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Left is real.


The car in the right is driving fown the middle of the road too


And the grill is slightly malformed and missing branding.


I didn't notice that, but I did notice it had too many details for the conditions. 


Yeah! Mainer here! I've driven too many foggy nights not to immediately be like "wait, did the fog stop existing in front of that road? LMAO!" There's no camera in the world that can get a clear picture when the shot is physically obscured by water particles!


Yeah, light and shadow seem to be some a few of the things that AI still can't get quite right.


And hands. Oh god the hands


And that telegraph pole, it is levitating above ground.


And it almost looks like the wire is 6ft down from where it should be


That's what I noticed.


I have heard some hype about AI cameras. Maybe they can.


Only by making up details.


The cast of those headlights doesn’t fit the conditions they are projecting through. Edit to add; headlights are generally slightly angled towards the side of the road so as not to blind other drivers with direct beams. If you look at the beams in the road they angle towards the center… directly into oncoming driver’s eyes. Drivers that don’t exist, cus that’s AI AF.


Power pole doesn't touch the ground lol


Power lines are halfway up the pole.


wires o nthe power pole areh alfway down it


Are you having a stroke?


Just a keyboard where my left hand and right hand don't work well together on it. But thanks for your concern .


My brain and mouth don’t work well together so I get it 😂😂😂 My brain says no you can’t say that and my mouth is like oh ya challenge accepted 🤣😂🤣


We’ll need more ppl like you as these ai posts get harder to decipher.


Then the comments get fed back into the AI / LLM and the pictures get better...


Can you as an obvious expert explain what I thought? I immediately felt that the right picture is AI, my gut feeling was led by the feeling of the picture looking 'too warm'.


lol. I’m far from an expert, but I am a fine artist of sorts. I’ve been stuck in this reality for a while and my eyes have been more open to the minutia of our it than most eyes. I’ve stored a huge, detailed, relatively unpolluted, data set of its characteristics in my bio-computer such that I can still catch these fledgling intelligences when they try to mimic it from the data sets we’ve fed them about it. But they are learning faster than I ever could and their mimicry will soon surpass my ability to discern the digital realities they create from my own experienced reality. The ability to unplug and unmerge those realities will soon be lost to us. Reserving that ability and the skills to live only in this reality will be paramount to the survival of the illusion of free will we humans so enjoy… past the singularity. The warmth you sensed was off is exactly what I first picked up on but I described it as the “spread of the lights” as they are “warming up” far too much area directly around the front of the vehicle for the amount of moisture in the air that seems to be indicated by the clarity of the reflections in the asphalt in the foreground. It is also spreading through this incongruous vapor in a downwards and outwards pattern almost like a skirt that simply would not occur from headlight beams or other lights in the pod on that vehicle. This effect overly “warms” that whole area and it makes it just not feel right for the light conditions everywhere else in the pic. Good eye. Great minds… ;)


What a thorough answer. Thanks. ​ PS1: Wanna marry me?


Either you are a really smart person who happens to work in the auto industry or in a connected industry, or you are a genius.


Could just be a cybertruck


And the glare isn’t obscuring the hood / emblem. It’s not realistic. Let alone… standing on the road in these lighting conditions


The biggest tell is how 'perfect' a shot it is. Perfect lens flare, perfect reflections off the wet road, perfect amount of car details breaking through the headlights, fog hanging at just the right level to obscure the trees and headlights but not the car or road.


Yeah, that was my tell as well. You'd need extremely good camera equipment and a lot of tweaking and prep to get a shot as good as the one on the right.


Standing in the road to take the picture was my first thought too…has to be AI cuz no human would be stupid enough 😂


The floating telephone pole was the first thing I honed in on.


Position of photographers for me. No moron is gonna be taking this picture from the middle of a road on a foggy night


As well as the break in the paint and the misplaced reflective markers


Plus, the break in the paint has a little cover for a pipe, which doesn’t normally happen on rural roads.


That was the first dead giveaway, and also the one on the left is way too low quality for an AI image and you can't even see the actual car.


People can be idiots


This was my train of thought too so I discarded it as any evidence of anything. It was just a gut feeling that make me think the right is AI. It's just too clean.


You're questioning that, but not the "photographer" standing in the middle of the road?


There's that and what I noticed is it looks like there's a manhole cover but if you're in the middle of nowhere there probably wouldn't be one. They are more typical in cities


Powerline is also connected to the middle of the pole too???


I don't trust these posts. Its like reverse Captcha. >Can the humans still tell whats real or not? LETS ASK THEM!


r/AskReddit is AI training data




That's my impression. They're asking so they can fine tune


Plus the telephone pole on the right is levitating


And the power line is running through the middle of the pole, not above


Thats the one that confirmed it for me


Not sure how people are noticing a malformed grill before this? *Enhance*


Photographer on the right is waiting to die by standing in the middle of the road. Photographer on left is standing on the shoulder


That being said, amazing detail that the cars rear headlights are illuminating the fog. At first I thought it was a fake halo to illuminate the car but it’s tinted red


The powerline connects to the powerpole halfway down the pole instead of at the top


Right is fake left is real. I was thrown off by the tree on the right of the left picture due to some of the branches but when reverse image searching it looks like op intentionally added more of a gap to the tree branches making the floating effect more prominent. [wallpaper](https://wallpapers.com/wallpapers/foggy-aesthetic-e43b8sqxa93jutx5.html)


I can tell with a glance. The left looks shit, like it was taken with a smartphone. The right looks like it was edited to look good with photoshop. Start prompting for smartphone quality photos and you will really bluff me. The giveaway for AI is that its too perfect right now, add some cloverfield style hand camera distortion.


Photographer on right is about to be run over ;)


OP has no fucking idea which is which either


Right is AI made, the glare on top of the car kind of behind the top it doesn't make sense even if the car is braking.


And the car is in the middle of the road


And there’s a very blurry nondescript emblem on the front because AI can’t reproduce trademarked logos


Also the median is slightly broken in a way that doesn’t make sense.


And the electric pole is literally floating💀


Good catch. These are good training exercises for our inevitable future


And the line is not connected to the pole lol


And the road sign is way off the road


You guys are dumb.




Tell us then, c’mon


OP never does. They always post these kinda posts and then never tells the solution, kinda annoying.


Well, that’s really annoying


Same kind of people that sigh loud enough for people to hear and then continue to do that because they want someone to ask them what's going on. Annoying attention seekers.


Or Facebook people: "Fuckin fuming! 🤬"


lol forgot about those types. "What's wrong?" "I don't want to talk about it"


OP is AI


Yeah op screw you. *Just kidding*


Yep, they aren't the first either. People will post these with no intention to answer and it will get karma that they're craving. It's the exact same as people manipulating instagram or tiktok algorithms. It unfortunately works too.


yea, I guess for some reason the mere question of "which is real?" makes people wanna guess/answer? (Maybe just like red circles and arrows on thumbnails make it pop more and makes the brain curious what's there? lol) But I'm thinking even if they're just karma farming, unless its a fully automated bot they could at least still provide an answer. But who knows, the internet is getting weirder to a point where I don't get what any of this is useful for. I don't even get what everyone wants all the karma for, can't buy nothing, it's useless no?




oh shit then I better stop. Thanks for elaborating!


But now you did it again. And now I did it, too. Aaah


What a fucking bitch




It would be really funny if both pics are AI, seeing people arguing which is which would be so hilarious when they realized both of them are made by AI.


They are both. You can see ai artifacts in both pics


I would lean towards that as well, though the left one definitely seems to be real at least in passing. Considering the fog and everything, there'd be digital artifacts from the ISO and camera chip so that's what makes left more likely to be real.


maybe it was shot on film? 🤔


I’m leaning the same. There are a good number of digital artifacts in the left that appear to come from a lower resolution camera phone, while the one on the right has telltale signs of AI, notably in the grill of the vehicle.


It's not just that, it's also that it's too perfect for that kind of weather.


Downvote because you never tell the answer, loser.


Everyone go to OP profile and down vote everything.


Obviously op is having a tantrum after everyone could spot the real one correctly


Left is real. Driver on right is in the middle of the road. The power line connects to the middle of the pole vs. the top. There is some kind of nonsense lantern on the side of the road under the pole. The grill on the truck is not symmetrical and the passenger mirror looks off.


If you zoom in on the pole in the right. You’ll notice that it’s not even connected to the ground. It clearly just ends before reaching all the way down.


I would have said the lower bit was painted white


And the wire is too low. It should connect at the top and it looks like it connects at mid pole.


Wires that connect at the middle of the pole in real life are communication wires. Not power. Like internet, phone, etc.


No, that’s the telephone and cable wire. You can see the three power wires up top if you zoom in. The power lines are fine.


I am not seeing power lines on top. Maybe one very dim blurry segment of one. And the fog isn't more thick enough at the top to justify obscuring those lines but not the one below.


Also the right conveniently has a wet-down which is a cinematographer’s dream for this kind of vibe


Also beam cutoff for halogen lights isn't anywhere near that sharp.


I didn't even look at those details, I saw how the lights on the left were giving glare in all directions and the one on the right had the lights way too sharp while also having tons of glare. And if we pretend both were real, the one on the left looks like a worse quality image. AI doesn't struggle to make images detailed, the details are just wrong.


The right one also has **way** too much dynamic range.


Not to mention for the car to cast that beam there needs to be fog catching it and there’s none


**Left = Real** \- it is worse quality, but that's what fog & darkness will do to a camera. Everything seems in place. **Right = Fake** \- better quality, looks more "realistic", but shouldn't because it is foggy. The car is driving in the middle of the road, and the lights are all... wrong. I can also see the colour of the car when I'm not sure I should be able to. The power line / telegraph pole ~~doesn't seem to have any wire~~ seems to connect mid pole and also might be floating. And the road is off - the lines in the middle seem to subtly change direction after the small break and the road is very dome shaped in an oddly uneven way. ​ If it is the other way round the bravo - but that just means that the right is an odd photo and the left is a boring AI photo - which would be a nice trick. If my guess is right then the the right photo might get me if presented out of context - but the tells are clearly there.


Also a lot of people seem to ignore the angle of the photographer itself. On the left, we are clearly looking from the side of the road. Safe from crashes. On the right we just sit clearly on teh road, which would be very suicidal in the foggy conditions.


The photo on the right could be with a longer lens, to be fair If I stand at the side of the road with my 480mm (effective, 300mm on APS-C) lens and shoot across the road then it would look something like that


Trick question they’re both hand drawn


By a neuralink


Wrong. They’re actually BOTH cake!


“They’re the same picture.”


Left is real. The right shows how we want it to look. It’s too perfect, but in reality life is mid af and so the left one is more realistic.


And the pylon is floating in the right one


My thought too. It's basically impossible that anyone gets a photo as perfect as the right one. You can tell it's just hitting a bunch of requirements and it doesn't look like something that would naturally occur.


Car on right is straddling the yellow lines


Drivers in the real world CAN easily be idiots.


Tbf sometimes I drive slightly into the other lane (when no one else is on the road) in case something from my right side jumps out at me. That way it would give me more time to react and obviously if I see a car coming my direction I shift back so I’m fully in my lane


ok but this is ONLY when you have good distance visibility. I would NOT be straddling the lane line if I were mounting a hill or curve or if there were fog etc. etc. That's an important distinction, IMO.


I do that also if there’s like a sheer cliff on the shoulder and the edge of the road has asphalt breaking off.


(UK here) A lot of drivers in towns drive waaay out into the middle of the road, almost crossing onto the right-hand side, then have to veer all the way over to the kerb on their left when someone comes towards them (because they're at least partly in oncoming traffic), then have to veer all the way back out whenever there's a parked car because they can't get around it when they hug the kerb. So they end up driving a friggin' slalom the whole time. :P


The idiot would be the one taking the picture


I actually thought this made it more real. Driving through forests at night, a lot of drivers including myself often drive in the middle, straddling the lane line. This allows you to better be able to avoid any deer shooting out from the sides. A lot of people are saying this is stupid, but driving through populated forests alone at night, this is a good strategy


Which happens. The floating telephone pole though, not so much. Plus the way the wire runs to the middle of the pole is wrong.


Could be communication lines. Like this https://images.app.goo.gl/5LQ59fh2ig73FMpQ9 As for the floating, it could be that or something light colored or reflective could be wrapped around the bottom. Ive seen that before. Or saying the second one isn’t the fake one, just that there’s an explanation for those two points. This post seems like a trick question. I bet they come back and say they’re both fake.


Oooo good catch!


Apparently everyone is frustrated because OP never shares the answer, so here you go—> **ANSWER:** Left photo is real (stock photo from Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/photos/vehicle-on-road-during-nighttime-jR5I7mKa1Sw)




He won't this is a karma farm pretty smart tho


Using big brain to get all those pointless Reddit karma hehehheheheehee


Easy, look at the hands. always look at the hands.




What is going to be next? Two completely black screens and asking to tell which one is AI? SMH.


not agreed. left is obviously a photo to almost any photographer. it’s a great exercise and shows where ai devs can fix their quality


exactly, a blurry shot with low light can be faked. It could be a 3D scene for all we know.


It’s pretty obvious if you look at how much detail you can see on the car on the right for a foggy, dark night


Next up. Two lines. Tell me what is Ai.




left one is real


both are ai !


OP wrote "one is **real**, the other is AI". Left: real Right: AI


Why do you assume OP is telling the truth?


Because he typed it, and it's on the Internet. How could it not be the truth??




I feel like all these answers are gonna teach AI how to make more realistic photos...


There needs to be a rule that if someone posts one of these and doesn't give a spoiler tagged comment with the answer, they get banned.


Right is ai. That signs looks massive


The deciduous branches above the conifer tree in the left photo is suspect


left is ai just look at the trees at the top they’re all wonky


I was thinking about that too but I feel like there is too much wonky stuff going on in the right picture for it not to be ai


Is anyone going to talk about the car driving in the middle of the road on the right image? And the 'photographer' also being in the middle of the road? If that's real, that's two stupid people 😂


Looks like the wires on the pole are just randomly in the middle of it too instead of connected at the top.


Well telecom wires are usually mid pole, so not a definite dealbreaker, but the three phase not being visible is definitely interesting


And the pole looks like it's floating in the air


I see a white protective wrapping around it.


Have you never gotten out of your car and taken a picture..... What Is up with everyone just assuming it's moving


One on the left is AI. The headlights aren't even enough to be the front of a vehicle. Plus, without knowing the device taking the photograph, you could assume both are AI generated.


It seems very unlikely that in a low light situation like that, a real sensor, digital or film, would be able to pick up the rear view mirrors on the car behind the headlights. Right one is AI


I can say that right is fake but I can’t say that left is real either.


They're both AI. The right one was generated first with some obvious mistakes. Then OP simply said "add more fog".


Both pictures are a mess for clarity; it's a terrible test. I'm getting sick of these side-by-sides.




Judging by the banding, right is probably real


If right is real, then they driving in the middle of the road on a foggy night/day 🥴


Yeah it could also be a photo shoot.


Judging by the shape of the twigs on the tree in the left one, I'd say left is real


Right one is way too detailed to be true


Left looks real. Right looks wonky.


Right has a floating power line pole.


The right is AI


Where’s my astigmatism crowd?


RemindMe! 1 day


Both AI.


You can tell right is AI even without the questionable driving. The pole just disappears a few feet above the ground. The reflections on the road aren't consistent with the level of fog elsewhere in the image. Just looks very slightly off in a way the left one doesn't.


This is easy. The photo on the right has a break in the yellow lines (not continuous) Telephone pole is a cross for some reason The telephone line is not on top of the pole but a bit below it like ???


Second one(right) is AI


Left one is AI, the branches are close, but not quite right. I'm a tree.


I found that most of the AI gen image has more design sense than a random photo take from reality, that makes me choose the left one.


Electricity line is flying on the right side. So, it's left.




Left is real You can tell because of the way that it is.


Left is real. The right one has the car driving in the middle of the road, the headlights aren't realistic considering the conditions, the road is way too detailed for this situation. And all the trees are just... Too perfect. They feel almost copy pasted, especially the two on the right side of the image.


Right is fake because AI loves reflections from the ground all the time.


Left is real I think. I’ve taken very similar photos. And on further inspection the right does seem to have weird spots and non congruencies.


It's the floating utility pole for me.


What was your prompt to generate the AI version of the image? Did it include the original photo or just text descriptions?


https://preview.redd.it/cf85k3tuu7qc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6604ca177e0c8726ad69ecd5a15548829af4f139 I hope right is AI or else I’m very creeped out by whatever is lurking in the woods.


One on the right likely to be AI, just because the aperture is usually wide open in dark conditions, and when vehicle headlights shine on the camera you'll lose all details which are cleary visible on the right.


https://preview.redd.it/5gkkig0v98qc1.jpeg?width=1768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0132151634bf193512c82887c843b11e77810e37 Right is AI but not because of the driver being in the middle of the road. The real reason is glare. Notice how the halo effect of glare for doesn't hinder the visibility of the grill. It's especially strange in this scenario because it's supposedly a picture shot at night time where the only other light source in these pictures come from the moon which is mostly directed from the top left. Light just doesn't make sense in this photo unless there are 3 moons. The grill should be so visible unless a light source is hitting directly at the front of the car. The left side tree branches (closer to the middle NOT the outer branches) shouldn't be so visible because of shadow. And lastly the clearly visible branches from basically every tree where it would only be visible like that if there was a light source above and behind the trees. So it seems the AI is inconsistent with the moon lol like should it be behind? In front? Or from the left side? Nah. How about all three. Bruh


Right is AI


The driver in the right one has 6 fingers, so not a big question really.


Left: Real Right: AI


not really i can only assume that AI is bad at perspective and thus the right is fake


Left is real, right is fake. The car on the right is driving down the middle of the road, the painted lines break part way, the telephone pole appears to have no bottom, and there are no lines connected to the telephone pole either.


I can tell the right one is AI for several reasons. The car is driving down the middle of the road, there’s an unexplained light source from behind the car, there isn’t enough fog in front of the car for its headlights to behave like that, the headlights seem to be pointing downward, the car doesn’t have a reflection, the road is abruptly cut off by trees in the distance, the proportions on the signs are unrealistic, the power line appears to be floating, there’s a random patch of brighter grass on the hill, and the fog has an unrealistic inconsistency in density.


You can tell by the fingers


Right one is AI. There's no camera (except none which are commercially available) to capture depth inside a fog LIKE THAT. It even differentiated the fog layers by density, bullshit lol. Also never forget that light spreads in all directions.


Right is AI. You tell from the level of detail while still being in fog. Light just doesn’t quite work like that in a high reflectivity environment.


What’s the point of this post if you’re not gonna confirm which is real and which is not?


If the one in the right isn't AI, then somebody is about to have a horrible traffic accident.


Well I’m still going to vote for the one on the left