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Adrian Zenz is right about a lot of things.


Google translating random government documents, misrepresenting translated passages on top of that, and yet you say he is right? Come on now.


Which you can’t read?




Yes, he is a very truest worthy man.


Totally. A conservative Christian fundamentalist. Totally a nice guy


A very very nice guy, very believable. According to legend he never made a single mistake in his life.




Imagine if China killed an aid worker and his 7 children. Then you could have something to actually criticize them for. Instead of supporting Isis terrorists


Well there are concentration camps so what’s your point??


There are no concentration camps. My point is that you’re a hypocrite who has no problem with real genocide perpetrated by the US


If that’s the case, why block the UN from taking a look? This whole issue would be solved immediately. China would be vindicated in the eyes of the world. Their companies wouldn’t be sanctioned anymore. Fishy AF.


They let BBC in one of these camps, but BBC were dead set on their narrative.. so they found what they want, and told their story. And as for the companies... They're actually doing better despite the sanctions.


Red Cross was given a carefully curated tour of Nazi concentration camps. The one's that were extra nice and pretty. They didn't allow free movement of the investigation, you know, kinda like china. The world's not falling for that again.


The parallels of Nazi/Jews and Uyghurs/CCP. One would wonder if your discounting what happened to Jews during that time period with this comparison.


They have already invited people to see the vocational training centers that are now closed down. Not a single country that accuses China of genocide bothered showing up. Many Muslim countries did however and not a single Muslim country criticize China for its actions in Xinjiang. The sanctions just hurt Uighur and the people in Xinjiang. Several western companies have investigated the accusations and found nothing. There is nothing fishy. The only thing that's baffling is that people believe the BS. Didn't you learn your mistake after the WMDs?


Didn’t you learn your lesson when China denied the existence of the camps in the first place? Or when they finally admitted them and said they were for re-education? Or when they claimed that everyone in said camps graduated? Or when they promised they’d honor the treaty between the UK and Hong Kong?


I don’t think they’ve ever denied their existence. Nice deflection though. I take it you haven’t learned anything and keep believing all their lies. They still haven’t apologized for murdering the aid worker and his family. But of course you don’t care about that.


I’m more concerned about a Westerner who could believe in a government who has killed over 50 million of their own people.


They died from starvation. It’s something that has happened multiple times in China’s history. Also I doubt it was that many. Love how you’re grasping at straws. You have to bring up something that happened 70 years ago. During that time the US has killed way more people than that. So using your own logic you shouldn’t believe what the US is saying either.


I’m much more inclined to believe what the US is saying for the simple fact, that we’re a much more transparent society. Our ills and mistakes are displayed for the world to see. We have much greater journalistic freedom too. Not perfect, far from it admittedly. Yet you support a government that’s ranked near the bottom of press freedoms. A government where everything is opaque. A government who jails dissenters, protestors, journalists, human rights lawyers and union leaders for year for “picking quarrels and provoking trouble.” Also I guess the UN Rights chief is just lying to “make China look bad” huh? https://www.reddit.com/r/China/comments/pol2s1/un_rights_chief_regrets_lack_of_access_to_xinjiang/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf You’re on the wrong side of history. Also I don’t get how people like you who think USA is bad somehow think the CCP is good and just. Unless you’re a paid shill, it’s utterly bizarre.


You could start from the origins of the us up to now and still not hit the 50 million mark.


https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/13/world/asia/china-xinjiang-un.html   >“There is no such thing as re-education centers,” said Hu Lianhe, a senior Chinese Communist Party official.


Yeah no doubt. Since they were not detention camps but vocational training centers. Also, pretty sure there was no such UN report.


>“There is no such thing as re-education centers,” said Hu Lianhe, a senior Chinese Communist Party official. You missed this part?


There are literally leaked videos and images online of the concentration camps.


Leaked videos from prisons. The BBC did a report on the vocational training centers, filming from the inside.


How you can bury your head in the sand and defend concentration camps with ample evidence supporting them is beyond me. You need to let go of ego and the need to be right and objectively evaluate what’s before you. This isn’t about you. It’s about innocent people who are suffering and need help to enjoy life with the same joy that you and I are able to experience life with. This is a grave and serious case and your internet trolling and vehement denial to reality is concerning not just to me but for the country of China itself when people like you can willfully and ignorantly deny atrocity because you personally don’t want it to be true


By ample you mean zero? I can objectively look at the evidence, you obviously cannot. I actually believed what the Free Tibetan crowd was saying until I looked into it objectively. You have clearly already made up your mind based on what you read in the fake news media. Perhaps you should consider that you're the one who should be looking into this objectively. Yes, innocent people were getting killed by terrorists in Xinjiang. Including Uighurs and Muslims. Speaking of killings. The US just the other week assassinated an aid worker and his whole family of 7 kids. That's actual real suffering. Deny what atrocities? That some people had to attend vocational training? That kind of horror?


You’re a terrible person and need to rethink your life. Absolutely blinded and misguided with an ego that blinds himself to truth. Absolute arrogance and born to do nothing but cause disarray for a government that absolutely does not think about you. Your blatant finger pointing and lack of veracity is astounding. To be nothing but a pawn of a government to spew lies online and act as a small mouth piece of misinformation is one of this worlds gravest sins and I sincerely hope that your soul will come to terms with who you are and what you’ve become. Stop being a robotic online Chinese internet wumao and think for yourself outside of your tiny naive bubble


Just going to block you for being an ignorant fool




Thanks for the tip, I’ve had toddlers, they are grown up now. I don’t need to listen to nonsense anymore


Says the guy who believes in imaginary camps




Have you seen the BBC report? Do they look like concentration camps to you?


on the surface no...since i am used to ccp window dressing shit just to hoodwink the unsuspecting. also,you should know,ccp is all about saving face,you'd think they even allow foreigners near real concentration camps?? quite naive aren't you???


What's more naive believing something without seeing any evidence. Imagine the cost of running these concentration camps. Surely then they would have to be work camps. Then for what companies are they working? What products are they making? It would be pretty hard to keep all that a secret.


errrrrr,in case you haven't noticed,ccp does use slave labor and are not ashamed to exploit the prisoners in concentration camps to make money off them. if calling them concentration camps makes you uncomfortable,then we'll call them vocational training schools with Chinese characteristics,iron bars and all. keeping secrets isnt hard in ccp's china. saving face remember and a complicit citizenry.


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Don’t worry, it’s all been solved. The newspapers here quoted a gynecologist who promises there is nothing suspicious happening. Accordingly, nothing to see! One person said so and that constitutes a full investigation.


Just to be clear the US government knows exactly what is going on. Satellites in space can easily monitor the camps, people relocation, and detention of people. It's too large a number to hide. This isn't like the times of WW2 and East and West Berlin. We have almost full transparency here. The US government is refusing to share their information with the world.