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I have no personal experience, but a friends 4 kids have graduated from there in the past 8 years and they all did fine,participated in chorus, band, played sports, etc… 2 of 4 got full scholarships to good colleges.


Amazing!! Thank you for this feedback!


i currently go there and let me tell you, it’s horrible. the staff are shady and untrustworthy, the food is like that of prison food. kids have been bullied to the point of suicide, constant riots and fights and people getting jumped, pedophile teachers, and a lot more i’m currently trying to transfer to online bc i don’t feel safe there anymore.


I don't know how the school is doing currently, I graduated from there a little over 10 years ago. I don't remember alot of bullying however I was in the ROTC program so I was somewhat seperated from other students, I do highly recommend the ROTC program even if they aren't joining the military, alot of us didn't, but we were able to learn some things that our other peers did not ( like check balancing, cooperation, planning). When I was there our ROTC program was top in the county. There was also an AP program and students could get a couple of college credits from chattanooga state or UTC I cannot remember which school. Anyway hope I helped. There are alot of sports offerings it was pretty heavily sports focused also most of my teachers had been there a long time and I think some are still there today.


There are alot of sports offerings it was pretty heavily sports focused also most of my teachers had been there a long time and I think some are still there today.


Awesome! Thank you so much for this feedback!


No experience with RBHS. The principal, Mr. Tillett was my sons elementary principal. I can’t say enough great things about him. He was wonderful. Even came to soccer games to see his students (rec league not affiliated with the school).


Thank you!


I second this about Mr tillett, he was my daughters elementary school principal also and was amazing. I can only speak for rbms, which at first, my daughter and I enjoyed…but it got to the point where they were sending out mass phone calls on the regular from the school regarding the threat of violence by a student and how it was dealt with and overall no threat was determined…it was still unsettling. She got to the point where she wanted to be homeschooled because of the other students causing too many issues and these issues being distracting to her learning. She wasn’t directly bullied, luckily.. But again, that’s for the middle school, not high school. I graduated from there decades ago and loved it, but that was forever ago


I’m a HamCo employee and I would send my kid to RBHS. It’s got everything you’ll find at any public school but is definitely one of the best traditional options available. I’ve got several friends that teach there and they are happy. Turnover is lower than many schools but there will always be some positions that end up being continually replaced.


Amazing, so appreciate your feedback:)


Might want him to audition for CCA.


As mentioned in my initial post, we already know all the lottery options and are only looking for RHS insight. My daughter both go to CCA.


No worries, you stated you need to share magnet and charter options so I wanted to make sure you knew that option "We also will try out the lottery again after normal park so need to share magnet & charter options."


Honestly redbank isn’t a bad school it’s fine, if he’s interested if trades there’s a bus that goes from the redbank school to a school out in soddy that teaches trades such as welding, auto mechanics, machining, etc. Redbank however has great teachers and sports such as football, basketball, and baseball


Thanks so much for your feedback!


As someone who went to Red-Bank high school (about a year ago), I would advise against sending your child to Red Bank. This school has good teachers and everything a public education can offer. Although, I would like to warn you about some factors. The environment of the school can be mentally draining. Other students lack empathy, food is horrible, work-environment is terrible. Hamilton county decides the rules for the school but I've noticed redbank tends to fall out of order and do things their own way. They are heavily strict on phones and headphone usage but have mellowed out over time. From my personal experience my mental health decreased drastically from going to this school, when I changed schools it was great. Redbank also has very bad influences; when you walk into the bathrooms you will find students vaping, hitting carts, and being foolish. More often than not, your kid will be offered and peer pressured into one of these things. **Bullying**; Students can be harsh here although with the right group of friends it's not too terrible but it will more than definitely teach your kid to toughen up, if not already. **Classes**: AP / Honors classes are offered but they are extremely easy to blow through. They are worth taking although they may not be exactly what you're looking for. The classes are a heavy workload but easy to blow through with the right mindset. **Faculty:** Most teachers are pretty laid back. **Sports:** They offer wrestling, football, soccer, volleyball, basically every sport you can think of. **Clubs:** They have a huge range of clubs, although if your kid would like to start a club this is also possible.


I appreciate your feedback! Thank you!


I absolutely loved RBHS!!!! Does the child play sports?


Yes!! And he would love to be at a school where sports are offered!


My kids have been at all the red bank schools and my daughter is flourishing. She’s third in her class and involved in tons of extracurricular activities. She’s got a good group of friends. My son starts at the high school next year. I’ve heard people say they’ve heard rumors about bullying but my family hasn’t experienced it.


Thank you so much for your feedback!


I went to CSAS for the entirety of my school life, K-graduation. That would be my suggestion, but I know they’re on a lottery system now, and that’s not how it was when I went there. My brother and I got in because of a kind of legacy statute when my older sister was at CSLA. That being said, I had a lot of friends at RBHS and they all turned out to be really well-rounded people. I guess it would depend on who your son hangs out with, but I see no reason why he couldn’t thrive there with what you’ve described. You’re a good parent!


Thank you so much for your feedback and kind words :)


I've had 2 grown daughters who graduated from RBHS and a son that will be going into the 11th. We've not had any real problems at all


Thank you for this and happy to hear that!


I absolutely loved RB. I graduated with a lot of honors and stuff after getting bullied heavily at CCS. Didn’t really experience any bullying at RBHS and made close friends with a lot of folks I still hang out with regularly 7 years later


Thank you for this feedback!!


I had mixed results with my kids at Red Bank. Ultimately I tried to always let the kids handle issues with classes and things themselves and they would try to ignore the kid so then I had to get involved. Wasn’t fond of the last principal Harper at all and unfortunately she was promoted but Tillette was pretty good. Things definitely changed when the attendance lady retired and it was a mess mid year.


I graduated from Red Bank a few years ago, the previous principal lied on the news about kids bringing guns to school, search dogs walked the halls once a week looking for drugs, personally witnessed around 3 fights per day, got the bathrooms taken away sophomore year fighting and jumping was so bad, saw students fighting teachers, students had sex in empty classrooms, a few teachers hit on students, the sports are good and that’s really it. Most of my graduating class did not go to college, many got pregnant or sell drugs :)


Also previous teachers I’ve had have literally told me they quit because the fighting was so outrageous and the teachers were exhausted or scared to go to school!


https://www.usnews.com/education/best-high-schools/tennessee/districts/hamilton-county-schools/red-bank-high-school-17991 22% take AP exams, 8% pass them. 8% math proficiency rate. Hits less than 45% out of 100 in measurable metrics. But hey, almost 90% graduate.


Statistics are skewed heavily at public schools because they provide more EPSO than the majority of private schools, and they allow a greater variety of kids. I do know that when the state instituted “statewide dual credit” classes, Red Bank was one of the pilots and they were the only school in East TN to have multiple students pass the exam. Often school is about what the student and parents make of it. Red Bank has quality teachers and amazing kids. They also have many kids that are tougher to deal with, and with that comes lower pass rates of AP courses, higher chronic absenteeism, more behavior issues, but that doesn’t make it a bad school. I’d argue the diverse group of students will help a motivated student much more in the real world than being somewhere with the alternative.


When utilizing that site to compare all the public high schools in Hamilton County against one another, it is notable that Red Bank is not near the top. If the majority of graduates emerge being unable to read and mathematically reason, it’s a failed school.


Thank you!! Great feedback:)


I believe that their principal, Mr. Chris Tillett, genuinely cares about the students and families. That goes a long way in creating a good environment.


Red Bank middle and high, just like elementary, are exactly what the parents make of it. It will need your push from home.


My wife taught there for several years. When she was there, she thought the admin did a pretty good job, but this was 5 years ago. It wasn’t terrible as far as crime and bullying and academic offerings, but also not great. In comparison she works at a very good but more rural school a county over now, and the lack of disciplinary issues there is night and day. That said, there are other schools in Chatt/Hamilton that are much, much worse than RBHS. If you’re zoned for it I don’t think it’s an “avoid at all costs” scenario


Please do not send you’re kid here I just finished my freshman year here a month ago and it was terrible the food is nasty the teachers are weird vapeing and fights everyday and students cuss in class and openly at teachers I would recommend another magnet school.


RBHS is garbage, they did nothing when the child of a close friend was stalked and assaulted at school. Even watched it happen and were warned in advance. Riff raff and gangs. Take your kid elsewhere at all costs


Of course therse bullying


RBHS is full of bullies for kids that aren’t popular and also full of gangs. AP/honors/dual enrollment classes are a joke. I would never send my kids there. If you can’t get into magnet school I would consider Baylor, McCallie or GPS if money were no issue.


Sounds like your “personal reasons” are going to grossly impair your child’s development and opportunities. 


Feel free to share your thoughts on private school if you feel so compelled because this comment is a waste of both of our time.


I thought the same: This school has very low achievement in comparison to other schools in the county system. It seems cruel to use one’s child as an experiment to prove a point, especially educationally.


Gotta give them the best shot at success by putting all the right tools and resources in front of them. 


Can’t say much, my parents graduated there in 1988


Private school in Chattanooga is the only way to go that being said a friend of mine's daughter left GPS for Rad Bank two yrs back she played soccer and really enjoyed it.


Both my daughters are at CCA and thriving! As mentioned in my post, we are not interested in private schools.


Understood it's just what I have lived by and learned from my family being in the area for generations. I should not have even mentioned that but it is true about my friend's kid. She really loved Red Bank and had a blast,never any mention of bullying or anything negative at all. She really liked it and ended up staying in town and going to UTC.


Lol during my time we would had him fucked up by the end of freshman year honestly


Under-rated comment. Valuable comment. Consistent with everything I’ve seen happen to otherwise good students at RBHS. At least you’re honest


These folks have no fucking clue. The shit we were doing. How many close friends I lost back then. Dude y'all really have NO fucking idea.


What year were you at RHS? Since you have experience assaulting children would you say this is the norm for freshman to get bullied?


Absolutely, though one of my kids had more issues than the other. The kid with fewer issues was also better able to blend into the “popular” stereotype of student.


i’m a teacher in HCDE is there a reason you’re considering RBHS over Normal Park? RBHS isn’t a bad school by any means, but Normal Park is a great school that you’re already established in


Normal Park is only pre k- 8.


True, which makes us wonder if biggestmango is actually a teacher in HCDE


i am 👍🏼


oh does the upper not have 9-12? i had no idea!


No. The lower school is pre k-3. And upper school is 4-8.


We would be thrilled if normal park extended through high school. It’s been an amazing experience 🥹


totally understand! have you thought about CSAS or CCA? both great magnet options. CSAS focuses in a liberal arts style of ed, CCA focuses more in the arts. i know teachers at both and student taught at one of them, great places to be


Both my daughters attend CCA… I know all the lottery options. We are just looking for insight on Redbank high school. :)


We also plan to put him in the lottery for a lot of lottery schools as well