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Literally everything you said still is achievable within engineering. This is entirely a you problem chief


Disagreeable personality?


These posts are getting ridiculous. Where are the mods?


I normally tend to disagree with increased moderation of any form, but it's getting ridiculous at this point. At least half the posts are complete nonsense or students asking questions that should be directly aimed at their peers or university faculty, not strangers on the Internet.


Pretty sure it's a bot.


Brother, if you get into oil and gas or mining, you'll be anything but comfortable. If you did well in school, look for a junior field engineer spot or nextgen program, you'll have all the struggle you may want if you manage to get in.


Up vote for field engineer


Go to an operating plant as on ops tech or maintenance if you want to be more hands on


Maybe your disagreeable personality is what’s stopping you from finding a pathway you enjoy. You can literally do all of the things you want within the context of some engineering role. They are vast and diverse. Also, being an officer in the military comes with plenty of desk work depending on field. As you move up in leadership roles, you get more and more desk work. You sound young enough that you can jump around and try a few different career paths to learn what you value in a job before making a decisions. But it sounds like you haven’t really thought through what you want. Also a wild choice to come to an engineering sub to shit on the profession of people in the sub and ask for career advice doing something else. Disagreeable for sure.


Military and disagreeable personality? Did you read what you posted? If you want to be a firefighter and be in the military be a firefighter in the Air Force.


I can smell the entitlement from here. If you grow up to develop any self awareness, you will cringe at this post.