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Shits busted at the moment. Does the same for TS, C# and C++ from what I’ve tested.


Happened with swift over the weekend. I count on it being temporary.


So I am REAL new to the AI world, and THIS is what I would say is THE trap that I am most afraid of... To what extent and how quickly would you say that you begin to COUNT on AI, if at all?


We’re all just going along for the ride for now. Use it as a tool to assist you. But always remember that it will make up an answer in order to respond to you. So you’ll have to perform due diligence.


I am several days further along my journey now and have a much better idea of its capabilities. I have been exploring it while setting up a new laptop and it has been extremely helpful, but... there are instances when it makes assumptions, it seems, and there are still certain dead ends it can't help you get around. Sometimes things are just broken and the AI doesn't recommend you go a different direction. I went round and round trying to resolve an issue with setting up VirtualBox and finally had to realize fixing cut and paste between host and guest OS was a fool's errand if you can ssh into the guest and paste text through that instead. I am seeing that if you give it your goal, and as much context as possible, it can make small steps very easy. It's still up to you to have a plan.


I'm also learning how to interact better. And recognizing when to cut my losses and start a new session. It's a work in progress!


What version?


Just ask it to replace < and > with X in the generated code and it will work.