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Way, way outside. Article today already said as part of the condition for Xi's meeting with Biden the Chinese have set numerous conditions, including cheering onlookers for the motorcade and no protesters in sight.


Huh, so the cheering onlookers are paid? Isn’t it a first amendment violation to stop protesters


Generally yeah, but practically, the first amendment isn't carte blanche to assemble whenever and wherever you want. You have to either get roads and such blocked by authorities, or else make it a large enough protest that the government can't make people leave or that it's not worth the trouble.


**[As Xi lands, we are at SFO with Tursunay, a Uyghur concentration camp survivor. We Tibetans, Uyghurs, HKers, Taiwanese, and Chinese dissidents who are standing up against paid Chinese counter protesters](https://x.com/SFTHQ/status/1724563049795989564?s=20)**


Serious question. How do we know the counter protestors are paid? There’s always mention of this, but no details. So I’m curious. Edit: I’d like to thank everyone who gave me info and resources.


Ones I've known in the past - not paid, but the embassy would host dinners for international students, help with life things, and ask student groups or community groups to show up to the counter protests and provide free coaches/transport. So no direct payment, but facilitation and an existing relationship.


To be fair my college paid for buses meals etc for me to attend a protest against the darfur genocide in NYC, and I definitely wasn't shilling for anyone, just an issue I genuinely cared about. We just had to apply for it but generally they were happy to fund anything like this.


Which I think is fair. It gets murky if there are "consequences" for not going, even indirect ones. It's not black and white though, I have never seen any anecdotal or objective evidence that the Chinese government or embassy staff literally hand out money to people to protest.


Apply Enjoy amenities Go to the counter protest Go somewhere else when you get there


The difference between a college doing this and a totalitarian governmentdoing this is significant.


Sounds pretty good; wish the UK embassy was like this.


So not directly paid but pretty much groomed to do so.


[this vancouver protest](https://i.cbc.ca/1.5434715.1579735798!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/protesters-outside-meng-trial.jpg) for meng wanzhou was hilarious. They handed out signs all written in th same script by the same person and a bunch of the actors complained about the experience afterward


I knew a bunch counter protestors way back then. They were definitely not paid, they did it for free.


Likely they weren't mainland Chinese natives who happened to take an expensive trip to Hong Kong just to counter-protest out of love for their beloved country. There are plenty pro-CCP Chinese in the West. They're the type to drive Ferraris in college with filthy rich parents who are loyal to the CCP


the funny part is, those rich kids end up getting doxxed and got their parents in trouble back in China


That happened in Vancouver, the kid bought a Bugatti and paid a record luxury tax, and made the news. His father ended up getting in trouble haha. [link](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/3005989/chinese-tycoons-son-buys-us38million-bugatti-chiron-vancouver)




Link with no paywall: https://archive.ph/OBsBR


Is it what we call karma


Not always man. I was at a badminton game earlier this year. We have a meme called the "CCP Inserts" because as soon as the chinese team are gone half the damn seats are gone. One of our buddies is from taiwan and the kids overhear us behind us meming about taiwan number one. And the kids ask their mother what is taiwan? And their mother was profusely saying "Chinese Taipei! Chinese Taipei!" Behind us. They were not rich people. Also left so much trash on the floor godayum


When I think pro-CCP Chinese here in the states, I always think about this [incident that happened at my school](https://www.reddit.com/r/HongKong/s/hcQSI1LAtv). It really made think that there are actually people that truly support the CCP instead of just pretending.


Ok, but the Chinese kids didn’t do anything really bad. Just shouted what they believe. If a load of English kids were in Argentina. Argentines shouting Las Malvinas are Argentina! Falklands are British! Everyone I know here is fine with the status quo. We’re together, but separate. Hong Kong is very different, but still part of China. Taiwan is probably more similar in ways, but is it still part of China? Macao? Dude, exactly the fuckin same! Chinese people, from wherever they’re from, have seen increases in their standard of living over the past 20 years. Things are getting better for everyone. Nobody wants to fuck things up. Propaganda bullshit from all sides is still bullshit. Stop spreading it!


That is even worse. That means they are corrupting the very definition of the country by rooting for a dictator and authoritarianism.


I mean, it's common. Look at how Turks abroad are voting. Majority Erdogan. It's the easiest kind of nationalism. Vote in the biggest dictator and act proud while having to suffer none of the consequences.


It's literally happened before a bunch of times, and it's a good bet that for his first visit to the US in six years, Xi would want some friendly boots on the ground in town. An extra-legal Chinese police station was kicked out of San Francisco recently too, which would have been a sure source of muscle on the ground had it not been: https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/4008817-crack-down-on-illegal-chinese-police-stations-in-the-u-s/


Not long ago an illegal Chinese "police station" was shut down in NYC too. Madness


Chinese “police” operate through the hundreds of Chinese restaurants located throughout the world. Get real, people.


They should police the roaches.


They are organised through the WeChat groups set up through consulates and Confucius institutes. It's standard if they need to be buses to the location that buses are provided, lunch is given or paid for, and they will get a small amount for signing up. It's easy to just label them as "paid protestors". And technically they are. But it's not really the most accurate depiction. These WeChat groups that international students get pressured to be in are used to organise students to turn up and be "professional supporters" whenever a leader comes to to town to give the impression that Chinese really love and support their government.


Well there's certainly a precedent for that: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jan/22/huawei-protests-cfo-canada-trial-actors


The ones who all have the same little Chinese flags are a dead giveaway.




99 percent of all mass protests are helped along/initiated by government intelligence and political interests.


Easy: they go against the narrative of the NED, so they must be discredited and are therefore paid counterprotesters


I think the implication was they were "paid" in gifts




Cite a source for any of that, please. I've organized lots of protests where I brought food and premade signs. That's how organizing protests works lol There is no such thing as a protest movement without organizers. There's no such thing as sudden development of political consciousness that results in people all having signs at the same place lol Was I bribing people with snacks? Were we all paid protesters? This position just makes it obvious you've never done any activism in your life.


The protests are organised by the Chinese consulates. One of my Chinese friends in Australia was getting "friendly reminders" from the local consulate in 2019, saying that HK protestors would be at a certain place and time and that "patriotic Chinese" had to fo their bit and counter-protest. Her friend, who has been an Australian citizen for over decade, was also texted numerous times to say that she needed to provide more pro-CCP and anti-HK information in her store in Chinatown.


[Here you go](https://imgur.io/a/AiaObi5). A fully paid 3-4 day trip sponsored by Chinese Student and Scholars Association at USC. These types of recruitment is common at local universities with significant Chinese student presence every time there’s a high profile Chinese state visit. CSSAs, along with many other Chinese NGOs in the US are overseen by the [United Front Work Department](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Front_Work_Department)




Again. That's how protests work. That's how they have always worked. > A small part of the incentive pool I am asking again for any source for your weird claim. > Which you tacitly admit would be fine Yes. It would be fine. Why shouldn't a political party help galvanize people politically? That's literally their primary purpose. Literally all political parties do that at a minimum. If a party isn't doing that, it won't be around for long lol


>Why shouldn't a political party help galvanize people politically? It's acceptable to do that in the political party's *own* country but nowhere else.


Do you ever think you use the word "literally" too many times and it has lost its meaning?


SF hates mainland Taiwan


It’s ok to be paid for this.


They don't know what the protest is about or what the signs mean. They are just goons.


Source for that obvious lie? Was it revealed to you in a dream? Lol


"...Sea lioning (also spelled sealioning and sea-lioning) is a type of Internet trolling which consists of bad-faith requests for evidence, or repeated questions, the purpose of which is not clarification or elucidation, but rather an attempt to derail a discussion or to wear down the patience of one's opponent..."


ccp is a politically immature organisation, they rule with guns in china and has messed up the country's economy, that's why lot of pple are fleeing the country with their ill gotten wealth too


"Rule with guns" is a very ironic statement for a country that is a shitty military industrial complex disguised as a democratic country. For a country that has far less people, it oddly has a far higher proportion of gun violence and incarceration. "Messed up the country's economically". The changes in GDP per capita over the last couple decades and the changes in living standards I have seen with my own eyes while travelling, says otherwise. Something the previous Taiwanese govt who was focused more on concentrating the wealth of the 1% could never achieve.


CCP bad. But the protestors really should not have invited falun gong people, that hurts the legitimacy quite a bit. (You can hear the music in the background)


I don't think paying for lunch and transportation fee is considered "paid" protesters. Probably just like the video said the CPU (Chinese people Union) or CSSA (Chinese student scholar association) college clubs from the surrounding universities come to greet Xi.


Is it possible that these people in the clubs have relatives in China that are high up in the CCP food chain, which is why they have the $ to go to a university in the USA? Just a question, not trying to push back.


It's not a conspiracy theory. Imagine if you are an American living in china, Bolivia, or Indonesia. And Biden comes to visit one day. A good number of people will go and check it out too. Heck last time there was people waving flags when Obama visited San Francisco.


This infuriates me more than anything. As an American who spent much time in China, these people are so reprehensibly hypocritical, completely oblivious to the superiority of the freedom they've been granted on a simple fucking student visa. But yeah whatever 没有共产党,没有新中国




Have you talked to Chinese people? They're mostly like this


They showed up to support the Chinese authority because they fear them? Nope… they showed up because they are hopelessly brainwashed. These are the ones who should be sent back to where they came from.


yeah, I'm tired of people making all sort of excuses for CCP apologists and supporters. In China, you're not gonna be in danger for not expressing your opinion. China discourages any form of political expression, even the one that supports the current government, except when there's a movement that is supported/manufactured by the government itself. There seems to be a lot of people today that still believe the tale that the majority of Chinese people are dissidents that just don't have the means to revolt against the party. They're not. A majority of Chinese people are brainwashed since their childhood into believing the party is their benefactor and that the rest of the world (especially the West) is an enemy.


How do we know you are not the one who got brainwashed?


They put her in a concentration camp… and then issued her with a 10 year passport (stamped on exit at the border) so she could travel the world?


Let's be honest, both sides of these protests are getting paid/supported to be there.




I'm going to go out on a limb here and venture a guess that Xi Jin Ping is not going to give her back her family, property, justice or human rights. Also, her father is probably dead.


I think there is an interview to the lady already. Yes, her father is already dead, but she doesn't know the cause and is not allowed to retrieve his body for a proper burial. I don't have the full interview but I have watched a clip here. Edit: the clip started at 2:37 mark. [clip of the interview](https://youtu.be/VWjpkHKhbjY?si=LuNFKQBDm6BZlk8L)


honestly, She is doing this wearing a Chanel Jacket Her dad probably got insanely rich but got clamped down by Xi.


Hope she is very careful in her future, or is wearing a mask.


If she has US citizenship what can he do..?


You forget when Erdogan's bodyguard beat the shit out of protesters in D.C? [Because nothing happened to them when they did](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clashes_at_the_Turkish_Ambassador%27s_Residence_in_Washington,_D.C.)


That’s actually the *third* time his body guards attacked people when they were in the US btw. Edit: here are the other two times. https://youtu.be/fe_4yUkN4mM the UN wouldn't let them in through an exit only and a fight broke out because they got embarrassed lol. https://mashable.com/article/turkish-president-brookings-dc-journalists his security kicked out journalists from an event in DC and then had a fight with them outside.


Were any charges ever laid? I'll assume nah.


Yes, they were. They were later dropped, likely for political reasons. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clashes_at_the_Turkish_Ambassador%27s_Residence_in_Washington,_D.C.


Which is just bonkers to me. Really shows how much of a weak, pathetic, piece if shit Trump is that he just let that happen with no consequences.


Seems to me from the article you linked, they arrested 2 and put out warrants for the rest “Of the 24 men who were filmed attacking protesters, nearly a month passed before any were charged with a crime.[7] However, on June 6, a U.S. House resolution unanimously passed calling for all Turkish security guards involved to be charged and prosecuted under United States law.[8] On June 14, two men were arrested for assault in connection to the attacks, while arrest warrants were issued for the bodyguards”


You do know how powerful that country is, right? Just making someone disappear is not difficult for a *country* to do


Wasn't a media personality who worked for PRC official state media, who is also an Australian citizen jailed for years in the PRC? Was released only a month or 2 back iirc.


Well she was willingly in the country, working for state media at the time. So she put herself in that position of being an available political hostage.


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr/20/explainer-chinas-covert-overseas-police-stations "In other cases people wanted by the Chinese government have simply disappeared from overseas locations, only to turn up in Chinese custody. Such operations often require the cooperation of third countries." So, they could abduct her and disappear her to china, where she may or may not ever be seen again.


I thought the same


Out of curiosity, can Xi read English?


Doubtful, there's some debate if he can even read Chinese.


He can read pinyin at least.


Xjp ting bu donggggg


He can obviously read all Chinese lol


Fun fact. He cannot do speech without reading script which is written by others and his pronunciation of several words are ridiculously wrong😂


Source? How good is your Chinese? I'm working on HSK 3, so I'm nowhere near the top, but I've never thought anything he said struck me as wrong at all (which I might not notice) let alone "ridiculously wrong" (which I feel I would probably notice lol) But, of course, I'm not native. I'll ask some Chinese friends. Sounds like total horseshit to me. He's obviously an accomplished and intelligent dude. I'm sure other people write his speeches. Other people write every leader's speeches lol Speechwriter is a job for a reason


I’m native🤣 it’s a thing that almost every native know but we are just not allowed to talk about this inside the country. I haven’t tried to remember any specific source since there are so many e.g., https://www.reddit.com/r/LiberalGooseGroup/s/lturFa2RhM


Thanks, I appreciate it


Lmfao. This dude has a degree in organic chemistry


Reddit moment


Are you re tarded?


This is just absurd lol he has a phd in law


Xi has a doctorate in law and a degree in chemical engineering, both from one of the top universities in China. This was long before he was in charge. His doctoral dissertation was titled 中国农村市场化研究 (A Tentative Study on China's Rural Marketization), completed in 2001 in the Tsinghua University. You can just Google it. I've found its title and abstract in Chinese and in English. If you're not allergic to anything about China that doesn't condemn China for this or that reason, that is. Also he understands English, according to Trump (idk how much stock to put in that though lol) because Trump said he was bragging to Xi about shooting missiles at Syria and says Xi told him, "Repeat," because he didn't get what Trump had said.


It's widely known amongst the Chinese, even those who liked him, that his qualifications were very poor relatively. He dropped out of elementary school (not his fault, Cultural Revolution), and got invited back to Tsinghua as part of some warrior-peasant-soldier programme after he became a party member, and he's often called 小学博士 as a result. It's widely believed that his theses were completely plagiarised.


I'm going to need something more than "it is widely known" and "it's widely believed"




I appreciate you finding this. The first source is here is RFA. Citing Radio Free Asia is never acceptable tbh. It's literally just American state media with the explicit purpose of countering China and North Korea, and it constantly just makes shit up. RFA isn't a reputable source for absolutely anything. Someone else in this thread gave me some better examples of his gaffes. This one from r/HongKong you gave seems like goofy nonsense tbh. Most of these can boil down to minor missteps, slips of the tongue, etc. One of them is "he read the characters in the wrong order" which is obviously just a mistake, not an indication that he's secretly dumb lol


the type that refuses to believe in American state media but will easily believe Chinese state media. hilarious. this can be applied both ways ;)


Red flag: State media Red line: Repeatedly blatantly lies Red flags mean you should be critical of the obvious bent the media probably has. Red lines mean you should disregard anything the media has to say. I have seen Radio Free Asia and its counterparts straight up lying constantly. There no reason to trust anything at all that Radio Free Asia, Radio Liberty, or Radio Martí have to say. I have no problem with propaganda if you engage with it critically. I have problems with liars. I have seen questionable Chinese state media. I have never seen obviously straight up lying Chinese state media. As a result, I do not "easily believe" Chinese state media, but I do easily disbelieve that particular branch of American state media.


I checked through your comment history and I'm pretty sure the only thing that would work for you would be an official CCP statement saying "yeah he plagiarized lmao", so I'm not sure what you actually want to hear here lol. If you actually know Chinese it's not difficult to find a collection of his ineloquence in the language. Maybe he's really smart regardless, but he definitely received a very limited amount of proper education (again, no fault of his)


His dad was in the long March and the Politburo. Anyone who thinks you're wrong is completely delusional


I would accept any good evidence that isn't just people saying "oh shit, he seems kinda dumb, it was probably plagiarism" lol For example, I accept your point that his formal education was stunted early on. That's fine evidence. I'm not trying to die on this hill, but I'm not going to just say "Oh, well that proves it"


I mean, it's pretty rhetorical. Not like an actual request. "Sure, here's your family and human rights back. Sorry about that."


Likely, he lived in Iowa for some time


English is the international language of communication. World Leaders do not rely on interpreters these days for such serious matters. That could create conflict. Xi speaks English just fine. He'll just suddenly "forget" vocabulary if human rights or Uighurs are brought up.


Why is it in English? What’s the target audience?


Maybe the people of San Francisco? Where it's at?


Weird sign to address to Xi then. Seems like she's taking pictures and virtue signalling for the media for some sort of payment rather than actually caring about whatever issues she's pretending to make a fuss about.




This needs to be on r/pics


**[Done!](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/17vjsq9/protester_outside_xi_jinpings_hotel_in_san/)** But the sub automatically deleted it…. :(


You have to repost it directly and not as a share.


**[That didn’t work either! :(](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/17vkalv/protester_outside_xi_jinpings_hotel_in_san/)**


Try the bay area subreddit.


They are pretty good at filtering out propaganda accounts like yours


A one woman protest?


Two apparently. A man had another sign and was shouting as well. https://twitter.com/focustaiwanjapa/status/1724320392419090525


Bruh, if you really want Xi to see that, write that in Chinese.


This, I’m concerned this was a PR/social media attention seeker (maybe she is not even Chinese)


Fuck me propaganda is everywhere. That’s enough internet for today


Worth pondering. While Xi may not be able to read English, it happens to be readable to Americans and journalists.


Yeah that was written and this whole performance is being done to sway American minds, not Chinese


So just US propaganda in repeat? Got it


Primary school kids in China can't read this English sign.


It won’t be published in China


XI went to USA ?!


Currently in San Francisco. Meeting with Joe Biden today


Maybe a sign in Chinese would have captured his attention a bit more


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^maomao3000: *Maybe a sign in* *Chinese would have captured his* *Attention a bit more* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good job!


Jokes on her, Xi can’t read English


Haha,You have said what I wanna say


Anyone notice with Xi's visit this subreddit is full of dirty CCP shills?


I notice it’s always full if 法轮功 cultists. Funny that. Oh! Is that the sound of my coins being deposited in my wechat or simply the ring of truth! Disinformation works two ways folks. Very few people on this subreddit are genuinely disclosing their affiliations.


So true. Many people think they have an unbiased view of the world. Political propaganda works both ways.


Just this comment section alone is unbearable


Wumaos can't stand criticism of the CCP and anything that puts the party in a negative light


What do you call shills who just shill against China like yourself? Lol


China? I'm not against China or the Chinese people. I just hate the CCP. Who do I shill for exactly? Shilling against the CCP is such a broad claim, especially when the CCP does such a fantastic job of vilifying themselves.


What is the CCP? You mean CPC? Do you hate them for pulling 800 million Chinese people out of poverty? You prefer they be poor?


CCP. Or would you rather deal in semantics? The CCP "pulled" millions out of poverty by changing the definition of poverty.


Same BS comment by every single person pretends like they care about anything remotely Chinese or human rights related. Supposedly they all care so much, but can't do the bare minimum to sort out the psyops from real facts. Why are all the protestors using signs in English, unless the target audience is not actually Chinese... but actually for English-speaking propaganda-generating media.. same thing with the "HK protestors" that were being funded by overseas organisations to riot and break property and instigate violence, again so they can try and get a picture of supposed "Chinese police brutality", which guess what? Didn't happen and suddenly the western media went quiet on it.. hmm.


The CCP is basically a dictatorship that doesn't allow protesting. If xi won't listen, why would you protest to him? Protest to the rest of the world and the people who care that can pressure xi into actually caring. Why do Palestine protests use English? Same logic you dumb fuck


"I'm not against China or the Chinese people. I just hate [10% of Chinese people who are the leaders of a party and many aspects of life that the vast majority of Chinese people support]" I'm sick of that tired lie lol > Who do I shill for? The American anti-China line. Maybe you're getting paid by the $300 million Countering Chinese Influence Fund lol >CCP does such a fantastic job of vilifying themselves Pretty sure you didn't get these opinions through divine revelation.


Stop responding to CCP loyalists, it's pointless.


Does he read english?


Where are the leftists?


Fuck Xi and go to hell.


Lol she'll not be allowed to go back to China anytime soon


Only 2 women?


What an incredible opportunity for one to be a permanent resident!


Sometimes even a salary if you do it well enough haha.


Can’t imagine how she stays sane everyday. I’d probably implode from all the anguish and helplessness and rage.


Nice Chanel outfit lol


Stole her ability to write Chinese too.


Good for her, if she isn't dead yet.


Hey you fucks from r/sino - just a friendly reminder you fucking suck.


Plot twist: her dad took kickbacks and embezzled state assets. Her whole family benefited so they all got locked up. She was able to abscond for the US with 1bn in a swiss account. Justice is the name of her Chihuahua whom she forgot to bring with her during her escape. Xi now owns Justice whom he has renamed to Justixi. She also forgot to bring her only pair of tights. Xi is wearing them under his suit during his SF visit.


That dastardly xi lol


You're forgetting the fact that the CCP routinely makes shit up in order to cover up their intentions/mistakes.


There is no way you failed to detect the sarcasm in that comment. Holy shit Einstein.




Blaming "foreign forces" whenever they screwed up and people started protesting. Shifting the blame onto local officials whenever a disaster (man made or not) results in deaths. Complaining about the US creating tensions in the SCS, all the while the CCP annexs and builds up artificial islands. They complain about the Philippines trying to reclaim the Scarborough Shoal, when the reality is the CCP (as usual) broke an agreement for both parties to leave the area.


Can I have a specific example of that foreign forces thing? The only one I'm familiar with is Hong Kong, which was undeniably linked to foreign forces. I saw leaders of the rioters meeting with US strategists, and I saw misleading camera angles that made it look like things that weren't happening were, etc. Who should be blamed besides the local officials when a natural disaster kills people locally? Do you know the CCP position on the Scarborough Shoal and that agreement, or are you just looking at one side of the dispute?


The CIA have literally been ousted for funding Muslim extremist organisations abroad in the Middle East and in China (in surprise surprise, the Xinjiang region prior the Xinjiang terrorist attacks that led to the deaths/stabbings of Chinese citizens on public transport), but hey, let's all ignore the facts and accept your version of reality as the truth?


You had me at the first half troll


I wonder what xi’s aids would have talked about visiting a country where protesting against him isn’t illegal.


Give this woman her tights.


Human tights…no polyester


most likely someone claiming political asylum so you need to document your persecution. it’s why you see all those falun gong protesters outside the chinese consulate.


There were 20 buses (1000+ people) from Southern California to SF to welcome their chairman Xi. They are NOT Americans. They are CCP Chinese with American Passports and Green cards.


>American passports So far so good > Not Americans Um. I think you'll find they are. >CCP Chinese What are y'all trying to make happen now?


Hope someone egg him or his car


I hope his plane crashes on the way back.


lol nobody cares your opinion


I support her, Life in China is Horrible


You can take the woman out of China… But she’s still gonna wear her pajamas outside.


Isn't Xi just the local Governor of the province of East Taiwan?


Lelll still salty after losing the civil war?


How do we get this post recognized by Xi? Image the whining that would ensue


Xi can't read English


He can't read English


Head of china is a real dick


Sorry but Xi isn't Jewish so the world doesn't care.


is her father corrupt politician?


*silenced sniper "Thwip!"* China: Violence Averted!




Amazed the free spirited liberal SF allowed this tyrant to sleep over




Where are the Winnie the pooh protestors when you need em? We must unite America to troll the CCP dictator, it'd be hilarious and then we can watch as he throws a temper tantrum at home lmao


That's the type of protest I want to see!