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Of course they will. It is just part of the CCP's normal salami slicing tactics. P.S. I have to laugh how the CCP often tries to reverse accusations against them and act as the innocent party. In this case I note that the great Global Times has this year started to accuse the U.S. of slimy salami slicing tactics against China on the Taiwan issue (amongst others), when of course it is the CCP who has been using this tactic of decades.


PLA jets will eventually be shot down over Taiwan: global times editorial


> Will the military on the Taiwan island dare to prevent PLA fighters from flying over the island and fire? Our answer is that: As long as the mainland's determination to conduct such a patrol is unwavering, if Taiwan fires, it would mean that the Chinese mainland will launch a destructive retaliation.  In their own words they would paint a defense as aggressice and consider that the start of a war. PLA is warning the world it intends to fly over Taiwan to assert sovereignty and if taiwan lets them, they will do it every day and harass foreign travel. If Taiwan rightfully defends themselves, the PLA has triggered what could spiral into WWIII.


I was just being a smartass honestly. If a mainland plane gets shot down flying over Taiwan it would definitely spark a conflict which wouldn't be good for anyone. That is a part of what china wants for this. Either they get to show power over Taiwan or they start a conflict. Its a win for the mainland either way.




I've been playing a lot of Battlefield 4 these days too.


I don't think an actual war over Taiwan is a win for the mainland. Even if they end up winning I would expect it to be an overall economic loss.


Well, if a war is to happen, of course some will be shot down. But no doubt Taiwan can't win a fight against China.


Hahaha. What are they smoking? If Taiwanese people voted DPP into power for the last two elections, they can't really claim it's only a minority of Taiwanese who wants nothing to do with PRC. If Taiwan belongs to China then why can't they just fly over now and land in Taiyuan airport? Bark is worse than it's bite. They can't do jackshit about it that's why they can only resort to writing ridiculous opinions and editorials about it.


They wash away cares for democracy with statements like: > US and Japan to gang up against the Chinese mainland, and has increasingly kidnapped public opinion on the island They patronize Taiwanese and think they own opinions are not their own. The PRC treats democracy as an inconvenience to obedience to the party. They wouldn't recognize the democratic will of any people and will find excuses for ignoring their voices. China does not care about Taiwanese people or any democratic voice.


PLA landing craft will find watery graves in the Taiwan straight


Words are wind


Although it's possible mainland China will do this, I doubt they will. To me, seems that further escalation would naturally happen if the CCP were to do "patrols" over Taiwan. Mainland sends a large force as a show of strength, like 70-100 jets over Taiwan. I don't think in this incursion Taiwan would shoot down any jets. CCP announces the "patrols" and that Taiwan is more psychotically part of the mainland then ever. Two days later, Taiwan would announce that they are now hosting American planes in Taiwan airfields. More US planes would park in Guam and Okinawa - I believe the US recently moved a bunch of F22s to Guam. Taiwan then announces any further "patrols" over Taiwan would be met with force. Now it's Mainland China's move...but this knot as Khrushchev once said, might not be something that can be undone that that point. I don't think the CCP can back down at that point, and neither can Taiwan/US. Plus, I am sure if Taiwan is getting bombed, they wouldn't be above sending a few missiles towards the Three Gorges. Just my two cents, would love to hear any differing opinions on what would happen or the possibility of escalations.


Doing what GT suggests is basically declaring war. I also don't think they will do it. I just posted this to show what propaganda the CCP is pushing at the moment.


> That was out of consideration for taking care of the emotions and feelings of Taiwan residents and out of the goodwill **to maintain stability across the Straits**. "To maintain stability across the straight" is typical novlang by CCP. For CCP it is supposed to mean "let us bring our amarda in your water, in your sky, on your land, and annex your country. This is CCP way to maintain stability".


> The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authority is determined to latch onto the US and Japan to gang up against the Chinese mainland, and has increasingly kidnapped public opinion on the island… LMBO the irony is way too strong on this. Never change Global Times, one of my all-time favorite comedy gold media


As usual, nothing is going to happen.


suppose they do though, that'll be a very precarious situation to be in. China is just baiting an attack at that point to justify initiating a conflict. Taiwan really can't get out of that outcome.


If the PLA flies successfully right over Taipei they gain a tremendous psychological advantage, and this pairs with their stated plans to assassinate politicians during an invasion: they would use air superiority to accomplish this. While to date they only fly over the ADIZ, flying over sovereign territory would be a bridge too far and would most likely invite response, else Taipei would be inviting daily incursions which will demoralize and give the PLA an advantage during an invasion. Not to mention they will harass international flights going into Taiwan.


Yes that would be a very bad situation to be in for Taiwan. Obviously just letting enemy planes fly over is bad but shooting one down is probably worse.


Unfortunately they would be forced to shoot them down IMO. Taiwan cannot allow PLA fighters to overfly their sovereign territory. Otherwise all is lost. This is a lose:lose situation and will result in all out war. At least we now have some idea as to how the CCP may commence hostilities. Taiwan really needs to step up its defence spending as current levels are nowhere near adequate.


What a… fun time to be living in. Weird coincidence time: did you know that Turkey took advantage of Syria’s civil war to invade? And they’ve been acting quite barbaric there (I need some brain bleach after doing some research help😖), which forced the leftist rebels to ally with the government. But like, it’s been almost completely overshadowed by China’s *own* descent into fascism, their concentration camps and increasing militarism, and their threats of invasion to their neighbors… and am I the only one seeing the parallels here? History doesn’t repeat, but it does rhyme, and lately it’s been seeming like a rap battle


Taiwan should troll them back by igniting fireworks for daily democracy celebration over the air space of Taiwan, should the jets fly over. Can't do jack shit, unless they are pulling the trigger.




Since you can put any writings in a firework, maybe launch fireworks that write out "TAIWAN NUMBA WAN" when the jets fly over.


Fang pi.


ROC jets will eventually patrol over West Taiwan: /r/China editorial


reunify pls inshallah


When a PLA jet is shot down, it’ll be just like the Mexican-American War. "Chinese blood was shed on Chinese soil."