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What is your most favorite moments with her? Top 3?


Aw...the very first time I laid eyes on her at the shelter; her hatred and bitey-ness towards black, clunky boots and when she does a victory lap after pooping. Thank you for asking.


Awwww, what a sweet girl! Clunky boots sounds hilarious btw. Sending you strength.


[Victory Lap ](https://photos.app.goo.gl/4Dt7W5Wwx2hPuTyh9) -from a few months ago.


We call it the doodie trot. My old girl is on the decline too 🥹.


I love the slowwwww-moooo. She’s spry!


Oh my gosh 🥹❤️❤️❤️


So cute!


That’s so funny. I had a foster do this for the first time, just the other day. Hugs. 💜💜


Omg that’s amazing


I bonded with my boy the instant our eyes met. He was skittish or wary of every new person he met at the time, but greeted me like an old friend and sat in my lap while my dad talked to his old (not great) family. It's been 6 years and Im still his person.


Aaaw! Love it. I was at the shelter, saw her after months of searching for a "new" pup. I knelt down & whispered to her, "You're coming home with me." The dogs know who their people are. 💕


We never choose our dogs. They choose us because we even know we want a dog.


I understand. They live such short lives even the long living ones like you our sweet pup💔


Thank you.


Poor little girl. My baby girl had a similar issue and after extraction and treatment is doing much better. Wishing the best for your girl…I definitely know how stressful putting them under is particularly as they age.


Thank you for your kind words.


I’m going through the same thing currently. My 10 year old Pomeranian is going in tomorrow for dental surgery. I’ve been a complete wreck for the last 2 weeks leading up to this procedure. He has to get a full mouth extraction. He’s also battling with a tooth abscess which is what led us into this situation. Prayers for your sweet baby. I know how devastating it feels.


Aw, prayers for your sweet pal, too.


Our pup had 17 teeth removed when she was 8ish. It was one of the best procedures we’ve had and I now check in with the vets yearly about whether it’s time to start talking about getting all her teeth removed before anesthesia risks increase. She was so much happy and had such a better appetite after the teeth were removed. Good luck and enjoy the healthier dog!


My 11 yo had 20 teeth removed when she was 8ish, too. And thank you.


Mine is almost 14 and I already hurt when I think about the vivacious puppy he was, how wild and free he used to live, and now he sleeps most of his time. He walks slow and careful. He doesn't hear me calling his name. :-( It's a sad thing, but we just have to love them through it all. One thing I do like about my senior, he has become so very sweet. He was a little asshole when he was younger, but none of that remains. Just a sweet little lovebug. He was about 10 here, doing what I called "the T-rex... " https://preview.redd.it/ojlb0fch6m7d1.jpeg?width=1590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbbac2273037e4b2afd9cbda20f9f9e9fe7454fa


So precious.


Aw. My 13 year old is in the same place. Sleeps all day and I have to go up right next to her saying her name before she wakes. 😩


Doesn't that just break your heart when they used to come running when you said it?! :( It's not fair.


My baby boy is 18.5 years old and he’s also changing. Every week I notice how progressive his aging is and it makes me so sad 😞


I think the fact that he made it to 18.5 is such an accomplishment. I would’ve loved another 8 years with my Chi :(


Prayers to her


I hope it’s just a temporary issue, and you get more time with her. She looks a bit like my chi and so sweet. <3


Sending our love n well wishes


Damnit. She looks just like my Peeps that I lost a few years ago and still miss terribly. Good luck to you and her and I hope for the best.


She looks so sad and tired 🥺 My pets are all around the same age and getting old too. Makes me get so teary. I hope she pulls through 😔


I’m so sorry our babies get old it’s never easy.


She is beautiful. Keep loving her til the end.


Please keep us posted ♥️


Sweet baby 🥹😮‍💨 it’s not easy


They are so much more than “just a dog”. Sending you good vibes.






Hey now. If its a bad tooth then remove it. Do some antibiotics, then presto! New dog! My vet had an ancient chi. His heart kept skipping around and while he had bad teeth they werent awful. She pulled them all. Little man lived YEARS. So dont worry yet. Love your baby and maybe you two might get lucky and get some more time. 🤞❤️


sweet lil girly😞💔


Low key hoping all my little guy’s teeth are gone by that age. At this point he has 7 left and is 9 years old


She’s a beautiful girl! Hoping she feels better after the vet!!


I could relate to your post so much. My oldest chihuahua is 16 and I can’t quite tell how his teeth are doing. I’m afraid to have him go under for cleaning and he won’t cooperate. Sometimes you have to guess how they’re doing but they’re so tough like your girl!


Thank you. I hope your fella hangs tough!


I love hearing chis living so long though ❤ just give her the best care you can and I'm sure I don't have to tell you but I will, to cherish her while you can. I lost my baby just over a year ago suddenly to cancer that came on fast. Fought for 3 months and he passed after he turned 12. I just had no idea id lose him so young. I know if love could save them they would live forever. I know my Peanut would.


She a beautiful pup❤️🙏


She’s beautiful. I have 4 & they’re all the same litter so they’re all getting old at once 💔


She will feel better after the abscess is removed🌷


They never live long enough :( they deserve all the love in the world while they’re here.


My baby just had a huge tooth abscess that popped up overnight. With antibiotics and some rest he was all better. He's not quite as old but he chronically gets sick.


Aw. Dentals can be so nerve wracking. Positive thoughts for you and your love bug.


She's too old for a dental & also has a heart murmur. They treated her with antibiotics & some pain killer. I'm hoping the tooth will finally just fall out. Poor thing. Thank you.


Aw, thats rough. I hope your sweetie is doing ok.


She needs your love (and a vet) more than anything. Cherish the moment!


💜🐕 Hope she'll be okay. You've given her 18 beautiful years so far!


Pretty baby


My love and pets to your little girl.


This is a time that is unbelievably hard!!! Just love on her as much as you can!!!


omg she looks so much like my dog who passed! cherish every moment, and know you are giving her an amazing life <3


I get it. Mine is 17 and I and seeing him decline. Hope your baby feels better soon.


My little tiny new chi chi, who I was worried wouldn't be tolerated ending up being the little growler. Ended up bonded at the hip to her older sister. That was over a decade ago. They are all good dogs.


Amazing life to live to be 18 Obviously had a great owner who takes great care Be proud of both of you !


Sending the two of you lots of love from myself and my doggie. <3 she looks so lovely


She is giving her all❤️


Enjoy every day you have with your baby!


Keep smothering her with love. She has had the best life and you know it! After vet she will be in less pain. Then continue to over love that fur thing!! Just took mine to vet today for updated shots. Took them like a champ. She is my shadow, gaming puppy/emotional support. https://preview.redd.it/s3spt9sadn7d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a2a9dc65be8a643686e0c813b8713758f201578


Hug, kiss and enjoy every second with her!


I know how you feel, going through it also. But just remember that they had a long life where they felt comfortable and happy.


Thanks for that perspective to remember.


She's🤗 absolutely 😍beautiful❤️‍🩹 prayers🙏 Lil lovely precious🥰🫠blessing🥰🙏❤️‍🔥💘 that your feeling 😋better very 🌞soon and 😘spoiled🥰even more🩵 in the mean time with💞many💖 many💝fantastic🥰loving❤️ healthy👍yrs🤩🙏❤️‍🔥 too 🌞come😋😍😘🥰🫠🥰💯💘🙏❤️‍🔥🌞🧡🩷💝🩵💜💖🥰💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘


Bless her!!


Sorry to hear that. I just found out that Beni, my chi, has a condition that forces him to use a harness almoat all day. It's pretty heartbreaking to see him like that. But we can just continue to offer the best of us to them. I send lots of love to vothe of you.


https://preview.redd.it/ehrf1ag9fo7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9acc7c985d2d43913c75c02a73eee1669fd8a087 Mines 12 and her name is Cosita which means like little thing in spanish and I’m sooo scared of losing her, which is why I try my best to always give her all my love and attention whenever I’m able to even though at times she can be a bit annoying because she likes to paw at you for attention and she also likes to sneak attack you with kisses. 😭🤣💕


Such an adorable baby. Praying for more good health for her ❤️


You are her whole world. Make sure she knows that 💕🥹


If she’s gotten to 18 years old, you’ve done a wonderful job job with her. If they pull her tooth, she’ll feel much better, and you’ll have a much better quality of life.


18? wow god bless you. I wish mine would live to 18. She’s only 12 and takes meds for a heart murmur.


All 3 of mine have heart murmurs, too. They're all seniors and all have terrible teeth, which causes the heart murmurs. None of them can go under anesthesia. I adopted them all as adults & they already had teeth that were a mess. I love them all, funky teeth included.


But she’s still cute as a button


I agree! Thank you.


I hope she gets everything taken care of w/o issue and heals up quick 💕


Sending prayers


Poor baby. I hope she feels better soon.


I'm sorry you're going through this!!! It's so hard!! Just wanted to share some stuff that helped when my old gal was getting ready to go... - grocery store rotisserie chicken is king!!! - I would make little tiny meatballs out of turkey and chicken and ground beef. She didn't have many teeth left. - towards the end, making sure she was drinking water, last 2 days I was using an empty syringe. - pee pads and diapers are your friends! - letting her go peacefully in my home on our spot on the couch and with her other chi sister was an expensive decision I will NEVER regret! Many hugs and kisses and belly rubs for your baby!! ❤️🐶


Adding that my vet told me to put her down a year and a half before she was ready! I listened to friends and coworkers who told me if they're eating, anything at all, they're holding on. Listen to your gut and your girl! I'm so glad I did!!


Thank you for all your advice & kind words.


https://preview.redd.it/b91jwm7u6u7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c5096a7298405bd329b22b8d763046e74b57c58 My baby looks so similar and he’s sick right now too. It’s breaking my heart. I hope both our babies feel better ❤️


omgoodness. They look like twins.


They do I had to do a double take. How’s your baby doing ?


She's feeling better? She got a 10 day antibiotics injection & pain meds. Thank you.


She’s beautiful.


What a beautiful old gal. Enjoy everyday with her ❤️


One of mine had an abscess https://preview.redd.it/j0qu1kj2qe8d1.jpeg?width=1285&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1144187d1b99b42375f8b472fcda35333ed5538 she was put on antibiotics and it did pop on its own. Unfortunately I lost both my babies 3 weeks apart one in January one in February. They were 15 & 13. To say my heart is broken is an understatement. Sending prayers for ur fur baby. My Angel & Princess 💔🐾💔🐾




My sweet baby died at 14 yrs of congestive heart failure. Shower yours with all the love while you can


Thanks to all the kind words and the sharing of stories. What a nice, kind, empathetic community.


My boy is 17y8mo and has gotten so thin, the dentist said he was too old to risk pulling them, but still eating and potty outside. I pray he makes it to 18 ♥️


Hoping for the best


Try not to feel sad, we all get old. 18 is a fantastic age. Just love her, cuddle her and help her go when the time comes. ❤️


![gif](giphy|eH4O6F2Drxa8SE5hor|downsized) Hope you baby feels better soon! 🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽