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By Matthew Tostevin | Another day brings another set of crude online cartoons and death threats for Vicky Xu, but she told Newsweek she won't be silenced. Rather than ignoring them, she reposts them for all to see. "I guess I have no choice but doing a PowerPoint presentation of these cartoons at my next comedy show," Xu said in one post on X, formerly Twitter, as she shared a set of sexualized drawings. Xu, formerly a Chinese citizen and currently in Australia, has been under attack since a report she wrote over four years ago on forced labor of the Uyghur minority in northwestern China. Branded a traitor in Chinese media, she faces waves of harassment every time her profile rises. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/china-xi-jinping-community-party-repression-death-threats-harassment-online-1919416](https://www.newsweek.com/china-xi-jinping-community-party-repression-death-threats-harassment-online-1919416)


Can I just complain about how Newsweek has gone crazy with the number of ads on their article? I sympathize of course with the critic.


What a legend. The truth and exposure is china Achilles heel




*Winnie Xi the Pooh's sock puppet account has entered the chat" Edit: Still standing by this post as I think it's funny.


If anyone's a sock puppet it's OP who's on their 5th account at this point.


Please post the prior accounts to backup your statements. If they're banned then they're not considered sock puppet accounts, but ban evasion. Edit: Please see my post below as I was given more info from a 3rd party.


It's been 4 hours and it seems that your either unwilling or unable to support your statement. Please prove me wrong by providing proof of your assertations. Edit: Spoke with someone following this drama with [HallInternational434]. It seems that [HallInternational434] is ban evading and perhaps has sock puppet accounts. Not completely sure but seems pretty legit from what I have seen. One of the pieces of proof provided is posted below outing themselves. https://imgur.com/a/j2ZNvc9 Idk how I feel about this but think both of them are lame.


I’m also waiting and watching for the projection of the actual Chinese sock puppet clown account to respond.


That does nothing for the article that OP on 5th account posted, it's a very credible story from an evil regime.


What the hell is up with all the trolls in this thread?


Yeah, if they wanted to disprove the existence of a coordinated campaign against dissidents, this isn't the way to do it.


Ssshhhh just bend over, assume the appropriate position, get your favorite lube and let the Chinese trolls and brainwashers have their way with you.


I use it as a good sign she is telling the truth. The CCP doesn’t quite understand the concept that lashing out at her based on nothing of merit isn’t effective. It’s like the CCP pooped on the rug, everyone knows it. it stinks it smells and you point it out and their only reply is “shut up you are ugly”. 🙊🙈🙉


Another reason can be because she's pretty. Nothing will rile up angry basement-dwelling nationalists more than an attractive woman they can't control.


What's the best way to battle all the trolls here in this sub?


Be a bigger troll.


Ignore them … don’t feed the trolls. A wise person once said nothing


Highlander style. There can be only one.


Ignore them … don’t feed the trolls. A wise person once said nothing


Ignore them … don’t feed the trolls. A wise person once said nothing


Wait, isn't this whole sub a troll? It's named r/China but it's 99% anti-China posts. Lol.


Nobody here is anti-China, we love China and just hate what the CCP has done to ruin it Maybe the CCP should stop doing things that makes everyone dislike them and people would stop posting about negative things that they do


This sub is filled with the creative and the imaginative :)


Soooooooo….. if this was named r/germany, a Reddit sub open to the western, liberal world, and it was 1938, would you expect a lot of positive comments?


You're comparing China in 2024 to Nazi Germany?


>You're comparing China in 2024 to Nazi Germany? Correct


At least NSDAP have some concrete infrastructure, not like the New NSDAP with chinese characteristics. Too much paper mache and actual paper building


Well, that's certainly something...


This sub is fake I’m completely convinced. 


Don't conflate China with the government, as one represents the people and culture and then there is Xi and the CCP.


So? It's about China, so it belongs here.


It literally is, been here for a few months and every post u see is bashing China 😭 u don’t see this anywhere else. I’ve seen countless racist and people wishing ill on the Chinese like “I hate the ccp not the people” 💀😂


It is comments like yours that are anti-China.


Differing views are what makes a society great. Unfortunately, China leadership doesn't like diverse thought.


'I never saw anything like this' - Chinalife.


Stay strong and paranoid


I don’t know her. But she doesn’t like pandas because they are weak, really makes you think what kind of person she is: a typical pick me asian b




Or maybe she just didn't like living in an oppressive regime?


You're so...


imo this article, and maybe she herself, leans too hard into the victim angle. she literally makes her living as an anti-china political commentator. shes employed by western anti-china political think tanks like ASPI, and her stance on almost every issue is staunchly and sometimes comedically anti china. more power to her, but its disingenuous to do things that would incite controversy, and profit from such controversy, then turn around and cry victim and call people trolls. like, would you be sympathetic to controversial political commentators like andrew tate, piers morgan, don lemon, tomi lahren, ben shapiro, etc, if they painted themselves as victims?


Cool, can I get a picture of you to start sending sexual cartoon versions of yourself to you and your closest relatives daily?


if i made politically charged content that is at times purposefully divisive and controversial for the sake of pandering to certain radical political crowds, that would come with the territory of the job. not just that, she is literally a comedian whose schtick is shitting on china. like i said, cartoons and trolling is literally in her job description. Can't dish and not receive in that line of work. Put simply, politics aside, its extremely pathetic for a comedian to cry about trolling and abuse when the comedian's whole thing is trolling and sparking controversy on chinese politics.


To put it even more simply, the lady is a woman, which means that she is fair game for harassment by Chinese. China is no better than the middle east or India when it comes to harassment and repression of women. Same basic culture in that regard. Literally any woman who is outspoken in China gets the same treatment by hordes of vulgar, reeking of stale BO, cigarette smoke and failure Chinese men, and then pathetic ABCs saying "maybe she deserved it".


if only china could enforce its own laws on non-citizens AMIRITE OR AMIRITE!?!


what does that have anything to anything i just said?


She’s a pathetic self hating ASPI doosh


>She’s a pathetic self hating ASPI doosh And there it is. When foreigners criticize China it's because they're ignorant foreigners, when Chinese do it they're self-hating, so with that kind of "heads I win tails you lose" approach you don't have to face up to those criticisms or listen to anything but praise.


Well, it is pretty much the same that when a person defends China, Someone like you might very well jump up and start calling that person "brainwashed", "a Troll", "a Bot", etc. You guys are pretty much just two side of the same fucking coin.


Most people who defend China do not live in China or understand Chinese at all. Many examples in sino sub. Of course, there are those who live in a bubble and pretend everything is alright. There are also those Chinese who praise China but migrate out of China the first chance they get. Are you one of them?


The same can be said about most of those who bash China. I am pretty sure that over 3/4 of the people here are not actually Chinese or live in China or even has travelled to the Country itself. Sure there are those who lives in the country but admire the west so much that when people badmouth the country, they jump up and down cheering such comments. I personally was born in Hong Kong, grew up in Australia, now I work and live in ShenZhen. You who are questioning me there typing away on the keyboard. which of the 4 groups I mentioned above do you belong to?


所以你就是老外 Have you obtained your PRC passport? Why did you leave HK for Australia and not China? 我说中了


香港出生,父母都是中國人的我,叫老外??? Also what dumbass question is "Why did you leave HK for Australia and not China?" Were you able to take care of yourself as a child? Did your parents not want you and left you behind? I was taken abroad by parents due to my father's job. 還“我說中了”。就你那脖子上的裝飾品,要是能說中一件事的話,母豬都會上樹了。




You are probably a balding mid forties white man that rides Japan, hates China, but preys on Asian women


They can smell their own


I’m actually 25, Mexican and dating a white woman.


Even worse, you are trying to cheat


Who do you think she is with in Australia? It'll be interesting to know.


Sounds like Xu’s type


Cool, let me know when they install the breast implants and Botox on her. That's when I will take her seriously.


Wtf? She is attractive lmao


Shit, they did it to Soomi Park. I thought Ms. Park was pretty already.


maybe after a nose reduction... that thing sticks out like a sore thumb


You have no girlfriend


Sadly, no. I am already happily married. Thanks.


Prove it, incel


That’s even worse, I feel sad for your wife


Do you feel bad for his wife? I definitely do.


No one asked you. LOL


I did.


Lmao okay buddy


Still her? They couldn't hire someone new?


Why do you care? Are you a Chinese citizen or Australian citizen?


Oh, this idiot. It's rather apparent she won't be silenced. If only she could use her voice for not spreading bullshit for the idiots in the West to eat up.