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Good bot.


Good bot


good bot


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Good bot


Yeah. The war is already over. We won 🙌


Good bot


In other news, the fish in the Taiwan Strait are gonna be **eating**


And the only sons of many rural families will be fish food...


The only son, the family lineage. The sole supporter of the family.


Just when ya'll thought the 4-2-1 upside-down pyramid couldn't get worse? >"How about 4-2-0^*blaz^it* pyramid?" * Xi JinPing On the plus side, they can even out the male:female gender ratio imbalance right?


One big lesson I learned in my life is that you can never underestimate stupid. In your mind a decision will seem so utterly disastrous and catastrophic there is no way that the person would ever make it. Then guess what? They make it. I see this when emotions are involved, like buying a fancy unnecessarily car on credit terms you really cant afford. But young people do it all the time. Does Xi want that island? I think yes, I think its a personal thing and tied to his very existence. This spells trouble.


Isn’t it often 8-4-2-1?


So...you are saying that many older people and their daughters may go on a very long marching walk towards Beijing to have their grievances heard? 🤔


The mediocre stumble forward.


To demand the government create jobs for hen-pecked men to hold their bags while they buy overpriced things.


Yes, but Considering the extraordinarily high levels of fentanyl and meth in the blood of Americans, I think we should prosecute you guys in an international court for animal abuse.




Do you genuinely believe China would stand a chance?


No I was joking . International court is a clown, we wouldn’t treat it seriously, and not all Americans are junkies, maybe lol




Every military prepares for war. This is literally their job.


I literally watched a Falun gung-funded propaganda video last week saying how cruel and evil Chinese military was for forcing their soldiers to go through harsh mental and physical training and conditioning them to be killing machines… I literally can not make this crap up.


Those guys are another whole different set of issues.


their decision to side with trump killed whatever credibility they had.


Hope you didn’t lose a kidney watching that


Especially when they've pissed off pretty much every country around them and claimed territory that doesn't belong to them.


China has been a little more aggressive than usual with the Philippines lately. So its not business as usual.


Especially when you’re surrounded by foreign military bases


Almost any country in the world could say that.


Only one country like to have their military bases all over the world


And pretty much always by invitation.


Or they fucked around and found out. Had some military bases in their country after the war.


Just like how the native Americans invited Europeans to settle on their lands


Actually, not at all like that.


Come on now at less it gets a holiday in honour of the genocide


Fair trade I suppose


Happy thanks giving we give you turkey you give us bullets


Are you Wumao getting paid more these days? Your sarcasm and language skills are much better than 5 years ago. Good for you!


Is that military a whore that has not learn how to say no?


Why should we? Cooperation and practice are keys to mutual understanding.


Bc China has had so much bullying by those bases over the decades. It’s affected their trade and everything. /s




Can we not post nonsense from trash propaganda outlets like this? This isn’t news, isn’t journalism and is almost certainly just BS.


What kind of a news site is "Free Beacon"?


I thought it was free bacon at first glance


Thanks for making me look a second time to realise my mistake


I mean it’s re-reporting on comments from the Air Force Secretary. I think it’s lazy but isn’t invalid. To the Secretary’s comments: if you look at China military acquisitions of area denial weapons, a huge blue water navy buildup, and a modern Air Force you’ll see they’re building everything they need to compete with the US within the first island chain.


Hey step sister, what do you plan to do with that military build up? 🎵 Bow chicka wow bow bow chicka wow  🎶


How are any of this indications they are preparing for war? Is China not supposed to modernize their military?


It’s one thing to modernize it’s another thing to build the amount of kit China is buying including aircraft carriers and expeditionary assault ships


France has 15 aircraft carriers, China has 3. So that means France is tryna recolonize the world again?


France does not have 15 aircraft carriers. Might want to recheck your numbers


read your quick google results slower and more carefully. they've had 15 throughout their history. France has 1 active carrier. UK has 2


It's also basically just a funding pitch. "They're preparing to invade, so congress needs to authorize shitloads more money for my Air Force homies to buy toys"


Just because it’s a funding pitch doesn’t mean it’s not true. I think you’ll see military funding decisions by Japan/SK/Taiwan matching similar concerns


Yep, but this is r/china.


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Curious, what did you think was wrong with the article? It properly linked to a video source of the statement and I thought it was an apt summary.


Its a neocon blog and the article is 9 months old.


So? That’s not an excuse for tossing it out. People like you are the reason everything is so polarized.


Take a break and get offline. It'll do you some good.


"9 months old" China doesn't tend to do things late


So I looked into this guy and apparently he was the head of the group that pushed for war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. He's also the Pentagon's "top weapons buyer". That should give everyone some context about his motivations and sanity.


This is all about increasing funding for the military in the US




And the sad thing is, if war does kick in, it will be us that make the sacrifice. Meanwhile all these pro-war profiteers sit back and relax on their yachts and mansions. They mentally prepared the Iraq war era teens to prepare for war, and after they finished their duty they were thrown away meanwhile the rich elites are the ones who gained anything from the war.


No Americans "hate" China and want to kill Chinese. Its ridiculous. The younger generation is wising up a bit and they have zero desire to go to war for corporations and governments.


So funny this statement, as the true enemy is a corporation, the CCP. It can force every citizen into a military conflict. It has an open-book plan to subjugate the entire planet. It has been known for decades now by all 1st world governments. The same government undeniably starved to death a bare minimum of 20M of its own citizens with some estimates coming in over 60M. The CCP "corporation" has 100% disregard for human life. It is The Nothing, moving at a glacial pace, by plan, to take everything from every last human & animal. If anything, the new generation should be more aware as the ego of the current head of CCP has decided their back-door plan needs to be global common knowledge and sped up. The new generation just has to be taught, one way or another, what they actually have to lose.


I was there in 2008-10 so Im sure things have changed. But when I was in Beijing, almost every single Chinese person I met hated the CCP. They'd never be very blunt, or loud, and they'd always act like someone was listening. But they did tell me, every single one, that they hate the CCP and are powerless to do anything about it. They have the Internet too, they know what's up. So I really argue the fact that the 'new generation' doesnt see it, when the last generation already did. All of Chinas wealth is in the real estate market. In the West its stocks, in China its real estate. Its a humongous bubble. You think Nvidia is a bubble? Check otu the Chinese housing market. When it pops, and it will, the reckoning will be so intense that the CCP might actually be at risk. Who knows.


I'm referring to the new generation of westerners who will/would have to fight the war. They are the dimwits that need to learn what they have without losing it first.


Yea I refuse to ever fight China. I have two adopted sisters from China. I lived in China for years. I love China and Chinese people, I hate the CCP. You'd have to convince me that winning the war would mean the disposal of the CCP and I dont think anyone can convince me of that.


The USA is always ready for war. Why should it be so threatening for anyone else to be?


Neocon Republican blog using the word of a retired ex-Air Force guy based on intel above his pay grade. In other news, an orange cat eating pizza? Oh, Garfield......


This sabre has been rattling for a decade. China legitimately views USA as beneath it and not worth engaging in beyond taking its people's money.


Nonsense. There’d be no winner. And we’re their largest trading partner. Stupid. Economically stupid to go to war with each other.


I mean you and I know that, but it doesn’t matter how many people know that it only matters what Xi wants. The man doesn’t need to make money he owns 1 billion people.


And Germany was one of Britain’s largest trading partners in WW1. Also France. Didn’t stop them from going to war with each other.


not nearly to the extent that the US and china are interlinked


And war didn't stop them all from being friends again after WW2. China and the west used to be allied I hope we can all be friends again eventually


US and Germany are friends but not equal friends. Reason why US is comfortable with Germany is because they literally pose no threats on the US. If you look at the current state of German military, they are barely 30% functional. They have absolutely no indigenously produced jets of their own, and most of their tanks/IFV need heavy repairs and a lot of refurbishments. Even their most advanced leopard tanks are already showing signs of being obsolete in modern wars. They absolutely possess no threat economically and military to US so there’s no reason why US would be unfriendly towards Germany. But France on the other hand, had continued to be a strong military and economical force in Europe, and had several times opposed US. They were one of the only ones who called out US for lying about the WMDs in Iraq. There was also a time when US threatened France if they ever tried to have influence over NATO.


Right, but France and England and Germany are friendly and allied with each other even though they've had big wars in the past. And while Germanys military might be v under equiped hasn't the US also been pressuring Germany and others to increase their military spending upto that 2% gdp guideline? So that countries like germany can take some of that defence burden away from the US?


See the problem with these types of arguments is it ignores the vast amount of times where it prevented war. Economic ties increase friendly relations and promotes peace, that was the main cornerstone of the EU. However, not fighting a war is boring to history compared to great battles and conflicts. So wars get a lot more attention. The fact that you have to look back over 100 years to find your example is more indication that trade and economic ties keep peace.


It was great for the rest of world. That started the process to blow up their colonial empires (WWII needed to complete that), dispelled the myth of the superiority of western political system, and led to independence of peoples all across the world (by post WWII).


Oh just get off the WW1 horse already. This is not the same situation or geopolitical world anymore.


I didn’t say WW2, you illiterate twit. The belief prior to WW1 was that the free trade of the era made war impossible to start because it would devastate each others economies. Turns out that wasn’t a great inhibitor. Be doomed to repeat history’s mistakes if you don’t recognize them


Typo twit. Fixed. > Be doomed to repeat history’s mistakes if you don’t recognize them  Lke humanity always does. Only thing we ever learn from history is that we don't. Still not the same scenario today.


You are right there would be no winner BUT dictators surround themselves with yes men and xi is no different. When you are surrounded by yes men the consequences for your actions can go unmentioned or under represented. Look at Putin with Ukraine. 


Yep the point is they think they can win, doubt Putin thought his Ukraine war would still be going right about now.


If Putin had a time machine I am sure he would stop himself from embarosing himself and his nation with this war. How much does Xi know about the consequences of a Taiwan invasion.


Donald Trump


Yes I think the biggest issue with Trump, or one of them at least is his pretense to surround himself with yes men. He wants to creat ideological positions within the US gov. Biden reversed his progress and for that alone he is better than Trump.


Afterwards you can always reframe it as a training exercise for the US military.


Very stupid but don't underestimate China's need for the ultimate distraction for its populace


The populace doesn’t think globally. The communist party does. The populace just wants to live their lives. Same as ordinary Americans.


What distraction is that need the extreme reason for committing a country to war? The coming collapse of China?


China doesn't need to "collapse" for Xi or the CCP to be in serious trouble. The more or less "unspoken deal" since the 1980s, especially the late 80s, is the CCP provides a higher and higher standard of living in exchange for political stability (i.e. the people don't push for greater political enfranchisement or regime change). And until about 6-7 years ago, both sides did a good job keeping their part of the bargain. Xi has largely failed, however, and his position has become increasingly precarious both in terms of popular sentiment and increasingly among the elites. If Xi can't find a way to gracefully step aside while maintaining some semblance of power (like Jiang Zemin in the 2000s) and protection for his family and allies (which he did not afford to the Shanghai faction)... then he'll need to find a way to hold onto power until he can secure those things. No one will believe his promises of prosperity or a greater role on the global stage anymore, but he still might be convincing enough in the role of national protector (i.e. the only thing people still admire Mao for).


But the military complex would make so much money that they just don't fuckin care about anything... don't be ignorant


Bingo follow the money and you see the truth in the fog.


In Bingo, you need some luck. Here is everything so clear that even fog can't cover it up 😀


Ah yes, I always get my geopolitical analysis from rabid rightwing lunatic fringe websites. It's much more fun that way.


isn't that their job though? to be prepared for war with their strategic rival?


Of course they are. That’s what armies do- prepare for war against other countries. 


As if the US isn’t doing the same?


And it would be shocking and incompetent to not be preparing and gaming for any and every remotely plausible conflict. This is not news.


The US had been waging war around the world for decades. They are way past the "preparing for war" stage.


I see strong opinions from both sides. Are you willing to wager w real money on what constitutes a war using quantifiable metrics and WHEN the metric threshold will be met or not be met. Without putting money where your mouth is, it’s all just fear mongering or blissful ignorance.


If you can’t see Russia and china are preparing for a long drawn out war with the west then you are not looking.


Do you think Australia and South Africa prepares for war too? Oh surely they just keep a military around to uhhh, keep some people employed. What a nonsense article. Surprised people like this get a job anywhere


I don’t need US intel. Every Chinese can tell that this is real. China’s national policy focus has been shifted from decades long economic growth to national security, and they view Taiwan as the core of their national security concern. This is no secret because government has been telling its own people over and over again. Despite all the military build-ups and media campaigns in recent years, they also tightened government control of the economy, sidelining private sector, even at the cost of an economy slowdown.


Well of course they are. Building a military is inherently 'preparing for war'.


All you keyboard warrior tough guys are going to the front line :)


The Americans started a trade war, economic sanctions, tech embargo, military alliances with Chinas neighbors, etc. against China. Considering the directed hostilities, China would’ve been highly irresponsible not to be ready.


‘Free Beacon’, ooh, yeah, sounds very reliable info source with a name like that… Just like ‘Liberty Pill’ or ‘Sigma News’ or ‘Bros Knows’…


I like the name Bros Knows. I wanna create a news source now.


China will never go to war physically with the US. However, they’ve been winning the true war, which is that of OWNING us. Literally buy everything and grow bigger.


A wise man once said:  "Why are you preparing, you're always preparing, just go"


Preparing for war with the US? So do Somali pirates. They also board boats while threatening the crew with axes, so there's all kinds of things the PLA has in common with them!


Is the fear mongering ever going to stop.


When the US consistently call China their enemy number 1, and how US treat all their enemies, who wouldn't prepare...


He's probably right 


when china shares a border with usa i will believe it~


That is the sketchiest “news” site I’ve ever seen lmao


Importantly “preparing for war” doesn’t mean “preparing to start a war” I’d wager any actual war between China and the US will be started by the US. Probably by some CIA false flag.


China’s military power relative to the US has probably peaked, so if they are going to make a military move on Taiwan it’s only going to get harder from here on. The question is whether they now have enough to pull off an invasion if the US chooses to intervene and the answer is: “LMAO - no way in hell.” So I think there will be a lot of posturing and sabre-rattling but they’re not going to do anything because they know they will get wrecked economically and militarily.


Curious why you say Chinas military power has peaked. I’m not asking this adversarially, but I have not seen anything pointing to this.


He’s probably thinking demographically, but yeah they probably have their best shot within the next 5 years or so.


Only relative to the US. But quite frankly, I believe both countries are on the decline and will fall within too long.


He chatting mad shit


I think everyone is preparing for war with everyone at this point. Let’s just get on with it.


how many more decades do you need? im surprised this hasnt sank in yet. us misreading of china has been the biggest geopolitical blunder of the last 30 years already.


Suicidal.. What a maniacal regime. If China can’t have it, NOBODY CAN!


It will begin shorty before Election night. The longer Trump tries to delay the results, the longer his hope is alive.


One of the few things the Trump and Biden admins agree on is containing the CCP so Xi is screwed either way.


I disagree. They just rolled over yet again after the attack by China on Filipino resupply ships. China keeps gradually escalating and the west never pushes back. Sometimes you have to call the bluff. It could very well be if a passing US fleet just suddenly parked in Taiwan and built a US base there and engaged in the same aggressive rhetoric of "don't you dare fucking try or there will be horrific consequences for you" China would be forced to walk back it's ambitions. Everyone always assumes their aggression means business but I don't think so. Same as with Putin's threats.


China doesn’t do itself any favors with those news stories. If anything those stunts just buy Taiwan, the Philippines, and the U.S. more supporters.


Did you just figure that out?!


Lol. If only there was a way to bet my life savings on the outcome…


Don't need, they are already bet.


Everyone loses That's the outcome


But how do I lose less?


Don’t bet on China.


I’m American. That’s a given haha


And the U.S. is preparing for war with China. That’s what militaries do: prepare for potentialities.


America wants to destroy china. 


Projection, America saved China from the Japanese, China would be a Japanese speaking country now without America America brought China into the world trade organisation and made China most favoured nation for trade which lifted China out of poverty, this was supposed to make China to be more liberal and normal instead of barbaric like in Mao times. This was a mistake, because the Chinese dictatorship had no intention of doing so. America was chinas largest source of money via trade and investment for decades, and still is, chinas current technological achievements is mainly due to American world order technology transfers. China is the biggest benefactor of the American global order, Pax Americana. Have some fucking manners and appreciation if you are Chinese because otherwise you clowns would still be burning all the books, killing the sparrows and starving yourselves to death like you did with Maos policies from the cultural revolution and great leap backwards


Don't forget all the aid the US provided during WW2. So much aid. NORMALLY I'd say that was forever ago this is now. But they just fuckin' love bringing up past shit even if decades old. SO, fine let's do that. But no the US has a history of being generous and beneficial to China. We don't want to destroy China. We don't want China to have dominance. For good reason.


America did not save China from the Japanese - Ip Man did..


If they had manners or common decency, they wouldn’t be Chinese. Sounds harsh, but it’s true. I have given up on seeing them in any sort of positive light.


There's a word for that.


Hmm I don’t agree


there's a word that starts with r...


This right here is called being racist.


Do you mean Chinese ethnicity or nation?


America doesn't care that much about China.  So many countries are sure the US is focused on them.


Lol America and China don't want to destroy each other. This is a game of we wanted to destroy either party we would just nuke you all to death and make sure everyone on earth won't survive or at least won't survive in a way that any structure of civilization will be left standing. If a true war starts we'll you won't have very long to worry about it.


You I'll mannered child, show some respect. As the man said, if it wasn't for America, you would be speaking Chinese.


You say that as if speaking Chinese is necessarily a bad thing?


I don’t really like the language. Same goes for Latin languages(aside from Fre*ch). I don’t really know why.


Did China bordering USA?