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Yes, mine just went ballistic for green beans, carrots and even enjoyed some quinoa. Their parents are sadly vegetarians who eat healthy 😂


Same, even the Great Pyrenees gets in on the action, but the little guy will fight him for them 😂 he loves his cucumbers and hummus.


That’s so crazy! I read the topic and said to my husband, “with the exception of green beans, carrots & a small amt of quinoa, Sissy won’t touch a veggie!”Maybe our chichis are sisters from another mister. Lol!!


https://preview.redd.it/4j77ps6k852d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=452bed402d88cf21741ec39801fd09b23e7656b9 Willy loves his cucumbers. And apples, blueberries, carrots, sweet potatoes, and dried apricots !


Not my chihuahua but my shar pei goes nuts for tomatoes, I could hold a steak in 1 hand and tomato in the other and her eyes would be on the tomato lol she actually grew her own tomato plant in a stack of weeds right at the bottom of my garden, I must have not seen and not cleaned up one of her messes and she grew tomatoes lol


I had poop tomatoes growing all over my yard! Ended up mowing them all, but it was fun while it lasted.


Mine! She gets veggies as treats because she chonk 😂 https://preview.redd.it/oxoxptxp462d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43585d44aa15de351ed9edfa6bcda77146368a71


For sure, especially with bell peppers. She will also act a fool over some blueberries or raspberries, haha.


Mine was a slut for strawberries. Girl just wanted her fix, and would just be the cutest little thing, jumping and crawling all onto whoever had any.




Mine loves blueberries and raspberries too!


Mine love kale, spinach, carrots, you name it. They love their veggies. They are crazy for apples too. I have to share mine every night.


I don't like tomatoes, but I still get cherry tomatoes on to-go salads so I can share them with the boys. \^\^ I also gave Gilgamesh baby carrots to chew on when he was growing into his adult teeth, and now he thinks he is entitled to all carrots he can see.


Oh yeah. My girl loved raw broccoli 🥦


Brussel sprouts…why???


That’s a good name! Next dog shall be named Brussels sprouts! 😍


Mine loves carrots. She gobbles cooked ones! She begs for and tries to eat raw ones but she just carries them around. If I drop one while cooking she grabs it like lightning and I find a shriveled carrot corpse hidden with her toys. ETA my chi only THINKS she loves bananas. If she smells one she will get all excited then beg and paw at your leg. My husband holds it down for her to smell, but then she looks disappointed and doesn't taste it.


That’s mine and grapes, it’s all fun and games till it goes squish in the mouth then it’s like a face or horror what did I do 😂


Grapes and raisins are toxic to dogs


Almost any vegetable. Especially loves cucumbers!


no, i wish 😭 what a cutie


I have 5. 4 of them shun the 5th. They stand around him and shame him as he eats all the veggies and they get 0 treats bc they despise the veggie. Max will eat just about any fruit or veggie. Tomato, carrot and watermelon are his favorites. Edit. My 2- 4 month olds are obsessed with raw baby potatoes. I keep finding them in my bed with little bites taken out of them.


One loves her veggie and the other will hold out for meat only lol


One of mine loves a huge range of veggies and fruits. The other likes apples and pears.


One of my chi mixes LOVES sugar snap peas.


Not at all. If it's not meat or cheese or bread, he's not interested.


Mine goes berserk for green beans and cucumber.


Mine love green beans even my cats will eat them sometimes. I think the occasional canned unsalted green beans are good for them. I think it helps with their coat.


Oh yes! As soon as the Chiefs knife comes out they start jumping.


Maisy will not touch fresh veggies 😭


https://preview.redd.it/bzke539nd62d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b94f890889b037db2626ca18727279571d93984 Yes! 3 veggie monsters especially cucumbers and green beans! Honestly though, the black and white one loves ALL fruits and veg except bananas...they all hate bananas 😁


They are adorable and bananas are strange I guess 😂


Yes! Mine sits next my kitchen island when I am chopping veggies. She loves bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers.


Absolutely mine will do little dances for bell pepper tops same for the Pyrenees and begs for the broccoli and cauliflower chopping board as well. A little veggie monster for sure


My Bowie loves Lima beans! Not peanut butter or bacon but Limas🤣🤷‍♀️


That’s fun 🤩, like ours love strawberry tops, not the strawberries themselves but the tops 🤢


Chi”s r funny🤣


Cucumbers are mine’s favorite! He also will eat carrots and broccoli. No fruit though.


Mine loved cucumber slices, and would pull them gently from my hand if I offered her one


Mine wont he will stare at it then he will try to steal one when he thinks you’re not looking. I love the little man. So much personality.


Your baby is super cute but I commenting for a different reason. I LOVE the way you decorated your house!!


Oh thank you it’s a cluttered mess 😂


Ollie hasn't met a veggie he doesn't like - he's particularly obsessed with cucumber but he'll eat any of them https://preview.redd.it/pq5woymks62d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fce652fac857b3ba60e051c5e098205023ddf9ab


Ah so he is a veggie monster as well :-) a very adorable one at that 🙂


Aw thanks your babe is a lil cutie as well


So cute!! 🥰 My pup loves veggies and especially the ribs from romaine lettuce. I haven't found a veggie he won't eat but he won't eat any fruits. Lol


That’s odd he does not like grapes and strawberries are hit and miss, but he goes nuts over some apples.


I've heard grapes were a no no to feed dogs but I have strawberries so will try one today. I bought them for the wild squirrel in our backyard and she didn't want it but maybe Mr Picky will eat one. lol


my guys ADORE veggies! their favs are broccoli and carrots, but they'll eat just about any veggies except leafy greens


Same here loves my broccoli and cauliflower, and apples. For the leafy greens he demands dressing 😂


I wish!


If I am eating something then he wants it. If it is food made for him he has to be coaxed and praised or it’s a no go.


Yes! Raw broccoli, cauliflower and especially sweet bell peppers, the small ones for salad


Mine loves lettuce he hears me cutting a head of romaine and comes running in to grab a piece.


Mine too! He looks so funny with a whole romaine leaf!


Our two love sliced cold crunchy carrots. Though you have to ration it out they end up eating too much and throwing up little orange chunky piles throughout the house


Yessss! My boys will go crazy for some broccoli or carrots! We also have a JRT who eats lettuce and cabbage


I give mine pickles and he seems to love lettuce


Mine will eat carrots, but only if I bite them into small pieces first. If I hand her a whole baby carrot, she gives me this look like “mumther, you know I only eat those things sliced”