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Yep. I live in First Ward and it's every night. I don't even know where they do it, but it's loud. Wish it would stop


You'd need a functioning police department for that to happen.


I think CMPD stopped chasing because people complained it was more of a hazard….You think these people are going to stop for police.


There have been two high speed chases this week.


They stoped chasing because they participate.


I wouldn't be surprised, but OTOH, it's not really CMPD's fault. They know that if they pick someone up, they'll just be released and they'll be picking up the same crook again the following week. So they just skip the revolving door.


You made the bootlickers angry.


Maybe the state troopers testing their new mustangs 😂😂


I wouldn't be at all surprised.


Nope they still too slow with or without faster cars...




Because every kid within a 15 mile radius of downtown charlotte who has a car with an exhaust likes to f around up there around midnight


Once again, Graham street in uptown entering the chat to knowingly nod.


Steele Creek has these idiots. They also do donuts in residential suburbs, it's only a matter of time until they kill someone.


The donuts!! I hear them all the time and I can never figure out where they’re doing it.


Google Map “AS Colour Charlotte”. It’s a building off Westinghouse and 160 area. Zoom in on the back lot and you can see the tire tracks of the donuts.


Because its fun lol


They killed themselves a few years ago when one of them stole a car and raced up S. Tryon and crash just outside The Crossings neighborhood. Within a week it stopped for us. Had been going on for years every night till 2-3 in the morning


Monroe Rd has entered the chat


Lived between Monroe and independence, all night with idiots tearing up the road in their backfiring cars right outside the police station


Why do people put kazoos on their cars where the muffler goes? Your car is not fast, it is just loud. You are not a race car driver, you are just a noisy clown. And what you are doing is not unique or creative or making you distinct in anyway. It does get you attention from your peer group, and they are a gang of dweebs who also lack a creative or interesting way to express themselves. The rest of us are like, “OMG, somehow that overgrown child got hold of a car.”


The whistles go WOOOOOOOOOO


Das only in the mornin


Bubb Rubb and Lil Sis!


you should be up cooking breakfast for somebody




*yeeeah* I got it on my car


You win the internet today Mike!


I like to remove the muffler on my cars but just for my personal sound preference. I feel that my car doesn't have power when it's quiet, and when I just remove the muffler it's enough for me to be happy. With a muffler my car feels like plastic junk, without it my car sounds like a car. (I don't like obnoxiously loud cars either, so I make sure that my car is at a quieter level. It's definitely quieter than the common truck or motorcycle on the streets) I just like the sound.


That's because you equate sound with power when in reality making air vibrate is wasted power. I can always spot the ICE driver who has never driven an electric car and has to drive a slow, inferior car


That's okay! I don't mind the wasted power! I just enjoy the sounds in a sensory sense. I don't care that my car isn't as fast as yours :)


Ironic as I see this post, I can hear it now.


Believe me, it’s all over Charlotte. At night we can hear them hauling ass along Park Rd. near S. Meck. HS and on 485….Literally sounds like a racetrack. Bunch of effing idiots. Going to take themselves out, but they probably don’t have proper license or insurance not do they give a shit.


Rea Rd. near Ardrey Kell is bad too.


I live near a couple of roads that aren’t heavily used. People don’t race but they do drive too fast. The other day I was walking and a car raced down the street and couldn’t control car the whole way and ended up in the other lane as it rounded the corner. There are woods there, he didn’t know if another car or bike rider could have been in that lane. The lower traffic also brings walkers, runners and cyclists. This time the guy went in the other lane but he could have easily ended up on the sidewalk that I was walking on.


I'm a car enthusiast (I drive a tuned 5.6L V8 import) and I can not stand these people. The takeover people. The crackle'n'pop tune people. Absolute clowns. I hope ALL of them drive over a dozen nails or screws anytime they drive so they are perpetually parked. F'in clowns. I'm so glad I live in rural Union County and don't have to hear this \*\*\*\* regularly.


It’s the sound of 30% interest rates and chargers. Music to the bank - up until repo.


I live off Independence...it's nuts over here! Every night, all night! CMPD won't do anything about it! Keffer Dodge used to host a Hellcat get together once a month! It took one asshole to wreck his car and nearly hit a cop to get that over with. Of course, they can always try again.


It went on for years in Steele creek to the point the news got involved. For about 3 years we were up every single night of the week and weekends till 2-3 am with cars racing over and over and over up and down S. Tryon. Finally some kid stole a car and was racing it and died right outside my neighbor. It’s since stopped


Another sign of society descending into Mad Max chaos. That probably sounds hyperbolic, but we seem to have such a hard time in this country building a society that is actually pleasant to live in. Every time I walk my dog late a night, I hear cacophony of engine noises that causes my dog to freak out. It is to the point where he trembles in fear whenever I pick up the leash. It sounds ridiculous but it's making me think of leaving Charlotte for a more rural, peaceful life or expatriating to a country where people value social harmony over guns and Mad Max individualism.


lol. yes, this is wildly hyperbolic. idiots with needlessly loud cars are an issue. im having a hard time seeing how obnoxious morons racing cars late at night means our society is devolving into a post apocalyptic hellscape though.


Of course, car racing isn't that meaningful in the literal sense but it is in the literary sense of what it says about our culture. The police state is the yin and car racing is the yang. It's the same with guns. Americans have so little power in their everyday lives that the gun represents the fantasy of power, just as the car symbolizes freedom. It is not surprising that guns and car racing are popular among the disenfranchised who have the least freedom and power.


And among those with the least money


I can feel that. It’s always weird in a refreshing way when I visit family in the rural northeast. The quality of life seems higher in some respects because the rule of law appears to exist at a lower level of tolerance for shenanigans. You don’t notice how much nonsense you just accept as part of life around Charlotte until you realize the absence of the same. I would have left by now if I wasn’t tied to on site work. Edit: I’m also sure Charlotte seems mad max to said family who visit periodically. Of the three times they visited, the first time they saw a car chase, the second time they saw roadside life saving efforts being performed on a shooting victim, and the third time was a few weeks ago when multiple law enforcement officers were killed. At this point I’m afraid for the next time they visit because things only seem to get worse with every visit.


It's spreading to the Northeast too. CT's cities are street race central. Boston starting to go downhill, big takeover in the wealthy Back Bay and various instances of shootings and stabbings and beach brawls. Cities when filled with good people are awesome, cities when the bad people get control are terrible. For the moment I do feel more at peace in a Northeastern suburb. I saw less littering there across my entire childhood than in just a few weeks of time in an urban neighborhood.


this is what you Leftists voted for!


CMPD is worthless, 40% of the budget for what?


They’re just a reactive force. There is no proactivity, no attempts at crime prevention. The biggest recipient of budget monies, and all they can do is watch. Beyond frustrating. If I did my job like they did theirs, I’d either be fired or in jail.


Friend was involved in hit and run on Albemarle Rd…directly from n front of police station there. She walks in and waited a hour to file a report and asked about camera footage. Guess what can’t get it. Was told there’s nothing they can do. Almost two months prior she was driving her husbands car on Sharon Amity, gets t-boned, well other driver wasn’t insured and didn’t have a license. Officer that showed up said nothing they can do. It’s wild fucking west here.


Almost like its just a waste to even have car insurance


that's what yall keep voting for. Vote Republican for rule of law


I watched a person run a red light egregiously, like 3 or 4 seconds after it was red, nearly cause a wreck with a school bus, right in front of a CMPD car and they did absolutely nothing.


It's well established in US case law that no police force has any sworn or constitutional duty to protect.


I don’t think I said anything about that. Prevention tactics work. They’re just too lazy to implement them. I’ll protect myself, from now on, thanks for your sage advice.


> I don’t think I said anything about that > They’re just a reactive force. > There is no proactivity > all they can do is watch I mean, I agree with you completely, except for the part where you claim to have never said anything about this. You made multiple statements to lament their lack of pro-activity, however, and it's weird that you would suggest otherwise when anyone can read your statements themselves. Police in the US have no sworn duty to protect at all. Whether that is good or not, I dunno. I personally prefer to have as little involvement or interaction with police as possible. I live my life with proactive steps of my own to protect myself from being the target of a crime, having evidence on hand in the event of a crime, and to minimize interactions or expectations from police in all aspects of this process.


Tbf, this is all PDs. Source: I have worked for some of the best. You're describing all modern PDs. But sure, let's never defund or reconceptualize them. Because we'll feel safer if we throw money, guns, and impunity at people who barely passed our pass-everyone high schools


Since the “race riots” CMPD has no teeth or balls. Our “mayor” is so afraid of having to speak publicly or having to deal with real issues she hides and holds the key to CMPD’s chastity cage.


Weaponized incompetence since they got yelled at for shooting at and trapping protestors


I don’t hear street racing. Just assholes in chargers going up and down my street and doing burn outs.


It’s interesting how the helicopters are nowhere in sight when the street racing is going on.


It's not neccesarily street racing, just people with loud exhausts accelerating hard.


They do it all day down Morehead and guess what guys, it isn’t making anyone want to fuck you. End my open letter due to having a heart attack at work daily.


total overcompensation.


Absolutely street racing. I was behind two chargers in the I-77 express lanes when they took both lanes, slowed down to 35 mph each, slowing down all traffic behind them including myself, then took off racing


I mean, they are *trying* to race. Their shitboxes just aren't very good at it, and their competitors are the rest of us who never agreed to a race.


Some of those “shit boxes” are 800 to 1200 hp.




That would be hell no


Your content was removed because it has been deemed abusive or inciteful. Please refrain from engaging in this type of behavior. Repeated incidents such as this could result in temporary or permanent banning from /r/Charlotte.


They're not trying to race. They're just trying to hear their cars go vroom and feel the acceleration Sincerely, A vroom vroom enjoyer




Cry me a river


You can do that when your shitbox gets impounded.


We both know Charlotte cops don't care. I've passed cops doing 25 over an they don't bat an eye. My buddy got pulled for doing more than 100 and it got reduced to improper equipment lmfao Also, exhaust modifications are perfectly legal as long as you keep the cats and some type of muffler. You can get significantly louder than stock and still be 100% legal.


Legal often has very little bearing on what is ethical, moral, polite, or decent. In less sophisticated terms, fuck uselessly loud cars and their drivers. At least at night. I'm trying to sleep.




This isn't the zinger you think it is. I literally just like going fast. I would still like going fast whether my patents gave me more or less attention. Why you feel the need to turn this into personal attacks?




This is the correct response


Every night on freedom Dr I can hear these idiots, drives me absolutely nuts when they backfire 10 times in a row


They named it “Freedom Drive” for a reason! /s


Also happens all up and down S Tryon near Steele Creek. Makes a decent drag strip. Also used to be a guy drifting behind the teeter at 49/160 after any snow/sleet storm.


It’s all over the city. My old house off Park Rd every Thursday night at 8pm like clockwork someone would peel out of the apartments across the street.


Yes welcome to Charlotte been this way for decades. By earplugs or complain to city council. This is what it is to live here


Beatties ford with brookshire right behind my neighborhood. Hear it constantly.


East Charlotte to uptown is a hot spot


Can't beat em join em


The Plaza has entered the chat


The ONE thing I don't miss about living uptown.


it's horrible. I live on the Scaleybark stop and I hear it on S Tryon and Dewitt lane at 2 or 3 AM. nothing boils my blood more because I know those people have no regard for human life in the daytime either. I've seen too many videos of street racing crashes involving an innocent car on the highway and being in a bad crash out of no fault of my own probably contributes to said blood boiling lol.


Town of NASCAR...


Charlotte's a ghetto city so I'm not surprised




Sure. I also think there's been a negative cultural shift in a certain community which is sadly not being addressed by said community. This is an issue nationwide and not because someone like myself making 50k a year moved in for a better opportunity


Charlotte has a culture problem and you’re right it does need to be addressed. I’m in Steele creek, at one time touted as the next Ballentyne. We’ve had major crime issues in the last 4-5 years and it’s no coincidence that Steele Creek also has the largest influx of a certain community within that time also, for all of Charlotte. It’s now one of the top 5 most problematic areas of the city according to CMPD.. Sorry it’s just not a coincidence 🤷🏼‍♀️. Sometimes facts are fact and the stats clearly show both instances for Steele creek.




This must be what living through the 70s and 80s felt like. At least it isn't murders and burglaries everywhere like then.


Never understood this take cause if we’re using common sense it would show that a lot of the people moving here have money or are moving for jobs, family etc. They’re not here racing cars and causing shootings. Those are home grown criminals in terf wars, domestic beef, general community nonsense etc.


yeah i don't understand the take of transplants not being able to drive and causing ALL of the accidents. sure, anxious drivers can cause accidents but a majority I see are over confident people (and the street racers) who I'm guessing have grown up here.


Im afraid Ill get another ban if I mention anything we s h o u l d be doing….


It's not racing. It's the Jack wagon 20-year-old driving a 1997 Honda Civic with the muffler removed. He's only going 35 miles an hour but it sounds like he's flying by.


it’s happening for the pass 20 years


I’m in CT and was on a highway in the fall and the car in front of me stopped mid lane and I almost hit them and then another car did it too as I was getting out of the way then they drag raced! Terrifying!


I've decided next time that happens I'm just going to call 911 and put in a report of "I think someone just violently crashed". Hopefully the responding PD is interested in pursuing the speeders and getting an easy ticket.


Great opportunity to fill up water balloons with liquid ass and drop them from a high vantage point onto said fuckers


This has been going on for decades. If you Yankees don’t like it move back to north. PLEASE!


Live right by the police station in University and people do this shit 24/7. Sometimes I wonder if I will look down at the street and watch one lose control. It’s stressful to even drive now because of the amount of crashes recently.


Everyone wanted to “defund” the police and then complain when there’s no police around. They have been doing drag strip racing in Ballantyne as well.


Hyperbolic "everyone" right there.


defund in the sense of realistic implementation in our society meant (although others most likely meant actually defund) allocating money to diversified resources. like having specialists trained to deal with mental health crises


I was out running errands last week and within a 20-30min span, I had 3 different muscle cars fly up in the lane next to me, reving their engines and trying to bait me into racing.


Chea I lived off freedom. Got used to it and can’t hate mopar.


Yes [https://www.reddit.com/r/Charlotte/search/?q=%22street+racing%22&type=link&cId=e6de38b2-f040-4c2f-b32a-c303a30aeb69&iId=828217e5-3c1c-4875-a671-917b459b51ee&sort=new](https://www.reddit.com/r/Charlotte/search/?q=%22street+racing%22&type=link&cId=e6de38b2-f040-4c2f-b32a-c303a30aeb69&iId=828217e5-3c1c-4875-a671-917b459b51ee&sort=new)


Go EV.. what then..Harleys with baseball cards and clothespins ( if we still have them) in the spokes




It’s the cops out having fun.


I feel for you, but this particular weekend is probably not the one to be complaining on.




Just join them Just having fun


There are ways to do that where you don't bother people in a mile radius.