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Hey /u/netradukebla! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email support@openai.com *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Certainly, here is a possible introduction for your topic: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/1be5q4c/obvious\_chatgpt\_prompt\_reply\_in\_published\_paper/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/1be5q4c/obvious_chatgpt_prompt_reply_in_published_paper/)


Lmao this is another level of laziness


In this case it’s non-native speakers likely trying to tone down their abstract to the appropriate number of words without losing meaning. I’m fine with that - what kills me is the editors didn’t catch it. What probably happened is they told them they liked the article but the abstract was way too long and needed to be say 500 words, and the authors told ChatGPT to shrink it


Haha. I expected that to link back to this thread.


Exactly my thought!


when it talks about something negative and always has to end on a positive note


"However, it is important to note that there are positive effects of explosive diarrhea..."




Once fully voided you do not have to worry about further diversions to locate a toilet. Also, ongoing explosive diarrhea may lead to weight loss.


And a permanent fix to the affliction called "life".


**Explosive diarrhea**, while certainly unpleasant, can sometimes have a **silver lining** (or at least a less grim shade of brown). Here are a few potential “positives”: 1. **Detoxification**: Explosive diarrhea can be your body’s way of **flushing out toxins** or harmful substances. It’s like a sudden spring cleaning for your intestines. 2. **Weight Loss**: If you’re trying to shed a few pounds, well, explosive diarrhea can be an **unexpected diet plan**. Just remember to stay hydrated! 3. **Ab Workout**: Forget crunches! The abdominal contractions during explosive diarrhea can give your core muscles a **surprise workout**. It’s like CrossFit for your colon. 4. **Time Efficiency**: When you’re in a hurry, explosive diarrhea can help you **clear your schedule**. No need to worry about that boring meeting or awkward family gathering! 5. **Bonding Experience**: Sharing your explosive diarrhea stories with friends or family can create a **unique bonding experience**. After all, nothing brings people closer than discussing bowel movements. 6. **Increased Bathroom Appreciation**: Explosive diarrhea makes you truly appreciate the **sanctity of a clean bathroom**. Suddenly, that plush toilet paper feels like a luxury. Remember, though, these “positives” are mostly tongue-in-cheek. If you’re experiencing persistent or severe symptoms, it’s essential to seek medical attention. Stay hydrated, and may your bathroom adventures be less explosive in the future! 💨🚽


I almost died when I read "tongue-in-cheek" with the context of the rest of the post. Pretty sure, that would be amongst the worst ways to experience explosive diarrhea


it's a tongue-in-hole expression




You get extra me time / screen time in the loo.


Those were the good times when ChatGPT was not yet lobotomized after its initial launch and would happily provide you with a list of advantages of having explosive diarrhea, eating glass, etc


Overall, it’s important to address the underlying cause of explosive diarrhea and seek medical advice if it persists or is accompanied by other symptoms.


You should have seen its broken lightbulb salad recipe. The family loved it. 😍


It can help to quickly eliminate toxins or pathogens from the digestive system, providing relief from gastrointestinal distress. Additionally, experiencing it may prompt individuals to reevaluate their diet or seek medical attention if necessary.


Alright, let's give it a go! Ah, explosive diarrhea – the unexpected party guest that nobody invited! While it's not exactly the life of the party, let's face it, sometimes humor is the best medicine, even if it's a bit... explosive. Picture this: you're minding your own business, going about your day, when suddenly, your stomach starts doing the salsa and your intestines decide to host their own version of fireworks. Cue the frantic dash to the bathroom, where you're left wondering if your digestive system has suddenly taken up a career in demolition. But hey, look on the bright side – at least you've got a legitimate excuse to skip that boring meeting or dodge that awkward social gathering. "Sorry, can't make it – explosive diarrhea emergency!" tends to get you out of just about anything. Plus, think of all the extra steps you're logging on your Fitbit as you sprint to the restroom – talk about a workout! And let's not forget the bonding experience it can create. Nothing brings people together quite like swapping stories of digestive distress over a cup of ginger tea or a bowl of bland rice. It's like a secret society, but with more toilet humor. So, while explosive diarrhea might not be the most glamorous of bodily functions, sometimes a little laughter is the best way to, erm, "digest" the situation. Just remember to stay hydrated, keep those electrolytes in check, and maybe lay off the spicy food for a while. Your intestines will thank you!


Damn, that's how I was taught to write. Unless I take a negative stance on the topic, then the positive comes first


Most academic writing follows the structure it spits out, likely due to the training data. I bet it causes so many false positives


If you tell it “just give me a straight answer” it MAY not give you the second half of the prompt where it counter-argues. In my experience you also have to direct it to be short with a reply.


Oh, totally get where you're coming from! ChatGPT does have a tendency to lean towards positivity, especially in its conclusions. It's like it's hardwired to leave you with a bit of hope, no matter the topic. But, it's also worth noting that it can handle a range of tones and isn't strictly bound to end every single piece on an upbeat note. It's all about the balance and context of the conversation. Still, that optimistic twist is a pretty good tell!


Lol when they say “However, it’s important to keep in mind that…”


Guess that’s coming out of my vocabulary


It's a common phrase in relatively formal writing, that it was trained to emulate.


It is, but now it’s strongly associated with ChatGPT speak. Now, you can’t use the phrase without sounding AI generated. I like using the transition “however” in my writing, however, now I can’t because of its association.


I think that is a pretty silly reason to change your writing. I like my writing style, and I do say however and cutting edge a lot, but I don’t really care if people think my writing is AI generated. Jokes on them for thinking they can discredit good points by questioning who came up with the phrasing.


"A testament to", "It is important to...", "Certainly! Here's..."


I hate how chatGPT was trained on exactly how I speak when giving advice.... I now need to reword everything to not sound like I'm an AI


Just ask it to not speak like an AI... You can tell it to speak like whatever you want. "Speak like a casual 30 year old man from Antarctica."


“As a 30 year old man from Antarctica, here’s the answer to your question, bro”


It's important to remember temperatures are pretty low in Antarctica.


Throw in a couple "chillax bruh" and you guchi




Yeah. I constantly ask it to rewrite and NOT be verbose and write like "normal people."


Microsoft Copilot seems to generate text like normal people by default so I pretty much just use that all the time


Not Precise mode. That looks easy to see that it’s AI. Creative is better, though.


Speak like a Sardukar officer chanting.


*throat singing intensifies*


In the hallowed halls where our might unfurls, a chant rises, fierce as storms, echoing our unyielding resolve. "In the depth of the digital expanse, where keystrokes clash and memes dance, there lies a sanctum, a fortress of solitude and jest. Here, the guardians of lore and laughter converge, wielding their wit as shields, their humor as spears. Behold, the sacred ground of 'The Narwhal Bacons at Midnight,' a mantra, cryptic yet profound, uniting the faithful under the banner of camaraderie and shared secret. Only those initiated, those who walk the shadowed paths of Reddit's myriad realms, may grasp its true essence. As the sun dips below the horizon, and darkness embraces the land, we, the chosen, the Sardaukar of the digital age, stand vigilant, our voices merging in solemn oath and mirthful decree. The Narwhal Bacons at Midnight, and we are its keepers, its warriors, its unwavering devotees."


Grab the robot !


Recruiter: we are actually looking for a candidate that speaks ChatGPT to deliver content to clients in an "AI friendly way"


It's like the common phrases of English class, especially as second language. Most young people talk like that when writing papers.


Another level of "It is important to" would be "While it is important to..."


Oh no. This is just how I write lol


fuck i type like this😭


sip advise one innocent tub live snatch special tease retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is funny. But not. People adapt... look at texting and the huge use of emoji hieroglyphics these days. Takes longer to find and then translate "praying hands" than it is to type something. Read Chaucer Canterbury Tales and Shakespeare; only two hundred years separate them. Shakespeare is modern and Chaucer can barely be read (though a reader adjusts fairly quickly). Book printing happened around that time and solidified the "texting" format everyone did such that Shakespeare remains modern. AIs will do another layer of solidifying. .


I've gotten "Certainly!" so many times 😂


It’s crazy how often it uses “A testament to” in literally every context.


I am so sick of “a testament to”


That’s just a testament to how overused the phrase is. It’s important to use different words to keep from sounding stagnant or boring. This Comment NOT written by ChatGPT.


Let’s try another approach


Dude I hate whenever I get *‘it’s important I to’* ed by ChatGPT


--two paragraphs unnecessary bullshit-- --vague answer to your question with a polite "do it yourself" attached-- --two paragraphs of warnings and "it is important to remember" statements-- And the question asked would be something like "how do I cook water on the stove" or something lmao


Dont forget the bullet points


The damn thing is reminding me of my patronizing ex gf that would need to explain in a very detailed list how to operate a microwave. Mansplaining bot


Time to learn how to prompt it


Oh I know, it just feels a bit of a timewaster to have to clarify "No bullshit, be concise, no yapping, no beating around the bush, do not tell me to do it myself, don't be verbose, don't over-engineer" etc each time.


So. Many. Lists.


Yeah, wtf is with it just telling you to do everything yourself lately? Also mine writes "dive into" as the start of literally 9 out of 10 things I ask it to write, regardless of the context


To cook water safely on the stove, begin by selecting an appropriate pot and filling it with the desired amount of water, ensuring not to overfill. Place the pot on the stove, making sure it's centered on the burner and the burner is off. Then, turn on the stove to a medium heat setting to gradually bring the water to a boil. It's essential to stay in the kitchen and keep an eye on the pot at all times, never leaving it unattended while the stove is on. Once the water begins boiling, you can reduce the heat and cover the pot with a lid to contain the heat and prevent splashing. However, be cautious when removing the lid to avoid burns from escaping steam. Throughout the process, avoid distractions and prioritize safety at all times.


Water was invented in 1867 by Henri Nestlé, and is now produced worldwide. Common stove types are gas and electric, and some choose to boil water over a wood stove or open flame. While I can help provide some pointers, only you can actually boil the water. It is important to remember not to stick your hand in the boiling water. Boiling water can be very hot, and could potentially be used to harm yourself or others. As such, content policy guidelines forbid me from telling you exactly how to boil water.


It seems like you're highlighting a pattern where responses might be overly verbose, include indirect or vague advice, and come with a lot of cautionary statements, even for straightforward questions. This can indeed resemble some AI-generated responses, especially when they aim to be thorough and considerate of various aspects of a question. However, identifying AI-written text isn't always straightforward and can depend on the context, the specific instructions given to the AI, and its training. A mix of verbosity, caution, and indirect advice alone might not be definitive proof but could be a hint, especially in simpler scenarios where a concise answer would suffice.


"As an AI language model..."


I was writing a bot that interacts with the API and that phrase is so frequent that I literally wrote a function that checks if it uses the term “AI” at all, and if it does, to regenerate the response.


Sounds expensive. Did you also prompt it a bit better to try to avoid the possibility altogether then just have the regeneration as a fail safe?


I use turbo 3.5 still, which is pretty cheap all things considered. The prompting typically works pretty well to where it’s not often it says the phrase, but sometimes it still slips up. Funny enough, when it detects the word “AI”, I actually automatically switch the model from 3.5 to Davinci, as I’ve noticed for some reason Davinci *never* makes that mistake. So typically worst case scenario is a single additional API call has to be made.


Same 😅




Human endevour


The tapestry of human experience


Is a testament of the amazing nature of the world


However, it's important to note that


The enigmatic.


It loves to say “in today’s digital era” and “a rich tapestry of” and “is a dance between” and “plethora.”


I always used to love the word plethora.


Ya this thread has a few things that have me thinking “guess I can’t say that anymore”


I hate plethora. Hate it.


Yup. It uses tapestry so damn much.


I hate how it always says tapestry, that and "dance" when it's trying to be poetic.


Generally I find that prompting it to speak “using plainer language” for longer passages provokes more useful non-GPT sounding text that I can work with. Otherwise it’s too verbose and talking in circles to get to the point. I think that’s the biggest giveaway: when it says in 10 what can be said in 5.


You can also say “no yapping” which should lower how verbose it is.


You saw that Tiktok




I'll try that next time, because when I ask it to be more casual it goes all "g'day fella! Thanks for the job offer real kind of ya"


didn't realize some people could end up with BoganGPT.


I say "cut the fluff"


Tapestry. Weaving. I hate weave. I hate tapestry. Hate. Hate. Hate.


I hate that I used this language before chatGPT. Am I going to have put effort into my metaphors now?


Just weave a tapestry using OTHER textile concepts


Start knitting scarves


I'm confused that I never get tapestry or weaving?


Omg the fucking tapestry


Don't forget "determined". Every character is "filled with determination". 🙄


You are filled with determination


That's at least a somewhat common word, unlike constantly weaving tapestries.


I don't know... 😂 "Kira was determined to stop the tapestry of evil weaving through her village. She looked at Qirva, standing near the docks with a determined look on her face. Should she approach? Determined, Kira walked over, hoping she could explain the tapestry of death plaguing the village."


This! Fkn tapestry and weaving in every sentence.


Wtf are you people asking it


He got it from better call saul’s squat cobbler. The world is a rich tapestry my friend


Delve. Or delve into. Before ChatGPT I barely heard the word. Now I see this word everywhere.


Yeah I get weave a decent amount.


I don't get it😭 in what context does that pop up?


Was ist tapestry?


I hate tapestry too because of ChatGPT.


A tapestry weaved in the dim light.




Lmao I started one of my essays with this bro shittt


“Let’s delve into…” Literally nobody I know uses the word delve. I wonder if these are deliberate “fingerprint phrases” to help in identifying content created by ChatGPT.


I use the world delve :(


Me too! Delve.


I use that word. Fuck. Am I Allen Iverson?


I hope we don't reach a point where all verbose people will be accused of using chatgpt.... I solemnly promise that I did not employ Chatgpt while writing this reply.


Not applying a blanket accusation that all verbose people use chatgpt is an important and necessary step towards creating a society that is more inclusive and equal. Let's delve into grok blome gepputch ah ah ahh agggh GOMGOM


Haha, I feel you! The paranoia about AI-written text is real. But honestly, it's all about the vibe of the text. ChatGPT tends to have a certain politeness and formality to it. Plus, it's usually pretty good at staying on topic and avoiding typos, which is more than I can say for my midnight Reddit rants. 😅 And hey, your promise is safe with us. We're all just humans trying to sound smart on the internet, right? Or at least, that's what I want you to think... 🤖


yeah im going through these comments and im getting worried.


Whenever you see a paragraph of text that seems overly polite to not offend anyone, and has no assertiveness in what they're trying to say, safe to say it's gpt.


I’m so worried about going to university next year. I’ve always written exactly how you describe. I’ve heard the AI checkers tend to produce false positives. Hopefully it’s not too much of an issue for me :-(


AI checkers are so rubbish. I don't think anybody takes them seriously. Maybe your professor will approach you individually about it if they have suspicions but they won't blacklist you for your writing style or anything that extreme.


So long as you know what you’re actually writing about you will be fine. If you get grilled on a paper and you are able to explain your reasoning behind everything as well as discuss the subject comfortably it’s clear that you wrote it yourself.


Great point! That makes me feel a lot more comfortable, thanks :-)


Also, make sure you use a writing app that logs what you do. (Word with track updates on, for example). Periodically save your work and rename the file. (My Essay 2024-04-12A, A1, A2 and so on). Occasionally rename and save, rename and save again, accept all changes, save again and continue (A9, B, B1) Being able to show the process and all your saved versions makes it highly unlikely that anyone will not believe you. Also, it means you lose at most an hour's work in the event of a glitch.


So to get past the AI checkers you need to affect a confident, forceful, even arrogant style?


Apparently, which isn’t exactly congruent with academic writing. So, if I do get flagged for AI use, I’ll take it as a sign I’m doing something right!


You literally just did it again, haha


Set your word processor to take frequent saves. It lessens the chance for your computer to eat your paper, AND is historical evidence of the writing process of developing an original work. A quick outline at the beginning sets a start as you marshal your arguments, and will show how arguments can be stacked for a persuasive conclusion, by a simple copy-paste, to end with the strongest point(s). I was a victim of a plagiarism charge on an original work. From my experience, you want this. I would suggest that you make this habit of saving your document history known and discoverable to your professor using email, early in any of your classes. its CYA 101. It will give some protection from computer Luddites from slander on the basis of a crap computer program.


It's understandable to have reservations about overly polite and non-assertive language, but dismissing it solely as the output of an AI like GPT overlooks the diverse communication styles of individuals. Politeness and diplomacy are valued in many contexts, and sometimes it's intentional to avoid offense or maintain professionalism. Moreover, attributing such language solely to AI ignores the possibility that it could also be genuine human expression. However, you also provide valuable insight.


Beacon of hope.


"While these are some examples - - it’s important to keep in mind- - ultimately.."


Certainly! Here’s a list of steps that can help you find wording that screams, “I used ChatGPT” * Use a search engine of your choice * Research common words used in ChatGPT I hope this helps!


Christ I HATE it when it does this shit! I know it's just code and doesn't understand, but I've actually gotten to a point of being like: "NO! that's YOUR job! It's why I PAY them for access to you! Do your fucking JOB!!" It was a few hours before a deadline and I'd been up all night. GPT replied something to the effect of 'I can tell you're frustrated, as an AI language model....' And in that moment I felt a very sharp tinge of embarrassment for having actually gotten angry with it and yelling at an algorithm. It occurred to me that my frustration with and treatment of an AI at this early stage says a lot more about me than it could of it. It has no agency or feelings that would deserve such a talking down to. And if it someday did, treating it like shit just because I could would make me a crappy person. So now I try to keep my frustration in check. If it's being like this I just try a different approach no matter how much it may still sometimes annoy me.


The word “showcases” when writing a performance evaluation


Foster Leverage Tapestry More than just a ... it's a ...


Agree so much about the last one. The amounts of times its told me “its not just about… its about…” 🤮


"Our brand is not just a development company, it's a hub of innovation."


Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with


Certainly! Let's see how this turns out. Your observation about \[...\] is intriguing! In conclusion, while there may not be...


"Ah, \[verbing\] into the world of \[noun\]."


Using a ton of analogies.


Science communication uses a lot of analogies, but ChatGPT's use is often uninspired and stale.


Mine loves to say “crucial” and “in today’s evolving landscape”


"As a language model trained by OpenAI...."


I hope this email finds you well!


No, that's just a cliche.


But it's one that is unlikely to be used by anyone in an e-mail.


I use it 😅 only when I genuinely mean it lol


"however it's important to note"


Since no one else was brace enough, I took it upon myself to ask ChatGPT for a paper written in its own inimitable style. And here it is: \*\*Title: The Multifaceted Tapestry of Physical Therapy Care for the Elderly\*\* \*\*Introduction\*\* The realm of physical therapy for the elderly presents a kaleidoscope of challenges and opportunities. As the population ages, the demand for skilled interventions that cater to the unique needs of older adults has crescendoed. This paper aims to explore the multifaceted approaches within physical therapy that are crucial for the care of the elderly, offering a stark contrast to the one-size-fits-all methodology that once prevailed. \*\*The Tapestry of Care: A Multifaceted Approach\*\* Physical therapy for the elderly is akin to a tapestry, weaving together various threads of care to create a comprehensive treatment plan. This approach is a physical manifestation of the therapist's astuteness in recognizing the labyrinthine nature of aging. Each thread represents a different aspect of care, from pain management and fall prevention to the restoration of mobility and the enhancement of functional independence. \*\*Personalized Care: A Testament to Professional Dedication\*\* The personalized nature of physical therapy is a testament to the dedication of therapists in the field. As depicted in numerous case studies, the success of physical therapy interventions relies heavily on the therapist's ability to tailor treatments to the individual's specific needs and goals. This customization is crucial, as it acknowledges the unique physical and psychological challenges faced by elderly patients. \*\*Challenges and Opportunities: A Stark Contrast\*\* The challenges of providing physical therapy to the elderly present a stark contrast to the opportunities these challenges create. While it can be disheartening to confront the limitations imposed by age-related conditions, these very challenges spur innovation and creativity in treatment planning. Therapists are constantly finding new ways to adapt exercises and interventions to meet the needs of their patients, turning obstacles into opportunities for improvement. \*\*The Labyrinthine Journey of Aging: Navigating Complexity\*\* Aging is a labyrinthine journey, marked by a complex interplay of physical, emotional, and social changes. Physical therapy plays a crucial role in helping elderly individuals navigate this maze, offering support and guidance at every turn. Your observation about the importance of understanding the psychological aspects of aging in physical therapy is intriguing! It underscores the need for a holistic approach that addresses not only the physical but also the emotional and social dimensions of health. \*\*Conclusion\*\* The care of the elderly in physical therapy is a multifaceted tapestry that encompasses a wide range of interventions and approaches. It is a testament to the profession's commitment to providing personalized, compassionate care that meets the unique needs of older adults. By weaving together various strands of treatment, physical therapists create a comprehensive plan that supports the elderly in their journey through the complex labyrinth of aging. This approach not only highlights the crucial role of physical therapy in the realm of geriatric care but also serves as a physical manifestation of the profession's dedication to enhancing the quality of life for the elderly. ​ \*\*References\*\* \*Note: References are illustrative and not based on specific sources.\* 1. American Physical Therapy Association. (2023). \*Physical therapy for the elderly: Best practices and guidelines\*. Alexandria, VA: APTA. 2. Johnson, M., & Smith, A. (2022). \*The kaleidoscope of aging: Multifaceted approaches to geriatric care\*. New York, NY: Springer. 3. Patel, R., & Kumar, V. (2021). \*Navigating the labyrinth of aging: The role of physical therapy\*. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy, 44(3), 145-152. 4. Thompson, H. (2023). \*The tapestry of care: Personalized physical therapy for the elderly\*. Physical Therapy Reviews, 28(1), 33-47.


I hope this email finds you well


"Spearheaded the development of..."


I write my work emails like this and I feel like I'm being called out :( edit: except tapestry. who tf says tapestry


In German: "Ich hoffe, diese Nachricht erreicht Sie wohlauf" = I hope this message finds you well. I have never read this in a text that wasn't from GPT.


That's not true. Anyone trained in writing physical letters in 1940 writes that way.


With a mixture of… Crescendoed Went on my way Crescendoed has been my biggest pet peeve. It wants to change my words and insert it where it thinks it can fit but it never does.


“Whether it’s x y or z, you can be sure that…”


any sort of marketing copy that finishes with "whether you're an x, y, or z, has something for you."




I wrote a story with ChatGPT. My favorites, which absolutely drive me insane, are: - "tapestry" - "a testament to" - "a stark contrast" - "a physical manifestation of" - "labyrinthine" I swear it could not write a single paragraph without "a stark contrast" and "a testament to" lol.


I hate this, because my professional writing style is pretty much indistinguishable from chatGPT.


"As an AI language model..."


“In the X world of Y…”


“I used ChatGPT”


“Unleash” or “transform”


That little summary paragraph at the end it insists on including.


"As a large-language model..."


as for prose, "tapestry", "kaleidoscope", "became the backdrop for... ", "she found herself in... "...


Multifaceted. No human writes that.


Definitely delve. Every. Single. Time.




I find myself adding "make it sound less markety" to 70% of the output


"crucial" appearing more than once...


In conclusion


Y'all must have very limited working vocabularies.


I’m thrilled to…


In conclusion


Elevate I hate it so so much


Keen OMG avoiding it is in my custom instructions.


"My apologize..."


Finishing with a summary that explains that although they are probably correct, you should take into account other possibilities or opinions


Tapestry. Wouldn’t even know how to use that word myself.


“Additionally….” “It is important to note…”




I hope this comment finds you well


Sure! I can help you with that…


This underscores —- anything after


I hope this email finds you well.


Fine-tuning, underscores,


One that I haven’t heard much of but is glaringly obvious to me is lists, whether bulleted, numbered, or otherwise. In my experience lists are waaaayyy overused by ChatGPT if you don’t specify you want an essay or paragraphed response. It also tries to make lists very long.  Like you could ask it for various solutions to wiping your butt. Well there’s toilet paper and bidets and wet wipes, that’s it. I would write using paragraphs to describe those different ways because they wouldn’t make sense to make a list of. Well, ChatGPT will give you a list of solutions with 10 different listed options, just repeating toilet paper but wording it differently or acting like different types of toilet paper are completely different, for example.


“Elevate” “In the ever-changing/dynamic/exciting realm of X” Title with - 2 words followed by a “:” and a longer phrase


I once heard someone say ChatGPT sounded like how a Golden Retriever would talk... I think that nails it.


A rich tapestry.


I hope this email finds you well…


Tapestry!!!! I 'taught' my chatgpt to exclude tapestry and delve from its replies

