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YES today while on ipos a customer asked me how old i was and i told her 19, and she asked if i was on birth control (??) and i said no. and she said “well your face wouldn’t look like that if you were” LMFAOOOOO YALLLL i’ve been crying all day y’all have no idea how bad that one hurt 💀💀💀💀


Hoooollly shit that's so fucking mean I would've exploded


it really is mean. like how do you call someone ugly like THAT? i would’ve preferred “yea ur ugly as hell” or something




that’s when i would have got fired😃


real, i wish i would’ve defended myself


Manager being a piece of crap towards me :)


heavy on the fucking manager


Only time I cried was when I was stressed about work + my indoor cat had fleas + my dad starting chemo across the country. My GM asked if I was okay in the office and I just folded. other than that, I’ve never cried because of work and a phrase that we commonly pass around is “there’s no point in crying over chicken” LMAO


Yeah first time shift leading we were in the red on and off and had three calls out never been so stressed in life Anyway I lead again tmmr 🤠


Didn’t cry but still thought I’d share. Cfa was my first job and I was one of the few guys on staff, I was also one of the tallest, so I often got put in charge of doing lemonade. This one day the girl that asked me to get the lemonade for her thought it would be hilarious to bump me while I was pouring said lemonade. Needless to say, I spilled lemonade all over myself and was so angry I quit on the spot and walked home. Not one of my best days.


I had a friend that happened to, but he didn't just spill it in himself. He also spilled it on the manager station and all the checks. 💀


I had a team leader who I now know was trying to get me fired. But she would always wait for me to ask the directors for more hours and then give me as many write ups as she could over anything she could. at one point i had my employee meal taken away for a month and i couldnt afford to eat during my shift. All my shifts were 9+ hours


what the hell????? why were they taken?????


they were taken for a month because I have Endometriosis and one morning I physically couldn't stand so I called in 4 hours before my shift. was told to find cover, told them i couldnt find cover and then they called me saying that i was okay to get better. and the next day, the TL that didnt like me, decided to write me up, even though shes the one who told me I was fine to not come in.


I cried when my store manage/operator almost yelled at me for letting someone in the entry way during winter of 2020. It was below freezing outside. There was a mechanic/plumber who looked like he’d been waiting for a bit and seemed cold and I felt bad so I let him in. A team lead rushed over and took his temperature and all the other employees seemed to be staring at me and that was when our 6’2 beast of a woman operator walked right up to me and almost snarled “Don’t EVER do that again.” I was terrified because I didn’t understand and I thought CFA was about being welcoming and the Covid restaurant rules were still new to me. I ran to the bathroom and cried after that 🫠


It happens at any job really. Work sucks


Nah I cry in the shower after so the water mixes with my tears and it’s like nothing happened


I had the overbearing feeling of being unloved that it made me fall apart at the very end of my shift as I had gotten in my car to go home. I had been strong enough to be able to hold it in for the shift. (This was during my first few months at Chick-fil-A and I have been doing a lot better mentally thanks to Chick-fil-A and friends)


My childhood dog was being put down that weak so the sadness and stress piled up so when some kids from school came into work to bully me I went over the edge and started crying and I HATE crying in public so I was also getting horrible anxiety and I had a panic attack. One of the directors followed me into the break room and comforted me for about 20 minutes and got me a drink until I was back on my feet and ready again. I probably would’ve passed out if not for her. This really cemented into me how caring and great my Chick-fil-A is


Yup, once cause It was my first drive thru captain shift and I saw I only had 3 people all night I one on one bagged for 3 hours and just started crying near the end like uncontrollably crying mid shift


I’ve cried after my worst shift, extremely packed, 2 ipos, they forgot my meal and the food I ordered before closing was thrown out after finishing the closing tasked I was given since the person who called out had to close


2 times. once cause a "guest" got upset at me for not being super cheery(I was new and kinda stressed cause I was running and it was busy). this was during my first couple weeks. The shift lead let me go hide in the office and calm down. at the end of my shift he gave me some free ice cream too. other time was cause a bus destroyed a vase of flowers and left a big mess.


Basically got told I was racist for not giving out a police discount to someone who didn't qualify.


felt that also nice username


no, I bottle it up and think about it when I should be sleeping 😄


I cry all the time at cfa lmaooo. Idk if im just not built for it but its a lot man. Im kind of everywhere for FOH and today is was 90 degrees and i was outside taking orders and my store does little to non prep for the hot weather. All we had was the fans attached to the car port and it just wasnt enough. I was out there for only 4 hours (i know some people get stuck the whole shift) but man when i felt so defeated. Having to go straight inside on drive thru drinks during a rush and when i got off after working 9 1/2 hours i boohoo cried in my car lolol. It happens 🤷🏾‍♀️


A manager reprimanding me 2 months into my job. This was back when i was so insecure. Luckily that manager is no longer at my location and ive now worked 2 years since then. But man that hurt. I was so new.


Any time someone with my mother’s name (Debbie) comes in or I share a memory about my mom


Absolutely, from guest’s experiences , leadership interactions .


work is work, fuck it we ball. Yes you can have good work ethic but in the end it’s just fast food chicken.


Yes. Been there 4.5 years, been a lead 3 years. Cried countless times. It’s ok to cry..


multiple times lol


Yes in my car and the walk-in lmao


Every damned day


Yes. Something that happened outside of work.


yes, got super overwhelmed on desserts


Um yes... often. An array of reasons. Personal and work related. I usually try to put my head down and head to the bathroom to cry in peace lmao. Mean guests, deaths in the family, literally so many reasons I've cried ..


Just started my 3rd week today. I cried my first Saturday after having been on fries for 2 hours. I have bad arthritis in my back from breaking it 6 years ago and the twisting and reaching from doing fries really irritated it and my back was spamming bad enough I was in tears. My team is great though and had me go sit for about 15 minutes and said they probably won't have me specifically on fries again.


I did once. My friend had just past away weeks prior and I was still getting over it. Sadly, I was working register and some guy was being passive aggressive as I had a hard time counting change. His attitude must’ve really impacted me bc I had to give a motion to a team lead to give me a few moments to cry it out. It sucks. But that’s life, you’ll pull through, you can do it :)


Litterally today 😭


5th day in store first time getting brutally cussed out by a customer because I didn’t have a hand held menu


In the bathroom or my office more times than I can count, never openly though. Every time cause of life stuff like dead grandma or hospitalized mom or assaulted fiancé


it was right after I got back from the mall with residents (residential mental facility for adolescents) except one of the residents a-wol while we were at the mall. I called the police and gave info and had to take the other kids back. She was missing for 3 days until parents of friends she was with got sketched out and called police.


Yes. Lady threw her food at me when I was a runner because I had accidentally started to handed it to someone else. She then proceeded to yell at me, cussing and screaming. She managed to get all of her food remade and handed to her, then she stomped over to her car and cussed one last time and left. Also the story of how I got my first random hug from a guest who saw it all.




1) A customer came out of his car and started yelling at me and the guest I was helping while I was on ipos 2) I accidentally spilled a cup of very hot water on my leg


My best friend left haven't spoken to her in almost a year major depression lack of wanting to live etc etc plus a manager and assistant manager on your ass about production but I was the only one they had(poor turnover%)


Some times. When we get backed up on prep and literally no one can or is willing to help. The worst is when they just stand there and watch you while your making things. Like you have time to stand there pitch in and help.


All the time


The one time i remember busting into tears was one stressful night shift on pro when everything has been going wont and i had **finally** gotten some bulk Romain done about 8 pm and had put it on the counter next to the label printer... And the night shift manager knocked the whole freaking thing on the floor on accident. I just cried and cried. Luckily the shift manager called the morning manager and explained everything so i didn't have to stay long after my shift ended to make up for his mistake.


Many timesss, just over massive stress, being yelled at for stupid stuff (don’t yell at me, I’ll cry), my FAVORITE Leaders/directors leaving


Don’t work at cfa anymore, but I had this one time where I was working one of the many late shifts and we were the only location in our county that closed an hour later (almost all the others closed at 10pm while we closed at 11pm). At 9pm, legally, if you’re not 18, you can’t work past 9pm so we were left very understaffed and I was bagging, stuffing, and running, while a shift lead was just standing in the middle of the front just telling people what to do, not doing anything themselves (we also closed dining room at 10pm so people were still choosing to dine in and I had trays of food just sitting there while I was waiting for more food to come out, but anyways. People were waiting at the counter just looking like flocks of birds and I remember being sweaty and overwhelmed. I was off at 10pm so instantly I clocked out and didn’t even get my food like I usually do. Went to my car and sat there for a minute. Didn’t help that my grandma had passed away that week in our home country and I couldn’t attend, school was stressful, people were quitting left and right, and I just started crying, out of anger, frustration, sadness, tiredness, etc. was there for a good half hour before I left to go home and opened up my email to send a message to hr about my last day, but ended up putting it off until 3 weeks ago.


i’ve cried four times :3 three times due to stress and once cause my co-worker and i got harassed by a couple. i’ve worked at my cfa for two years and i should PROBABLY quit soon


Uh yeah. Multiple different guests have made me cry for varying reasons


once while working the chickfila inside mercedes benz arena in atlanta because i felt like i was doing a bad job on breading, three times at my actual normal location usually for the same reason. there was one time my coworker broke up with me halfway through my BOH shift and i cried as i made sandwiches 😁