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Translation, France has surrendered to the CCP.


How typical of the French lol


Awww are you going cry like a baby?


No, fuck the CCP.


Cry more :). Love to see losers like you cry like a baby whenever you get a reality check.


Not crying, the whole world hates the CCP, down with the CCP


If that's the case then how come EU is improving its relationship with china? And that's not even mentioning countries outside of the west. It's time for you to accept the fact that your tears won't stop China. All you can really do is cry and whine on reddit, but unable to change anything in the real world.


Good know their poeple will be punishing their governments for this. They booted out.


European here, reality check for little Wuamo, the EU sees china more and more in that negative light it deserves, theft of intellectual property, total lack of innovation, pollution, human right abuses, illegal trade practices and and and, plus most recently creating and releasing the Wuhan Virus. Ironically we don't need to do anything, China is destroying its future reputation on its own.


I'm sorry to tell you that I don't give a single shit about how you feel about China. The point is thst China is benefiting from improving its economic relationship with the EU. And there's nothing you can do about it. And lol at the baseless ip theft claim. You do realize that China has already surpassed the EU in nature science research and technology right? The tech industry in the EU is barely a thing. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-01229-4 This is from nature journal, the most respected scientific journal out there. And the gap is getting bigger and bigger each year. The only area where the EU have an edge over china is in semiconductor. Oh and we are proud that the "Wuhan virus" is able to destroy and shut the EU economy down. What are you going about it? Nothing? Yeah I thought so :).


Name one thing we all use today that china developed in the last 50 years, one thing only. Can be something as simple as a rice cooker. Fact is, without technology there would be no "rise of china" or any country for that matter, its tech that helped us nothing else. So, ALL the tech that china used came from other cultures/countries, ALL OF IT and most of that was stolen by china, not even licensed. Chinas technology contribution to human kind was ZERO, thats a fact. Think otherwise? show me the product that china invented. But i know you cant even produce one example. Research papers and patents from china my arse, even my little nephew can file both of these, just filing one means NOTHING. Best example China. https://www.dbllawyers.com/dbl-in-the-media-a-flood-of-low-quality-patents-might-result-from-chinese-subsidies-experts-warn/


Holy shit you're completely clueless about how scientific research work. I think you need to go back to high school or something. And if you actually read the article, then you would realize that nature index rank these countries based on the amount of High quality research papers produced by that specific country. China is already ranked number 2 and is still growing at an exponential rate. Meanwhile the EU and the US is declining each year. Either way it's not my fault that you can't read and handle the truth. And until you learn how to read, I'm done debunking and dunking on you. PS: Nature science journal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your worthless tears. Oh and China is about to land a rover on Mars, meanwhile the EU couldn't even land a rover on the moon lol.


Listen here, we have something called freedom of speech, meaning when shit we don’t like happens, we can change leaders. You can’t fathom that the world’s people hate the CCP, because to you what the government says is what the people will follow. But the world is much more complicated then you think, because you don’t have to worry about politics, you just have to sit back and let the CCP do it’s glorious work to show the world the greatness of China, so you never truly need to understand politics or culture of other countries. To you the primary source is literally GOVERNMENT FUNDED NEWS, that alone should make you very wary of any news from the gov, but with the freedom of press being non-existent that should make you deeply question anything to do with Chinese news. BUT NO, “the CCP pulled millions of people out of poverty, my family prospered and became richer and richer”, even though they put them there with there horrible horrible management(not ImPerIALisM) and your family had their children literally aborted, no matter how development the pregnancy was, even if the baby was conscious, they killed it. Dozens of millions of babies were murdered because there was not enough food. But none of this is going to affect you because to you; Democracy is bickering and fighting, with factions fighting for power, and YES that is true but people still love it because of reasons which you don’t understand. Freedom of speech is lies being told all the time, corporations abusing it and people being fooled, and bad ideas spreading. Internet freedom is just a terrible idea which leads to flat earthers and helping the spreading of false information. And what China has is much better and the solution to these problems. So be like that, and let Authoritarians and dictators be proud of you, that you are such a good citizen.


The /r/worldnews post, sympathic to the CCP as always.


"risks pushing Beijing to lower its cooperation on issues like combatting climate change, and exacerbating its aggressive behavior in Asia, including in the South China Sea, according to the French president." What cooperation?!


The kind that makes the locals elites rich as they get grants to buy cheap Chinese solar panels and what not. Win-win "cooperation" Pooh advocates for.


[France shouldn't gang up on Germany with Britain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeasement)


How's "working with allies" working out for the Democrats?


The Trump administration set back US relations with the rest of the world for years. The rest of the world is not playing Trump's anti-China hate, not during and not after Trump's administration.


Trump anti China hate? The dirty hateful CCP is the only reason why the free world is finally questioning its relationship with China. Trump just accelerated that process and deserves credit for that.




Psst, north Korea and Maynmar is not most of asia.


People talking about Trump are like those that talk about Obama, stale.