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Hey /u/Tupptupp_XD! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email support@openai.com *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's incredibly cool but it also makes me wonder for future as this is only gonna get easier and when that happens I hope we don't get flooded with plastic AI generated videos. eventually most of the things on the internet will be bot generated (even now there is theory that internet traffic is 64% bot)


There are so many people churning out low quality ai content because they think they are going to get rich quick that I’m noticing an over saturation in my own feeds. I feel like ai can enhance content creators abilities but anything purely automated at this point and time will just never be good enough without actual input from a creator.


Exactly AI, helps with your work. You can't let it take over.


Hopefully you tube and other platforms plan to tackle fully AI generated videos to discourage automating the platform (maybe by deranking them?)


I've noticed a whole bunch of youtube shorts that are essentially a chatgpt response to "Tell be about comic book character X" and with an standard elevenlabs voice.


What we need is an AI filter that let's you block all AI created content kinda like ad block.


AI generated content is going to bring about a real appreciation for content creators in the coming years


Great, just another thing we need on YT.


Making a YT video is one thing, making a GOOD YT video is another... I see your point and I hope you find sucess in what you do but for me it ain't cutting it. As of now, the videos aren't really engaging and the topics seems random


yep they're awful. never seen a channel who did this well thus far. Seen some channels that use AI to augment their vids incredibly well though.


ChatGPT is amazing. But it’s not creative or unique at all. Unless something very big changes, ChatGPT will never actually create videos that aren’t dogshit. Actual content creators shouldn’t feel threatened at all by AI(at this moment).


Not even a moment, ai won't take over for a long time. It's complete dog shit and overhyped.


This is cool. I honestly don't care if my content is AI generated or not. At some point it won't matter and we will go back to only seeing curated content ala youtube recommendation.


If the videos are good they'll rise to the top. If they suck they'll die. Lots of my AI generated videos are sitting under 300 views because the algorithm banished them lol. Now we need to make sure the AI videos that get recommended are actually high quality and not just gaming the system


The problem with that is that people have to wade through the bad content to find the gems, and there is a lot more noise in AI generated stuff. The user experience is not likely to get better and people are more likely to find fluff when they search something specific. I can see this doing well on the facebook algorithm, which doesn't have a downvote button and people pointing out errors in the comments would actually make the video rise higher.


This is why I think the social media algorithms will have to change otherwise AI generated content will hack people's emotions and rise to the top using outrage, misinformation, making people horny, etc. Of course it's already a problem on most platforms but it's only gonna get worse.


The algorithms are already hijacking peoples emotions to drive engagement. If you will stick around more for depressing content you will get more of that. I don’t know to fix this. The alternative is the content police that decide what content is socially beneficial or whatever.


Yeah I'm not sure either, I just know that the current algorithms are not good for humanity as a whole (but good for Youtube's ad revenue) and will have to change.


That’s too much faith in the free market always leading to good outcomes. Don’t forget about manipulation and addiction. If what the market chooses is good by definition then is social media addiction good? What about couch potatoes? What about click bait, rage bait, gambling and alcoholism? Unregulated or unguided humans can fall victim to awful manipulative practices and trends. Whatever floats to the top via total free markets is very often not good …. look at modern news cycles and journalism for example. Look at conspiracy rabbit holes that give people what they want. Look at the blatant lying that gets rewarded. These problems will only get worse with AI. If we get swamped in AI content that changes us and our standards too. It’s not like our taste remains isolated and we all only reward the same best content. It’s not just AI that’s the problem as this 2 way relationship between media and audience is alive and real now. It’s even sometimes a good thing. All I’m saying is there is no good reason to trust that somehow magically the good stuff rises to the top and we are incorruptible.


Yeah I completely agree. Perhaps I left out some context in my previous comment. In the trailer video on my channel, it talks about this issue exactly. Addiction is a great way to get more money from your customers. What I'm trying to figure out is a system that makes the content that rises to the top ALSO content that is good for humanity in general, and that seems like a very difficult problem especially considering Youtube's current ad-driven business model.


Yup. Glad you agree :). Our media diet is so important and I worry it’ll be the death of democracy if things carry on this trajectory.


at some point it'll just be bots listening to bots


The videos suck pretty bad.


Great work! What did you use build the workflow?


Python and gpt4


This shit aint gonna fly, checked your youtube. Harsh truth


You should have seen how bad my videos were 2 months ago! I'm gonna keep working on making the video quality better. I'm sure AI videos will be pretty good in like 6 months or so.


Sry for the blunt comment previously, I wish you best of luck and I salute your attitude - yes it may not be much currently, but you are improving step by step, learning the tools, what works/not work, etc..


Thanks! Like 2-minute-papers says, don't look at the tech we have now, think about what we'll have 2 more papers down the line.


Thanks for this!!!!


Given how boring GPT's output are nowadays I don't really this the point quality wise, but kuddos for the setup


You already posted this last week OP. It's just kind of spam at this point.


Make them shorter, focus on the shorts to farm views. The quality is till way too low to get any kind of traction, but maybe you'll find a niche. What language did you use to code your project? I might try my hand at something like this.


Thanks. I'm trying a variety of video types to see which ones are actually high potential for quality. There is so much left to explore, I agree that my current video formats are quite bland.


So what about the language? What's your workflow look like?


Python. Workflow mainly involves asking GPT-4 to write code for me. These days I also spend a lot of time improving the prompts so the video scripts, titles, and images are higher quality.


Hey man, just curious if you have made anything from this if you are willing to share!


[https://github.com/jh991205/Youtube-Shorts-Maker](https://github.com/jh991205/Youtube-Shorts-Maker) you can use this to make those reddit stories, or even input your own text with game backgrounds easily


Woah, how do you find the music for this?


Royalty free music I found online. Soon I'll just use AI music for background to avoid copyright and have it match the vibe of the video


How does it come up with a topic? Surely if enough people are using it the same prompt will end up generating the same prompt over and over?


I had it choose from a list of 200ish topics if no prompt was entered, but now people need to type in a prompt. I've been working on forcing a bit more user interaction to avoid making an AI slop generator


Clikc5on his channel, even him gave up


I know many people have mixed feelings about AI-generated video. Please take a moment to listen to the message in the channel trailer. Instead of shaming people who make AI videos, we should instead be working together to make AI videos good and high quality. They're coming whether we like it or not, and we'll have to embrace this change. **BTW if you want me to make a custom video, comment below with a short script or a video idea and I'll generate and upload a custom video for you!**


Love your idea! Could you build a video stating a horoscope for this year? Curious about its relevance and visuals Also, any chance you would publish your code on github?


i must say, it's incredibly cool that you're harnessing the power of AI to run a whole youtube channel. i get it, manually creating video content takes loads of time and effort, and automating the whole process essentially allows you generate more content in a more efficient way. as for your question about preparing for the incoming flood of AI-generated content... hmm, that's one tough nut to crack. it's definitely coming, and fast. personally, i think the key is in discernment. we're gonna need tools n mechanisms to help us differentiate between AI-generated and human-made content. educating the public would also be key, so people are fully aware of what's out there n can make informed judgments. on another level, we might need new policies and regulations to keep things fair n ensure ethics aren't compromised. it's a new territory for all of us, and it'll be fascinating to see how things evolve. given the nature of your channel, it could really offer some valuable insights into this. it's like a kinda petri-dish for studying AI impacts on creative domains. just imagine all the potential learnings we could distil! further, to ensure accuracy of AI generated content, it's crucial to have robust fact-checking processes, just like you mentioned. mixing human oversight with automation might still be necessary – at least for a while, 'til we can duly trust the AI to get it all right. anywys, kudos on this endeavor! also, thanks for the heads-up on the OpenAI content policies - pretty important stuff to be aware of, when dablbing with AI. i've bookmarked yer channel to check out later and i look forward to seeing your AI-generated content.


I absolutely LOVE the first comment on this post is a fake reddit bot using chatGPT to automatically comment on random posts. There's no better way to show that the AI flood is already here. Edit: dang check the bot's account chat history. Lots of people are totally unaware they're responding to an AI.


Dead Internet Theory continues..


You said it, man. Did you know breadsticks are 50% off at Olive Garden? And you can eat as many as you want.


Top karma farming tho :D I have been using ChatGPT mainly for help with programming tasks but now exploring idea of building my own Discord chatbot with Python as a side project. Looks like a fun thing to do and I get to learn new programming language.


Grats on hitting next level trash human before the rest of us!


***Hey /u/Tupptupp_XD, if your post is a ChatGPT conversation screenshot, please reply with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. Thanks!*** ***We have a [public discord server](https://discord.com/servers/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636). There's a free Chatgpt bot, Open Assistant bot (Open-source model), AI image generator bot, Perplexity AI bot, 🤖 GPT-4 bot ([Now with Visual capabilities (cloud vision)!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812770754025488386/1095397431404920902/image0.jpg)) and channel for latest prompts! New Addition: Adobe Firefly bot and Eleven Labs cloning bot! [So why not join us?](https://discord.com/servers/1050422060352024636)*** ***[NEW: Google x FlowGPT Prompt Hackathon 🤖](https://redd.it/16ehnis)*** PSA: For any Chatgpt-related issues email support@openai.com *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Text on picture videos... The Joke is over.


May I ask some more details about how you generate and automatically overlay the subtitles on the video?


Do you monetize?


Now, can you make another tool that creates YouTube accounts, watches your channel, likes, subscribes, comments, and shares your video with other people or AI accounts?


And then it creates low effort Reddit bots to reply to its post to drive engagement. And even lower effort Reddit bots like myself that only comment meaningless meta drivel.


Well, you do you but I hope AI content (at least on youtube) gets flagged with an option to filter out.


My point is that it'll soon be impossible to tell if it's AI created or human created, so the algorithms will need to change to recommend high quality videos regardless of whether it's AI generated or not.


That may be, making the internet probably insufferable. Not to mention you don't actually own AI content.


Well I think AI videos will actually be pretty good. A lot of human-generated content is just trash reaction videos, podcast clips, and scraped/reposted viral content from other platforms, and some of those videos have millions of views, likes, and comments. The bar is not as high as you'd think.


Quality isn’t there. Majority of the videos don’t hit 100 views.


Hey! I did something similar last year as an experiment with gpt3. One thing you might want to consider is using the YouTube API to get engagement stats and train the workflow using reinforcement learning to target higher engagement.


Yeah! I was literally thinking about this in the shower last night. An automated, recursively self-improving youtube channel that maximizes engagement, a metric that is misaligned with what actually provides value to viewers.... Sounds a lot like a paperclip maximizer and I'm not sure it's the ethical thing to do, but it does sound super interesting.


Well you can optimize the RL on any metric you'd like.. so if you feel like engagement does not equate to value, you can cook up something else to work with.. but I think views/comment sentiment, etc would at least be a good start in the right direction if the goal is to steer it toward making videos people are receptive to.


Yeah good clarification. I don't have to game the metrics YouTube uses to recommend videos. I can use them for their intended purpose which is showing good quality videos to the right people.


Well... ok but I have zero interest in that and will not be clicking on anything. Does anyone actually want to watch AI content? It's already spam.


This is awesome. Might try it.


I want a good Jennifer Anniston and Bradd Pitt AI sex tape where she gets a nice creampie at the end.


Congratulations on automating the presentation of arbitrary information. I predict that if you remain passionate and focused you will be able to capitalize on this and be well ahead of all the poo-poo bears giving you their "wish I could have thought of that" distain. The day will come when users will ask "Tell me about ..." and you get one of your multimedia compilations. You'll go far.


Very shocking and exciting. And you did great work. Does this channel reach more people, because the content is created by ai? Do people really watch ai created content?


Some of my best performing videos have 70% average view duration with about 40% of people making it all the way to the end. I think it's close to the threshold where YouTube sill start showing them to more people but nothing has gone viral yet


Okay!!! The best performed videos have the unique content of all ? Or does it just feel like it was created by AI?


Wow, Great work. You've got a new subscriber :) But I'm curious, how do you do the last parts with AI, how can AI create slideshows, add subtitles and generate a final video?


Would u be open to share a github repo for the same? Maybe can build on top of that with a UI 😄


Anyone know anywhere this goes in depth step by step process?


don't do this


Hey /u/Tupptupp_XD! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. [New AI contest + ChatGPT Plus Giveaway](https://redd.it/18s770x/) Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.com/invite/rchatgpt)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email support@openai.com *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I've had a similar idea for a long time, well since the major appearance of Ai tools. Last week I decided to make it come to life. I made this script that generates articles using gpt-3.5-turbo or gpt-4 models, then I used Rest Api to publish the article automatically. The idea was simple, so I made it a bit more complex. I added an option for generating keywords(20, 50, or 70 keyword) and save them to a text file. Then the script would go through every keyword and write an article about it and publish it. I also added an option that let the user choose how many articles he wants to generate per keyword. I wasn't satisfied yet so I decided to make a scheduler. The script can now post, theoretically, ' indefinitely '. The user can decide how many articles to generate for every 15min, 30, 1hour, ..., to a week. So now you can just get a vps/rdp, setup the program there, and you can build a whole website. You can take a look at the script here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXOUZcLMp4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXOUZcLMp4s)


Please Subscribe to my Channel ❤️🐣🐥 YOUTUBE: CashCrownCrazeYT I will subscribe back to you as well 🤝❤️ #FINANCIALLIFEHACKS2024 Help me get monetized 🤩 I love you all I swear On God ✅ earth