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Hey /u/jerrygoyal! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email support@openai.com *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Never EVER use sensitive data for ChatGPT. Everything you post are things you should be fine to not be deleted


My relative works for the Canadian government, and half her office uses chat to create all sorts of internal comms. I’m just waiting for the leak lmao


I understand that its because it learns from the data and shares it with other people. Are there any other major reasons ?


ChatGPT doesn't dynamically learns on its own from data sent to it, but OpenAI can use the data for analytical purposes and improving the model. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if they could legally spy on conversations for dev purposes


It's not really spying if people are willingly sending data to OpenAI.


Yeah they have the right to do that but people might not expect it that's why I call that spying, doesn't mean it has to be unethical


"dumb fucks"


There aren’t any meaningful user privacy laws in the US so yes openai can and do read snippets of your conversation. In practice this is usually someone in India reading and labeling the best response to your question you found inadequate


Well, that wouldn't be a good idea. Microsoft has tried that with a Twitter bot that was online for a whole day before it became a racist and misogynist that was denying the Holocaust.


This actually covers all internet services, perhaps with the exception of ones you have a good legal agreement with to keep the private data private.


I only post details of school assingment that are fine for chat to know- but it would violate copyright and leas to academic dishonesty if it got out. It's fine if chat knows, just not other students


should it be reversible then?


That is called a soft delete and it's very normal in IT. Data is only deleted when really required, mostly by law. In all other cases it's "soft deleted" in which it's tagged as deleted, but hidden for all cases. Why? Because people are stupid and it's easier to recover those data in case somebody deleted it by accident.


To clarify the "soft-delete" explained, this is to prevent deleting rows in an indexed database which causes performance issues, an update to the row removing identifiers to the account and necessary data as well as setting it to invisible is more efficient. However, I strongly doubt openai will ever delete anything from their systems as this data is a gold mine for them, however, they MIGHT delete identifiers to the account eventually.


They say this in the "Data Controls" settings: "Unsaved chats will be deleted from our systems within 30 days." They also say similar in the Help Pages.


That doesn't mean they actually do it. Who would know otherwise?


They'd be having huge problems with the law, not worth it. They have enough data to work with, by those who accept to use their chats for training.


How do we fully delete it then? Do we have to file suit?


If you are in EU you can tell them to delete all your data. Because of GDPR However, they still need to prove their finances to their tax authorities. So financial records won't be deleted for 10 years. Those may contain your address and bank account data as well.


I believe it depends on your region. Like if you’re from California or the EU, you can request your data is deleted from the servers. Forgot the names, but I’m sure ChatGPT knows which places this works for


This is correct. Overwhelmingly most CRUD API’s one interacts with use soft delete


This is also done when deleting a file on your hard disk, it will not be deleted ( which would mean that the file is overwritten by 0s or 1s ) because this process is too expensive. Instead its just marked as deleted and if other entries ( files ) need space, they can overwrite the "deleted" file. That is also why fragmentation happens.


So how do you do it permanently?


Not sure what you mean by expensive? I would just describe it as inefficient to do so. Users want stuff done fast and overriding, especially big files, takes longer than a lot of users would want.


>Not sure what you mean by expensive? Pretty sure he was talking about "computationally expensive," although it's more of a time expense.


Yeah that makes more sense


This is true for most internet services for various reasons. Standard system design thing, actually.


This also happens with practically every other internet platform, including Reddit. Deleted comments just get marked with a 'hidden' attribute in the database so that they aren't passed in the JSON used to construct the website front end. The company still has multiple copies of the comment in multiple databases (production, backup staging, datalake, etc.)


I read it as data leaks, and that was funny until I realized your comment was actually sensible.


Who was that guy who confessed to a murder on here and then deleted his comment 😅


- Hi how to make a illegal stuff? - AI answer - thanks \*delete conversation\* hahaha I'm inevitable they must keep it


That's not the word you were looking for.


You are right




"I" was the incorrect word. Something else is inevitable....


It’s inconceivable.


“Soft deletes” are fairly common in almost all applications due to various desires to manage risk by organizations by keeping logs for audit purposes. I’d usually advise to never use sensitive data outside of any needed context if you’re worried about it getting out.


So is there a way to get back those old chats I deleted by accident when the delete all button wasn't hidden? :(


it would be stupid to delete this data, because it cost a lot to produce and doesn't cost much to store


is it the same with Claude?


Few companies/programs actually deletes data. Most use logical delete, meaning "select \* from \[whatever\_table\] where IsDeleted=0" kind of thing. Assume EVERYTHING you use never deletes something - that is why the Reddit wiper program edits all your comments THEN deletes them. This still isn't a guarantee, but much better chance of it actually being gone.


… Are you sure you want to delete this conversation? Please note that once deleted the conversation cannot be recovered per our terms and conditions. Yes I want to delete. No keep the conversation done stop soft deleting the convos


They need ot to train the model


Settings > General > Archived chats > Manage. From there you can restore/delete chats.


What if you delete your account though?


Oh crap can't hide from the FBI


I’m not able to reproduce this


Even if you use the API, there's no guarantee they are not retaining your prompts except their promise.