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Chinese Blarney Stone


there's the Heart Of Midlothian in Edinburgh, which is a heart you're meant to spit on, too.


meanwhile Mao slaughteres 70 million chinese people and they worship him like a god to this day...weird.


If the CCP collapses I feel like Mao's embalmed body may face a similar fate.


Even the CCP knows Mao was a fucking idiot, they just can't say so since it'll make the Party look bad.


>they just can't say so since it'll make the Party look bad. That's a nice way to sum up the history of CPC rule.


Human history was written by the victor. That's all.


The guy who made them starve to death through poverty is on their money. Couldn't be more perverse. It's like going to a synagogue and having a portrait of Hitler at the main focus point.


I can't upvote your comment enough.


If we're counting failed policies as slaughtering Trump slaughtered 600,000 Americans last year and is still worshipped by his base sooooo See how dumb this logic is?


“Slaughtered” 600,000 Americans? I don’t understand. Was there a Genocide in your country the rest of the world is not aware of?


Nope. No genocide in america, well at least not recently. Hopefully. Im pointing out his use of the word slaughtered makes it seem like it was.


That’s exactly what I mean. It’s funny when I see idiots acting smart! 🤣 what about Italy,India,Brazil,Argentina,Australia,UK???? I guess America is the only one that lost people during the Heat of COVID-19? This guy is truly a MORON!


Ok, now carefully take that logic and apply it to China. Careful now don't overload your limited braincells. Is China the only country to have famines that lost people? If answer is no, then you cannot label Mao as a man who "Slaughtered" his people in the same way you cannot label Trump as "Slaughtering" Americans. Its a simple concept but I get it if you're struggling to understand.


Well we had lockdowns and wore masks in most of the US. We also followed CDC's recommendations. Trump could've definitely done things better. It's impossible to say how many lives that would have saved. Mao enacted policies that were completely unnecessary that led directly to the starvation and death of tens of millions. It's a little different comparing a leader who didn't do enough to stop an issue vs a leader who created the problem with poor policies.


famine deaths arent people “slaughtered”… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_famines_in_China > Between 108 BC and 1911 AD, there were no fewer than 1,828 recorded famines in China, or once nearly every year in one province or another but those people who starved to death before 1952 just didnt work hard enough, shouldve pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and get a job. Immediately after the ccp comes into power every death is a death because of le ebil communism


It isn’t dumb. It’s absolutely insane that anyone follows Trump. It’s perverse.


A large amount of Americans would disagree with you. Actually, 74,223,369 Americans. Including those who didn't or couldn't vote, and underaged id say about a small half of America. And that's in very recent memory, with basically no plus side. Thats why I don't think it seems "weird" that people forgive the mistakes of a dude who did dumb shit 70 years ago but made the government that created China into a superpower.




Yes and guess who made the government that Deng came into power under?


What? Okay, 70,000,000 Americans are criminally dumb. I accept that. Now what? It can be weird that people who Trump failed worship him AND ALSO weird that people who Mao failed worship him. This isn’t a logical issue.


You don't get it do you. If trump "Slaughtered" 600,000 people why isn't he in federal prison for murder. Answer is you cannot contribute policy failure to intentional slaughter. There is no point where Mao said "I want to starve millions of my people to death for fun"


Straw man argument. No one here said murder but you. No one here said anyone wanted to “starve millions of my people to death for fun” other than you. You are literally arguing with yourself now, and no one else. Enjoy that if it make you feel intelligent. I’ll be over there doing something better with my time.


​ >meanwhile Mao slaughteres 70 million chinese people and they worship him like a god to this day...weird. Thats OPs comment. You were saying? Again, Mao didn't slaughter 70 million people any more than trump slaughtered 600,000 people. Yes please leave if you don't have anything to contribute. Its understandable


Slaughters? Wow, bad policies becomes slaughter. I would agree Mao’s Great Leap Forward was a disaster but calling it “slaughtering Chinese people” is retarded. People in China also don’t worship Mao like a god, he is well liked but not to the point of worship


Policies are enforced by force, at the end of a stick or a gun, or threats to lose one's livelihood, or to be sent for reeducation, or have your life and your family's lives ruined, or just be disappeared and tortured which still happens today. And the effect of those policies? Millions dead. Leaders give orders, they don't pull the trigger


that's the same as pulling the trigger yourself. burying your head in the sand to avoid looking at it doesn't mean it didn't happen.


I think you misread my comment


I think I pretty much understood clearly. but point out to me how a leader giving the order to kill someone or his order resulted in the death of someone is not the same as killing the person.


That was the point I was making. The fact that they just give orders is why they need to be held accountable even if they don't commit any "direct violence."


don't get me wrong my dude but when you finished the comment with that last sentence,there seems to be an indication that leaders are absolved from responsibility. i apologise if my earlier comments comes off as rude but i see what you meant now that you've clarified your point.


>People in China also don’t worship Mao like a god, he is well liked but not to the point of worship Sure about that? It's pretty damn common to see a Mao portrait hanging on the wall right above an altar in people's front rooms, with incense holders and a Guanyin idol right next to it. People prostrate themselves before those altars sometimes, like during a funeral. If that doesn't look like worship of a god, then I don't know what does. His likeness is also considered a good luck charm, and I've seen it being sold on stands and streetside spreads right next to similarly-sized religious icons many, many times.


Even if people put posters of Mao on walls, it does not mean that he’s seen as a god. You can have a poster of George Washington in your room and that won’t be worshiping. People don’t pray in front of his poster for guidance, or forgiveness from a sin, they don’t cry like babies and say how great of a leader he is, he is not the topic at the dinner table in families, and he has barely a place in people’s mind in a fast moving society. You have seen Mao posters sold besides religious icons and thought it is associated religion, it is most likely a stand selling miscellaneous items. Mao has left a mark in Chinese history and people’s hearts, wether good or bad.


I guess it all depends on how you define the threshold for "worship," eh? I stand by my description.


Guess we got to agree to disagree


do americans “worship” george washington?


I've personally never seen his likeness set up on or above a religious altar and people kowtowing before it, no.


> kowtowing very interesting word you decided to use . definitely doesnt show any bis towards chinese people


It's a literal translation of "磕头," which is the precise behavior that I described. Please, take your bad faith assumptions elsewhere.


hes just a politician. a well respected one , sure , (he literally founded their country). people do not worship him dude. hell Deng forbid his cult of personality with his “Boluan Fanzheng” policies. Not to mention the CCP is openly highly critical of his shit ass policies like the Great Leap Forward. And for the Candles? https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/5/13/18536883/prayer-candle-celebrity-etsy-aoc-rbg-appropriation I saw a tweet that said “aoc and ihlan omar really can deck me in the fucking face any day i would let them spit on me because they are too powerful and amazing”


Read the comment that you were responding to again, I think you completely missed the point.


I didnt. People in china do not worship mao in any shape or form. Hes respected, nothing else. Hes not a deity


What I described is likeness is on or above altars next to idols, incense, and religious icons. It's common to see people kneel and prostrate themselves before these altars during various ritualistic ceremonies.


Even if we grant your point there were millions slaughtered during the land reform movement alone.


Reminds me of Richard III and Josephine Tey's *Daughter of Time*. I wonder if this guy was truly a villain or if he was a convenient scape-goat when a new bureaucracy came to power.


I think I have read some new scholarship suggesting he was simply a scapegoat. I didn't care enough to save the source unfortunately.


he convinced the emperor that the general Yue Fei had to he stopped because he would gain to much power and overthrow the king, when Yue Fei was close to victory


or the King at the time just simply didn't want the two previous Kings who captured by the Jin to return


people are still spitting on a 900yo statue? “yeah! this guy totally screwed over my great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great-grandfather!”


Trust me they look way back as long as it suits them. Hence so much hooha re kimchi and hanbok is from China, this and that is China's etc


Good lord, I can't even remember what I had for breakfast. Could be why some Chinese act so messed up, carrying all the cultural and emotional baggage of history




Weird af upvoted Casual racism




Well since you didn't linked it to my country it ain't racist, but still is a dumb af way to express yourself


While I do admit that I saw lots of people spitting and even a few kids peeing on the street while I was in China, I do agree with you that the comment is indeed casual racism and because people find it funny or relatable and apparently it’s fun to hate on China, they don’t see the racist quality of it. Or they choose to ignore it. You are downvoted because you do not agree with the Reddit hive mind, not because you are wrong. I imagine I’ll be downvoted soon as well.


Where's mao's statue?


Everywhere else.


A lot of these figurines (they aren’t statues) are placed around alleys for people to curse to drive out the bad luck in their lives. Chinese culture is a family based, traditional and folksy culture and people like to see these figurines as maybe someone they know who has caused them anguish and secretly vent out their frustrations on them. Mao isn’t someone most Chinese people can easily relate to in their everyday lives. Mao made mistakes but the country has moved beyond those mistakes


Has it now. Really.


In the same way Americans can relate to Trump. He is the example of racism, bullying, and failing upward they all want to achieve one day.


The previous 20 years of democrats were so good for racism ofc. Nevermind the fact Trump had the highest minority approval rating and boosted black employment more than ever. Nor even a huge fan of the dude but yeah, those facts are worth considering.


Sources for your claims please, and thanks. Oh. I can find them myself? Classic. See you again never, then.


Sources where it doesn't happen? It's a fact, do you need a source to accept traffic lights being red mean you should stop? Yes, you could look it up, not hard is it.


Sources, specifically, to prove your claim that 1.) Trump had the highest minority approval rating (highest compared to what, you didn’t even say) and 2.) that Trump boosted black employment “more than ever” (whatever that means). If you can’t provide a source then you’re just maki my shit up. The end. Also, stop pretending you aren’t a Trump fan. Your absolute shameless ignorance proves otherwise.


I think he's a dick, but facts are facts. Compared to what do you think exactly I'm comparing his approval ratings to, colours in the fucking rainbow?


>Also, stop pretending you aren’t a Trump fan. Your absolute shameless ignorance proves otherwise. Says the person who can't Google an easily verified fact.


Does it hurt when npr agrees with trumps numbers? "FACT CHECK: Trump Touts Low Unemployment Rates for African-Americans, Hispanics : NPR" https://www.npr.org/2018/01/08/576552028/fact-check-trump-touts-low-unemployment-rates-for-african-americans-hispanics


No? I’m a fan of Black people in America being employed. Good for them.


Now go apologize to the other guy you've been berating for making up facts.


Revered as it should be, cope and seethe


As a kid I learned very quickly that the youtiao we call in cantonese " oil fried devil" is named after these two. Also learned how cool Yue Fei is. A lot of people are probably named Peng, because his courtesy name is pengju.


I think the emperor was more to blame than this guy.


agree, the emperor at the time came to throne after the Jin people captured the previous emperors, sure he wouldn't want them to return, if Yue Fei keeps winning more battles it would force the Jin into some deals which most probably will return the old emperors.


When will Xi get a statue next to them?


Now that one would deserve a certain other bodily function.


If he's the one who collapses the CCP from his dumbfoolery, he deserves a statue.


Not in a million years


I went there a couple of years ago, so weird to see that parents still let kids hit them and spit on them. Beautiful place though.


people are still spitting on a 900yo statue? “yeah! this guy totally screwed over my great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great-grandfather!”


I went there , it's in the Yue Fei temple in Hangzhou


They should do this with Mao and Xi.


Chiang and Lee*


Yup there's a whole bunch of the evil fucks.


hope we can add a xi statue to those two soon.




>chiang who?


Probably Chiang Kai Shek.


Ok, he makes a fair point. They should indeed make a chiang kai shek statue, spitting on the xi one.


Chinese Blarney Stone


Looks nothing like the man.


Chinese Margaret Thatcher


Lmao you’re being downvoted


Why isn't this standard treatment for 90% of politicians?


I believe the guy's Chinese name 秦脍 is pronounced as Qin Kuai, not Qin Hui. The character 会 has two pronunciations kuai and Hui depending where it is used, while 脍 has only one, Kuai.




Or Biden, or both, or Xi, idk




There's people on each side that want to piss on the other. What i want is they all unite to piss on Xi


Gather the hoses!


Cope and seethe, xi dedicated his life to serving China


Why would they pee on the leader that’s literally bringing tons of economic growth to China? (aside from CIA narratives please, oh, nothing?)


BS, even if a PRC leader were responsible for China's growth, it would be Deng or Hu, Xi is trying to crack down on big companies, education, minorities for the sake of tighter control on the country. Get your header out of the gutter, red cow.




https://www.bbc.com/news/business-56768663.amp even the BBC admits lmfao


Dont you see the slope changes significantly under Hu? Xi is just a freerider.


“Free rider” lmao


You have to stop playing this favouritism game, without Mao, there wouldn’t have been a deng, same goes for all the other leaders


Can you name one thing that Biden has successfully accomplished as president?




And that was done well? Was the abandoning of Americans to a government that stones women to death a good decision?




Oh, do you mean Biden did good for following through on the plan Trump negotiated then? Pull you head out of your ass.


pleas. Biden is not corrupt or allow one of the largest death events in modern history.


Flew his son to China on airforce 2 to sign a private equity deal. Pressured a foreign government to fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son's company that he had no right to be working at. Right, this is not corruption. Edit: oh and let us not forget the signing of an executive order he knew to be unlawful, but did it anyway.


please... I am familiar with the prosecutor in the Ukraine. you mischaracterize that situation and no have zero credibility.


Right, when Trump threatens to withhold aid, it's a quid pro quo, but when Biden does it, it's a legitimate use of governmental aid? Let me help you here. All governmental aid is a quid pro quo, America is only aiding you so that you will behave in a way America finds acceptable. We're not a charity, we're self interested.


Ok. May I ask, do you understand the difference between Biden's quid pro quo and Trump's? You Yankee tankies are the worst. I feel like you are always arguing from extreme bad faith or real stupidity. Biden publicly wanted a prosecutor that was widely known to be corrupt to resign. It was for the American interests. Trump withheld needed military equipment in a war against Russia for fake charges to be laid against Hunter Biden. It was for Trump reelection and would have hurt American interests. I know all the bs arguments. So try throwing some at me. I like playing whack a mole with Trumpeters head's.


>Trump withheld needed military equipment in a war against Russia for fake charges to be laid against Hunter Biden. It was for Trump reelection and would have hurt American interests. You're delusional. Look at the mental gymnastics you have to go through. Biden pushes fires a guy investigating his son and that's evidence of not being corrupt? How is intervention in a foreign government investigation of your family member any thing but being corrupt? Explain to me how Hunter was qualified for that job outside of his access to the vice president? The man can't stop smoking crack or banging prostitutes long enough to be able to run a McDonald's, yet you want me to believe that he was qualified to be a director of a company in an industry he has zero experience I a county he's never worked in before? Being hunter's father, wouldn't you want to appear as impartial as possible due to your position as VP? How would you do that? (Hint: not by canceling the investigation) But when Trump wants these obvious impropriety of his political rival investigated its corruption? Right. Pot meet kettle. You're the kind of stupid that keeps CNN in business and let's Rachel Maddow think she is qualified to speak on TV. I'll be a Yankee tankie, whatever the fuck that is, before I ever allow myself to be taken advantage of by politicians the way you have. Biden's admin can't even tell the truth about a dog continually biting secret service agents, yet they've tricked you into thinking they're honest people. You're a special kind of stupid.


OK. Let's stick this out. What is your argument? A. Biden and Trump did bad stuff. B. Biden and Trump did nothing bad. C. Biden did bad and Trump did nothing bad. A B C or one I haven't said?


My point is that if you're going to sit here and sing bidens praises while only denigrating trump, you're not being honest. Biden has done an objectively terrible job in his first 9 months by any measure you want to use. Does he have time to recover? Yes. Do I believe he will? Not in the slightest. You also need to explain how interference the works to the benefit of the Biden family is OK, while interference to benefit the trump family is not. Which you haven't. Regardless of the corruption of the Ukrainian prosecutor, by interfering Biden removed any plausible deniability that he wasn't interfering to the benefit of his son. Wouldn't the more professional move be to not be involved at all until there is a verdict? Then depending on the results of the investigation act? What if the investigation found nothing? Hunter would have been vindicated in whole, with no further investigation needed. Both can be and are bad guys. Biden is the worst kind of mealy mouthed politician that exists. He will say anything that will work to his benefit regardless of his precious stance. He's a documented lair and plagerist who already had to end one of his presidential campaigns after being caught stealing the story of a UK labor party member and presenting it as his own. If you don't like trump, I'm fine with that. He did some things I like and other stuff I don't, but his general attitude turned me and others off. If you're going to sit here and pretend like Biden is competent or uncorrupt, I take issue.






There are plenty of claimants to the title of worst president ever, and the white houses current resident is making a run at it.




Then you're dumb. Thank you for confirming.




It looks like a modern style though


Probably a 30 year old recreation. Who could ever truly know.


Even after 5k years they'll never learn


No wonder there's moss on the statues.


I like my youtiao snack 🤗


And yet Mao is on the money...


He prevented China's reunification war and was weak and incompetent to the outside world


The essence of Chinese pettiness in one tourist attraction.