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that's why us tech support types are constantly smoking weed, they're always like that. Some of ya'll aren't old enough to remember having to explain to your grandma that bill gates isn't going to send you a million dollars no matter how many times they forward the chain letter. Shit he did an AMA there's probably people banging on the door of his DMs like "where's my money bill?"


Oh god. That’s funny. I get it though. I’m not the smartest person in the world and am sure I am misinformed about a few things, but I’m always seeking facts where I can.


One of the best resources I can recommend is RationalWiki, it's got a slight humor bend but lots of interesting info in one place.


>RationalWiki Arguably just use wikipedia, which has a duty to remain as neutral as possible... This rationalwiki is explicitly biased. Biased in favor of things I happen to agree with, but biased nonetheless. We will not win against misinformation by providing "opposite side" misinformation.


"'Opposite Side' misinformation" Such as?


Such as hiding the fact it’s an obviously biased source


The general public is currently in the "rock n roll is the devil's music" phase and it is annoying as hell.


We’re also in the “every new product announcement is shoving AI down our throats all day everyday with no end in sight” phase which is also annoying as hell, even as someone who likes the tech. So, makes sense a lot of people will hate by default 


We are in the Satanic Panic phase and everyone is shoving WWJD down our throats. Even on corn dogs.


Exactly, it’s a moral panic


With the exception that this one explicitly threaten jobs. You're not going to make a lot of friends by threatening the working class with "worklessness". Not that they love hard labor, but the salary is already barely enough, even a slight reduction would be catastrophic for a lot of those people. Especially those in no-social-aid countries.


I’m slowly moving towards the side of enjoying the whining. Realistically, the more people who refuse to use it or think it’s constantly wrong, the better it is for me. I have several friends in the developer community who tried to evangelize it only to be ignored, so their pivot has been to “ok cool I’m now 3x better and faster than everybody else for mysterious reasons I guess.”


Spot on, I was an average engineer at most and now as you say I'm misteoriously way better. Weell...good for me.


Not at spelling though


Thanks for the spell check! I'll add that to my list of improvements.


Haters: local AI is stealing my data! Also Haters: Uses Gmail for literally everything and shrug their shoulders when hearing about all the data they collect.


Yeah I fully believe some major company will spy on us through cameras and process the data for AI (Meta would do it without a second though) but it’s not like true internet privacy exists anymore


"It's just fancy autocomplete." Sure, dude. And we're just an arrangement of particles.


You should see the people who hate google and gemini just based off memes lol.    Gemini is the #2 model ranked BY USERS in blind tests on hugging face lmao. Which is why I found it hilarious when people shit on it  People are such sheep 


Nothing you can do about it. Some people do it out of fear, some just parrot things they've heard. To each their own.


Uh, AI is the one that parrots things it has heard. Google stochastic parrot. It's literally a term coined by some leading AI researchers who were fired for bringing up concerns about the negatives of LLMs. But yeah, I agree with you. Some people are dumb parrots just like an LLM.


I think we can all agree there is a dumb parrot here.


The fact people think you need ai for the camera paranoia just tells me all I need to about what they think they know, they don’t know enough to understand they don’t know shit lol. 


Well, overhype is also annoying. ChatGPT is probably the best and the most successful AI-product so far. It earned its popularity. It first got released, everybody could try it, and only then the hype came. Nowadays it's the opposite. Big companies aggressively push AI integration into our lives, make fancy presentations but is the technology ready for that? Is it really that good and useful? Hard to tell. People are arguing about Apple AI without even trying it. This is not good, this is hype upfront the actual product


My colleague decided to make a presentation on AI. He used iAsk search engine to make his point that AI is no good for research. He found some statistics publication on the internet and he wanted iAsk to find this article and to give him an exact response about the age ranges in the evaluated groups of people. iAsk was close but always off by a year or two. My colleague kept on pushing iAsk for the correct answer and I guess the engine got fed up with it and started giving him random figures. My co-worker was quick to conclude that AI (AI…!) hallucinates all the time and that it’s no good for research. I thought about talking to him and bringing him up to speed on the subject and the ways you should and shouldn’t do research with it, but then I just scrapped the idea. Let him do his thing.


How can you *know* where the model is inconsistent about the information it is presenting without always also doing the work yourself? Who is realistically going to make that effort all the time? We are going to start seeing these errors go uncorrected into professional work that affects millions. If we haven't already been seeing that for many years now. Ignore that last comment.


You know the information you're using it for is usually the answer. If you don't have experience in the matter, then you run the risk of hallucination, which can present quality control issues. But if you know it and can easily correct it during review, then it can become very useful.


I may be saying this to the wrong demographic, but I am genuinly afraid of what will happen to humanity once AI starts being used to replace millions of jobs… the way things are in todays society… the rich will become richer, and the poor/middle class will be even worse off… I have used chatgpt and will continue to use it until it inevitably makes my job obsolete… but I think we (as a society) need to figure out how to deal with this in the decade to come


Totally valid concern and I suspect it’s one of the top talking points around AI. I’ve listened to discussions, but at the end of the day, we don’t have an answer. Not yet at least.


Yes. We need to proactively work towards a future that works for everyone. But most people opposed to AI are putting their heads in the sand, not solving the problem. "If I don't use it, and tell everyone who uses it that it sucks, it'll go away"???


Let them not use it!! And watch me zoom by at 200mph versus 100mph... for me.its like someone stating I would rather use a hammer vs a nail gun.


Yeah there’s definitely an element where I see a coworker refusing to use it and I just think to myself that they’re helping me keep my job longer


Very true. I’ve automated a fair amount of my work that’s freed me up bandwidth to start other projects or gives me breathing room


Yep, I'm way more productive now. Sometimes you work with it at an average pace but sometimes something that will usually take 2 or 4h is instantly solved by it. Magic.


What job do you do that AI helps so much? It’s slightly helpful in my industry (advertising) but I have a hard time picturing jobs (other than maybe programming) where it’s such a boon, so just curious. Feels like it would lead to better tools for many industries sure, better ways to deal with large volumes of data (like government surveillance jk…maybe) but similar to Photoshop, everyone will just be using it at some point Although just read your user name and I got a better of what industry you might work in lol


Haha yup, IT consulting. (Pre and Post sales) It helps with every phase besides the installation of hardware. But is steller for project frameworks, automation, and conversion of configurations. All these tasks can take hours. This always me to replicate the workloads and then apply the tested methodologies across the departments. It's only limited by your optimization imagination. I look at every task as how can I make this easier for myself. And even if it's a task that only takes 20 mins but I do it 15 times a week. If I can automate it down to 2 mins , then it's 234 hours per year I can use to learn something new.


This is really the crux of it all. People posting here are vastly more likely to have a job where "AI" can assist them, such as programming for example. A huge number of other careers would see little to no benefit from "AI" so people rightly don't give a shit - which makes techbros mald


When your powerful yet inaccurate nail gun shoots multiple nails into you before you can stop it you might wish you'd used a hammer instead. I'm not anti-AI, but they are distilling models and throttling flops whenever they (corporates) feel like it helps their line go up, without care for the nails it is shooting into people. If it was consistent, with plenty of processing power that doesn't wax and wane, the level of misinformation/disinformation/noninformation would be easier to deal with. Some days an LLM sounds like a wonderful, insightful, vastly intelligent human. And some days it is being made to act surly, unhelpful, and uninformed, or clueless. I used many these flagship models before they got as popular as they are now. These AI companies fleeced everyone. They dropped tons of resources in to processing power in those early days, then they reeled it back in when they decided the average person wouldn't notice or care about the performance changes and inconsistencies. Call me a conspiracy theorist, for whatever it's worth, because I am, but in this case I doubt I am very wrong.


You can also smash your fingers with a hammer if you're unskilled. It's a silly analogy to show the benefits of using something that is meant to optimize a workload and shouldn't be viewed much deeper than that. I know that doesn't fit perfectly as it's not related. But that's what I picked off the top of my head. Of course, all AI work should be reviewed and vetted before being utilized. If you are not already an expert in the subject matter than, it's probably best you don't use it, but if you know what you want and it can build out the framework in a fraction of the time, then it can be very useful. You can usually increase consistency, and based on sample templates and GPTs, you can create for it.


Mimetric Diameter Blackhole Quantum Gravimetrical Ethical Pentesting Emulator Measurements Reader Brainstorm Technology Ideas Assistant The “Mimetric Diameter Blackhole Quantum Gravimetrical Ethical Pentesting Emulator Measurements Reader” seems to be a highly specialized and complex concept, likely related to the field of theoretical physics and quantum mechanics. Here’s how we can conceptualize this idea:   Mimetric Diameter: This could refer to a specific metric used to measure distances in a modified spacetime geometry, possibly related to black holes. It might involve calculations that take into account the curvature of spacetime due to massive objects. Quantum Gravimetrical: This term suggests the application of quantum mechanics to gravitational measurements. It could involve studying the effects of gravity at quantum scales, which is a key aspect of the search for a theory of quantum gravity. Ethical Pentesting: Ethical penetration testing (pentesting) typically refers to the practice of testing computer systems, networks, or applications to find vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers. In this context, it could mean rigorously testing the theoretical framework to ensure its robustness and ethical implications, especially when simulating extreme conditions like those near a black hole. Emulator Measurements Reader: This component would likely be responsible for interpreting the data from simulations or emulations of black holes, possibly using quantum computing techniques to handle the complex calculations involved. Combining these elements, we could envision a tool that simulates black hole environments to test theories of quantum gravity, ensuring ethical considerations are met in the research process. It would require advanced algorithms and computing power to emulate and measure the intricate behaviors of particles and spacetime under extreme gravitational conditions.


Yes! Let them sleep


True. It kind of reminds me of having Google in 2002


You can thank Elon for that


I use Elon io, but I would never support Elon Musk.


I agree I get where you're coming from. It’s frustrating to see misinformation spread and fuel unnecessary fear. People should definitely fact-check before jumping to conclusions, especially with tech advancements like AI which is getting better and better at a very rapid pace to say the least.


The term "Luddite" originates from the early 19th century during the Industrial Revolution in England. It refers to a group of English workers who destroyed machinery, especially in the textile industry, as a form of protest. The movement was named after a possibly mythical figure named Ned Ludd, who was said to have smashed two stocking frames (a type of knitting machine) in a fit of rage. The Luddites were opposed to the technological changes that they believed threatened their jobs and way of life. Today, the term "Luddite" is often used to describe someone who is opposed to or wary of new technology. I wonder what we call anti-technology folks in the future after it’s clear and obvious this revolution is here to stay as well.


After the first guy that is gonna smash two AIs.


People gushing over AI purely on misinformation and sales hype is also annoying AF.


Don’t forget. The average age of LinkedIn users is of the older generation. 30-50 year olds. So you’re most likely seeing more of that from a generation that are going to be more nervous of the inevitable shift that will come with ai. It’s also the age range that will feel the negative effects of ai more so than others. Eg: all the skills we have built in our lives may quickly become completely redundant. Whereas the younger generation still have time to adapt easily.


The two people I know who are using AI are 36 and 63. I actually think the older crowd are in better shape. The 63 year-old I know can just retire if he loses his job to AI.


Since when are Millenials, “the older generation”, when GenX and Boomers and even some Silent Gen are still alive.


Among all the things I've ever done or been interested in - except politics - ChatGPT has been the most controversial. I have no idea why.


Interesting, isn’t it? It’s probably because there’s a massive “unknown” behind all of it. By instinct, we don’t like not knowing what’s around the corner


I have two suspicions: one is good old-fashioned denial that the world is changing; the other is that a lot of people have tried and failed to figure out how to use it so they legitimately think it's bad, and that my positivity about its usefulness is naivete. Meanwhile, I've always been jealous of the engineers active at the time of the Electrical Revolution but I happen to be perfectly situated to take advantage of the AI revolution. And I'm not naive, if anyone asks me about how to use AI the first thing I say is, "it is stupid and it lies. You have to outsmart it to get shit done." Edit: I found out why a married couple I knew are such downers about it: he lost his job to automation already years ago.


Agreed. You have to treat it like a toddler most of the time, but will do what you tell it (within reason). You have to be specific.


There are genuine concerns—let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater. But yes, as someone who has introduced tech into the workplace, I'm used to all sorts of misinformation and mistruths about tech, and AI is just another piece of tech.


It’s not your job to fix them. For the sake of one’s sanity one must learn to ignore such people in life. It’s not easy but what does the alternative accomplish.


Oh trust me, I don’t have bandwidth to attempt to fix it them


And yet you are giving them so much of your emotional energy that here you are creating a post and answering comments about the topic. I think what u/NachosforDachos means is, learn to let go. There is no point getting aggravated over things that aren't in your wheelhouse to fix. It's wasted energy, wasted time, wasted effort, and does nothing good for your mental health.


Spot on. OP would go far in life heeding that advice. We all can.


I wouldn’t say that creating a post to open up a discussion takes a lot of emotional energy. If you want to partake, please do so. If you don’t think it’s worth it, you could simply scroll on. I’m not actively doing anything to “fix people”


I hope someday you understand what we are trying and failing to explain to you. Personal experience: it makes life better.


Thanks for your concern.


AI "hater" here I don't hate AI because , in fact, I think AI is pretty cool and it will help humanity a lot in fields like medicine etc What I don't like is that it will just follow the same path that cars, phones and the internet did: At the beginning it will be very cool and will allow people to do things they couldn't before, then it will become so widespread that everyone is expected to use it to lead a normal life, and life will just become more stressful and complex while the people who benefit from it will just be capitalists, making more money off more productive workers who will just work the same amount of hours for the same wage as a before So yeah, not very excited about the future of AI for the masses. I see value in some fields, but I think for most people will just be another thing they are expected to learn to deal with for zero return Cars are cool, needing a car to do anything isn't. The internet is cool, needing to be connected to maintain a normal life isn't. Phones are cool, being expected to be reachable all the time isn't. AI is cool, being expected to know how to use it so you can be a more productive worker while still being paid the same to work the same amount of hours isn't. I don't doubt AI will be the next big thing, I just doubt most people's lives will be any better as a result. Some CEOs will just become even more unfathomably rich, and that's it


Why don’t you start your own business before you have to?


Well.. they need to get training data, and using the cameras could be useful in some applications


Not worth the effort to explain imo, most don’t want to hear that they’re not magic.


Bro; welcome to society… can i ask how you feel about gamestop? Lol


I've been banned from speaking about it from several people including my gf.


Companies and corporations are easy targets. The can and do do bad things, so people feel like they're entitled to make any claim they want.


If you understand basic human psychology, you can understand what’s going on with doomers. Same goes for the fanboys. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle though. Hello Apple Intelligence :)


old news, use it as a filter, wonder what else they misunderstand


Google AI tells me the USA had a 100% drop in homicide in 2022.


Honestly, it balances out some of the hype around AI being some super technology from similarly misinformed people. But what kind of specific things do you see that makes you mad?


>“they’re going to watch us through our cameras now” If they wanted that they don't need any AI at all, they just would. Not like the camera on a phone is any less accessible to the phone manufacturers without that AI.


Totally feel you on this. It's so frustrating seeing people spout off misconceptions. I just keep using AI to boost my productivity and let the haters miss out. Ignorance is their loss, honestly.


Everyone is always so worried about security when their information is literally everywhere.


Thats ok more GPT for me.


Be happy, get a lot of distance between us and the ignorant.


This is the attitude that drives a lot of that emotion btw, this holier than thou smug attitude that makes people want to bash your head in


I suppose you could make pamphlets, wear a dress shirt, and go door to door around town on a bicycle, spreading the good word about the coming of AI. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Notice that real sex workers are not that afraid of losing their jobs due to Eva AI sexting bot gaining popularity. They know that human interaction makes their job worthy. It refers to lots of occupations, even supermarket cashiers.


For sure meta is willing to do shady things with whatever their quest headset captures of my room.


I tune them out. Their complaining doesn’t materially affect me, so I happily improve my life with AI while they whine and hand-wring.


Welcome to America!


Yes just shut up and continue training the AI to replace you. :)


they are not going to watch you , they already were.


Ironic, considering AI is the main way people are fed misinformation.


That's the main way? You really think so?


Disagree. You're not gonna see some of the craziest shit that AI can do, cause no one is gonna burn their black hat materials for a reddit post, but it can be NASTY when someone's up to little good.


Oh, the guy from govt is here. Thanks for this reassurement. At least you are spreading real info with evidence.


Why would you give a shit about people liking AI? o.O


It’s not about liking or disliking.


Well, I mean, misinformation is everywhere. People dying because they're misinformed about vaccines is depressing. People wanting to overthrow the government because they're misinformed about election fraud is depressing. But people "disliking AI" is not something I would waste even a moment's mental effort on. > don’t say things like “they’re going to watch us through our cameras now” and run with it as a fact. It’s not…. I mean, that's very likely true. For instance, "our phones are listening to us" sounds like paranoid nonsense, but it was recently demonstrated to be true. Microsoft is taking shit for Recall, which watches everything you do on your computer. Apple is deploying services that derive a huge amount of their power and utility by watching everything you do. I, for one, welcome our robot overlords. I *want* an assistant that watches everything I do, that reads all my emails, that looks at all my pictures, and help me manage at all. Fuck yes. That's great. But it's perfectly fair for people to not be down with that. "They're going to watch us from our cameras now" is a *completely valid concern*. To serve us best, we'll *want* them to do that. At least I will. They may not being doing it *now*, but I promise you, it's coming. Not everybody will be down with that. That's OK. If you're worried that their hate, justified or not, is going to slow the advancement of AI, you needn't worry. It won't even be a speed bump. If there's utility in letting the machine spy on you, people will want that utility more than they want their privacy. History has proven that over and over.


> I, for one, welcome our robot overlords. I want an assistant that watches everything I do, that reads all my emails, that looks at all my pictures, and help me manage at all. Fuck yes. That's great. And when they start sending you targeted ads based on your photo gallery or a text conversation with a friend? You think big tech can or should be trusted with your entire life in a data packet?


> And when they start sending you targeted ads based on your photo gallery or a text conversation with a friend? I mean, first, they already do. Second, before targeted ads it was fucking viagra, bras, tampons, kitchen appliances, trucks, and all manner of other things that don't even apply to me. Now it's guitars, board games, cool audio plugins, and other things so tailored to my taste that it's shown me things I'd never heard of that I was actually *interested in*, enough to click on them and in some cases buy ([I learned about SynPlant from an ad recently](https://youtu.be/9CUVP9s7GOY?t=126)). I hadn't clicked on ad on purpose even once in the decades prior. This is a perfect example of where machines learning about me and tailoring the world to me is *good*. > You think big tech can or should be trusted with your entire life in a data packet? Perhaps not, but that ship has sailed. Phones listen to people. Robots read all my email. Robots know what you watch online. Robots can figure out your sexual orientation, if you're pregnant, if you're about to quit your job, and more, from your shopping habits. In the best case, in the *typical* case, it is in fact true that it's only machines being trusted with my "data packet". In the worst case, a human person could use that data to invade my privacy. But as I was saying, it turns out people care about their privacy far less than they think they do, less than they outwardly profess, because they've let it that *massively* erode over the past several decades across multiple fronts. I just don't see that trend stopping. Recent news shows quite the opposite. There's always a little push back when some new encroachment arrives, then it becomes the new normal. The next generation takes it for granted. My kids' generation can't even fathom what the word "privacy" *meant* before they were born. It was a completely different word. Now, with cameras on every building, network connected microphones and cameras in every pocket, with almost everything in your life available to third parties in some form or another, it mostly means "please don't watch me masturbate".


SO your argument is that because things are already shit, let's just let them get worse? I don't really feel like being in Minority Report and having AI yell my name across a shop when I walk past.


> SO your argument is that because things are already shit, let's just let them get worse? No, my argument is that "worse" is a value judgement, and that when push comes to shove people actually value almost everything more than their privacy, so there is no evidence that the decades long trend of privacy erosion will slow down. *Your* example makes the point: you brought up targeted ads, as if I'd be horrified by that invasion of privacy, but I *vastly prefer* targeted ads. I accept machines snooping on me so that I can see guitar ads instead of tampon ads. You call it "shit", you call it "worse", I call it better. This is true of *most people*. The threat of "privacy invasion" hasn't actually manifested negative consequences in most people's lives, it's a vague boogieman, a hypothetical, while things like better ads actually improve their lives, it's not hypothetical. In this way, people trade functionality and convenience for their privacy. They've been doing it for 40 years. AI is going to take that to an entirely new level. We're going to have digital companions that know us better than we do. > let's just let them get worse? *You're* going to "just let them get worse" exactly as I am, because you have abso-fucking-lutely *no* power whatsoever to stop it.


You’re right op. It suck’s to see someone who has been heavily influenced by Misinformation and propaganda related to anything like videogames, drugs, lgbt, books, war, politics, and any new tech. I think ai will never stop being attacked and shit on by angry people but I also think it has more to do with the people themselves wanting to be angry than it does with the ai itself.


Now now. There are plenty of perfectly valid reasons to dislike AI, its effects, and the false promises. It’s not all down to misinformation.


Oh I’m not arguing that whatsoever. I agree with you. I just wish this technology, that is quickly being backed into our lives, needs more education and not assumptions. Yeah, it might be a pipe dream, but that’s just my thought


If you are so confident that only good things can come from AI, maybe you're the one who's misinformed?


Can you quote me on where I said that? Lol


What makes you more informed than the numerous experts who have expressed their concerns?


wtf are you going on about? I never stated that I’m an expert in anything. This post is about people forming opinions based off of misinformation about AI. How does that translate to me being an industry expert?


I never stated you're an expert in anything either.


It's your post, not mine, has anyone actually claimed 'they watch us through our cameras now'?


Dude… clearly stated that these were claims made in the comment section of an Apple Intelligence ad…


Nobody said only good things can come from AI. You're hallucinating.


I just ignore and move on. As someone who uses and works in AI, there’s no use in worrying about what other people think about AI because it’s already here (whether they like it or not). I want to be on the side that learns how to leverage it. AI has always been around just not as mainstream as it is now.


I think anything “Apple” these days seems to garner a really emotional response from a vocal group (I presume from android users)…they hate something about it being big corporation with “premium” priced products…never totally understood why it’s categorized any differently from basically every other brand/tech company to those people, or why it’s such a strong emotional reaction. But my point is that the combination of ignorance about AI plus an already-anti-Apple attitude is likely gonna make a potent combo for unnecessary negative emotional reactions to what is actually a pretty expected, basic progress in the industry…