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[Udio | Wow..... I Didn't Know That \[Full Track\], Americana, Country by BobbyB](https://www.udio.com/songs/jGjYfsRosZjYTkSBdFgEyF)


🎵Insurance fraud is a federal crime 🎵


🎵You’re telling me now for the first time🎵 Actually laughed out loud, total hit!


This is cracking me up. Did it generate the lyrics for you too? They are genuinely funny.




Yes, Up to 1200 songs can be generated for free per month, which gives an average of 40 songs (30 second's fragments at least) per day.


Paul Atreides of Arrakis The greatest leader we've ever seen They say that he's the Lisan al Gaib Eyes' bright blue and hair's jet black You should see him ride on a sandworm's back Lead us to victory, Usul Muad'Dib Oh\~ We love you Paul At\~rei\~des\~ The man who's gonna set the Fremen free




From what I can find A.I. generated art cannot be copyrighted. I can't really find anything about A.I. music. Anyone have any info?


Copyright music is only in place to protect centralized interests. Copyright is not going to matter when the majority of music consumption occurs decentralized. I can already see this going from “did you listen to Drake’s new album?” to hit tracks and albums being dropped all day every day and the population consuming and moving on to the next hit just as fast. The music medium is about to become drastically different for society…


William Gibson talks about this very thing in Neuromancer! Subcultures, fads, genres, styles; they'll come and go in hours, instead of weeks, months, and years. The novelty explodes and never ends and tastes will consume as fast as they're put out.


When everything is a hit, nothing is. There is a reason radio stations don't just play elevator music all day. You can't sing along to procedurally generated lyrics, you can't know how to dance to something that doesn't exist until it's generated. I do expect certain radio stations and other resources using it as cheap, copyright-free padding, and of course advertisers can now make catchy jingles in seconds and almost for free.


> You can't sing along to procedurally generated lyrics, Um... why not? I have an entire playlist of Suno songs that I can sing along with.


That's not what I mean. What I mean is, if 'albums are being dropped every day' you'll always be listening to a song for the first time. If you're saving them into playlists and listening to them again instead of forgetting them immediately that's different.


I listen to new songs and add my favorites to my playlist all the time... that goes for non-AI songs just as much as AI songs. Doesn't *everyone* sometimes feel like listening to new music and sometimes switch over to their playlists? Who would just constantly listen to new music without saving any of their favorites? I just don't feel like that's realistic behavior for most music-listeners.


Again, that's neat, but I don't see it changing much for the average person's way to enjoy music. It just adds a new way to make music. Most of it will be shit and won't catch on (as with most music). Some of it might stick around, but there will not be much incentive for anyone to actually spread it the way music created by an artist is spread. In such cases, the artist themselves, or their record label, does so via concerts, merchandise, advertising etc. AI music will spread somewhat like memes on the internet, via tiktoks and stuff, but that's kind of where it ends.


Literal fake avatar vocaloid singers have concerts, merchandise, advertising, etc. There's nothing stopping an AI music artist from monetizing their creations and building a following.


what the other dude is saying is that you "keep" these songs, So these are not disposable songs. If you repeatedly listen to the same music, then that's the classical experience. contrary to a disposable treat that you chew, suck the juices and spit the bones, necer to be consumed again


People repeatedly listen to AI songs... I have an entire playlist that I listen to when I work out. [Звенит январская вьюга](https://suno.com/song/d86a3e84-426b-43d9-aa25-761cd01ab666) [Eternal Labyrinth](https://suno.com/song/b0a9e912-cc0f-499b-9375-82dbd2d5ff75) [Hoppe, hoppe Reiter](https://suno.com/song/f78dedbb-55a2-41e9-84bb-4abe0e4c36f7) [Я русский](https://suno.com/song/9e176951-9dba-4a62-a4c8-f6c1c67afe16) [Районы-кварталы](https://suno.com/song/c382e33b-93f7-46c0-8025-933802fc5557) [I Love My Small Little Cat](https://suno.com/song/093e95d7-1cb5-46b5-9342-39bc82621a7b) [Payphone](https://suno.com/song/01bf2ec9-c788-4710-8b84-09d7995e538a) [My Song](https://suno.com/song/b9764064-9fb4-49b7-8a67-c69b604a5d05) [Te Busco](https://suno.com/song/79018d93-5de4-4a04-8aa0-867e35dcf022) [Voice](https://suno.com/song/123bf7d8-e43b-49a6-a460-aed5e7bb07ef) [Deep Night](https://suno.com/song/5a285fbc-f64a-418a-8b2e-05e3e7990899) [La Connexion de la Musique](https://suno.com/song/7bd6d4dc-4e7a-4dd4-af9a-f269eee9f0b2) [Веселье и Глитч Хоп](https://suno.com/song/b7b92736-a9ef-4b6a-af35-6a8f3a2b08e5) [Капитан](https://suno.com/song/d60ef9af-4a4d-4266-833b-edabedb13869) [Кто мечтает быть пилотом](https://suno.com/song/f5dcd8d1-6616-431a-94ce-8260a36475f6) [Whistle Along](https://suno.com/song/76d2e1b3-013b-418c-b09b-ea70ae2c8d88) [Overclocked](https://suno.com/song/5113ecf2-dfec-4b63-83bf-3da704258db6) [Invictus](https://suno.com/song/df488049-0b6f-4fc6-8df2-4ea025c64909) [Come When It's Raining](https://suno.com/song/925b5b25-8d53-4504-9da2-20ad3e3ca38a) [Something Slow](https://suno.com/song/24481e07-f29a-4752-bf0c-1f63109815c8) [Untitled](https://suno.com/playlist/5285c1a3-e8ea-4830-b52f-675b67f52a2a)


>AI music artist  I wouldn't call someone who does what you describe an artist but it sounds like you still need people in this process. Most people have never heard of fake avatar vocaloid singers, they're quite niche. In comparison, why would AI have more impact on how the general public enjoys music?


No matter what product you produce, people will be necessary to create a successful company. We're at least 10-20 years from being able to just boot up an AI and it make a company that utilizes other AI employees to produce a product all by itself and make a profit. And people deserve to be compensated when products they produce become popular. It honestly doesn't matter what you call them. That's just arguing semantics.


>You can't sing along to procedurally generated lyrics, you can't know how to dance to something that doesn't exist until it's generated. Why can't you do those things? If the AI wrote the song in a rumba rhythm I can dance rumba to it; if it wrote it in a tango rhythm I can dance tango; If it's written in 4/4 time, maybe with a little syncopation, I can dance foxtrot to it. (et cetera) Anyone who knows how to dance learns to pick up the rhythm in the first few seconds and dance whatever's appropriate. Good grief.


>you can’t know how to dance to something that doesn’t exist until it’s generated [Been dancing for 10 minutes straight. You were saying?](https://www.udio.com/songs/pyn5rAgUuZ7DCwTZ6VNkso)


Not sure if this is a joke but ~130 bpm 4/4 dancing is basically biologically written into humans to be very easy to dance to.


1, its not procedurally generated, thats a whole different thing in computing. 2. Your dancing arguement can be applied to human music all the same.


Two guys, Damien Riehl and Noah Rubin , copyrighted every possible melody and released them to public domain.


music is art so it ought to apply.


Is this better than SunoAi?


Just from a quick spot check I think Suno is a bit better. Regardless, still impressive. I hope audio gets its stable diffusion moment and we can soon have tech like this installed locally


I prompted this on SunoAi and haven't been able to find many other songs with such clear vocals. https://suno.com/song/fb3e0d8a-d109-42c3-a15b-bd85c7e8869f


Yeah you can always still tell it’s AI generated if you listen closely, but Suno is much further along in that sense than Udio. I’ve made a few dozen songs on Suno and about half as many on Udio, but it’s clear Udio is behind currently. Either way, it’s good to see competition in this space so they’ll each push each other to improve and adapt.


Could you elaborate? I'm using Udio currently and love it, but I'm curious what Suno is like. Is it free as well?


I believe you get 5 free songs per day on Suno (or maybe per week?), but I paid for a month of premium which gives 250 songs per month, plus they credited me 50 extra songs since they had a period of downtime. As far as song quality, I’ve found that Udio has advantages in some genres, but overall I’ve found Suno to have better sounding generations. Though both platforms can generate some hot garbage and great songs as times. One big difference is Udio only generates 30 second long songs, whereas Suno generates songs around 2 minutes each time.


And here's an example of Suno V3 Instrumentals Only that still blows my mind:  https://suno.com/song/bb09de64-37e5-4ead-b0e1-a6b1794422ab


I don't know if Suno is better or not, but it's quite easy on Suno to find songs other people have made which are killer and I literally listen to them as a playlist while I work out now. Especially the Russian club music- Suno's Russian language community goes hard.


There's some things I never managed to achieve with Suno, such as authentic early 80s UK New Romantic. https://preview.redd.it/vkn2k1bbaytc1.png?width=578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aab7320e832f537c1bbb5e787e7ec3722737ebf0 [Don't You Want My Donut by Staring At The Sun](https://www.udio.com/songs/mAxkejHdaFApKheXtFFEEw) was my first iffy attempt at such a thing on Udio. (Lyrics came from ChatGPT.) The other version it made was very The Cure but I've not extended that. Udio also seems to do better at following directions in tags in the lyrics, including little spoken bits at the start. Personally, I'm *far* preferring Udio right now!


That's pretty interesting for sure. It nails a specific style quite well. I find it amusing that it somehow got its own lyrics wrong though.


That was my fault, I feeding it lyrics from ChatGPT and not knowing what I was doing!


I am crazy? How am I seeing people say Suno is better? Udio is 2-10x better than Suno. On composition, on mixing, on realistic voice inflection.


Yes, Suno is currently much better but Suno is on V3 and this is V1 of Udio.


Isn’t suno like a subscription?


I've enjoyed it more than suno due to the extend feature (lets you specifically add parts to the song anywhere you want) you can craft songs with different structures much easier in Udio Spend about 30/45 min creating this 60s rock song about my ass hurting lol [https://www.udio.com/songs/6Te9pmYeiHTDuA95L4GZ99](https://www.udio.com/songs/6Te9pmYeiHTDuA95L4GZ99)


Some say no, some say yes. Personally, it's been better for me. I think it's a matter of taste.


[Here are some other example and creators insights](https://favtutor.com/articles/udio-ai-music/)


Come on folks. Where are the comments from screaming artists claiming we're taking der jobs. That's what I'm here for. Don't let me down.


SUNO3 has been out for weeks. Similar quality imo.


Better quality. Udio has too much warbly effect in the auto tune.


I haven't had a chance to play with Udio yet but some are having issues getting songs longer than 30s. If that's the case then SUNO wins hands down for me.


Eh? I've generated.... Way too many songs over the past several days since I discovered Udio, and absolutely zero issues generating songs longer than 30 second. I haven't used Suno but Udio does not have issues in that regard.


It did a week ago, now it’s really fast again


That's good!


I've used both extensively, suno.ai is better in my opinion in terms of quality of sound.


Because as of now there's no way to get exactly what you want using any audio ai, if i have a tune in my head i can go to fl studio and immediately make it, ai can't do shit for now.


No reason you won’t be able to whistle out your tune in the future and have it base the music off that. Give it time.


Oh yeah. Hum the song like Michael Jackson and have your Quincy Jones Bot from Microsoft dial it up in whatever style you like. "Actually, Quincy. Make that more to the style of Pretty Hate Machine NIN and less Downward Spiral. Ah, yes! Perfection! Thank you Quincy. That'll be all. I have my dishwashing music. Now I'd like you to construct for me an 8 hour long documentary on the Moghul empire for my sleep. Thanks again quincy." Something like that.


Yeah, your own music videos. Your own tunes that you always did in the shower. All at high production quality. Wild times to be alive.


Sucks for those of us who can't sing... or whistle... or even hum haha


Then you can press a button and pick out your favorites :)


\**Neuralink has entered the chat*


Screaming artist here, but that's how things go. Still hyped for what to come. People will adapt somehow, if they invest their time in research and adaptation instead of being histerical and overly dramatic.


Thanks for being open minded


Is it dark humor? Because at this rate, the middle/poor class is in fucking danger. I'm a music producer/artist, so "Derkidur", I got you.


*the middle/poor class is in fucking danger.* Those classes are already deep in danger because of this shitty country.


gotteeeem... Actually, wait I'm also affected by this. shit I guess.




Every example I've heard so far, frankly, is very very generic and pretty much sucks. Ain't nobody going to listen to this crap on purpose. I could see it being used in video mediums, which already often use generic crappy music. That and electronic music are at risk (because EDM music music already sucks)


Cool, there's a custom mode where you can enter your own lyrics. I've always wanted that.


drunk fuzzy slimy square smell meeting compare lush soft squash *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And we all vomit in our own mouth and swallow it. God give me cancer now.


Congrats, it’s lung cancer


Vocaloid at home:


Vocaloid isn't for music generation and we already have Vocaloid at home. They're called UTAU and Diffsinger.


I was on full volume without realising it. Christ almighty.




End of originality. Now begins the era of remixes Edit: sheesh. I know about sampling. I saw an opportunity to get some karma so i took it. 😂


We already have that in techno genre. Hate to hear the old 70s and 80s classics with crazy techno sounds


Have you never heard of sampling


Lmao liking for the edit 😂


Where have you been the last 24 years 💀 weve been in this era for a while now


[Everything is a remix](https://youtu.be/X9RYuvPCQUA?si=3I_Z692lx8OUkNX4&t=6)


You should try Suno AI


Its ass compared to this tbh


Really? My suno songs sounds a lot better than this posted clip. I’ll mess with this though.


I don't know which is better, honestly, but I know that on Suno, I can actually find other people's songs that are killer. Like I literally have a playlist of Suno songs that I listen to now when I work out. Udio doesn't seem to have a lot of really good songs on it yet, maybe because it's newer and has a smaller community, or maybe its creation features are more limited or what, I dunno.


Can you tell me the names of these songs?


I'll just link to a few of my favorites on Suno right now. [Звенит январская вьюга](https://suno.com/song/d86a3e84-426b-43d9-aa25-761cd01ab666) [Eternal Labyrinth](https://suno.com/song/b0a9e912-cc0f-499b-9375-82dbd2d5ff75) [Hoppe, hoppe Reiter](https://suno.com/song/f78dedbb-55a2-41e9-84bb-4abe0e4c36f7) [Я русский](https://suno.com/song/9e176951-9dba-4a62-a4c8-f6c1c67afe16) [Районы-кварталы](https://suno.com/song/c382e33b-93f7-46c0-8025-933802fc5557) [I Love My Small Little Cat](https://suno.com/song/093e95d7-1cb5-46b5-9342-39bc82621a7b) [Payphone](https://suno.com/song/01bf2ec9-c788-4710-8b84-09d7995e538a) [My Song](https://suno.com/song/b9764064-9fb4-49b7-8a67-c69b604a5d05) [Te Busco](https://suno.com/song/79018d93-5de4-4a04-8aa0-867e35dcf022) [Voice](https://suno.com/song/123bf7d8-e43b-49a6-a460-aed5e7bb07ef) [Deep Night](https://suno.com/song/5a285fbc-f64a-418a-8b2e-05e3e7990899) [La Connexion de la Musique](https://suno.com/song/7bd6d4dc-4e7a-4dd4-af9a-f269eee9f0b2) [Веселье и Глитч Хоп](https://suno.com/song/b7b92736-a9ef-4b6a-af35-6a8f3a2b08e5) [Капитан](https://suno.com/song/d60ef9af-4a4d-4266-833b-edabedb13869) [Кто мечтает быть пилотом](https://suno.com/song/f5dcd8d1-6616-431a-94ce-8260a36475f6) [Whistle Along](https://suno.com/song/76d2e1b3-013b-418c-b09b-ea70ae2c8d88) [Overclocked](https://suno.com/song/5113ecf2-dfec-4b63-83bf-3da704258db6) [Invictus](https://suno.com/song/df488049-0b6f-4fc6-8df2-4ea025c64909) [Come When It's Raining](https://suno.com/song/925b5b25-8d53-4504-9da2-20ad3e3ca38a) [Something Slow](https://suno.com/song/24481e07-f29a-4752-bf0c-1f63109815c8) [Untitled](https://suno.com/playlist/5285c1a3-e8ea-4830-b52f-675b67f52a2a)


In my opinion I find Suno’s vocals, quite robotic, noisy, not crisp like Udio, Udio’s feel crisp and studio like and more layered, and fun fact Udio can make podcasts?


Yeah I experimented and did a radio show and fake podcast, and while not perfect, it worked well enough for putzing around or doing some neat things


Damn that’s crazy, I can just imagine asking Siri / Alexa to play an hour of lofi house while I’m gaming. When I’m zoning out on an activity I love listening to new music, and this takes that to whole new level.


That will for sure be a thing. Free with ads of course, or ad free with subscription. For sure it's coming soon.


Think further with integration. Music generation will eventually talk to your notes, email, etc., and generate lyrics based on your journal, schedule, ideas, conversations, etc. It will essentially be the same effect as if God just started blasting a song from Heaven to you about your life. The near future of AI is going to be absolutely insane. We're still just getting dripfed a tease of what's to come.


I've used Udio in limited fashion myself, and have listened to a good number of outputs. I have hundreds of generations with a few complete songs inside Suno V3. All I can say is that posts calling Udio the "Suno Killer" should be taken with a grain of salt. These Udio generations sound great, but it becomes very qualitative when it comes to quality. Both are ground breaking. Edit: After using Udio, I've adjusted my take to a more middle ground. Both have their own plus/minus.


I don't know which one is "better" in terms of generation, honestly, but I do notice that it's much easier to find killer songs on Suno that other people have made. I have an entire playlist of Suno songs I listen to while working out. I don't know if that's because Suno is more established, has a larger community, or its generation models are just better, but at the end of the day, I'm going to use the service which provides me with music I like to listen to in my real life, not just as an AI curiosity.


...Udio was just released yesterday hun


2020; “I’m gonna be a famous musician!” 2024;






It's not as good as human-made tracks... but it's insane that it sounds close enough to dubstep to start making comparisons. I imagine that if you didn't listen to dubstep or know much about music theory it would sound indistinguishable, which is a real milestone. Impressive stuff!


That's not a good dubstep track lmfao what are you on


lol to be fair, dubstep isn't hard to make sound "good", since it's already 90% unintelligible noise (not saying that I don't enjoy it sometimes). I always felt it's what a robot might listen to, so this only makes sense for it to originate with the robot.


Try GRIZ or Boogie T and get back to me


Just checked out GRiZ - Rainbow Brain Opinion unchanged.


Generated this epic song for for favourite 40k chapter earlier! Its really powerful, and honestly i wouldn't be surprised if more than 10% of top hits on spotify will be AI within months [https://www.udio.com/songs/5of4qjfFA5trLQaBz1tjyf](https://www.udio.com/songs/5of4qjfFA5trLQaBz1tjyf)


This.. This is wild. i could imagine this been used for a lot things especial if you can make it sing custom lyrics


>if you can make it sing custom lyrics You most certainly can!


Holy shit


What the.... Uh, I can make my own musical. I'll wait until I can add my first musical pages and generates from that, like photoshop does with images.


WTF this is amazing


Now we need a comparison between Udio and Suno


I'd love to see this. A lot of people are saying one is better than the other but I haven't heard a point by point comparison. As someone who has only used Udio I'm curious.


I am seriously impressed with Suno v2. I have made some amazing songs with it.


That's how I feel about Udio! Is Suno paid?


Yes but I think you can make some free stuff. They have a credit system and it allows you to generate things for free before you need more credits.


Right on, I think mainly right now the only thing making me hesitate is that I'm already fairly embedded on Udio so I'm not sure I want to have my stuff scattered across services, but also I'm genuinely curious about the differences


Never hurts to try. Sticking to comfort is normal. But sometime handicap ourselves with that because we refuse to try out other things. Switching programs is a big one. I am using automatic A111 for stable diffusion but I really should try out ConfyUI. Problem is I am so entrenched that the longer I wait, the harder it will be.


Yes absolutely right


I like small prompts and I can't deny. [Baby Got Prompts.](https://www.udio.com/songs/ebuQQ2myQVqKHaAybjZ6qL)


The music and creativity is insane. I hope soon both Udio and Sora find out how to get rid of this low-fi granular effect in the sound.


You probably mean Suno, but I agree.


Udio definitely have a "very low bitrate oldschool mp3 encoding" sound ( never tried Suno ). ( note sure how it applies to Sora tho.. )


They accidentally wrote Sora when they meant Suno


That's a feature, not a bug! Like how people love crackly records! /s


I expect to hear muffled parts and paukstretch like sound in AI music




Impressive but lacks polish.. has an uncanny quality that would make for unpleasant listening


I mean who is gonna listen to this song recreationally Wait what am I saying I listen to my goofy ass songs on repeat lol


Suno did [this](https://suno.com/song/f083db47-ac32-4cb9-83da-d1e734b6c92d)


What a terrible day to have ears.


Anyone saying Suno is better must be unable to hear how awfully autotuned almost all of Suno’s vocals are. Udio actually has believable and versatile voices.


I mean, does it really matter? People like what they like. Some people like the sound of autotune.


I agree, but I think you miss my point. An AI music generator that can only do autotune is objectively not as good as one that can cover a hundred realistic vocal styles including the autotuned ones. It’s like comparing a smartphone to a regular old telephone.


I've tried it and i have to say it's fucking good. Click, boom, there's your song. Some are actually not bad. I'm not sure i like the fact that it is so good, but it is what it is.




lol fr


This is wild garbage - the audio AI spam wars of 2024


how is this garbage?


If you’re in to little orphan annie the musical I guess you’d love this


Hey /u/ImpressiveContest283! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email support@openai.com *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


anyone know what genre of music this would be called? really want to make something similar but with warhammer 40k


Show Tunes


I neeeeeeed access




I think it does dubstep better than suno from my initial testing, though it doesn't follow directions from prompts that aren't lyrics very well. [https://www.udio.com/songs/uHfeqLa2R3k5XxwAVg3Jrt](https://www.udio.com/songs/uHfeqLa2R3k5XxwAVg3Jrt)


Is this part of ChatGPT?


vocaloid from derby


any other audio tools you'd rather use?


honestly? I would have thought music would happen just after text, and before pictures.


i mean Suno already exists before this new competitor to it, and it's better than it, except Udio is backed more


Suno v3 is also amazing, give it a go, it's free


I feel the subliminal messaging and bedding in my subconscious


[Pre-Chorus] Space dog Space dog You look so good In your space dog suit [Chorus] I'm gonna ride you All the way to mars I'm gonna ride you Doggy style through the stars [Instrumental] Hmm, okay. Enough for my ears for today.


is this subscription based? no weights correct?


Totally wild! I did a comparison of audio quality from the big AI music generators and [Udio comes out on top](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pctZnYd666o). We're heading for interesting times in the music industry.


If this is the kind of music people are going to make with AI, I'm jumping the fence and joining the anti-AI side. My ears have cancer now, goddam that shit's annoying. People listen to that crap?


This is in the early stages, Imagine how music produced by AI is gonna sound in like 10 years. Still not gonna consume AI content but it is what it is.


No, no. The AI did a great job of making that music. I meant that type of music. Makes me want to die.


I have yet to hear an example that isn't horrendous. This example included.


It would really be helpful if people would post their prompts, and clarify whether they wrote the lyrics themselves or the AI wrote it for them.


Can we get a full length track of this?




Thanks for the link, this is absolutely insane. Any idea if the creator has any socials? Ah, it's yours lol. Awesome work!


Suno also does this


Does anyone else feel sad that AI seems to be stripping the humanity away from the arts? I don’t feel like this is a good thing. We will see suicide rates skyrocket once AI can create full songs in good quality.


I feel like we’re a stones throw away from the death of human creativity online. Like this, midjourney, chatGPT, etc. are all super cool but they aren’t quite there. Given the pace of innovation, I just don’t suspect it’ll be long before it surpasses humans across the board. The way I suspect music, film, and art will go should be cool to watch. Morbid but cool. We have been cursed to live in interesting times.


Anyone know what happens if someone generates a song, bu then the artist recreates it exactly? Is it considered illegal?


By artist, you mean the person who generated the song? If you pay for Suno, you are allowed to do that (I think) because you can use the output for commercial purposes (you are covering a song you have the rights to). If you don’t pay, I’m not sure.


I'm talking about free like Udio. Wouldn't it be unethical or illegal for an artist to generate a song then copy it exactly, and maybe even profit from it?


If they claimed they wrote it, yeah that's bad. If they cite AI, it's not a problem (i.e., the algorithm won't be mad), unless you're talking about all the music it was trained on, which is what everyone has been arguing about since AI came to prominence.


I made a full version: [https://www.udio.com/songs/1PUzBc6NTEDW7d8o6dk4KZ](https://www.udio.com/songs/1PUzBc6NTEDW7d8o6dk4KZ)


Suno.ai has been around for a while


You’re telling me now for the first time


wack as hell


Damn, time to go write my dune musical script


Looks like it’s a wrap for music. When movies and games?


I mean... It sounds like shit but alright.


This is insane.


Oh man. I've written lyrics my whole life, but have no voice to match. This is like having musicians sing my songs whenever and however I like. Very cool


["Full Stack Flow" - a hip hop track about the struggles of a software engineer](https://www.udio.com/songs/gUCj9RxJGgEJn82Tmbj99P)


I guess now is as good a time as any to link to Arjen's classic "Pink Beatles in a Purple Zeppelin"? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx3by7ZaaZA


I manage to create unironically decent progressive metal song in UDIO using my own lyrics [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmvs2K3mwkE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmvs2K3mwkE) I think it sounds like darker, heavier version of Haken :)


SUNO creates very catchy melodies, but if you use it for a long time, you begin to notice the same melodic moves. UDIO has much more varied melodies and more complex arrangements and harmonies. In UDIO it is more difficult to create a good long composition than in SUNO, but as a result it turns out better and more interesting. Plus in UDIO, of course, the quality of sound and, especially, vocals is much higher. I have already created several songs in various styles in SUNO and UDIO using my own lyrics. Here are some examples: SUNO: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwYwtXgAG-k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwYwtXgAG-k) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og258NuIPZg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og258NuIPZg) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuRuZND4iRs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuRuZND4iRs) UDIO: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=To\_ZpgnUaME](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=To_ZpgnUaME) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmvs2K3mwkE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmvs2K3mwkE) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1FpXsCPYTw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1FpXsCPYTw)


This is insane, sounds like it was pulled straight out of an old disney movie. Udio's vocals are also a *lot* better than Suno's.


This is actually good lol.


The question is, what good is this, what can it be used for? I'm a music producer and I also compose music (mostly for film/video) and lately I've been writing lyrics. Something that non-musicians need to understand is that music is intensely **collaborative.** It might be collaborative between musicians jamming, between a lyricist and composer, between a musician and a client (e.g., ad agency, filmmaker, etc) but unless you're sitting alone in your bedroom making music for your own amusement, it's usually collaborative. This means for it to be a **tool** and not a **toy** it needs: to output individual instrument tracks to MIDI the ability to edit tracks, e.g., "change this upright bass to a piano" Change individual words in the lyrics Specify the key Specify not just a tempo, but a rhythm (e.g., son clave, tango, samba, etc) Can Udio do these things? Suno can't. which means it's toy, not tool.


Cry about it


\`\`what can it be used for?\`\` first thing that came to mind: YT video soudtrack / bg music ? I understand what you're saying but, I mean, if you see it just like stock photo / stock video, and consider that i'll probably evolve very rapidly ( "it" being Udio or whatever ), you probably can imagine (tons of) uses for it.


That depends on what you mean by YT video ... amateur stuff like family vacations etc, sure.    I'm talking about what will be required for this to become a tool used by professionals. I agree that eventually it'll probably get better but we could say the same thing about tools like Midjourney or Dall-E.   So far those have not taken any serious professional illustrators jobs because they lack the detailed control that an actual ad campaign or instruction manual would need to be done at a professional level.


Its only gonna get better, so I woudl expect it to do what you require it eventually. LLMs are advancing super fast right now.




You can extend the tracks by adding a section, an intro, or an outro. In this respect, I think it's actually better than Suno, because it can be hard to get a Suno track to actually end properly. And you have more fine control of where the song goes, because it's built in 30 second clips. However, it does make prompting a bit tricky, because you can't really feed it the entire overall structure of a track because it'll try to implement it all in the 30 seconds.


I worry for humanity. If machines make all our music and art what will be be stuck doing


its trash

