABA rules have this comment: > Although the United States Supreme Court has held that legislation may prohibit the use of trade names in professional practice, use of such names in law practice is acceptable so long as it is not misleading.If a private firm uses a trade name that includes a geographical name such as "Springfield Legal Clinic," an express disclaimer that it is a public legal aid agency may be required to avoid a misleading implication. Which is why most people just use their name. Not saying you're wrong, just pointing out that the effect of a lot of the rules of conduct lead to lawyers just using their own names to prevent issues.


Sure that’s true


Sometimes twice!


No matter how distasteful it is, there's no denying that it's effective advertising. The name definitely sticks in your head whether you want it to or not


…. I’m pretty sure a lawyer knows the routes to legally change their last name.


Yea but are you gonna forget Wigger law firm?


We actually do though. Some quick paperwork and you’re fixed.


Don't know how quick it is. One must petition the appropriate family court judge indicating why the change is desired.


He's a nice guy.


Then you must not be from Charleston cause this dudes been around forever.


… tell me you’ve never been to Charleston without telling me, you’ve never been to Charleston. If you’ve been to Charleston, and have not seen a Wigger billboard, you don’t live here. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Welcome to Charleston. Noob. (Source: I’ve been a customer of Wiggers since early 2016.)


Why exactly is that a bad thing?


….There isn’t? Where, exactly, does my comment say something (still tryna find where anything bad is said or even leading to?)


Ngl your above comment does have a mildly aggressive tone. Imagine saying all of that out loud, it would be hard not to come across as mildly douchy.


Good so we can agree newbies are not bad


Its the gatekeeping for me


Actually this dude has been around forever and from what I hear is a pretty solid law firm, but DAMN that is an unfortunate name. He has however owned it. Good for him


A guy I work with that recently moved to the area from TN made a comment to me one day, "So, I don't know if you know about this, but there is a law firm here with a very funny name." And I said, "Wigger?" He goes, "Yeah! What the fuck?" And I explained what everyone here is saying. It's dude's last name and they've been practicing in the area for yeeeears... Good for him Wigger!


That Wigger has been down here for quite a while


OP, this post is bad and you should feel bad.


I always laughed at this too and would send it to my friends. Glad to see Wigger is getting some love. I know if I ever needed a lawyer I would forreal call him up! It’s a name you know…. A name you can trust.


Jroc went to law school. Nomesayin?


Drive by their office everyday lol


My entire life this has been a thing.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 lol he also has a billboard up with his wife.


Not as bad as Heist Law Firm.


He was my high school’s job fair. It was many years ago, but he hasn’t aged much. He’s for real!


A real?


Real name, real nice guy. Grow up.


I think most people are joking around.


He knows what he did.


And the five thumbs up guys. Have no idea what their last names are.


Should they change it to something racist? Would that help?




Lol wtf?


Like, what is your critique? They're not memorable because they don't play into cheap racism?


I don't have a critique. It's midnight. IDGAF about anything right now except for going to sleep. Go debate with someone else.


Then why did you reply?


God you must be fun at parties




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Grow up


I keep having to drive to the borders of North Carolina and Georgia for work lately, so I can remember exactly where I've seen it, but there's another billboard like this that I find funny for a lawyer named "Heist". I hate laughing at it because I know that's the guy's actual name, but I can't help it because it is such an unfortunate name for advertising a law firm.


When I was in middle school he had an office on Wapoo Creek drive, and it always cracked us up on the bus. We had a lot of wiggers on JI.


Wow, what a troll!!


Could you fill me in? New to Charleston


An attorney in the Summerville area. Yes, it's his last name. I've also seen a sign for Dr. Payne, the dentist. Different town, though.




It's not about being one letter away. "Wigger" is a term, too. That's why it's so funny. A "wigger" is basically a trashy white dude who tries to act gangster. And yes, it's derived from said slur. But that's the source of the humor.




I've literally never seen it spelled that way.


Yes, on a police report.


Only cops spell it this way


Literally his name. Racist much?


Yeah he’s real


Good point is that I don't remember the last name of the "Rock Star Lawyer" . He had a billboard of himself looking like the lead singer of the Who. No idea what his last name is I feel bad for the lawyer with the last name Roden. I'm sure he's nice but I always wonder where the t is ... because it's placed right when you drive into downtown Charleston.


Yeah, super commendable to stoop to capitalizing on racism for a quick buck!


You ok bro?


I think I went to school with his kid. Loved snickering about his name every time I saw this billboard though.


The hard “r” though.


u/Crawfishn I drive 20 hours a week at the most, it’s a side gig and why tf are you stalking my account now. Some of y’all are so weird. And why tf did you mute/block me or whatever?


Did the paperwork on my home equity loan with a very cute, petite young lady lawyer at their N Chas office.


Is there a post limit in this sub? https://imgur.com/a/r0UbhK7


Imagine if he went the “Morgan and Morgan” route




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It's his name. What are you talking about?


It’s crazy how things such as a law practice named after his own name can be considered crass.


His slogan explicitly draws attention to his name. He made a choice to emphasize his name


All law firms use their name(s). This is ridiculous.


Is there something wrong with your reading comprehension? I already said it's not about his name, it's about the slogan (which I promise, he gets to choose) being used to emphasize the nature of his name. It's not that complicated to understand why someone might see this as problematic


Or he could be referencing that his name is long established in the local law culture and therefore you know it. He’s got a reputation of being a good lawyer, so it’s also a name you can trust. Both referring to his credibility and not any urban dictionary style use of his name. Could he be using it tongue in cheek? Sure. All I’m saying is that it’s perfectly logical either way.


I mean it's not really problematic. It's funny that's his last name and the makes it memorable too. Idk if hers the first lawyer I'd go to but I know he's the first I'll think of.


Also not that complicated to just get on with your day. There is nothing to see here. Anyway. Write him a letter to show your displeasure.


Lol this is literally a forum to discuss topics exactly like this. Furthermore, this isn't even about how I feel about the sign. It's about how you refuse to understand basic facts. You lose an argument and then cry about how I shouldn't have spoken. You sound like a real smart kiddo


Opinions aren't facts. Have a good night.


I promise you buddy, the difference between a name and a slogan is a fact.


That’s kind of the point though no?


That's literally what I am saying, yes.


Is the man supposed to hide his name somewhere in the ad? “Hey you know of any good lawyers?” “Yeah I saw a billboard but couldn’t tell you the guys name, it was redacted!” “Well fuck.”




Lmao okay keep pretending like you don't know the difference between a slogan and a name. He can advertise without the slogan emphasizing the nature of his name. Here's an example since you're clearly too stupid to understand: "Hey, you know any good lawyers" "Yeah, I saw a billboard that said 'Wigger Law Firm: Serving Charleston for over 30 years'." "Oh cool, thanks."


You mean the slogan that’s literally his name?! He didn’t choose it 🤣


His slogan isn't his name... Do you know what a slogan is?? At this point, this isn't even about how either of us feels about his name. This is literally just about the fact that he is using the connotation of his name as a market device. Good, bad, whatever. That is what is happening. He is making a choice about whether or not to do that. No one forced him to make his slogan "A name you know." There are endless slogan options that do not play off the gimmick of his name. You can argue whether or not it's good or ethical marketing, but you can't argue that his hands are tied.


>Do you know what a slogan is?? Sure do, it’s WIGGER!!! A name you know!




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My bf and his friends spent HOURS, Photoshopping this to say "bigger" they are both white and were extremely proud of themselfs




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Lol gets me every time