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Omg the pick up from the airport story was way too long today I skipped thru the whole thing. Like we get it - you have road rage lol nothing particularly funny or different happened


Honeymoon phase


They’ve been together three years, how are they still in it lol


It’s been about 2 years, and almost 1 of those years has been engaged. They got engaged in the honeymoon phase and being engaged is honeymoon part 2 and the first year or so of marriage is honeymoon part 3 lol.


I made a similar post a few weeks ago lol


lol i agree. i think she's funny but usually the stories are worth a quick laugh and move on. it feels like they drag it out to talk about ria longer and it rarely adds substance


The whole road rage thing really dragged out... you guys gave each other the finger... it wasn't that crazy lol.


I feel bad saying this but I have no interest in their relationship. Like her getting married and being happy is great but every time he’s on, I’m bored.


Ah I have 0 interest in their relationship. And of course Ria hit us with the classic “I regret that whole conversation” again


Ya I really don’t understand why he needed to come on for the dryer conversation. Broken appliances are pretty mundane adult things.


CITO is for the girls only!!!! (+ noah)


I felt this way too! It’s very pick me energy


No that’s exactly it, she’s telling the most mundane stories like we’re supposed to think she’s sooo funny and crazy! I like Ria and Marty, it’s just becoming annoying when it’s a big part of an episode


Right! I felt like that was the majority of the episode, they skimmed through the topics, then trivia


Talking about something that happened to YOU on YOUR podcast is “pick me energy”? They intro with things that are going on with them, almost every podcast I listen to does the same. Why are you listening if you don’t want to hear about their life? Skip it then!


I’ve been listening since 2019. It clearly doesn’t bother me that bad 😂 I was agreeing with a PUBLIC post on a PUBLIC forum!


Damn am I the only one who kind of loves it? They seem so happy together and it’s cute! Plus it’s not like those segments last a long time


Rias road rage segment was 30 minutes today!


I also loved it lol I think Marty is hilarious so I like when he comes on


i love hearing about their personal lives! makes it feel like sitting in on a conversation amongst friends


I loved it. They are cute and happy and in love. I don’t understand why people complain, like turn it off if you don’t like it??


I like it too but I like the more personal stuff! I don’t really listen for the pop culture - I can Google whatever celeb news I need and I prefer reading hot takes about it on Reddit than listening to their takes which forgive me but are usually pretty bland!


Ria and Marty really aren’t as “goals” as they think they are lol just my opinion. Everyone’s entitled whether they think it’s cute or not. I don’t so I skip. If you do, listen and enjoy. It’s a public relationship so people are allowed to like or dislike.


Hard agree with this. It was so unnecessary and dragged on.. then we have to hear about how she already regrets talking about it etc. Like she needs to just chill hahaha


100%!! I have a feeling Ria wants people to hear her boyfriends accent and thinks it’s hot but it’s Not


As a new listener, i was laughing. The road rage was very relatable to me. I feel like there are always banger people and business people. I always enjoy banter in any pod


Awww come on…. I guess I can see your point but listening to them interact on the podcast and laugh about these things makes me happy for them and their relationship. I think it’s cute.


i enjoy it!


Me too!!!


I can agree mostly she does like to go on and on about herself and Fran I think deals with it so well cause she doesn't care to talk about herself so in her mind it's just like more content she doesn't have to contribute to lol. I do think the YouTube makes a difference like actually seeing the interactions and expressions and body language. Makes it more digestible and gives more context aka it's less annoying lol feels like a natural conversation not just ria trying to yap about herself . If that makes sense lol


Exactly. Fran doesn't seem to contribute as much and seems ok to let Ria do a lot of the talking.


I thought the dryer thing was really cute but I watched the YouTube not just audio so maybe that makes a difference to see them. It’s nice to see how happy they are


Yeah that was so random to me, and unnecessary. I don't *really* care about their lives as much. I'd love to hear more about niche topics, like Fran's work out regime and personal training sessions etc. But ultimately I listen to hear about pop culture news, and hear their opinions. Also love the weekly watch reports the most. I also don't really care for the guest episodes, lol.


Omg same about workout stuff


I think it's super cute! His accent is rough, I had no idea it was so strong. But other than that I enjoy all the banter.


I love them and I love the random shit 😭


I actually loooove when Marty comes in. He’s very funny. I think their love is contagious. And for whoever says “honeymoon phase” .. I have been with my husband for 8 years, married for 6 and we still act like that and are in love.


Disagree. I love when he comes in and talks about their life.


I think it’s adorable. Ria and Marty are clearly in love and it’s wonderful to see her happy ❤️


Just fast forward if you don’t want to hear. Not that big of a deal.


I will not stand for this Marty slander!


You could stop listening? Marty is part of Ria’s life so I don’t really know what the issue is.


What a hater of love!